Dublin Wholesale Market Report

Weekly Market Report Week 27.2013
Friday 28/06/2013 to Thursday 04/07/2013
Vegetables: The market hit a summer slump with school holidays disrupting established trading
patterns in tandem with rising supplies from the UK and Holland. Accordingly prices weakened.
 A ready influx of UK cauliflower saw prices fall to 650/750c per 12. Curd quality was
good. To illustrate the disparity in growing conditions between this year and last, 1800c
was the norm for UK 12’s in 2012 as against 730c in 2013.
 Broccoli returns faltered. UK iced produce packed in polystyrene boxes were available
at 650/700c per 4.5Kg. Last year in Week 27, 4.5 Kg averaged 2217c as against 746c this
 Good growing conditions brought a plethora of Irish York cabbage. Returns were back
and quality reached a plateau of excellence.
 Small volumes of French Savoy cabbage were offered at €10 per 6, uptake was modest.
 Unchanged returns were quoted for Dutch round tomatoes.
 Good quality cucumbers stabilized at 500/550 per 12.
 The fluctuating fortunes of peppers continued with all colours on the rise again, towards
the end of the period.
 Merchants expected the first lots of Irish carrots to arrive within the next three weeks.
Indications were for good volumes of top quality roots.
 Choice early season swedes were common and returns dipped a few notches back to
750c per 10.
Potatoes : The arrival of ‘second earlies’ saw the passing of another milestone in the season.
 Home Guards came back to 750/800c following increases in the first lots of
Brish Queens .
 Rooster volumes were low and sales tentative at €9 per 10Kg .
 Golden Wonder turnover was lack lustre
Fruit: Downbeat vibes emanated from the fruit scene.
Strawberry sales struggled with supplies good. Vendors hoped for more consistent
sunny weather to get high season sales ‘going’.
 Chilean apples arrived in force with demand fair. Royal Gala and Granny Smith
quality was satisfactory.
 Crisp Pink Lady apples from New Zealand, South Africa and Brazil drew a steady
custom in spite of their €33/34 per100 price tag.
 Orange supplies were short with mostly old season Moroccan, Egyptian and Spanish
on offer. Fresh new season South African Valencias were expected in quantity
 Clementines from Argentina, South Africa and Peru were tight: high values were
 Banana sales were flat.
 Limes were relatively cheap with plentiful supplies across Europe.
 Avocado values dipped also as the supply situation improved.
Flowers: Demand fluctuated but in general was on the better side of fair.
Plentiful supplies of all types with lilies in full flow.