
February 17, 2005
Dear Mr. President,
Please let me introduce myself. My name is Elliot. I am a student in Ms. Pak’s Science class in
Taejeon Christian International School. I am 12 years old. I am glad to give you information on earthquakes
and volcanoes. But enough, here is my report.
Recent earthquakes have been occurring in Japan, India, the Indian Ocean, Southeast Asia, the
Mediterranean Sea, Greece, South America, and North America. I can say that smaller earthquakes, called
aftershocks, would happen near the area where the quite considerable earthquakes had happened. Also,
other coming earthquakes would also be near the recent earthquakes, because interaction of plates (pieces of
outer layer of crust) causes stress. So, almost all of the earthquakes happen near plate boundaries, or the
border between plates. My hypothesis is also supported in the next paragraph.
Thankfully there is a way to determine where earthquakes might happen, by observing a pattern of
earthquakes. If a number of earthquakes happen near an area, it is very likely that there will be an
aftershock. Also, the world’s top layer of crust is divided into plates. These plates constantly move, and
cause earthquakes. These plates move when magma in the mantle flows up from the center, cools, and curves
back down. It helps if you think as when a wave (the magma) carries and moves a boat (a plate). When plates
move against each other, they cause stress, which then is released in the form of earthquakes.
The earthquakes that travel through earth also cause seismic waves, which are released from the focus, a
point deep below the ground. These plates cause earthquakes in the form of convergent, (plates move
against each other) divergent (plates move away from each other) or transform (plates move past each
other). Also, coastal lands and islands should be avoided, for usually coastal lands are near plate
boundaries. Islands are made by volcanoes, so it is dangerous because earthquakes and volcanoes happen
near each other.
There is a relationship between volcanoes and earthquakes. During the last few weeks, we compared
recent volcanoes and earthquakes. We were surprised to find that earthquakes usually were near volcanoes, or
vice versa! Therefore, I conclude that when plates interact, it causes both volcanoes and earthquakes.
The interaction causes earthquakes, and also opens the boundary, which then volcanoes are created. Volcanoes
can erupt explosively, or just ooze.
As you know, earthquakes happen when plates interact. Plates can cause stress in the form of convergent,
divergent, and transform. It builds stress, and then is released in the form of earthquakes. Large
earthquakes can also cause aftershocks, like ripples from a stone thrown in the stream. Theses earthquakes
can cause seismic waves and faults (splits in the crust). Plates move when magma in the mantle flows up
from the center of a plate, cools, and curves back down; a cycle.
Also, I’m sorry to say, Korea is not safe from earthquakes, or even tsunamis. Although S. Korea has
been quiet, she is near the plate boundaries, so there is a danger. So Korea should develop instruments to
forecast earthquakes. Also there should be building that can withstand earthquakes. But that is not all.
There are all kinds of natural disasters. I would appreciate it if the governments have more concern,
such as funding or budget for scientific departments of earthquakes.
I really appreciate that you read this letter. If we really work on it, we can save hundreds of people and
prevent disasters.
Dear Mr. President,
Greetings Mr. President, my name is Michael of TCIS. These are my research
First of all, Mr. President, The area in the world that earthquake
occurs most is in the Northeastern hemisphere. I would have to say Mr.
President that it is unfortunately not possible for me to tell where the next
earthquake is happening with the current conditions of technology. There
was not a way to determine it ourselves. There is a relationship between
volcanoes and earthquakes. This is what happens; inside the mantle, is full
of magma as you know well. When magma keeps on moving, the crust
builds up stress because the crust is pretty stiff and the crust at a moment,
starts to crack slowly. When the crust cracks, the inflexibility of it causes
the cracked plate to rub against each other, and that causes a certain area
of the earth to rumble and create a disaster. After that happens, a volcano is
created, or magma oozes out and it forms a new seafloor in the oceanic
crust. That is the end of my research within the reach of your specific
February 19, 2005
Dear President Roh
How are you, Mr. President? This is my great pleasure that I’m writing this letter
to you. First, I’d like to introduce myself. My name is Bryan and I’m a 6th grade student
in T.C.I.S. (Taejon Christian International School). I’m writing this letter because I want
to tell you about earthquakes. Currently, we are learning about earthquakes at school and
I want to give you some information.
