NAME: __________________________ Bio 418 – Advanced Evolution Midterm Spring 2015 _______ 60 pts Circle the best choice out of the options. Read all choices carefully before answering. (1 point each) 1. Which of the following are known to regulate gene expression after transcription? a. promoters b. transcription factors c. micro RNAs d. cis-regulatory elements e. all of the above 2. What is gene duplication? a. mutational process that produces an additional copy of a gene b. process of DNA replication that occurs during meiosis c. process of DNA replication that occurs during mitosis d. lab technique that makes many copies of a targeted gene (aka PCR) e. none of the above 3. Adaptation at the genetic level most commonly occurs by: a. protein-coding mutations b. mutations that affect gene regulation c. physiological responses to the environment d. frameshift mutations e. both a and d 4. What is parthenogenesis? a. formation of sperm cells b. formation of egg cells c. growth of a parasite population within its host d. the replication of DNA during meiosis e. development of an offspring from an unfertilized egg 5. What do we call the accumulation of deleterious alleles in an asexual lineage? a. Muller’s Ratchet b. Red Queen effect c. purifying selection d. Fisher’s runaway selection e. none of the above 6. Anisogamy refers to: a. equal-sized gametes within the same species b. different-sized gametes within the same species c. equal-sized gametes between different species d. different-sized gametes between different species e. both a and c _______ 6 pts 1 7. Due to unequal energy investment in reproduction, the operational sex ratio of a population is typically expected to be: a. less than 1 b. equal to 1 c. greater than 1 d. equal to zero e. less than zero 8. Which of the following statements about mutation rates is not correct? a. rates can vary 60-fold across a chromosome b. rates are typically higher for chromosomes inherited from the mother than from the father c. an average mutation rate for an animal species would be 10-8 changes per site per generation d. humans are routinely born with 30 to 50 novel mutations not present in either parent e. rates can vary among genes, among individuals within a species, and among species 9. Since their divergence from other primates, humans evolved larger brains and different reproductive structures and functions, which may be at least partly attributed to: a. loss of over 500 enhancers b. widespread gains of adult lactase persistence c. increased frequency of alternative splicing in those tissues d. the need to avoid inbreeding e. both a and c 10. In evolutionary terms, two distinct “populations” are groups that likely: a. have significantly different allele frequencies b. are separated by a river or mountain range c. exchange migrants due to dispersal d. do not compete for resources with each other e. both b and d 11. Define each of the following in 1-2 sentences, and state their importance to evolution. (1 pt each) transversion mutation – Transversions switch a purine for a pyrimidine or vice-versa, causing a disruption in the DNA helix that is more likely to get fixed by repair enzymes; although there are more ways to make a tranversion substitution, they are seen more rarely in natural populations than transitions. genetic drift – a process in which alleles are randomly lost or fixed due to sampling error in the production of offspring; responsible for steady loss of heterozygosity; stronger in small populations Bateman’s principle – because females invest more energy in gamete production, their optimal strategy is to mate with the highest quality male; for males, the optimal strategy is to mate with as many females as possible 2 _______ 7 pts Questions that require interpreting data. 30 12. Answer the following questions about the graph shown to the left. 25 (a) What specific form of selection is acting on this population? (1 pt) 20 15 disruptive selection 10 5 (b) Write a general equation for this kind of selection (1 pt) 0 y = m1x2 + m2x + b 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 weight (c) What is the general term for this class of model? (1 pt) non-linear (produces a curved relationship) (d) How will the mean value of weight change in the next generation? (1 pt) no change, although individuals close to the mean have lowest fitness; extremes average out and mean stays about the same (e) How will the variance in weight change across this population in the next generation? (1 pt) variance increases, as individuals farthest from the mean have high fitness 13. Answer the following questions about the graph shown to the left. Solid dots indicate trait values for individuals that failed to reproduce; grey squares are values for individuals that successfully reproduced. (a) What form of selection is acting on this population? How can you tell? (3 pt) Correlational selection; fitness was highest for individuals with a positive correlation between height and weight. (b) Do you expect the mean height to change very much in the next generation? Why or why not? (2 pt) No, because equal numbers of tall and short individuals reproduced; what mattered was the relationship between height and weight, not the value of either in isolation. _______ 10 pts 3 14. You produce this phylogeny by Maximum Likelihood analysis of DNA sequences from four genes: (a) Which sister species evolved most recently from their common ancestor? How can you tell? (1 pt) D. cathii and D. huggii because they are joined to their common ancestor by the shortest branches. Branch length is a proxy for evolutionary time. (b) Which species would probably most closely resemble the last common ancestor of this clade? Explain your reasoning. (1 pt) D. schmoopii, because no speciation events happened since it diverged from the last common ancestor of the whole clade; other species will presumably show adaptations arising after speciation events occurred (they must have gotten different from each other, since we classify them as different species). (c) All these species hide under beds, except M. nightmarus, D. cathii and D. huggii, which hide in closets. Mark the branches where you think the character “hiding place” changed over the history of this group, and indicate how it changed. There are 2 possibilities – why might your answer be better than the alternative answer? (2 pt) Either “bed closet” on #95 and “closet bed” on #100(if it’s easier to lose a trait than to evolve it in the first place) OR bed closet on both branch #90 and M. nightmarus