Lesson 3 - Loan Words (1) Chinese Loan Words in the English Language There are few English words with a Chinese origin. Most of these loan words refer to Chinese objects and concepts such as ______ and ______. However, a few, such as gung ho and tycoon have evolved into mainstream usage. Many of the Chinese loan words made into the English language as pronounced in the Cantonese or Amoy dialect because the early contact between the two cultures happened along the southern Chinese ports of call or through the mostly Cantonese immigrants. In addition many of the Japanese words, such as ______ or______, that were adopted into the English language have a Chinese origin. English Chinese Literal Source Meaning Remarks 1. 白菜 White vegetable (Via Cantonese baak choi) Bonsai 盆栽 Bowl plant (Via Japanese) Cheongsam 長衫 Long dress (Via Cantonese cheung sam) The same dress is known as a qipao (旗袍) in Mandarin 2. 秦 Name of the The West appears to have named China Qin dynasty after the first dynasty to unify the country. The Chinese call their country zhong guo (中國) or Central Country. Chow chow 狗狗 Doggie A dog breed 3. 炒麵 Fried noodle (Via Cantonese chaau mein) 4. 苦力 Bitter power 5. 點心 Pointing to the heart 6. 風水 Wind and water Gingkgo 銀杏 (Via Japanese) Ginseng 人葠 (Via Cantonese yan sam) Japan 日本 Source of the sun 7. 柔道 Gentle Way (Via Japanese) Junk 船 Boat (Via Malay) Kanji 漢字 Chinese characters (Via Japanese) (Via Cantonese dim sam) (Via Cantonese ke jap). Most dictionaries actually list the source of the word as being a Chinese or Malay word meaning fish sauce. They ignore the more direct route: the Cantonese word which sounds like ketchup and which actually means tomato sauce. Duh. (In mandarin, ketchup is called 番茄醬) 8. 茄汁 Tomato sauce Kowtow 叩頭 Knock head Kumquat 金橘 Golden orange (Via Cantonese gam gwat) 9. 功夫 10. 丟臉 Lose face Literal translation of the chinese phrase menaing humiliation 11. 荔枝 12. 麻將 Oolong 烏龍 Black dragon Pinyin 拼音 Sound spelling Ricksha 力車 (Human-) Powered vehicle (Via Japanese) Short for 人力車 or humanpowered vehicle Sampan 舢舨 13. 上海 Northern Sea Used in English as a verb meaning to abduct (Presumably from prior practive by San Francisco boat captains of kidnapping men in order to press them into service in Shanghai bound boats.) Shaman 沙門 Sand door 14. 少林 Small forest Shinto 神道 Saintly way 15. 絲 Silk Shogun 將軍 Army General Soy (sauce) 醬油 (Via Cantonese lai ji) A type of tea (Via Japanese shoyu) 2 Tai chi 太極 Ultimate 16. 太極拳 Ultimate boxing Taipan 大班 Big boss (Via Cantonese daai baan) Tangram 湯+ Chinese picture Tang, the name of one of China's most successful dynasties is used to denote the Chinese people. gram Tao (Dao) 道 Way Tea 茶 Tea 17. 豆腐 Bean curd Tycoon 大官 Great official 18. 颱風 Hurricane Wok 鑊 Cauldron 19. 餛飩 20. 武術 Yamen 衙門 Official door Yen 圓 Monetary unit Yin Yang 陰陽 (Via Amoy dialect) (Via Japanese) (Via Cantonese wok) (Via Cantonese wan tan) (Via Japanese) Japanese money ©2003-2008 J. Lau. All rights reserved. Adapted from http://www.yellowbridge.com/chinese/chineseloan.php 3