As I searched on USGS (http://wwwneic.cr.usgs.gov/neis/bulletin/) about
Worldwide earthquake activity in the last 7 days, I found out that most of the recent
earthquakes occurred at the west part of the Pacific plate. It also happened a lot in
Indonesia and the India region.
I think there are ways to determine what parts of the world are most prone to
earthquakes. The history of earthquake might give you some clue. When we analyze the
records of the earthquakes that occurred in the past, we can find out common
characteristics of the regions where earthquakes happen frequently. For example, lots of
earthquakes happend near the Pacific Plate’s coast line and the west of South America,
both of which are right next to the ocean.
There is a relationship between earthquakes and volcanoes because most of the
volcanoes happened near the Pacific Ocean’s coast line as earthquakes did.
Earthquakes occur because of convection. Convection is when a something goes
through a cycle of heating and cooling. It means the mantel, or magma is moving
underground. Therefore, plates move and earthquakes happen. It also happens because
of seismic waves, or waves traveling from the earthquake focus through earth.
Thanks for reading this letter.
February 20, 2005
Dear, President Roh
Hello Mr. President. I go to Taejeon Christian International School. I’m a student
that investigates about earthquakes. One of my Musical Plates paper says that I’m a
scientist in the Korean Geological Survey (KGS). Actually I'm not. But I will do my best
and tell you what you want to know sir.
So, Mr. President, you would like to know where the most recent earthquakes are
occurring and if they are more likely to occur in certain locations. Hmm… my research
says that there were most recent earthquakes in Japan, Florida, Indonesia, Thailand, India,
California, etc, etc. It appears most frequently in the North/East part of the world.
Especially in the continent of Asia. They also appear to occur along the coasts of land
and islands. I’m sorry I wrote etcetera’s because there were many earthquakes. However
these are the certain locations that they most likely to occur. Earthquakes occur mostly
near islands because they are in the ocean.
Secondly, you would like to know is there any way to determine what parts of the
world are most prone to earthquakes. I will tell you sir. You could find out that continents
that usually contact with water could make earthquakes. If we want to know more, we
can keep track of Earthquakes around the world and look for patterns. We can also
determine where high risk earthquakes zones are located by patterns. Avoiding islands
and coastal lands may be safer to live or visit. We’re doing our best on this.
Hmm… Is there a relationship between earthquakes and volcanoes? Well sir, to
follow our investigations, there is a relationship between Earthquakes & volcanoes
because when the crust of the Earth break, magma can pour out in volcanoes. Some can
cause a big destruction. So you better be careful sir.
Mr. President, you want to know what is causing earthquakes. Well, let’s see…
Ah-ha! As plates rub together, friction is created. This friction causes stress in the
boundary. When the stress builds to a high level, it is released in the focus spot and an
earthquake occurs. So you could say it’s a movement of a plate that is in lithosphere, a
place with rocks located at the surface of an earth.
Did this fully answer your questions? If you have more questions about
earthquakes, you can ask to me. I will investigate more about earthquakes and volcanoes.
Thank you for giving us a mission to investigate. I’m honored to do this.
Sincerely, Jeff
Dear Mr. President,
Hello, my name is Sumin. I am a 6th grader in T.C.I.S. (Taejon Christian
International School). We have been learning about earthquakes for about a semester.
And the object of this letter is to give you information about what we have learned so far
about earthquakes.
The most recent earthquakes are usually in the North East Hemisphere. In
Indonesia, I could see that there were about ten earthquakes there. There were about five
earthquakes in or near Japan, and a few between Asia, Europe, and African boundaries.
But, luckily, there were none in Korea.
Most earthquakes occur near the plate boundaries. Earthquakes only occur when
two plates cause friction and builds up stress which releases on the focus. There could be
another way that I don’t know which could cause earthquakes but I am not sure how. So
earthquakes should occur near plate boundaries.
But earthquakes can be related to volcanoes in some ways. Earthquakes that break
the earth’s surface could have started by a volcano. Lava comes out of the crack in the
earth’s surface, and that crack could become larger and larger and become an earthquake.
It would look like an egg hatching. And maybe I am wrong about this hypothesis; there
maybe isn’t any relationship between earthquakes and volcanoes.