branch (if convergence favors 2 origins of the same trait on long branches) (d) Is the genus Dragon valid -- should it have its own name? Why or why not? (2 pt) No - it is paraphyletic, leaving out the genus Monster with which it shares a common ancestor. (e) Can you confidently determine what the sister species of Monster grossus is? Why or why not? (2 pt) No – the bootstrap support for this node is below 70%, meaning we cannot say with confidence whether M. yikesus or M. scariius is closer to M. grossus (this node is really a polytomy, or 3-way tie) (f) Your rival Dr. Awful publishes a different phylogeny based on a neighbor-joining analysis of 2 genes, and claims his phylogeny shows the “true” relationships. Why is your phylogeny more likely to be right? (2 pt) A) NJ is a weak method for analyzing DNA; it throws out a lot of information. Your ML analysis uses all the mutational information plus a model of sequence evolution to find the best possible tree, given the data. B) he only used 2 genes, whereas you used 4, meaning you had more data 4 _______ 10 pts 15. You sample five snails from each of three parks, and genotype each one at a gene with two alleles (A, a). 1 p= 3 p= a) Calculate p (the frequency of A) in each subpopulation. (1 pt) aa AA AA AA AA AA aa aa aa Aa aa aa Aa b) Calculate FST for this metapopulation. Show your work. (3 pt) Hs = (2x1x0)+(2x0.1x0.9)+(2x0.1x0.9) = 0 + 0.18 + 0.18 = 0.12 3 3 2 p= aa 1, p = 1; 2+3, p = 0.1 aa Ht = 2(average p) (average q) = 2(0.4)(0.6) = 0.48 Fst = 1 – (Hs/Ht) = 1 – (0.12/0.48) = 1 – 0.25 = 0.75 c) Would you conclude there are likely to be >1, or <1, effective migrants per generation moving among parks? Explain why. (1 pt) I expect overall Nem <<1, given the high Fst value; the lack of migration allows the allele frequencies to be very different in park 1 from the other two parks, which may exchange migrants. Short answer. Answer each numbered question in 3-4 sentences. (5 points each) 16. Are random changes to the DNA sequence of a gene more likely to result in a synonymous or a nonsynonymous substitution? Why? Which kind of change is more likely to persist in a population? Based on the genetic code, the majority of possible DNA substitutions would result in non-synonymous changes; only a subset of 3rd position and a few 1st position changes are synonymous. However, non-synonymous changes will alter protein structure and potentially function, and random changes to the amino acid sequence are more likely to make a protein function worse than to improve its function; therefore, most nonsynonymous changes will be selected against. Synonymous changes are largely invisible to selection and are thus more likely to persist in a population. 17. Explain how gene duplication can facilitate the evolution of novel adaptive traits, using the snake venom gene for crotamine as an example. Gene duplication creates redundancy in a gene’s function, i.e. two copies of a gene doing the same thing. This redundancy allows one copy to continue to function properly while the other copy can more readily assume a new function via mutations that would otherwise be purged by purifying selection. The defensin gene codes for a protein synthesized in the pancreas to fight infection. Duplication of this gene in the ancestor of all snakes allowed it to specialize on different infections. A regulatory mutation then caused one copy to be expressed in the mouth. Protein-coding changes in this copy changed the protein’s shape in a way that made it damage muscle tissue. Additional mutations made this protein more deadly, while additional duplications gave rise to an entire family of crotamine venom genes. _______ 15 pts 5 18. Explain how ancestral E. coli populations helped researchers find evidence for the genetic adaptations that allowed aerobic citrate metabolism to evolve in one lineage. Name and describe the three successive steps of this complex adaptation? Restarting the experiment by thawing samples that were frozen from different generations allowed researchers to figure out at what point in time citrate metabolism began to occur (actualization). After identifying the gene duplication event that allowed this to happen, they discovered that the number of duplication increased up to 9 before leveling off at an optimal 4 copies (refinement). Going further back in time prior to actualization, they discovered that an unknown mutation created a genetic background that was necessary in order for the original gene duplication event to cause citrate metabolism (potentiation). 19. Answer the following questions about Tishkoff et al. 2007, the first literature assignment, which dealt with human lactase persistence in African versus European populations. (a) What is a “SNP”? (1 pt) Single nucleotide polymorphism; position at which some individuals in a population have different DNA bases (b) How did purifying selection on the LCT locus affect polymorphism at nearby genes, and why? (3 pt) Extended “homozygosity tracts” show that selection on the LCT enhancer reduced polymorphism for about a million bases on either side of the LCT gene. This reflects genetic hitch-hiking due to linkage between alleles at nearby genes and the mutations conferring adult lactase persistence: strong selection favoring mutations in the LCT enhancer indirectly favored all linked variation, and decreased polymorphism upstream and downstream. Only recombination over time can break down disequilibrium between the favorable LCT mutations and linked alleges at other genes. (c) The SNPs associated with adult lactase persistence did not affect the amino acid sequence of the lactase protein itself. How then did they affect the phenotype? More generally, how does this type of mutation contribute to evolutionarily significant changes in organismal phenotype? (3 pt) The SNPs were mutations in a cis-regulatory element – in this case, an enhancer region upstream of the LCT coding region that affects LCT expression by directing transcriptional machinery to the LCT promoter through the “enhance-osome” complex. Experiments using a luciferase expression assay confirmed that these substitutions drive increased gene expression of LCT, and hence cause adult lactase persistence. Mutations in enhancers contribute to phenotypic novelty by restricting changes in gene expression to specific tissues or times, without altering the protein itself; this modular effect insulates most tissues from a change in expression, whereas coding region changes are expressed everywhere in the body. _______ 12 pts 6