NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS CURRICULUM SUPPORT Biology Unit 2 Activities [ADVANCED HIGHER] The Scottish Qualifications Authority regularly reviews the arrangements for National Qualifications. Users of all NQ support materials, whether published by Education Scotland or others, are reminded that it is their responsibility to check that the support materials correspond to the requirements of the current arrangements. © Crown copyright 2015. You may re-use this information (excluding logos) free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government Licence. To view this licence, visit or e-mail: Where we have identified any third party copyright information you will need to obtain permission from the copyright holders concerned. Any enquiries regarding this document/publication should be sent to us at This document is also available from our website at Overview of Section 1 – Field Techniques for Biologists Mandatory Course key area (SQA Course and Unit Support Notes) (a) Health and safety Hazards and risks associated with fieldwork, such as terrain, weather conditions and isolation must be assessed. (b) Sampling of wild organisms The chosen technique, such as point count, transects or remote detection, must be appropriate to the species being sampled, to include: quadrats, capture techniques, camera traps, scat sampling. Appropriate random, systematic and stratified sampling. (c) Identification and taxonomy Methods of identification to include: using expertise, classification guides, keys or laboratory analysis of DNA, protein or other molecules. The concept of taxonomic groupings. Familiarity with taxonomic groupings allows predictions and inferences to be made between the biology of an organism and betterknown (model) organisms. Classification of life into the three domains - archaea, bacteria and eukaryote. The plant kingdom has major divisions - mosses, liverworts, ferns, gymnosperms and angiosperms. The animal kingdom is divided into phyla including Chordate, Arthropoda, Nematoda, Platyhelminthes and Mollusca. Suggested learning activities (SQA Course and Unit Support Notes) Education Scotland Support Materials Discuss standard rules for fieldwork safety Unit 2 Activity A (Health & Safety) Participate in fieldwork. Identification of sample using guides and keys. Unit 2 Activity B (Sampling wild organisms) Awareness of protected species in Scotland. In the context of fieldwork, sample the organisms from a variety of habitats and attempt to classify and catalogue them using keys and other materials. Visit a botanic garden to learn more about the major divisions of plants. Visit a zoological park to learn more about the animal phyla. Undertake fieldwork to study the invertebrate phyla commonly found on the shore, in a river or in woodland. There are model organisms within all major taxonomic groups. Examples of model organisms include E. coli, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Arabidopsis thaliana, maize, C. elegans, Drosophila, Hydra, lamprey, mouse, rat, zebrafish, chicken, zebra finch. Unit 2 Activity C (Identification & Taxonomy) PDF File: Identification of British Land Flatworms Useful video/web links Crash Course Biology #19 Taxonomy mgPcZ_I Bozeman Science 1. The Three Domains of Life: IcTpZkk 2. Classification of Life: gv7RiE (d) Monitoring populations The use of information on species abundance to assess environmental impact. Method of mark and recapture to estimate population size (N = (MC)/R). Effective and ethical methods of marking to include banding, tagging, surgical implantation, painting and hair clipping. (e) Measuring and recording animal behaviour Ethograms and time sampling to compare the behaviour of different individuals of a species. Identify relevant indicator species to classify a habitat using the British National Vegetation Classification. Carry out a mark and recapture experiment using a wild species or, alternatively, using school learners to estimate the total school roll. Use an ethogram and time sampling to compare the behaviour of different individuals of a species. Unit 2 Activity D (Mark & Recapture) Unit 2 Activity E (Measuring & Recording Animal Behaviour) Youtube search: Mark and Recapture mPm2xY Johnny Ball demonstrates technique using ping pong balls 0IgvE7g&list=PLWj677KseF8D2BmgcX PFOZPTjuxcxE3y5 Use of technique in wild snake populations This is an excellent resource that includes research papers, teacher guides, PowerPoint etc. CfE AH - Unit 2 Learning Activity A: Health and Safety This Learning Activity supports the following Mandatory Key Area: Unit 2: Organisms and Evolution 1 Field techniques for biologists (a) Health and safety The Mandatory Course key area states: Hazards and risks associated with terrain, weather conditions and isolation must be assessed. Exemplification of key area: Fieldwork may involve a wider range of hazards compared with working in the laboratory. Overview of activity 1. To familiarize learners with typical fieldwork health and safety guidelines and risk assessments. 2. To allow learners to gain skills and understanding of the process of developing and following risk assessment for fieldwork. Part 1: Familiarisation with typical fieldwork health and safety guidelines Discuss with class the necessity for biological fieldwork to be a safe activity and for the need to avoid harm to researchers, the public or the environment. Learners should examine some examples of good practice. The health and safety policy of your own school or college may be a good starting point. In addition, example documents, such as the following, should be made available. University of Edinburgh: Health and Safety Department Health and Safety Policy – Part 8 Fieldwork and Outdoor Activities University of York: Department of Biology Risk assessment of fieldwork activities University of Oxford: Department of Zoology Final Honours School, fieldwork safety Learners should identify common themes and make a list of the essential hazards that must be controlled in undertaking fieldwork. Part 2: Development of a risk assessment for biological fieldwork Learners should select one of the following activities and develop an appropriate risk assessment for either: • Biological fieldwork within the school grounds • Biological fieldwork in a location close to local facilities and transport links • Biological fieldwork at a remote location in Scotland or abroad. Ensure that learners understand the difference between a hazard (something that can cause harm) and a risk (the likelihood that the harm occurs). Learners should be encouraged to think through the following sequence: 1. Identify the hazards 2. Evaluate the risks (how likely) 3. Evaluate the severity (how harmful) 4. Identify how the risks and severity can be avoided or reduced 5. Record these safe working practices. Suitable headings could be: Physical hazards Biological hazards Chemical hazards Man-made hazards Personal safety Environmental impact The following proforma can be used. Fieldwork Risk Assessment Name: Location: Dates: From: Hazards Physical Extreme weather Mountains and cliffs Glaciers, crevasses, ice falls Caves, mines and quarries Forests / woods Freshwater Sea and seashore Marshes and quicksands Roadside Work at height Biological Poisonous plants Aggressive animals or insects Pathogenic microorganisms (e.g. cause of tetanus, leptospirosis) Chemical Pesticides Dusts Contaminated soils Chemicals on site Chemicals associated with the fieldwork activity To: Risk (High, medium, low) Severity (High, medium or Low) Control Measures (e.g. procedures; equipment; clothing; skills training; information) Man-made Electrical equipment, generators and pipelines Vehicles and machinery Insecure buildings Slurry pits and farming Forestry operations Military operations Recreation Excavations and waste disposal Boat use Personal safety Lone working Attack on person or property Political instability, banditry Security of accommodation Environmental impact Waste disposal Pollution Disturbance of eco-systems Other Health & fitness Behaviour CfE AH - Unit 2 Learning Activity B: Sampling wild organisms This Learning Activity supports the following Mandatory Key Area: Unit 2 Organisms and Evolution 1 Field techniques for biologists (b) Sampling of Wild Organisms The Mandatory Course key area states: The chosen technique, such as point count, transects or remote detection, must be appropriate to the species being sampled, to include: quadrats, capture techniques, camera traps, scat sampling. Appropriate random, systematic and stratified sampling. Exemplification of key area: Sampling should be carried out in a manner that minimises impact on wild species and habitats. Consideration must be given to rare and vulnerable species and habitats, which are protected by legislation. Quadrats of suitable size and shape are used for slow-moving organisms; capture techniques for mobile species. Elusive species can be sampled directly using camera traps or an indirect method such as scat sampling. Overview of activity: Content area: Sampling wild organisms (Techniques) Sampling using a line and belt transect Background: The diversity of habitat and biodiversity is impressive across Scotland. We