Course: Animal Science
Grade Level: 11-12
Length: 7200 minutes
Course Description:
The animal systems pathway educates students in all facets of animal science.
Developing better, more efficient ways of producing and processing meat, poultry and
dairy products is explored. Additionally, the study of genetics, nutrition, reproduction,
growth and development of domesticated farm animals is discussed.
Students will discuss the animal science, research and husbandry fields (nutrition,
research and breeding, performance modifiers, etc.) and its importance to our economy.
Students will explore the career opportunities available in the animal industries.
Animal science research facilities may be utilized to conduct experiments in
breeding, parturition, nutrition, husbandry and showmanship.
Units and objectives:
Domestic Animals and Production
(660 minutes)
Food, Fiber, and Companion Animal
Topic 3011A Identify and examine role of livestock in agriculture and food production
Topic 3011B Identify and examine the major sources of animal protein in the world.
Economics of Animal Production
Topic 3012A Examine public health issues related to animal performance modifiers and
their uses.
Topic 3012B Examine and discuss each of the performance modifiers used in animal
agriculture and their general effect.
Ethics of Animal Production
Topic 3013A Debate the issues concerned with animal welfare (e.g., hunting vs. antihunting).
Topic 3013B Analyze and discuss the pros and cons of various land management
systems, including preservation and multiple use.
Topic 3013C Analyze the components to ethical production of animals.
Managing Animal Waste
Topic 3014A Identify the three main types of agricultural (animal) wastes.
Topic 3014C Gain an understanding of why waste management is important.
Topic 3014D Understand different types of waste disposal.
Topic 3014E Understand the laws surrounding waste management.
Careers in the Animal Industry
Animal Domestication
Animal Production
Topic 3017A Maintain and manage an animal through a full production cycle.
Comparative Animal Systems
(1375 minutes)
Topic 3021A
Topic 3021B
Topic 3021C
Topic 3022A
Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology
Examine, describe and use terms of direction and position in the vertebrate
Examine and explain general glandular functions including secretion and
Classify the function of specific glands as endocrine or exocrine.
Comparative Skeletal Systems and External Anatomy
Using correct spelling, label the external anatomy of at least four domestic
animals of economic significance.
Topic 3022C Identify and examine on a diagram the general components of the
vertebrate skeletal system.
Topic 3022D Examine and describe the basic physiological function of the primary
components of the skeletal system.
Comparative Anatomy
Topic 3023A Define and understand the terms comparative anatomy, homology and
Topic 3023B Discuss the functions of anatomical structures and compare them to
similar (analogous and homologous) structures in other animals.
Topic 3023 Understand the role of adaptation to environment and the important role
mutation can play in the success of a species.
Comparative Digestive Systems
Topic 3024A Describe and understand the basic functions of the primary components of
the digestive system.
Topic 3024B Compare the functions and locations of the digestive organs in man,
poultry, horses, cows and swine.
Topic 3024D Demonstrate an understanding of the structure and function of the
digestive system by tracing the pathways of food through the four types of
livestock digestive systems, with emphasis on function of organs in the
digestive process.
Comparative Reproductive Systems
Topic 3025A Label and examine the six major organs found in the reproductive tracts of
farm animals and humans.
Topic 3025B Outline and assess the resulting long term physiological and behavioral
results of different castrated animals.
Topic 3025D Explain castration and approved methods of practices and give reasons for
Topic 3025E Describe and understand the function of the major organs found in the
mammalian reproductive tract.
Topic 3025F Accurately diagram a animal sperm and ovum and identify all major parts.
Topic 3025G Examine the steps of mitosis.
Topic 3025H Examine the steps of meiosis.
Topic 3025I List and compare the gestation length, time of ovulation and length of
estrus for four domestic species of economic importance.
Topic 3025J Examine and describe the process of fertilization in animals.
Topic 2035M Define "parturition."
Topic 3025N Examine and discuss the events leading to, during and after parturition.
Topic 3025R List the gestation periods of livestock animals.
Topic 3025S Define the term free martin and identify the problems that can occur with
freemartins in bovine breeding programs (genetic level).
Breeding Methods
Topic 3026A List important factors to consider in a bull fertility test.
Topic 3026B Explain the process of artificial insemination and its impact on the gene
pool in modern livestock.
Topic 3026 Describe a surgical and a non-surgical method of embryo transfer and
explain the impact that embryo transfer has made on the animal genetics
Animal Genetics
(880 minutes)
Topic 3032A Define and understand the terms chromosomes, nucleic acids, DNA, and
Topic 3032B Define and understand the terms haploid, diploid, and segregation.