An earthquake is caused by two plates that cause friction. The stress from the
friction builds up as it goes to the focus. Then on the focus, the stress is released and it is
sent as a seismic waves. There are three different seismic waves: surface, secondary, and
primary. Surface waves move up and down & back and forth. Secondary waves vibrate
up & down. And primary waves vibrate back & forth.
Thank you for reading this.
February 19, 2005
Dear President Roh,
Hello, my name is Jane and I go to a school called TCIS. I am in 6th grade and my
science teacher, Ms. Pak, is teaching us about earthquakes. I learned more about
earthquakes from Activity 1, 2, and 4. Anyway, I have heard about your questions and I
will answer them as best as I can.
From the activities, the most recent earthquakes are occurring in Indonesia,
Thailand, Japan and other islands that are close to these 3 islands. Right now, Indonesia
and Thailand are occurring earthquakes more than usual because of the Tsunami. The
certain locations where earthquakes occur are in the continent Asia and Europe such as
Malaysia, Indonesia, Taiwan, Japan, Turkey, and the Mediterrian Islands. Earthquakes
seem to occur on the coast of lands. These places are in high risk of earthquakes.
You have asked me if there was a relationship between earthquakes and
volcanoes? Why, of course there is. When an earthquake occurs, it leaves cracks on the
Earth’s crust. The mantle is made up of molten rock called magma and it is right
underneath the crust. Therefore, the magma moves and it comes straight out of the crack.
When the magma comes out of the crack that is called a volcano eruption.
Friction is created as 2 plates continually rubbing each other. This friction can
cause stress in the boundary. Later, this stress builds up very high and is released on the
focus point. Finally and earthquake happens.
Eventually, there is a way you can determine what parts of the world are most
prone to the earthquakes. You can keep tracks of the earthquakes on a map. For example,
if there were an earthquake in the United States, California, you would mark that place
with a point. The point should be on around 40N, 120W. Then you can keep marking
points on your map for earthquakes. When you are finished, you can look at your map
and see where there were the most earthquakes.
Thank you for asking me these questions. I myself also have learned a lot from
answering your questions. For your safety, please avoid the places where there are
earthquakes. If an earthquake occurs at where you are, I hope that you are safe. God be
always with you.
Date: 02/19/05
Dear Mr. President,
This is the first time that I’ve been working about earthquakes with my class. My name is
Hans, and I am in Ms. Pak’s science class. Ms. Pak teaches us science 6, and we enjoy it.
We’re sending you a letter about earthquakes… did you receive it? If you did, I want you
to read it by yourself if you have time. Go on!
Our class have plotted that earthquakes occur mainly on oceans and continents, but
oceans had more earthquakes. I think that earthquakes will appear in uneven lands, where
it could be pushed, eroded, or weathered in someday. But the oceanic crusts have more
earthquakes, making the ocean to form a tsunami. Many earthquakes boomed cities on
Indonesia, Taiwan, Turkey, and India. Earthquakes appear most frequently in North/East
of the world, especially in the continent of Asia. They also appear to occur along the
coasts of land and Islands.
We have been asked if there is a way to determine what parts of the world are most prone
to earthquakes. Yes, there is a way to determine what parts of the world are most prone to
earthquakes. Number 1: check the area to see what might cause earthquakes and check to
see which parts of the world have a more possibility to have an earthquake. Number 2:
Check the surrounding oceans, which can be more prone, compare to other oceans and
then check the land and then you look at the parts. Number 3: Look at the parts of the
world that touches the prone parts of the sea.
There is a relationship between earthquakes and volcanoes because you get an earthquake
when pressure comes from both sides creating either a downward or upward rise which
when formed upward can create a volcano. I think volcanoes and earthquakes often
appear in same directions because the volcano appears at the land, making land when the
volcano erupts. Earthquakes often appear at islands or so, or oceans. But volcanoes
ALWAYS appear on islands or huge flat lands. Sometimes in Alaska it’s so cold that ash
doesn’t come out from the volcano. In the West Indies the ash comes out from the
volcano and a huge flat land forms.
What is causing earthquakes? Earth is a place, which has two cores; the inner core and
the outer core. On the outer core, there is a molten fire named magma. Pressure and
movement of the tectonic plates can cause faults to move so if faults move rapidly, it can
form a strong earthquake. Try rubbing your hands. It’s hot isn’t it? It’s called friction, and
it’s same rubbing to plates together. Friction occurs when rubbing, and it causes stress in
the boundary. When the stress builds to a high level it is released on the focus spot and an
earthquake occurs.