are a country rich in upland, lowland and coastal environments. Taking an environmental snapshot in the form of a line or belt transect allows us to understand more clearly the number of species of plants and animals in our chosen area of study. Sampling allows us to not only identify what species are present in a particular area but also gives us an indication of their density and distribution. If this is an area that would not be damaged by regular sampling, it may be possible to build up local data on species biodiversity on an annual basis. The decision whether to use a line transect or a belt transect depends on several factors. Line transects: Line transects are most useful if you are dealing with an area that has a steep gradient such that placing quadrats and accurate recording on a steep slope may be difficult. They are also of value if you want to gather as much useful information as possible in a limited timeframe. In shoreline transects, if you are dealing with a rapidly incoming tide, conducting a line transect from the low water line up the shore may well be the most sensible option. However, a line transect does not give you any information about the relative density of species’ cover in the area as you are studying; it only tells you what species are present lying along the transect line itself. Belt: Conducting a belt transect of an area will give much more detailed information. It is similar to a line transect but it gives information on species abundance as well as presence or indeed absence. It is effectively a very wide line transect to form a continuous strip. Obtaining the detailed information available from a belt transect takes more time. Line transect: method Once the area to be sampled has been determined, it should be marked out using string or a long measuring tape. Use of a GPS camera when recording data from your sample area would allow you to obtain an aerial photograph of the area from Google earth. Altitude and degree of slope can then be examined more easily. Sampling a line transect can be: Continuous – where a record is made of every species that lies along the transect line along its length. This can give a lot of information but tends only to be possible over a short distance as the number of plants/ animals being recorded can be very high. Interrupted – where a record is made every 0.5 m or 1.0 m along the length of the transect line. This allows the area to be sampled much more quickly and to gather a more manageable volume of data; however, the results are less detailed. Apparatus required: String/measuring tape sufficient for the area of transect. If you are doing an interrupted line transect then marking the string with pen every 0.5m/1.0m greatly speeds up the recording time. Suitable keys/ identification guides to allow accurate identification of the species being assessed. Sample bags to take back unidentified species (this would only be done if there was a high abundance of the species and would involve the removal of a leaf or two, not the whole plant) alternatively, digital photographs can be taken for identification later. Moisture meter/pH meter /light meter – while line transects focus on ground biodiversity along the line, it is sensible to take other abiotic factors into account to improve the reliability of your results. Belt transect: method Once the area to be sampled has been determined, it should be marked out using string or a long measuring tape. Use of a GPS camera when recording data from your sample area would allow you to obtain an aerial photograph of the area from Google earth. Altitude and degree of slope can then be examined more easily. Sampling a belt transect involves the area to one or both sides of a transect line being sampled by use of quadrats. Quadrats are usually 0.5 m2 or 1.0 m2, the size of the quadrat used will determine the width of the belt transect and the time required to complete data collection. Depending on the nature of the area being assessed, it is often advisable to record data on one side of the transect line only and use the other side to move up and down the sample area. This minimises the risk of trampling the sample area underfoot. As with a line transect, sampling a belt transect can be: Continuous – where a quadrat is placed consecutively along the length of a transect line, without gaps. This can give a lot of detailed information about the density and distribution of species but it is very time consuming. It is very good for high sites with a high density of species but may repeat similar results in low diversity areas. Interrupted – where a quadrat is placed every 1.0 m/1.5 m/2.0 m along the length of the transect line. This allows the area to be sampled much more quickly and to gather a more manageable volume of data. The gap between each quadrat sampling point will depend on how long a transect line is being used and how much time is available to gather data. Clearly, the more quadrats that are recorded along the length of the transect, the more reliable the data will be of the area being assessed. It should be noted, however, that this method may miss some less common organisms and may not give a true representation of trends. Each species in each quadrat must be recorded for percentage cover of the quadrat. As there may be many species and they may well overlap each other, it is quite likely that total percentage cover could be more than 100%. In order to ensure reliability of results, it is important that the same person records percentage cover in each quadrat as this estimation is somewhat subjective and by using the same person, you are reducing this error. Percentage cover of each individual species is much more accurate using a grid quadrat, where the quadrat area is divided up into small squares of equal area rather than a frame quadrat. Apparatus required: String/measuring tape sufficient for the area of transect. If you are doing an interval or interrupted belt transect then marking the string with pen every 1.0 m/1.5 m/ 2.0 m greatly speeds up the recording time. Suitable keys/ identification guides to allow accurate identification of the species being assessed. Quadrats 0.5 m2 or 1.0 m2 Sample bags to take back unidentified species (this is done only if there were a high abundance of the species and would involve the removal of a leaf or two, not the whole plant). Alternatively, digital photographs can be taken for identification later. Moisture meter/pH meter /light meter– while line transects focus on ground biodiversity along the line, it is sensible to take other abiotic factors into account to improve the reliability of your results. The picture above shows a sampling site along a belt transect on a shore. 0.5 m2 frame quadrats were being used and as the vegetation present in the sampling area was low-lying, both sides of the transect line were sampled to increase data reliability. A belt transect of a grassland slope is shown using 1.0 m2 grid quadrats. If the area contained a lot of taller herbaceous vegetation or there was a risk of vegetation being damaged, only one side of the transect would be sampled. Note that the results of both quadrats recorded at the same distance along the transect line are a form of replication and increase data reliability. Analysis of results: Analysis of data obtained should allow the recording of plant and animal species along the length of the transect. Graphing this data along with light, pH and moisture meter readings along the line will give a lot of valuable information about the biotic and abiotic factors in the sample area. Displaying this information graphically allows learners to see clearly whether there is any correlation between light intensity/ soil moisture level and the abundance of a particular plant or animal species. Further study into the background of the species found using identification keys and guides should allow valid conclusions to be drawn. Record plant species by the use of kite diagrams. Kite diagrams look for patterns of zonation of the species. For example, if part of the transect line is in the shade, there may be a zone of lower percentage cover of particular species which increases when the transect reaches an area of increased light intensity. Kite diagrams give a useful visual representation of individual species’ cover along a transect. Using graph paper, begin by marking out the length of the transect to scale along the bottom. On the vertical axis, draw a horizontal line for the first species you have measured. Allocate an area above and below the line, which will be the area of the kite diagram for that species. (5 squares in height, above and below, for example). You then need to mark a vertical bar at each quadrat sampling point along the transect for the first species (5 bars above and 5 below would mean 100% cover, 4 above and 4 below, 80% cover etc). Then join the tops and bottoms of these bars. If the species was not present at a particular quadrat sampling, a point should be made on the horizontal line. When you join up the vertical bars (none of which should be more than 10 squares in height for one species at any sampling point), you will have a shape that is something like a kite. That is the profile of one species; draw another horizontal line along the graph paper for the next species measured, and so on. Species 1 . 