Lab Assignments. In this manual all or parts of Assignments 1, 2 and 3 have been adapted from the series ‘Voyages through Time’ produced by the SETI institute for educational purposes. Copyright 2002 SETI Institute Assignment #1 – Chemical Compounds and DNA/RNA This lab will look at some of the basic chemical structures of life. This lab focussed on carbon compounds and on the code for life – DNA and RNA. You will be required to assemble and draw several compounds and to examine the similarities in several samples of RNA from different organisms. In DNA/RNA each protein is represented by a 3 base (the bases are represented by A, C, T/U, G) condon. The sequence of amino acids then represents a protein There are two parts to this lab, In the first you will be using organic modelling kit pieces to try on construct chemical compounds. Carbon forms the basis of organic life. As carbon can form 4 bonds it can form a wide array of chemical compounds and structures. Two substances might have the same basic atoms, but different ways of connecting the carbons can result in vastly different chemical properties. Organic chemistry is the study of the compounds formed with carbon. To be considered an organic compound, a molecule MUST have carbon and hydrogen atoms in its make up. Organic compounds may also contain other atoms, oxygen and nitrogen are particularly common in organic compounds. 1. Take out 6 carbon atoms, and see how many different ways you can arrange the bonding structure. Remember the angle of the bonds is irrelevant; the important factor here is how the carbons are joined. Please sketch each 3 straight line and 3 cyclical arrangements you come up with. PART B In the second part you will be examining several strands of DNA/RNA on a sheet provided in the lab. DNA is a double strand (twisted to form the famous double helix)– where as RNA is a single strand. In this exercise you will be comparing several strands for similarities and differences. Condons are pieces of information representing amino acids. Each condon has 3 letters, which represent 1 amino acid (see table page 177 of text) RNA Sequences Cut the following into strips, leaving the name of the organism attached. See your lab manual for further instructions. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------cut------------------------Human (even) GUGCCAGCAGCCGCGGUAAUUCCAGCUCCAAUAGCGUAUAUUA AAGUUGCUGCAGUUAAAAG -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Yeast (odd) GUGCCAGCAGCCGCGGUAAUUCCAGCUCCAAUAGCGUAUAUUA AAGUUGUUGCAGUUAAAAG -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Escherichia coli (bacterium)(odd) GUGCCAGCAGCCGCGGUAAUACGGAGGGUGCAAGCGUUAAUCG GAAUUACUGGGCGUAAAGC -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thermotoga maratima (bacterium)(even) GUGCCAGCAGCCGCGGUAAUACGUAGGGGGCAAGCGUUACCCG GAUUUACUGGGCGUAAAGG -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thermococcus celer (bacterium) (odd) GUGGCAGCCGCCGCGGUAAUACCGGCGGCCCGAGUGGUGGCCG CUAUUAUUGGGCCUAAAGC -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sulfolobus sulfotaricus (bacterium) (even) GUGUCAGCCGCCGCGGUAAUACCAGCUCCGCGAGUGGUCGGGG UGAUUACUGGGCCUAAAGC Comparing Molecular Data In this activity you are going to contrast sequences of about 60 bases and look for areas where the sequences are DIFFERENT. Cut the RNA Sequences sheet into strips. Compare the letters of the sequence for the six organisms above. Fill in the table given. Interpreting the data: 1. According to the number of substitutions (differences in the sequence) found for the rRNA fragment, which pair of organisms have the greatest similarities? 2. Which pair of organisms are the least closely related? 3. Make three different lists placing those organisms most alike together. 4. How many condons are shown for all organisms? 5. Based on whether the LAST digit of your student number is even or odd, interpret the sequence of amino acids for one of the organisms. (i.e. some with an even last digit would do Humans or Thermotoga maratima or Sulfolobus sulfotaricus . (please note there may not be an exact number of condons) Name: Answer Sheet - Lab # 1 Part A 1. Sketch carbon compounds Student Number: Name: Answer Sheet - Lab # 1 Student Number: . Part B Organism Human Yeast E. coli Thermotoga Thermococcus Sulfolobus Thermococcus Thermotoga E. Coli Yeast Interpreting the data: 1. According to the number of substitutions (differences in the sequence) found for the rRNA fragment, which pair of organisms have the greatest similarities? 2. Which pair of organisms are the least closely related? 3. Make three different lists placing those organisms most alike together. 4. How many condons are shown for all organisms? 5. Based on whether the LAST digit of your student number is even or odd, interpret the sequence of amino acids for one of the organisms. (i.e. some with an even last digit would do Humans or Thermotoga maratima or Sulfolobus sulfotaricus) Use the genetic code table found on page177 of your text.