SIGNING ON TO LexisNexis AS OF 6/29

As September is in full swing, review the new enhancements available to you
(2Ls, 3Ls & 4Ls), a snap shot of Chief Justice Rehnquist’s Supreme Court history
and learn how you can help aid the Hurricane Katrina Relief Effort on LexisNexis
and earn up to 250 LexisNexis Points***!
To redeem up to 250 LexisNexis Points***:
Review the 3 newsletter modules below:
o Fall 2005 New Enhancements – 75 Points (For Returning Students ONLY)
o Snap Shot of Chief Justice Rehnquist’s Supreme Court History – 75 Points for
Returning Students; 150 Points for 1st Years
o Hurricane Katrina Relief Effort – 100 Points
After completing one, two or all modules, access your LexisNexis History via the History
link in the upper right-hand corner of the LexisNexis Research System
Click on the View Printable History link in the upper right-hand corner of your
LexisNexis History page
Copy the relevant searches; paste these searches into the body of an email note
In the title of your email note, enter your Full Name, Law School & Your LexisNexis
Custom ID
Send this email note to by September 30th
ONLY FOR 2Ls, 3Ls & 4Ls
SAMPLE SEARCH: Click on the Get a Document tab and pull the following case by Citation:
480 US 102; Shepardize this case (click on the Shepard’s symbol or the Shepardize link); click on
the Save As Shepard’s Alert link located at the top of the Shepard’s report; select the Type of
Change you wish to monitor (Any Change, New Negative Analysis, Custom Settings); choose your
desired update frequency (Business Days, Weekly, Every Other Week, Monthly); establish an End
Date; choose the desired delivery option (Online, Email); once the Shepard’s Alert is set, you will
see you are now on the Shepard’s Alert sub-tab under the Alerts tab – this is where you would
come to find all of your updates; now, delete this Shepard’s Alert
Automatically update the Shepard’s reports for the documents you rely on and receive
notification of the changes you are most concerned about:
All Changes
New Negative treatment only
New citing references from a particular jurisdiction
New citing cases discussing an issue identified in a LexisNexis headnote from the case
being monitored
You can set up a Shepard's Alert:
Using the "Save As Shepard's Alert" link located at the top of your Shepard's Report
From the "Shepard's Alert" sub-tab under the new Alerts tab
Using the "set up a Shepard's Alert" link on the Shepard's tab
To complete the Shepard’s Alert Set Up template:
Name your Shepard’s Alert
Select the Type of Change you wish to monitor (Any Change, New Negative Analysis,
Custom Settings)
Choose your desired update frequency (Business Days, Weekly, Every Other Week,
Establish an End Date
Choose the desired delivery option (Online, Email)
The Shepard's Alert Manager, located via "Shepard's Alert" sub-tab under the new Alerts tab,
allows you to:
Edit/Delete options
Pause option – suspends updates (click Resume to reactivate)
Renew option – available for 30 days after the End Date of an Alert
Update Now option – generates reports between scheduled updates
Alert History option – review a list of all changes matching your parameters since the
Alert was created
Last Update Links – indicates date of last update
SAMPLE SEARCH: from the Search tab link into the FR-Federal Register database under the
Federal Legal-US heading; enter the following terms & connectors search: hurricane katina (as
misspelled) and click on Search – no documents will be found; click on Edit Search; now click on
the Check Spelling link to the right of the search box; katina will be highlighted in red bold text
and suggestions will be listed below; click on the katrina suggestion and click on Search
This great new tool will permit you to spell check prior to running your search via the "Check
Spelling" link to the right of each search box.
Misspellings will be highlighted in red and a Spelling Suggestions window will appear, displaying
possible replacements for misspelled search terms (in the order they appear in the search).
You can then choose to replace misspelled terms as desired, simply by clicking on the
SAMPLE SEARCH: on the top of your cite list from the above search, link into the Save As
Alert link; name the Alert (Katrina – FR); select weekly as your frequency; leave the delivery
option as online only; enter your email address to the right of the notification segment; click on
Save; click on Save again; now click on the Alerts tab and then the Alerts-ECLIPSE sub-tab –
when you receive an email, this is where you will come to find all of your updates; now, delete this
Just a simple name change here and all ECLIPSE/ALERT searches (saved searches on
LexisNexis) will be housed in the new Alerts tab.
In addition you will have the ability to:
Save a zero answer set as an Alert
Receive a no new results notification
Remove duplicate documents from an answer set
Greater flexibility in scheduling and running Alerts (Update Now, 2x Business Day, 2x
Daily, 3x Business Day, 3x Daily)
To save a search as an Alert you can:
Access the "Save As Alert" link on top of your search results
"Save this search as an Alert" button that will appear if your search yields zero results
For 75 LexisNexis Points: Read up on each new enhancements and run each of the
3 sample searches noted in red text (ONLY FOR 2Ls, 3Ls & 4Ls)
Group 1:
426 US 833
569 US 528
516 US 1022
125 S Ct 2195
Group 2:
532 US 98
530 US 428
542 US 466
Group 3:
505 US 577
536 US 639
Group 4:
426 US 229
443 US 526
438 US 912
461 US 574
476 US 79
482 US 920
539 US 982
For 75 (Returning Students)/150 (1st Years) LexisNexis Points: Using the Case
Briefs in each of the cases pulled via the Get A Document tab, please note in your
email, the common theme amongst each listed cite group of the late Chief Justice’s
As of Tuesday, September 13, 2005, as a Law School student you can now donate your LexisNexis
Ultimate Rewards Points to the Red Cross Hurricane Katrina Relief Effort. To do so, visit the
LexisNexis Law School Homepage ( and click on the
graphic shown below.
From the Search tab, click on the grey News & Business tab and link into Today’s News; enter the
following search: hurricane katrina and relief effort and click on Search
For 150LexisNexis Points: Run the above search and note in your email how many
results you retrieved