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Length of transect line (metres) 7 8 9 10 . 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 It is important that an evaluation of sources of error is carried out. If the whole area being sampled is very uniform, then data from other groups recording alongside can be used for comparison. Care must be taken with this, however, as even in a very small area, there can be considerable environmental variation e.g. presence of a large tree with a lot of canopy cover. It is also important to remember that overall error can be greatly minimised if learners are familiar with the equipment and techniques being use. Unit 2 Learning Activity C: Identification and taxonomy This Learning Activity supports the following section of the arrangements: Unit 2 Organisms and Evolution 1 Field techniques for biologists (c) Identification and taxonomy The following aspects of the arrangements are supported by these activities: Identification of a sample can be made using expertise, classification guides, keys or laboratory analysis of DNA, protein or other molecules The animal kingdom is divided into phyla, which include … Platyhelminthes (flatworms: bilateral symmetry, internal organs but no body cavity, many parasitic). What this learning activity covers This learning activity is divided into four sections that aim to: 1. Introduce learners to the taxonomy of the Phylum Platymelminthes through targeted internet research 2. Develop skills of learners through observation of freshwater Planaria 3. Increase learner skills in identification while contributing to the collective knowledge of the distribution and abundance of an invasive species of Platyhelminth, the New Zealand flatworm 4. Allow learners the opportunity to search for and classify parasitic Platyhelminthes (as well as parasitic Nematodes and Arthropoda) through body cavity dissection of a member of the Chordata. While it might be possible to complete this activity over the course of five or six 45-minute lessons, it could easily be integrated into a longer period of study. For example, this learning activity is designed to work well in conjunction with the tutorials on sex and virulence (Tutorial 4) and challenges in treatment and control (Tutorial 5). Learning Activity 2 could be used to support the fieldwork. Part 1: Introduction to the Phylum Platymelminthes (tutor notes) This is intended to be set as an individual homework exercise. It should reinforce the characteristics of Platyhelminthes required in the arrangements. It also should give learners the opportunity to interpret and sketch cladograms. The cladogram of relationships within the Platyhelminthes supports those learners who will also be covering the tutorials mentioned above. Part 2: To introduce learners to the Phylum Platymelminthes through observation of Planaria behaviour (tutor notes) It would be appropriate to begin this lesson with a brief summary of the homework before continuing. The object of this lesson is for learners to attempt to observe the defining features of the Platyhelminthes directly. For this lesson a sample of Planaria are required. These are easily collected from the bottom of most ponds and streams with a small net and they are easy to keep in the laboratory for several weeks if necessary. They should be kept in pond water or bottled spring water in a small plastic tank kept in a darkened area. The Planaria can be fed with small fragments of raw liver or boiled egg yolk once a week. Any excess should be removed after an hour or so. Soft paintbrushes can be used to handle Planarians. The water should be changed every week and the tank scrubbed to remove mucus build-up if the Planaria are to be maintained for a longer period of time. Petri dishes, watch glasses, cavity slides and microscopes are required. Small fragments of boiled egg or liver can be used to stimulate feeding. 3% ethanol can be used to immobilise the Planaria if desired. See the following reference: Stevenson CG, Beane WS, 2010 A Low Percent Ethanol Method for Immobilizing Planarians. PLoS ONE 5(12): e15310. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0015310 The natural regeneration ability of Planaria is of increasing interest to those studying stem cells. For details on an extension activity to this lesson investigating the regeneration of planaria see Scroll down and click on the links under “Planaria Regeneration Activity”. Part 3: To increase learner identification skills while contributing to the collective knowledge of the distribution and abundance of an invasive species of Platyhelminth (tutor notes) This activity gives the opportunity for learners to plan and carry out a small survey for the invasive New Zealand flatworm in the school or college grounds or equivalent. This would be a good opportunity for learners to develop a risk assessment, with guidance. It is recommended that terrestrial flatworm traps (plastic bags, half-filled with soil and placed on bare soil) are set up by the learners a few days in advance of the survey. Alternatively, they may choose to use ground yellow mustard and water to bring flatworms and their earthworm prey to the surface (see “liquid extraction” on this webpage The latter is a good alternative in areas where the invasive flatworms are less common. As the New Zealand flatworm is an invasive species, data on its distribution and abundance in Scotland is of value. The results of your survey (species, number, postcode of survey location) should be forwarded to Dr Brian Boag, The James Hutton Institute, Invergowrie, Dundee DD2 5DA. It is also possible to send samples to Dr Boag to confirm initial identifications. Note that if you suspect you have found a New Zealand or Australian flatworm, or their egg capsule, it is advisable to wear gloves before handling the specimen. In addition, please note that it is an offence to introduce these species into the wild, so if they are sampled as part of this activity they cannot be returned to the wild but instead must be destroyed. To destroy any unwanted flatworms they should be placed in a screw capped container containing either very salty or very hot water. Alternatively they can be placed in a freezer as they cannot withstand such low temperatures. In order to ensure that the flatworms are identified correctly the learners are provided with resources to establish appropriate identification. Once they have decided upon these let them see the identification article from the journal British Wildlife (Jones, HD (2005) Identification of British Land Flatworms British Wildlife 16, 189–194) to see how it compares with their notes. Part 4: To search for and classify parasitic Platyhelminthes (and Nematodes and Arthropoda) through dissection of a member of the Chordata. (tutor notes) This is a modification of a whole fish dissection activity and all suitable laboratory precautions should be applied. It is necessary to wear gloves for this activity. Fish waste should be double bagged prior to disposal. Whole (ungutted) fish can be bought from a fish counter and need not be large. This could carried out as a demonstration, group activity or individually. The activity involves: examination of the exterior surface, mouth and gills of the fish for ectoparasites (the operculum covering the gills can be cut away to access the gills more easily) opening up the body cavity (the coelom) to access the digestive organs (cut from anus to operculum and then remove one side of the body wall) examination of the liver (for parasitic nematodes and flukes in particular) examination of and flushing of the stomach and intestines with distilled water (for parasitic nematodes and cestodes in particular). A recommended outline protocol is available here: It would be advantageous to ensure that learners have familiarity with basic fish anatomy first and this would be a useful homework before the lesson. An internet search will reveal many helpful images such as the one below. Schematic drawing of inner anatomy of a teleost (fish) with operculum and side of body removed. 