So I’m finished telling you, Mr. President, and have a nice weekend!
Dear, Mr. President
I go to school in TCIS and I’m in 6th grade. Our teacher Ms. Pak has been
teaching us about earthquakes. I want you to know where earthquakes most happen, what
parts of the world is prone to them, if there is a relationship between volcano and
earthquake or not, and what cause earthquakes.
Many of the large Earthquakes occur in South America, Mediterranean Island,
and southeast part of Asia. They also occur on the coasts and islands. The earthquakes
occur especially in the continent Asia.
Places such as coasts and islands are prone to earthquakes. Also countries in Asia
such as Malaysia, Indonesia, Taiwan, and Japan might be prone to earthquakes. Countries
in Europe such as Turkey and the Mediterranean Islands may be prone to earthquakes.
There is a relationship between volcanoes and earthquakes. The earthquakes and
volcanoes are near each other. The magma coming out of the volcano can cause small
When two plates rub against each other, friction is created. The friction causes
stress. When stress builds up to an exceeding limit the energy is released. The energy is
released in the focus of the earthquake.
This is how earthquakes form, where they occur most, what parts of the world are prone
to them, and how volcano and earthquakes are related.
Feb. 21, 2005
Dear President Roh:
Hello President Roh. My name is Abraham. I am a student of the Taejon International
Christian School. I am sending this letter because we have observed if Korea is safe place
or not for earthquakes.
First, we have observed about the place where the earthquakes most occur. We also
have observed where the earthquakes occur for 10days. Most of them occurred in
Northeastern part of the Earth. Also, They occurred near the coastal land and Islands.
And they occurred near the equator.
Northeastern parts are the most prone to people. Especially, Taiwan, Malaysia,
Indonesia, Japan, Turkey, and Mediterranean Islands are the most prone to people. It
seems earthquakes occur near the plate boundaries. If people avoid islands and coastal
lands, it will be much safer.
We also have observed about reasons why the earthquakes occur. Both Volcanoes and
earthquakes occur near the plate boundaries. When volcanoes erupt, people feel the
ground is shaking. That is one of the reasons why the earthquakes happen.
However, the main reason that earthquakes occur is because the plates rub against each
other. When they rub each other, friction creates. The friction causes stress, and this
stress builds up. This stress release in the focus, and the Seismic Waves occur. That is
why the earthquake happens.
Earthquakes occur in Korea less than other country. However, you have to be careful
even the earthquakes that might occur in Korea in the future. Thank you for reading my
Dear President Roh,
Our class has been studying and tracking earthquakes for quite some time now, and I would like to
share some of my knowledge with you.
Knowing the basic structure of our 4.5 billion year old earth will help you understand many things
and terms later on in this letter. At the very center, there is a core composed of two very hot metals, iron
and nickel. The inner core is solid because of compression and the outer core is liquid. Surrounding the
core is the mantle, which is made entirely of magma. (Magma is melted rock.) Following that is the crust,
which consists of both the Continental Crust and the Oceanic Crust. You might be able to get a brief idea of
what they are by their names. They are the two types of crust floating on top of the mantle. The Continental
Crust is the land on which we live, and the Oceanic Crust is the crust on which the ocean waters lie.
Because of seafloor spreading near mid ocean ridges, the Oceanic Crust is much younger than the
Continental Crust. Both types are also split into 20 major plates. The crust and the upper part of the mantle
make up something called the lithosphere. The part of the mantle directly below the lithosphere is the
asthenosphere. If you have trouble visualizing this, then think of our earth as you would an egg. The core is
the egg yolk, the mantle is the egg whites, and the crust is the eggshell.
Now that you have a brief idea of what our earth is made of, reading this letter will hopefully be
easier for you.
An earthquake happens when two plates shift and rub horizontally (transform plate boundary),
apart from (divergent plate boundary), or against each other (convergent plate boundary). The earth’s plates
are always moving due to the fact that the magma in the mantle is constantly moving too. Quickly moving
faults also cause earthquakes. Like plate boundaries, there are three types of faults. The normal fault (when
one section moves downwards and away from the other), thrust fault (when two sections crash and one
overlaps the other), and slip strike fault (when two sections move horizontally past each other). These
things cause earthquakes every day and everywhere.
