2013-2014 COURSE PLANNER N5 History: ALEX WEEK DATE UNIT AUGUST 1 12th Changing Britain, 2 19th 1760-1900 3 26th Health and SEPTEMBER 4 2nd Housing 5 9th Changing Britain, 6 16th Transport 7 23th Changing Britain, 8 30th Industry OCTOBER 9 7th Changing Britain, th Democracy 14 st 10 21 11 28th Assessment & New Unit, Scots 12 4th th on the W Front 11 NOVEMBER 13 DECEMBER 14 15 16 17 18 18th 25th 2nd 9th 16th Scottish, Dom Impact: Soc/Cult Scottish, Dom Impact: Ind/Ec TOPIC MON 1 KELLY TUES WED THURS Pupils Return INSET Begin British Unit this week… FRI 2 3 INSET HOLIDAY HOLIDAY Pupils return 4 OCTOBER HOIDAYS Pupils return 1 ASSESS Begin Scottish Unit this week… 2 3 HOLIDAY MONDAY 23rd DEC- FRIDAY 3rd JAN MONTH JANUARY WEEK 19 20 21 22 FEBRUARY 23 MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 DATE 6th 13th 20th 27th 3rd 10th 17th 24th 3RD 10TH 17th 24th 31ST UNIT Scottish, Dom Impact: Politics TOPIC 4 MON TUES 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 21 28TH 5TH 12TH 19TH 26TH 2ND 9TH 16TH 23RD THURS FRI ???TRADITONALLY PRELIM TIME??? Added Value ASSESS (Scotland and Grear War) Imperial Russia: Govt and People 1 1905 Revolution : causes and events 2 Feb Revolution: causes,events ETC 3 Oct Revolution: causes,events,ETC 4 HOLIDAYS INSET Pupils return Added Value TH ST WED Pupils return ST ASSESS (Red Flag) APRIL 2014 SPRING BREAK MON 7 APRIL – MON 21 HOLIDAY Pupils return EXAMS BEGIN TUEDSAY, 29TH APRIL HOLIDAY Pupils return HOLIDAY HOLIDAY Pupils return INSET Pupils return I SUMMER HOLIDAYS 25TH JUNE