Sno-Ghost By-Laws 09-06-2011 Article 1 Membership & Dues Section A 1. Members joining as a family shall pay $15.00 club dues plus the current state snowmobile association dues. 2. Single members, 18 and older, shall pay $10.00 plus the current state snowmobile association dues. 3. A family constitutes two or more people living in the same residence as a single family unit. Once a family member living at home reaches 25 years of age, they are considered an adult and will need to join the club as a separate member. This will be in affect at the first meeting of the year in September following your 25th birthday. 4. All dues for the Officers will be paid for by the club (See Article 3, Section A#1 for a definition of Officers). 5. Dues are to be paid by the October meeting. 6. Any person or family that has not paid their dues by the October meeting shall no longer be considered an active member. Article 2 Meetings Section A 1. Meetings shall be held on the second Tuesday of each month unless otherwise specified. 2. Monthly meetings shall start at 7:30pm. 3. Meetings shall be held at the present location (The Club Shack, 6405 229thAve, Elk River) until further notice. Section B 1. New members must attend 2 meetings before they are able to vote. 2. Attendance for all members will be taken at each meeting. Article 3 Officers and Elections Section A 1. The Officers shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. 2. The Board of Directors shall be comprised of the Vice-President and four elected members. The Board shall be a rotating Board with each member serving a two year term. The Vice-President shall serve as Chairperson. 3. Any member in good standing can be an elected Officer, meaning dues are paid. 4. Any paid member 18 years of age or older shall be eligible to vote. 5. The election for the offices of President and Secretary and two members of the Board of Directors will be held on even years. 6. The election for the offices of Vice President and Treasurer and two members of the Board of Directors will be held on odd years. 7. The Officers and Board of Directors will be elected for two year terms. 8. Nominations for the election of Officers and Board of Directors shall be held at the regular meeting in September. 9. The vote for election of Officers and Board of Directors will be held at the regular meeting in October by a closed ballet. 10. Elected Officers shall not miss more than 3 meetings from September to April. An Officer doing so will be put before the Board of Directors and Officers for review. 11. Should a vacancy occur on either the Board of Directors or the Officers positions, an election will be held at the next regularly scheduled meeting. Article 4 Committees Section A 1. The club Officers can do the appointment of committee heads on an as needed basis. 2. All duties of the committees will be determined at regularly scheduled meetings. 3. The responsibility of the committee head is to execute the duties of the committee and report back to the club on its progress. Article 5 Amendments Section A 1. The By-Laws may be changed by written motions, submitted by the Board of Directors, read at two consecutive meetings and voted on at the second meeting. 2. Any decisions or changes to club policy must be brought to the club’s Board of Directors attention and voted on at the next regular meeting. Article 6 Disbursement of Funds Section A 1. The Officers of the club shall have the power of donations of $250.00 or less. Any amount above $250.00 must first be submitted to the club at one meeting and voted on at the next meeting. 2. The club shall determine each year as to the dollar amount to be set aside for donations. The budget will be set prior to the May meeting for a vote. 3. Donation forms must be used to request a donation by a club member. These forms will be available at each meeting and on our website. 4. Donations will be submitted at one meeting and discussions will be held and voted on at the next regular meeting. 5. Any member in good standing can submit a single donation form each year, with a cap, to be determined by yearly budget, given to any single event/organization. 6. Money needed for maintenance/repairs on the groomer or equipment used for the trail will be approved up to $500 without the need for a vote before the club officers. Money needed above $500 must be approved by a majority vote from the Officers and the Board of Directors. 7. The Board of Directors, Officers and Trail Account Manager are in charge of making the yearly budget for the club and will present it at the May meeting. Article 7 Policy of Club Function Section A 1. The club will adhere to all Minnesota State Laws regarding liquor and drugs at all club functions. The club will not provide or purchase liquor for any club function. Article 8 Board of Directors Section A 1. The Board of Directors is responsible for maintaining the club ByLaws. 2. The Board of Directors shall have all amendments to the By-Laws documented, for first review by the November meeting. The club will then vote on the amendments at the January meeting. 3. The Board of Directors shall meet at least twice yearly, at their discretion, to discuss By-Laws and any concerns the club members may have. 4. Club members may bring any concerns regarding club issues to any Board member and remain anonymous. The Board members will address the issue at the next regular meeting and seek discussion regarding the issue. Any and all activities performed in connection with the Sno-Ghosts Club is considered ‘volunteer work’ and done so at your own risk. The Sno-Ghosts Club shall be held harmless for any action or injury incurred while volunteering for the club. SNO-GHOSTS MISSION STATEMENT The mission of the Sno-Ghosts Snowmobile Club is to establish and maintain snowmobile trails in our community; to provide safety training and education; to promote responsible snowmobiling as a safe and fun family recreation and to encourage community involvement for the future of this sport.