(EDT 629) Online Instructional Design & Development Common Course Assessment: On Line Instruction Plan Common Course Standards: Unit Standards: National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) Advanced Program Standards: National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) , Council for Social Foundations of Education (CSFE) and College of Education Research Standards NBPTS - Proposition #1: Teachers are Committed to Students and Their Learning Teachers Recognize Individual Differences in Their Students and Adjust Their Practice Teachers Have an Understanding of How Students Develop and Learn Teachers Treat Students Equitably Teachers' Mission Extends Beyond Developing the Cognitive Capacity of Students Course Standards Program Standards: National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers (NETS-T) III. TEACHING, LEARNING, AND THE CURRICULUM Teachers implement curriculum plans, that include methods and strategies for applying technology to maximize student learning. Teachers: A. facilitate technology-enhanced experiences that address content standards and student technology standards. [Theme: Technology] B. use technology to support learner-centered strategies that address the diverse needs of students. [Theme: Diversity] C. apply technology to develop students’ higher order skills and creativity. D. manage student learning activities in a technology-enhanced environment. VI. SOCIAL, ETHICAL, LEGAL, AND HUMAN ISSUES Teachers understand the social, ethical, legal, and human issues surrounding the use of technology in PK–12 schools and apply that understanding in practice [Theme: Diversity]. Teachers: C. identify and use technology resources that affirm diversity. Directions to the Student: The goal of the online or web-based instruction plan is to demonstrate students’ capacity to synthesize and integrate curricular goals and appropriate uses of online materials. The plan should be based on a well defined area of curriculum in a given content area, serving as a substitute or extension for more traditional methods for presenting this content. It should also pay attention to common elements identified by the instructor and describe how specific elements will enhance or extend instruction in an online format. Evaluation Rubric for On Line Instruction Plan Elements Overall quality Specificity to grade & subject Instructional goals and strategies Materials and special requirements Web-based materials, resources, activities and suitability criteria Assessment Distinguished Proficient Progressing Unsatisfactory [3] [2] [1] [0] Instructional plan has few (less than 2) spelling, grammar or punctuation errors Plan identifies grade, subject area and content covered Plan describes instructional goals and objectives along with instructional strategies used to accomplish these goals Plan identifies any special requirements for success with the materials and activities, including plugins, video, etc. Instructional plan contains some (between 2 and 5) spelling, grammar or punctuation errors Plan identifies grade, subject area or content covered Plan describes instructional goals and objectives, or instructional strategies used to accomplish these goals Instructional plan contains many (more than 5) spelling, grammar or punctuation errors Plan fails to identify grade, subject area and content covered Plan does not describe instructional goals and objectives along with instructional strategies used to accomplish these goals Plan does not identify any special requirements for success with the materials and activities, including plugins, video, etc. Instructional plan identifies web-based materials, resources, tutorials, activities, etc. to be used within learning activities along with an evaluation of their suitability for stated purpose Includes a plan Instructional plan identifies webbased materials, resources, tutorials, activities, etc. to be used within learning activities, but lacks an evaluation of their suitability for stated purpose Instructional plan contains many (more than 8) spelling, grammar or punctuation errors Plan fails to identify grade, subject area and content covered Plan does not identify any special requirements for success with the materials and activities, including plugins, video, etc. Instructional plan does not identify webbased materials, resources, tutorials, activities, etc. to be used within learning activities along with an evaluation of their suitability for stated purpose Does not include a plan for evaluation and assessment is included that describes, in detail, how evidence of student learning will be gathered and analyzed Plan identifies any special requirements for success with the materials and activities, including plug-ins, video, etc. Includes a plan Instructional plan does not identify webbased materials, resources, tutorials, activities, etc. to be used within learning activities along with an evaluation of their suitability for stated purpose Does not include Instructional plan for evaluation and assessment that describes, in detail, how evidence of student learning will be gathered and analyzed for evaluation and assessment that describes in general how evidence of student learning will be gathered and analyzed Coherent course or workshop Instructional plan describes instructional materials and activities that are integrated to form a complete course or workshop Instructional plan describes instructional materials and activities that are integrated to form a complete course or workshop a plan for evaluation and assessment is included that describes, in detail, how evidence of student learning will be gathered and analyzed Instructional plan does not describe instructional materials and activities that are integrated to form a complete course or workshop plan does not describe instructional materials and activities that are integrated to form a complete course or workshop Instructional plan contains many (more than 8) spelling, grammar or punctuation errors