college of visual & performing arts

Associate Dean’s Office
FAH 110 • 974-2301
FAX (813) 974-2091
2006-07 SCHEDULE
Candidates for PROMOTION must prepare at a minimum TWO COPIES of their application, one to send to the Provost’s Office and another to
be archived in the College Dean’s Office. A THIRD COPY is highly recommended as a copy for return to the applicant.
List of eligible applicants for T&P and Mid-Tenure sent to Directors. College Faculty are solicited by Directors for promotion
Tenure, Promotion, and Mid-Tenure Applicants meet with Dean, Directors, Vice Provost for Faculty Development regarding
T&P application procedures, policies, and schedule.
4/3/06 - 8/11/06 Directors submit lists of proposed external reviewers developed by the applicant and Director (with contact
information; brief bio statement of the individual’s professional contributions and accomplishments; and statement
regarding the applicant’s relationship to that person – a template for this submission letter is posted to the CVPA Faculty
T&P site).
Note: “These reviewers should have no significant relationship to the candidate (e.g., major professor, co-author), unless
there are mitigating circumstances that would indicate otherwise (e.g., to review scholarship so specialized that few expert
reviewers exist).” From University Guidelines for Tenure and Promotion, August 7, 1998, p.7
7/13/06 2006-07 Tenure and Promotion Application is posted to the Provost’s website @
By this date, the list of approved external reviewers for T&P applicants are returned to the Unit Director and Applicant. If
additional reviewers are required for consideration prior to finalizing the approved list the Dean’s office will attempt to
address this prior to the this date.
By this date, the Unit Director and the candidate finalize agreement on the contact priority for the list of approved external
reviewers. The Director makes contact with the reviewers (min. 3, max. 6 letters required). Director sends the approved
CVPA External Reviewer letter; applicable statements from the University Guidelines and Unit T&P document (letter template
and University/Unit documents are provided on the CVPA Faculty T&P web site); and support materials/documentation
provided by the applicant, to the selected reviewers. The Applicant will provide sufficient number of CV and support
materials/ documentation for the selected reviewers. Note: All external reviews solicited and received must be placed in
the candidate’s formal application upon receipt.
9/29/06 By this date Promotion applications to be received by the Unit Director for
Director, Faculty, and Unit T&P Committee review and action.
10/2/06-11/02/06 Unit Director, Faculty, and Unit T&P Committee reviews, deliberates, and votes.
Director and Unit T&P Committee separately provide ratings, written evaluations, indicate decisions, and sign Promotion
applications. Unit Directors may establish an internal unit schedule for this procedure, allowing for the governance process
in each unit.
11/3/06 By this date T&P applications to be received from the Units to the College Promotion to Professor T&P Committee review.
11/06/06-12/08/06 CVPA College T&P Promotion to Professor Sub-Committee reviews, deliberates, votes, provides ratings/written
evaluations, indicates decisions, and signs Promotion applications.
12/11/06 – 12/21/06
Dean reviews T&P applications, provides written evaluations, indicates decisions, and signs applications.
12/26/06 - 1/02/07
Applicant reviews and signs application.
1/03/07 - 1/05/07
Associate Dean verifies all documentation as complete
1/08/07 By this date, Associate Dean submits CVPA Tenure & Promotion applications to the Provost’s Office by the deadline of 5:00pm.
By this date, Provost’s Office action, BOT vote, and letters sent to applicants.
2006-07 SCHEDULE
Candidates for Mid-Tenure review must prepare two copies of their application, one to be archived in the College Dean’s office and one
to be returned to the candidate.
Mid-Tenure Applicants meet with Deans, Directors, and Vice Provost for Faculty Development regarding Mid-Tenure T&P
application procedures and schedule.
7/13/06 2006-07 Tenure and Promotion Application is posted to the Provost’s website @
College Tenure and Promotion Committee organizational meeting.
10/6/06 By this date Mid-Tenure applications to be received by the Unit Director for Director, Faculty, and Unit T&P Committee review
and action.
Director and Unit T&P Committee separately provide ratings, written evaluations, indicate decisions, and sign
T&P applications. Unit Directors may establish an internal unit schedule for this procedure, allowing for the governance
process in each unit.
10/25/06 Faculty Forum – Research and Teaching Presentation by Mid-Tenure Applicants
11/1/06 Faculty Forum – Research and Teaching Presentation by Mid-Tenure Applicants
11/14/06 By this date Mid-Tenure applications to be received from the Units to the College for College T&P Committee review
CVPA College T&P Committee reviews, deliberates, provides written evaluations, and signatures for MidTenure Applications.
1/22/07 – end of semester Dean reviews, provides written evaluations and signature for Mid-Tenure Applications. Following this review a
meeting may be held with the Applicant, Director, and Deans to review progress towards Tenure and Promotion.