1 liver, 2 stomach, 3 intestine, 4 heart, 5 swim bladder, 6 kidney, 7 testis, 8 ureter, 9 efferent duct, 10 urinary bladder, 11 gills Learners should become familiar with the types of parasites that they might find using the following websites. For illustrations of the parasites try this website: The illustrations on this website can be found in their original documents here: Note that many additional parasites will be visible if scraping samples from the exterior surface of the fish are mounted on slides for viewing under the light microscope. This would be a suitable activity to improve microscopy technique for Unit 1. Part 5: Introduction to the Phylum Platymelminthes The Phylum Platyhelmithes contains all of the organisms that are known as flatworms. Three groups of these flatworms are specialist parasites and are thought to form distinct taxonomic groups – the tapeworms (Cestodes), the flukes (Trematodes) and the monogeneans. The freeliving non-parasitic flatworms are known as the Turbellaria. The following illustration shows a freshwater Turbellaria, known as a Planarian flatworm. These are commonly found in ponds and streams and are easily gathered by sampling the aquatic vegetation or substrate of these habitats. All of the Platyhelminthes are grouped together because they share features of their body plan not shared by members of the other animal phyla. Use the following references, make a list of the features that define the Platyhelminthes. - Turbellaria The following webpage includes information on the taxonomy of the Beef Tapeworm, which is one of the Platyhelminthes. Examine the two cladograms found on that page. Sketch simplified versions of each of these two cladograms to show the closest relatives to the Platyhelminthes and the how the four subdivisions of the Platyhelminth phylum are arranged. Use the labels in the boxes on the right hand side of the web page to help. Part 6: To introduce learners to the Phylum Platymelminthes through observation of Planaria behaviour The aim of this lesson is to improve observation skills through the examination of live freeliving freshwater flatworms. Planaria are common free-living members of the Platyhelmith phylum. They are easily found in freshwater environments such as ponds or rivers. In order to observe their behaviour in the laboratory it is necessary that some should be collected in advance of the lesson. Generally they are easy to find in among detritus in ponds, rivers or canals. They are easy to keep in a suitable small aquarium in the laboratory for several weeks until required. To observe the movement of the flatworms, they should be placed in petri dishes or watch glasses with a small volume of pond water. You should already be familiar with the defining characteristics of the Platyhelminthes. The challenge is to observe as many of these characteristics in the live specimens. The nonsegmented flattened body shape with bilateral symmetry should be noted, as should the gliding motion. The feeding behaviour can be observed by adding a small amount of liver or boiled egg yolk. The pharynx acts as both the mouth and the anus. Internal structures within the living flatworm can be visible under magnification. A small planarian can be mounted in a cavity slide under the light microscope. Alternatively, a binocular microscope or hand lens will reveal details not easily distinguished by the naked eye. If you want to immobilize a planarian for observation then placing them in a 3% ethanol solution shortly beforehand is recommended by this paper: Stevenson CG, Beane WS, 2010 A Low Percent Ethanol Method for Immobilizing Planarians. PLoS ONE 5(12): e15310. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0015310 Other defining characteristics of the phylum might be more difficult to observe (eg no body cavity, three layers of tissue). To see these features a planarian would have to be dissected. In considering the ethics of this procedure it is worth noting that the Planaria are well-known for their powers of regeneration. For example, Planaria cut longitudinally may regenerate into two individuals. The following website has a suggested classroom activity aimed investigating the regenerative powers of Planaria as a model for stem cell action. Follow the links under “Planaria Regeneration Activity”. Part 3: To increase learner identification skills while contributing to the collective knowledge of the distribution and abundance of an invasive species of Platyhelminth The New Zealand flatworm is an invasive species of terrestrial turbellarian introduced accidentally into Scotland through horticultural activities. The New Zealand flatworm is an efficient predator of earthworms. It reduces earthworm populations to an extent where soil quality is negatively affected. This affects crop productivity and drainage. See the following links for more information (if there are several learners in your group, you should share this task and report to the group): The PDF on New Zealand flatworm listed on the above government webpage should be downloaded. Information from Scottish Natural Heritage Information from Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Code of practice to prevent the spread of non-indigenous flatworms A gardening site from Northern Ireland provides a simple to read illustrated summary New Zealand flatworms and genomics1 Your aim is to design and carry out a survey of part of your school or college grounds (or gardens, allotments, etc. in your neighbourhood). As this activity involves fieldwork, you may be involved in the development of an appropriate risk assessment for this activity (see Unit 2 Learning Activity A: Health and Safety). As the New Zealand flatworm is an invasive species, data on its distribution and abundance in Scotland is of value. You can contribute to this body of knowledge by surveying your school or college grounds (or suitable area eg gardens or allotments) for the presence and abundance of the New Zealand flatworm or its egg capsules. The flatworms can be found on the soil surface and will seek damp places, such as under loose turf, plastic or other sheeting, rocks, flat stones, plant containers etc. Your survey will be more likely to yield results if you set out some terrestrial flatworm traps in advance. A terrestrial flatworm trap is easily made by placing a plastic bag half-filled with soil on a patch of bare soil. The flatworms can be looked for by checking underneath the bag every 3 days for the duration of your survey. It is also possible to bring flatworms and worms to the surface by pouring a diluted mixture of ground yellow mustard and water onto a 25 x 25 cm patch of ground (see “liquid extraction” on this webpage As this latter technique samples both the invasive predator and the prey it might be a source of useful ecological data in a wider investigation. You will also need to ensure that you can identify the flatworms correctly. Use the resources from the websites listed above to establish appropriate identification criteria for the invasive New Zealand flatworm. Note that if you suspect you have found a New Zealand or Australian flatworm, or their egg capsule, it is advisable to wear gloves before handling the specimen. In addition, please note that it is an offence to introduce these species into the wild, so if they are sampled as part of this activity they cannot be returned to the wild but instead must be destroyed. To destroy any unwanted flatworms they should be placed in a screw-capped container containing either very salty or very hot water. Alternatively, place them in a freezer, as they cannot withstand such low temperatures. The results of your survey (species, number, postcode of survey location) should be forwarded to Dr Brian Boag, The James Hutton Institute, Invergowrie, Dundee DD2 5DA. It is also possible to send samples to the same address to confirm initial identifications and for further research. Part 4: To search for and classify parasitic Platyhelminthes (and Nematodes and Arthropoda) through dissection of a member of the Chordata. This activity involves the dissection of whole (ungutted/uncleaned) fish. These can be obtained from a fishmonger or similar. The activity involves: • an examination of the exterior surface, mouth and gills of the fish for ectoparasites (the operculum can be cut away to access the gills more easily) • opening up the body cavity (the coelom) to access the digestive organs (cut from anus to operculum and then remove one side of the body wall) • examination of the liver (for parasitic nematodes and flukes in particular) • examination of and flushing of the stomach and intestines with distilled water (for parasitic nematodes and cestodes in particular).It is necessary to wear gloves for this activity. A recommended outline protocol is available here: Learners should be familiar with basic fish anatomy first before the activity. For illustrations of the parasites try this website: The original illustrations on the above website can be found in their original documents here: topic_series_common_freshwater_fish_parasites Note that many additional parasites will be visible if scraping samples from the exterior surface of the fish are mounted on slides for viewing under the light microscope. This would be a suitable activity to improve microscopy technique for Unit 1. CfE AH - Unit 2 Learning Activity D: Monitoring Populations (Techniques) This Learning Activity is intended to support the following Mandatory Key Area: Unit 2 Organisms and Evolution 1 Field techniques for biologists (d) Monitoring Populations The Mandatory Course key area states: The use of information on species abundance to assess environmental impact. Method of mark and recapture to estimate population size (N = (MC)/R). Effective and ethical methods of marking to include banding, tagging, surgical implantation, painting and hair clipping. Exemplification of key area: Presence, absence or abundance of particular species can give information of environmental qualities, such as presence of pollutant. Classification of vegetation types is based on indicator species within the community structure. Mark and recapture is a method for estimating population size. A sample of the population is captured and marked (M) and released. After an interval of time, a second sample is captured (C). If some of the individuals in this second sample are recaptures (R) then the total population N = (MC)/R, assuming that all individuals have an equal chance of capture and that there is no immigration or emigration. Methods of marking: The method of marking and subsequent observation must be effective and should also minimize the impact on the study species. Mark and Recapture Learning Activity Background Mark and recapture is an ecological monitoring technique used to estimate population size. In static or slow moving species, individuals in a population can possibly counted or estimated with relative ease by other methods such as use of quadrats. Estimation of fast moving species or species that are hidden from view requires a more dynamic system. Typically, a researcher will capture a sample of a population, mark them and then release them back into the wild. Later, a new sample is captured and the number of marked individuals counted. As the proportion of the newly caught marked individuals will be proportional to the number of marked individuals in the whole population then an estimation of total population size can be made. While this technique is known to be effective - A mark recapture method was first used for ecological study in 1896 by C.G.J. Petersen to estimate plaice, Platichthys platessa, populations, several important considerations must be taken into account: There is a potential risk of injury to the organism being collected during the collection process. The actual marking of the organism could be harmful. If paint of some type is used, it could possibly be toxic to the organism. The marking system used has to be able to remain on the organism long enough to be recaptured. A water soluble mark would not be useful if it rained or was applied to an aquatic organism! Being marked could actually mean that the organism is now more visible to predators and consequently there could be an increased predation of marked individuals which would affect the overall population estimation. Are all individuals easy to catch? It depends on the stage of life of the organism in question or what time of day they are more active. It may depend on abiotic factors such as moisture level or whether the area is in sunlight or shaded. Is the population size likely to change significantly during the time of mark and recapture? Keeping this time short would minimise this. Most organisms would be expected to be wary or being captured but some may show no concern and be comfortable about the process. This could skew the type of organism you are capturing and marking if the marked individuals are not a representative sample of the population as a whole. Method: How to estimate a population One of the most widely known methods of population estimation is the Lincoln-Peterson method, also known as the Lincoln Index. This method assumes that the population being estimated is closed. This means that during the time between the two sampling times, no individuals in the population are expected to have died or been born or moved into or out of the area being sampled. Obviously no population is ever entirely ‘closed’ but by making the time interval between the first and second sample time as short as possible, the population being estimated can be assumed to be closed. Lincoln Index M= number of animals first marked and released C = number of animals captured in the second sample R= number of marked animals recaptured in the second sample N = total population Then N = MC R Suggested activities Live organism mark and recapture: Depending on the local area, select a small animal e.g. snails or woodlice to be sampled. Mark a sample of the collected animals with a recognisable spot that would allow it to be recognised if recaptured but not so large as to make it easily visible to predators. A small drop of liquid correction fluid would suffice. Return the marked animals to where they were found. They need to be left long enough to reintegrate with the rest of the population but not so long that the mark may be rubbed off or that individuals may enter or leave the population. A day or so would be sufficient. Recapture a second sample of the chosen animal and try to estimate the total population N using the method given above. Evaluation of results from live organism mark and recapture: When evaluating the results obtained, it is important to consider whether the trapping and marking process itself affects whether or not the organism returns to the trap. It may become very trap tolerant, having survived the process before. If R (number of marked individuals recaptured) is overestimated due to trap tolerance, N (total population size) would be lower. It is also important to consider whether then actual mechanism of marking affects the number of organisms being recaptured (e.g., due to predation/ organism traumatised by marking process). If R is reduced, N would be higher than expected. While planning a learning activity using live organisms is authentic fieldwork, it has limitations as detailed above. It is also more complex to perform adequate replicates and repeats of this investigation to allow reliable conclusions to be made. We must also take into account whether it is necessary to mark live animals in order to evaluate this mark and recapture method. The following two suggested activities use simulations that are applicable in the classroom/school to exemplify the mark and recapture method. Bean/Pea Populations: Each working pair of learners should be given a sealed box containing a ‘population’ of dried pulses of choice e.g Peas. It does not matter what the total number of the population actually is, but it is important that the number is known by the teacher. One learner should remove a small sample of peas to mark (M) and return them to the box. Marking the peas is best done with a pen rather than sticking tape onto them as this would allow the marked peas to be easily felt by touch in the box. The box then needs to be shaken to redistribute the peas. With their eyes closed, the learner needs to select a handful of peas from the population (C). These need to be checked to see if any of them were the marked peas that have been recaptured (R). Record this information and work out N. Repeat the activity 10 times to check how reliable a value of N is being calculated. Learners then need to check with the teacher what was the known original number of the ‘population’ of peas. Estimating School Population: Whether it is better to estimate the population of an area of the school or the whole school will obviously depend on the size of the school. An estimation could be made of the size of the population in an area of the school at a set time e.g. dining hall at lunch. Learners would need to pick some willing volunteers to be the marked sample and give them a band to wear or put a sticky label onto their uniform. Another learner who is not aware of who was chosen to mark would then select at random a new sample of captured individuals (C) and check how many of them were already marked and therefore recaptured (R). This activity is not without its limitations. Populations of learners rarely act as a closed population and tend to move about a lot and this can affect results. You may also find that the marks are lost or removed by individuals and can be a source of error. Further analysis of results of this technique can be made in order to reduce bias. The Schnabel Method of mark and recapture allows for a less biased estimator of population size. N = (M +1) (C+1) - 1 R+1 M= number of animals first marked and released C = number of animals captured in the second sample R= number of marked animals recaptured in the second sample N = total population Sources 1. 2. 3. Southwood, T.R.E. & Henderson, P. (2000) Ecological Methods, 3rd edn. Blackwell Science, Oxford 4. Chapman, D.G. (1951). Some properties of the hypergeometric distribution with applications to zoological sample censuses. Overview of Section 2 – Organisms Mandatory Course key area (SQA Course and Unit Support notes) (a) Evolution (i) Drift and selection Processes of evolution, natural selection, sexual selection and genetic drift. Mutations can be harmful, neutral or beneficial and give rise to variation. Absolute fitness is the ratio of frequencies of a particular genotype from one generation to the next. Relative fitness is the ratio of surviving offspring of one genotype compared with other genotypes. (ii) Rate of evolution Where selection pressures are high, the rate of evolution can be rapid. The rate of evolution can be increased by factors such as shorter generation times, warmer environments, the sharing of beneficial DNA sequences between different lineages through sexual reproduction and horizontal gene transfer. (iii) Co-evolution and the Red Queen Hypothesis A change in the traits of one species acts as a selection pressure on the other species. Co-evolutionary ‘arms race’ between a parasite and host as an example of the Red Queen Hypothesis. (b) Variation and sexual reproduction (i) Costs and benefits of sexual and asexual reproduction Disadvantages of sexual reproduction – males unable to