Genotype and Phenotype
Topic 3033A Define and understand the terms phenotype, genotype, homozygous,
heterozygous, allele, gene, dominant and recessive.
Topic 3034A Define and understand mutation and describe two effects that mutation has
had on commercial animal agriculture and what future mutations many
Animal Behavior
Topic 3037A Define and understand "anthropomorphism."
Topic 3037D Observe and inspect animal behaviors: nest building, mating behavior,
postpartum behavior, environmental comfort and social order.
Dam/Offspring Interaction
Topic 3038A Examine and discuss the behaviors associated with cows and their calves.
Topic 3038C Examine and discuss how as animal managers, we may take advantage of
such dam/offspring interaction in order to improve herd management
Animal Nutrition
(990 minutes)
Nutrients and Nutrient Requirements
Topic 3041A List and examine the six classes of nutrients and identify examples of
feeds containing each.
Topic 3041B Understand the function of each nutrient needed by livestock.
Proteins Needs
Topic: 3042A Diagram the pathway of breakdown and identify the organs involved in
digestion of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the monogastric system.
Topic 3042A Compare the amounts and kinds of protein needed in feeding livestock.
Carbohydrates and Fats
Topic 3043A Describe and examine the classes and sources of carbohydrates needed by
Topic 3043B Discuss and examine the use of fats in livestock feeding.
Vitamins and Minerals
Topic 3044A Identify and examine the different vitamins and their functions related to
feeding livestock.
Topic 3044B Describe and compare the minerals needed by animals and their functions.
Digestion and Absorption
Topic 3045A Discuss and examine contributions of microbial digestion (in ruminants)
to the host, including synthesis of amino acids and B-vitamins.
Topic 3045B Question and examine how feeds are digested and absorbed in an animal's
Topic 3045C Appreciate the importance of feeding regimes in animal management.
Topic 3045D Describe and compare the digestive systems in ruminants and nonruminants and how each contributes to digestion.
Feed Composition
Topic 3046A Identify samples of concentrates and roughages; compare the energy,
nutrients and bulk supplied by each; and list sources of both.
Feed Additive
Topic 3047A Identify different common feed additives and examine their components.
Topic 3047B Discuss and examine feed additives used in livestock feeding and list
reasons for using them.
Feed Delivery Systems
Topic 3048A Describe and examine the methods of preparation of livestock feeds and
outline the advantages of or reasons for each of those methods.
Topic 3049A Describe and propose a simple feeding regime for market swine, lambs
and beef.
Topic 3049B Distinguish between a nutritionally balanced ration and an economically
balanced ration for livestock.
Topic 3049C Calculate a least-cost ration nutritionally sound ration for a project.
Topic 3049D Calculate a balanced ration.
Animal Health
(930 minutes)
Animal Health Evaluation
Topic 3051A Identify and examine unhealthy animals by using both visual and nonvisual indicators of health.
Normal Temperature, Pulse, and Respiration
Topic 3052A Understand the concepts of body temperature, heart rate and respiration in
animal health.
Topic 3053A Identify three major infectious and three major noninfectious agents and
prescribe methods of control for each.
Topic 3054A Examine methods of control for an internal or external parasite.
Topic 3054B List and examine three types of biological and synthetic preparations used
for disease control.
Topic 3054E Examine the proper method for vaccinating an animal.
Animal Restraint and Handling Facilities
Animal Selection and Evaluation
(715 minutes)
Livestock Evaluation
Topic 3061A List and examine uses of livestock evaluation for the producer.
Topic 3061C Evaluate three species of livestock on a comparative basis.
Fitting and Showing
Topic 3062A Demonstrate proper grooming and showing techniques.
Carcass Evaluation
Topic 3060A List and examine uses of carcass evaluation for the producer.
Animal Product Evaluation/Quality
Topic 3064A Discuss and examine how the consumers' concerns for nutrition and food
safety, as well as economic concerns, have shaped the animal products
sold today.
(550 minutes)
What is Aquaculture?
Basic Concepts
Topic 3072A Explain common terms used in the Aquaculture Industry.
Topic 3072B Explain the use of fish in the agricultural and public sector.
Topic 3072H Describe the living environment of a fish.
Small Animal Management
(550 minutes)
List careers related to small animal management.
List the different kinds of small animal management.
Introduction to Veterinary Science (550 minutes)
Introduction to Veterinary Science
Topic 3201A-A
List career options available in veterinary related fields.
Topic 3201A-B
Understand veterinary school requirements (prior to attending and
Topic 3201A-C
Know of the different areas of veterinary science other than only
being a doctor of veterinary medicine.