The most recent 5.0 and over magnitude earthquakes have been terrorizing the northeastern
regions of the world, near Indonesia and other Asian countries. They usually occur near or on plate
boundaries and the coastlines of land, and also near volcanoes.
I think there is a way to determine which areas of the world are more likely to suffer from
earthquakes. By tracking earthquakes on a map for a period of time like we did in class, you would be able
to see where the most earthquakes occur. Looking for plate boundaries and volcanoes would also help, as
both are related to earthquakes.
Volcanoes, another natural disaster, seem to be related to earthquakes in that the occurrence of
one could trigger the other. Both include the movement of magma. Convection and moving of the mantle
causes the crust floating on top of it to shift, causing an earthquake. A volcano is where magma spews out
of the hole in its top. This would cause the magma to move, which could make the plates shift, triggering
an earthquake. Or it could work the opposite way. The shifting of the plates and crust during an earthquake
could also stir the magma, making it move and spew out the top of a volcano.
I hope you had fun reading this and learning more about earthquakes. I enjoyed sharing this
information with you and I’m sure you’ll do so with others so that they will understand earthquakes to its
Dear President Roh,
Greetings! I am John, a 6th grade student who attends TCIS, a Christian
international school in Daejon, South Korea. I am writing you this letter right now
to answer your four questions that you asked me.
Most recent earthquakes are occurring in the eastern hemisphere around the
edges of Asian countries. The area around Indonesia and Japan had more
earthquakes than other countries of Asia. Earthquakes are more likely to
occur in certain locations like the edges of countries or islands. Earthquakes
also occur a lot in plate boundaries.
Luckily, there is a way to determine what parts of the world are most prone to
earthquakes. All you need to do is pinpoint the area where an earthquake
occurred for a certain amount of time. Then after a few weeks or months, you
can see what parts of the world has the most earthquakes, and what parts of the
world has the least earthquakes. You can also see where they are most likely to
occur, like islands and plate boundaries.
There is a relationship between earthquakes and volcanoes. Earthquakes and
volcanoes are sometimes located in similar areas. A lot of volcanoes are located
near plate boundaries and others are located in or near islands.
Most earthquakes are also located near plate boundaries and islands. For
example, the Ring of Fire in Hawaii is a chain of active volcanoes, and near that
area there are frequent earthquakes which are usually magnitude 4 and
Earthquakes are caused by the release of pressure built up inside the earth.
Some places rub against each other and creates strain because the places are
trying to move when pressure is inflicted. When a lot of pressure
is built up inside the earth, the pressure is released and an earthquake occurs
because of the sudden release of pressure. This is reason why earthquakes
Mr. President, I hope you learned all that you needed to know, and don¡¯t
cut our funding please.
Yours Truly,
Dear Mr. President,
I am writing this letter because I think that you should be informed of some very
important facts regarding earthquakes. This information will include facts such as where
earthquakes are more likely to occur, locations of the most recent earthquakes, what
regions are more prone to earthquakes, the relationship between earthquakes and
volcanoes, and the cause of earthquakes. This information may help prepare South Korea
for possible earthquakes.
The most recent earthquakes are occurring in the Indonesian area and south-east
side of Asia. The countries that are most prone to earthquakes would be Malaysia,
Indonesia, Taiwan, and Japan. Other countries in Europe that are prone to earthquakes are
Turkey and the Mediterranean islands. Islands and coastal areas are more likely to be hit
by earthquakes.
It would be easier to determine where an earthquake might strike if you track
recent earthquakes and look for specific locations and patterns. For example the
Indonesian area has had the most earthquakes and that pattern indicates that earthquakes
are more likely to occur there. You can also build an earthquake detection center and set
up an earthquake warning system that would help prepare Korea for an earthquake.
I think that there might be a relationship between volcanoes and earthquakes. I
think this because the most recent earthquakes have been very close to active volcanoes.
Popocatepetl is a volcano and a recent earthquake has occurred very close to
Popocatepetl. There has been a lot of earthquake activity near volcanoes. The volcanoes
are active when a plate moves and causes magma to come out which also causes
earthquakes to occur.