produce offspring, only half of each parent’s genome passed onto offspring. Benefits outweigh disadvantages due to increase in genetic variation in the population. Successful asexual reproduction strategies – to include examples of vegetative cloning, parthenogenesis and horizontal gene transfer. Suggested learning activities (SQA Course and Unit Support notes) Comparison of cladograms of MRSA and primate evolution to compare the effect of generation time on rates of evolution. Investigate horizontal gene transfer using X-bacteria. Read excerpts from Matt Ridley’s book The Red Queen. Case study on HIV and CD4 variability or evolution of Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax with reference to primate evolution. Consider how the evolutionary importance of sexual reproduction influences experimental design in the life sciences: the natural variation generated means that biologists have to take care when sampling a population and analysing data to make sure that they can distinguish this ‘noise’ Education Scotland Support Materials Useful video/web links Unit 2 PPT 1 (Evolution, drift & selection) Various up to date articles on evolution as well as some video clips looking at evidence for evolution. Unit 2 PPT 2 (Rate of Evolution) Unit 2 PPT 3 (Coevolution & the Red Queen) Eg6c6U 3:55 min video explaining the Red Queen Hypothesis in simple terms. Unit 2 Tutorial 1 (Coevolution) Unit 2 PPT 4 (Costs and Benefits of Sexual Reproduction) Unit 2 Tutorial 2 (Costs and Benefits of Reproduction) (ii) Meiosis forms variable gametes Increased variation through the production of haploid gametes by meiosis - meiosis I, meiosis II, gamete mother cell, chromosome, chromatid, homologous pairs, crossing over, chiasmata, independent assortment, linked genes and frequency of recombination. In many organisms, gametes are formed directly from the cells produced by meiosis. In other groups, mitosis may occur after meiosis to form a haploid organism; gametes form later by differentiation. (iii) Sex determination Sex determination in mammals and Drosophila, sex ratio and resource availability. Environmental factors can affect sex determination. Change of sex through size, competition or parasitic infection. Hermaphrodites. Sex linked patterns of inheritance in carrier females and affected males in terms of gene products. Random inactivation on X chromosomes in females prevents a double dose of gene products. Half of the cells in any tissue will have a working copy of the gene in question therefore carriers remain unaffected by any deleterious mutations. (c) Sex and behaviour (i) Sexual investment Comparison of investment in sperm and egg production – number and energy store; greater investment by females. Problems and solutions of sex for sessile organisms. from any experimental result or ‘signal’. Examine reproduction in a parthenogenic organism such as the laboratory stick insect Carausias morosus (in which offspring are female) and compare with the Komodo dragon (in which offspring are male). Use microscopy to examine gamete formation or gametes in plants or invertebrates. Breed model organisms in the laboratory (eg Drosophila or rapid-cycling Brassica) to demonstrate independent assortment or, if possible, recombination. Examine data on sex determination in a variety of organisms. Research sex-ratio manipulation in red deer. Compare the flowers of hermaphroditic and unisexual plants. Use Drosophila to investigate sexlinked inheritance patterns. Examine data on inheritance patterns of tortoiseshell cats. Case study on X linked agammaglobulinemia and colour vision defect. Investigate foraging/pollinating behaviour of insects at flowers. Investigate a range of reproductive strategies using Unit 2 PPT 5 (Meiosis forms variable gametes) Unit 2 PPT 6 (Sex Determination) _CU15E Animation of Meiosis 15:43 minute Video explaining Sex Determination in Drosophila. Unit 2 PPT 7 (Sexual Investment) srenn/pages/teaching/web_2006/Mole_Rat_c d_dtb/reproductive.html Parental investment, optimal reproduction and reproductive strategies in terms of the number and quality of current offspring versus potential future offspring. Classification of parental investment into discrete r-selected and K-selected organisms does not reflect continuous range of life history strategies. ii) Courtship Sexual dimorphism as a product of sexual selection. Male-male rivalry: large size, weaponry, sneakers. Successful courtship behaviour in birds and fish can be a result of species-specific sign stimuli and fixed action pattern responses Imprinting, an irreversible developmental process that occurs during a critical time period in young birds, may influence mate choice later in life. Females are generally inconspicuous, reversed in some species. Female choice: assessing male fitness, Fitness can be in terms of good genes and low parasite burden. Lekking species. In lekking species, alternative successful strategies of dominant and satellite males. d) Parasitism (i) The parasite niche Parasites tend to have a narrow niche as they have high host specificity and may lead to parasites which are degenerate. They are lacking in structures and organs found in other organisms. Ectoparasite and endoparasite niches. Life cycles, definitive hosts, intermediate hosts and vectors. Fundamental and realised niches, interspecific competition and competitive exclusion. (ii) Transmission and virulence Transmission is the spread of a parasite to a host. Virulence is the potential of a parasite to cause harm to a host. A higher rate of transmission is linked to higher virulence. Factors that increase transmission rates include the overcrowding of hosts at high density, or mechanisms that allow the parasite to spread even when infected hosts are incapacitated. Vectors and waterborne dispersal stages are examples of the latter. examples such as naked mole rats. Naked Mole Rat information website including reproductive strategies. Courtship in the field: create an ethogram observing the ritualised courtship displays of water birds such as grebes or ducks. Courtship in the laboratory: observe stickleback or Drosophila courtship; investigate sexual selection in different Drosophila varieties. Research honest signalling in lekking species. Unit 2 Activity F (Courtship) Research the niche of C. difficile and the use of faecal transplants. Unit 2 PPT 8 (The parasite niche) . Unit 2 Tutorial 5 (The parasite niche) Investigate the spread of a plant pathogen in a variety of planting densities and humidities. Consider the potential socioeconomic impact of plant pathogens, such as blight. urtship_display Some high quality footage of courtship displays. Unit 2 PPT 9 (Transmission & Virulence) Unit 2 Tutorial 3 (Sex &Virulence) ges/Poo-transplants-lead-to-potential-newsuperbug-treatments.aspx NHS explanation of use of Faecal transplants to treat C. difficle infections. Excellent online resource with link to good quality free resources for your school. Host behaviour is often exploited and modified by parasites to maximise transmission. Through the alteration of host foraging, movement, sexual behaviour, habitat choice or anti-predator behaviour, the host behaviour becomes part of the extended phenotype of the parasite. Parasites also often suppress the host immune system and modify host size and reproductive rate in ways that benefit the parasite growth reproduction or transmission. The distribution of parasites is not uniform across hosts. Sexual and asexual phases allow rapid evolution and rapid build-up of parasite population. The most successful parasites have efficient modes of transmission and rapid rates of evolution. (iii) Immune response to parasites Non-specific defenses in mammals: physical barriers, chemical secretions, inflammatory response, phagocytes, natural killer cells destroying abnormal cells. Mechanism of specific cellular defenses in mammals: apoptosis, phagocytosis, T lymphocytes, B lymphocytes and immunological memory cells. Epidemiology and herd immunity. The herd immunity threshold is the density of resistant hosts in the population required to prevent an epidemic. Endoparasites and antigenic variation. (iv) Macroparasitic life cycles Macroparasites: endoparasitic amoebas, platyhelminths, nematodes. Ectoparasitic arthropods. Ectoparasitic Transmission through direct contact, consumption of secondary hosts or endoparasitic transmission by vectors. Schistosomiasis and malaria. (v) Microparasites Microparasites: viruses and bacteria. Human diseases: influenza, HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis. Viral structure and replication. Antigenicity. Use a statistical test to confirm or refute the significance of results of an epidemiological study into disease. Activity G (Immune Response to Parasites – Non-specific and specific defences) Unit 2 PPT 10 (Immune Response to Parasites – Epidemiology onwards) Consider the ecology, evolution, reproduction and physiology of a selected human parasite. Consider how attempts to disrupt the lifecycle of Plasmodium in the control of malaria have resulted in the loss of apex predators due to bio-magnification of the organochloride insecticide DDT. Investigate the effects of a phage virus on bacterial growth. Most of the genome of most eukaryotic species consists of mobile or defunct Unit 2 PPT 11 (Macroparasitic and Microparasites) Journal of Biology article entitled: Parasite immunomodulation and polymorphisms of the immune system By Rick M Maizels Suitable search engines for learners to use to find information for Activity H: Activity H (Macroparasites vs Microparasites) Unit 2 PPT 11 (Macroparasitic and Microparasites) Suitable search engines for learners to use to find information for Activity H: Activity H RNA retroviruses and reverse transcriptase. (vi) Challenges in treatment and control Treatment and control of parasites. Challenges in the design of vaccines and drugs including rapid antigen change and similarities between host and parasite metabolism. Sanitation and vector control: overcrowding, natural disasters, tropical climates, developing countries, child mortality. retrotransposons, which are thought to have arisen from retroviruses. Active retrotransposons form new copies of themselves to be inserted elsewhere in the same genome. The genes responsible for the variability of vertebrate antibodies are thought to have evolved from transposons. Case study on parasitism and childhood. Research impact of parasitism on child mortality rates in developed and developing countries. Consider benefits of intervention programmes in terms of childhood development and intelligence. Research the decline of effectiveness of chemical treatments over time. (Macroparasites vs Microparasites) Unit 2 Tutorial 4 (Challenges in Treatment & Control) CfE AH - Unit 2 Learning Activity F: Courtship This Learning Activity supports the following Mandatory Key Areas: Unit 2 Organisms and Evolution 2 Organisms (c) Sex and Behaviour (iii) Courtship The Mandatory Course key area states: Sexual dimorphism as a product of sexual selection. Male-male rivalry: large size, weaponry, sneakers. Successful courtship behaviour in birds and fish can be a result of species-specific sign stimuli and fixed action pattern responses. Imprinting, an irreversible developmental process that occurs during a critical time period in young birds, may influence mate choice later in life. Females are generally inconspicuous, reversed in some species. Female choice: assessing male fitness, Fitness can be in terms of good genes and low parasite burden. Lekking species. In lekking species, alternative successful strategies of dominant and satellite males. Exemplification of key area: Male–male rivalry: large size or weaponry increases access to females through conflict. Alternatively some males are successful by acting as sneakers. Female choice: males have more conspicuous markings, structures and behaviours. Females assess honest signals to assess the fitness of males. Fitness can be in terms of good genes and low parasite burden. 1 Field techniques for biologists (e) Measuring and recording animal behaviour The Mandatory Course key area states: Ethograms and time sampling to compare the behaviour of different individuals of a species. Exemplification of key area: An ethogram of the behaviours shown by a species in a wild context allows the construction of time budgets. Measurements such as latency, frequency and duration. The importance of avoiding anthropomorphism. Courtship Behaviour Group Research Task Group task: each person to research and make brief summary notes with examples on the following. 1. 2. 3. 4. Male-male rivalry and courtship behaviour Female choice – assessing male fitness Imprinting behaviour Lekking species – strategies of the dominant and satellite males Sources: 1. Male-male rivalry and courtship behaviour Selection of videos showing examples of courtship behaviour. Videos showing red deer male-male rivalry Information about chimpanzee courtship behaviour in a dominance hierarchy 2. Female choice – assessing male fitness Article from Behavioural Ecology: Female mate assessment and choice behavior affect the frequency of alternative male mating tactics Author: Barney Luttbeg Fitness effects of female mate choice: preferred males are detrimental for Drosophila melanogaster females Authors: U. FRIBERG & G. ARNQVIST 3. Imprinting behaviour Learning Who is Your Mother - The Behavior of Imprinting Authors: Silivia Helena Cardoso and Renato M.E. Sabbatini 4. Lekking species – strategies of the dominant and satellite males Definition of lek. Videos/Information about the black grouse which exhibits lekking behaviour Video showing black grouse lek The following task could be used to cover both key areas if the following activity is completed: Courtship in the field: create an ethogram observing the ritualised courtship displays of water birds such as grebes or ducks. Measuring and Recording Animal Behaviour Activity Background: New terms for learners: Ethology is the scientific and objective study of animal behaviour, usually with a focus on behaviour under natural conditions An ethogram is a catalogue or inventory of behaviours or actions exhibited by an animal used in ethology. Activity This resource includes lesson plan, materials as well as supporting research paper. Alternative activity Use the following example as a model for learners to develop their own ethogram & time budget. This activity could be carried out in the local area or at a wildlife park/zoo. Example: Ethogram & Time Budget Sample observations We observed: Grey Seals at Findhorn Bay Number 1 2 3 4 5 The following details about each animal we have observed. Female. She had a pup close by and was nursing just before we started to observe her Young male. Was interested in us observing and kept following us along the beach. Male? Further out. Appeared to be diving to search for/catch food. Developing a sample list of behaviours: Step 1: The ethogram: making a list of behaviours As you observe the behaviours list them in the left hand column. Do not put them in any order. Behaviour Diving/Looking for food Watching shore Feeding Swimming Playing with pup Nursing pup Fighting Defending territory Smelling Code Time Percentage Step 2: Creating categories Determine the major activities of each animal and label those. Then, reorganise the subcategories underneath them. For instance, fighting with another male would go under defending territory. However, some items may be in a category all of their own. For instance: we can only guess at why the animal might be smelling the air… it could be because it is looking for food or simply smelling. In this case it is better just to note the action, without any interpretation of what the action is. Behaviour Diving/Looking for food Watching shore Feeding Swimming Playing with pup Nursing pup Fighting Defending territory Smelling Add more rows/categories as needed Code 3 1B 3A 4 2A 2 1A 1 5 Time Percentage Step 3: Compiling the time budget Now observe the three animals for the allotted period of time (5 minutes suggested) each. Write down the length of time you observe behaviour as it happens. At the end, you will report on the percentages of time spent in each activity. Behaviour Diving/Looking for food Watching shore Feeding Swimming Playing with pup Nursing pup Fighting Defending territory Smelling Total Minutes Code 3 1B 3A 4 2A 2 1A 1 5 Time 3 2 1 4 2 0 1 1 1 15 mins Percentage 20 13.3 6.7 26.7 13.3 0 6.7 6.7 6.7 Step 4: Generating a chart 1. For each behaviour category, add the total time from each observation together for all animals, to get a total time for that behaviour. 2. Divide the total time by behaviour by the total time observed and multiply by 100%. This will give you the percentage of time spent doing that activity. 3. Generate a pie chart, label it and add it to your report like the one below. CfE AH - Unit 2 Learning Activity G: Immune Response to Parasites This Learning Activity is intended to support the following Mandatory Key Areas: Unit 2 Organisms and Evolution 2 Organisms (d) Parasitism (iii) Immune Response to Parasites The Mandatory Course key area states: Non-specific defences in mammals: physical barriers, chemical secretions, inflammatory response, phagocytes, natural killer cells destroying abnormal cells. Mechanism of specific cellular defences in mammals: apoptosis, phagocytosis, T lymphocytes, B lymphocytes and immunological memory cells. Epidemiology and herd immunity. The herd immunity threshold is the density of resistant hosts in the population required to prevent an epidemic. Endoparasites and antigenic variation. Exemplification of key area: Specific cellular defence in mammals involves immune surveillance by white blood cells, clonal selection of T lymphocytes, T lymphocytes targeting immune response and destroying infected cells by inducing apoptosis, phagocytes presenting antigens to B lymphocytes, the clonal selection of B lymphocytes, production of specific antibody by B lymphocyte clones, long term survival of some members of T and B lymphocyte clones to act as immunological memory cells. Epidemiology is the study of the outbreak and spread of infectious disease. Endoparasites mimic host antigens to evade detection by the immune system, and modify host-immune response to reduce their chances of destruction. Antigenic variation in some parasites allows them to evolve fast enough for them to be one step ahead of host immune cell clonal selection. Immune Response to Parasites Self Study Task This task covers: Non-specific defences in mammals: physical barriers, chemical secretions, inflammatory response, phagocytes, natural killer cells destroying abnormal cells. Mechanism of specific cellular defences in mammals: apoptosis, phagocytosis, T lymphocytes, B lymphocytes and immunological memory cells. Immune Response to Parasites Self Study Task Use the videos from to help you study the following and answer the following questions: Non-specific defences in mammals: physical barriers, chemical secretions, inflammatory response, phagocytes, natural killer cells destroying abnormal cells. 