Earthquakes occur because of the plates shifting and sheering. When a plate
sheers against another it creates pressure. The pressure and energy building up causes an
earthquake. The focus releases the energy and sends out seismic waves which makes the
ground shake. The seafloor spreading causes the pates to move and that creates
If you will consider this information and take the appropriate action South Korea
would be safer from earthquakes.
Dear Mr. President,
I am Jason, a student of Taejon Christian International School (TCIS), and have
been researching and learning about earthquakes these past few weeks and have managed
to finish my conclusion and organize my data.
In the past few weeks, I found that most of the earthquakes have been occurring
along the plate boundaries and for what I think will continue to do so in the future. But if
this is not true then my hypothesis would be incorrect for it is all based around this fact
that earthquakes are happening near the plate boundaries. And another thing is that many
of the earthquakes happen in Indonesia.
Yes I think there is a way to know where an area is most prone to an area
because if all the earthquakes happen near plate boundaries then if the place has more
plate boundaries then it is more prone to earthquakes then most of the other places there
are. So if Indonesia has much of the earth’s quakes make it as then Indonesia would have
more plate boundaries touching and connecting to the plate which Indonesia is on. That is
what I think is a way to find a area that are more prone earthquakes then other places.
And I do not think that there is any relation between earthquakes and volcanoes
because the two of them are cause by two totally different things like volcanoes don’t
happen near plate boundaries and earthquakes do. Another is that volcanoes and
earthquakes have different property for earthquakes create tsunamis and masses of
shaking from a swaying side to side motion and an up and down motion. But a volcanoes
spit out what is from the magma of the mantle of the earth and spewing out ash and
smoke into the air and may even cause less damage then earthquakes for mainly all
volcanoes don’t usually spew out magma mainly only huge amount of ash and smoke.
Now back to earthquakes, earthquakes are cause by plates moving closer together
or from moving to far apart from each other or a slip-strike motion movement of the plate
boundaries mainly known as three types of faults, the normal fault which is the when the
plates move up and one side moves down and pushed creating the fault by compression,
then the thrust fault which is like its name, thrusting, and caused by tension between the
plates, then finally there is the slip-strike fault which is like its name, it slips and strikes,
and is caused by shearing between two plates. Because of these types of fault this causes
earthquakes in these same three motions but the source of this movements in the plates
are caused because of magma. Earthquakes are caused by faults and faults are cause by
magma for magma moves for it is liquid and builds so much stress on the earth’s crust
that cause the it to crack and make faults creating earthquakes.
This is what I have researched and found in my report on earthquakes.
Dear Mr. President,
Hello, Mr. President, I am the geologist you chose to see where in the Earth is safe from
earthquake. I investigated the earthquake and I found out great things.
The earthquakes mostly occur on the edge of the plates. The plates are the pieces of
crusts floating on the magma. There are crust of land call continental crust and crust of sea call
oceanic crust. This is reason why there are both earthquakes on land and ocean. So you should
avoid any place close to edges of the plates
There is way to know what place is most prone to the earthquake. As I mentioned above,
the earthquakes occur in the edge of the plates, so it is obvious to not go near the edge of the
plates. For further information, among edges of plates, there are more earthquakes where the edge
of the plate especially pushes by another plate. By this more stress goes to focus, which causes
As I researched about the earthquake, I found a relationship between earthquakes and
volcanoes. There are three types of plate boundaries, and one of them is divergent plate boundary.
Divergent plate boundary is plates moving away from each other which allows magma to soar
over the crust and if the crust is continental crust, it melts different things on land, and if it is
oceanic crust, it form a new island such as JeJuDo. It is like when the earthquake occurs, and the
plates move away from each other, which are divergent plate boundary, there would be a new
After all this information, you may want to know what causes the earthquake. Focus is a
point where stress builds up while plates move. When the stress builds up so high, so high that
plates can’t hold the stress, it release the stress. When the stress releases the plates suddenly move
which what we call an earthquakes. The plates move by waves released from the focus. The
reason you feel all kinds of motions during earthquake is because of three types of waves. So
earthquake occurs by movement caused by releasing of the build- up stress.
Sir, I think you probably know where is safe from the earthquake. I hope my research
helped you feel about the earthquake. Have a great rest of year.
Sincerely yours, Daniel