1. How are epithelial cells an example of a physical defence? 2. Name one chemical defence that epithelial cells can secrete. 3. Describe the stages of the inflammatory response. 4. Mast cells produce histamine; describe histamines effect on blood capillaries. 5. What chemical attracts phagocytes to the site of infection? 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. In later stages of infection antimicrobial proteins and clotting agents are produced – how do these aid tissue healing? Describe the action of phagocytosis on an invading parasite. Natural Killer cells are another example of a non-specific defence – how do they differ in their action to a phagocyte? What is the correct term for programmed cell death? Why would NK and phagocytes be described as a non-specific cellular response rather than physical or chemical responses? Using your understanding of the immune system so far, describe what would happen if you cut your hand while gardening (assuming your hands are not clean). Mechanism of specific cellular defences in mammals: apoptosis, phagocytosis, T lymphocytes, B lymphocytes and immunological memory cells. 1. Name the chemical which damaged or invaded cells release to attract white blood cells. 2. How does a clonal population of lymphocytes form? 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. “Failure in regulation of the immune system leads to a T lymphocyte immune response to self cells” – what is this more commonly called? What is an antigen-presenting cell? How do cytotoxic T Cells act in the immune response? T helper cells cannot destroy pathogens on their own, how do they work to destroy them? Name the type of cells that produce antibodies. What are antibodies made of? 8. Describe the action of antibodies on antigens. 9. Why is immunological memory useful? 10. Using your understanding of the immune system so far, how would you design the perfect vaccine? CfE AH - Unit 2 Learning Activity H: Macroparasites & Microparasites This Learning Activity is intended to support the following Mandatory Key Areas: Unit 2 Organisms and Evolution 2 Organisms (d) Parasitism (iv) Macroparasitic Life Cycles and (v) Microparasites The Mandatory Course key area states: Macroparasites: endoparasitic amoebas, platyhelminths, nematodes. Ectoparasitic arthropods. Ectoparasitic Transmission through direct contact, consumption of secondary hosts or endoparasitic transmission by vectors. Schistosomiasis and malaria. Microparasites: viruses and bacteria. Human diseases: influenza, HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis. Viral structure and replication. Antigenicity. RNA retroviruses and reverse transcriptase. Exemplification of key area: Ectoparasites and endoparasites of the main body cavities, such as the gut, are generally transmitted by direct contact or through consumption of secondary hosts. Endoparasites of the body tissues are often transmitted by vectors. Schistosomiasis and malaria as examples of human diseases caused by a macroparasites. Viruses are infectious agents that can only replicate inside a host cell. Viruses contain genetic material in the form of DNA or RNA, packaged in a protective protein coat. Some viruses have a lipid membrane surround derived from host cell materials. The outer surface of a virus contains antigens that a host cell may or may not be able to detect as foreign. RNA retroviruses use the enzyme reverse transcriptase to form DNA, which is then inserted into the genome of the host cell. This virus gene forms new viral particles when transcribed. Macroparasites and Microparasites Research & Presentation Group Task This activity should follow the Unit 2 PPT 11 which introduces macroparasites and microparasites to the learners. Each learner in the class should be allocated one of the following tasks that will lead to them presenting information to the class. This could be completed as an individual/paired or small group task depending on number of learners. Topics: Choose one of the following macroparasites or microparasites to research. Macroparasites: 1. Platyhelminth - intestinal fluke Metagonimus or tapeworm Cestoda. 2. Schistosoma parasitic worm that causes Schistosomiasis 3. Plasmodium parasite that causes malaria. Microparasites: 1. Influenza virus 2. HIV 3. Mycobacterium tubercuolosis which causes tuberculosis (TB). Products: 1. An information poster that will be displayed within the school – this must make the information that you discover accessible to the majority of learners. 2. A 5-10 minute presentation including all the relevant points about your topic. As well as making it relevant in regards expected curriculum, the presentation should show evidence of further research. Presentations to include – a visual presentation (PowerPoint/Prezi presentation/video/animation) with an informative talk (lasting at least 5 minutes but not more than 10 minutes) that MUST NOT just repeat what is on your visual presentation. It is expected that it will be understood by AH learners and teachers but not necessarily younger learners. 3. A summary sheet of the key points to hand out to the rest of the class. Expectations: You must research your topic using class resources but also journals and the internet to find out new and interesting information. All presentations should include: Epidemiology: Is the parasite a world-wide phenomenon or endemic to specific countries? Effect on mortality rates in children and adults Transmission method – is a vector involved? More than one host organism? Life Cycle of chosen parasite Symptoms of disease – including short and potential long term effects Prevention methods – including sanitation and vector control, prophylaxis, education Treatment methods Additional questions for specific topics: Macroparasites: 1. Platyhelminth - intestinal fluke Metagonimus or tapeworm Cestoda. Describe how some types of parasitic gut worm are used as a therapy to treat autoimmune disorders. Is the parasite you have studied likely to be used in this manner? If not, explain why. 2. Schistosoma parasitic worm that causes Schistosomiasis Explain why Schistosomiasis can be described as a “Neglected Tropical Disease”. What social, economic and health impacts does this have on the countries affected by Schistosomiasis? What is being done about it? 3. Plasmodium parasite that causes malaria DDT is an insecticide that was commonly used to control mosquitos - describe the effect of bio-magnification of DDT within the food chain on the apex predator. Drug resistance is becoming an issue with malaria – explain what this means, how strains of Plasmodium can have appeared that are drug resistant and what scientists are currently doing to trying to combat drug resistant malaria. Microparasites: 1. Influenza virus Describe some of the historical influenza pandemics such as the 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic and its impact on the world population. Explain why patients have to be given an Influenza vaccine annually. How likely is a flu pandemic now? 2. HIV Explain how a retrovirus replicates. Describe the origins of HIV. Recent studies have suggested that HIV is mutating – what effect is this having on the virus? 3. Mycobacterium tubercuolosis which causes tuberculosis (TB) Why are teenagers no longer vaccinated against TB? The World Health Organization declared TB a "global health emergency" in 1993. In 2006, the Stop TB Partnership developed a Global Plan to Stop Tuberculosis. Find out what their targets were, whether they have been achieved and what they are going to do next. Feedback will be provided on your presentations. Tips for your presentations: Diagrams/pictures are helpful Do not have too much writing on the poster or on the screen – keep it to key information and keep it clear and easy to read Diagrams and pictures must be attributed and copyright free – try using Creative Commons to find images. As you are also to give a talk along with your visual presentation here are some hints: Break up the information to allow all members of group to contribute Practise giving the talk to your group to help you gain confidence Practise projecting your voice enough to be heard in the classroom When talking to the class you can use notes but do not just read from your notes, make eye contact with the audience. Summary sheet: Should include the key points from your visual presentation and from your talk This is to help others study and learn so make sure it is clear and easy to understand Provide links to other sources in case learners want to find out more.