Enabling Activities for the Preparation of Jamaica’s Second National Communication to the UNFCCC: Climate Scenarios for Vulnerability and Adaptation Prepared by A. Anthony Chen and Michael A. Taylor In Association with the Climate Studies Group Mona, University of the West Indies, Mona August 31, 2008 Table of Contents Chapters 1 Introduction - Climate of Jamaica 1.1 Climatology 1.2 Variability 1.3 Report Objectives Page 4 2 7 Caribbean Climate Trends and Projections from the IPCC 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 IPCC Temperature 2.2.1 Trends 2.2.2 IPCC Projections 2.2.3 Other Supporting Studies Precipitation 2.3.1 Trends 2.3.2 IPCC Projections 2.3.3 Other Supporting Studies 2.3.4 Precipitation Summary Hurricanes 2.4.1 Trends 2.4.2 Modelling 2.4.3 Summary Sea Level rise 2.5.1 Trends 2.5.2 IPCC Projections Evapotranspiration IPCC 4th Assessment Summary for the Caribbean 2.7.1 Limitations of IPCC projection 3 Obtaining Future Scenarios for Jamaica 3.1 GCMs, RCMs and Statistical Models 3.2 Methodology 3.2.1 GCMs 3.2.2 PRECIS 3.2.3 SDSM 3.3. Data – Temperature Rainfall and Streamflow 3.4 General Approach and Study Limitations 24 4 Downscaled results 35 4.1 4.2. 4.3 From GCMs From PRECIS 4.2.1 Temperature 4.2.2 Rainfall From SDSM 2 4.4 5 4.3.1 Temperature 4.3.2 Rainfall 4.3.3 Wet and Dry Spells 4.3.3 Streamflows Physical Basis for Results (Predictors) Discussion and Conclusions 57 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Temperatures Precipitation Wet and Dry Spells Estimates of All Changes 5.4.1 Temperature and Rainfall A Note about Scenarios 5.4.2 Sea Level Rise, Evaporation and Hurricanes 5.5 Research Priorities References 66 Appendix 1 SDSM results for 2015, 2030 and 2050 70 Appendix 2 - PRECIS Results 79 Appendix 3 - SDSM Results for Manley, Sangster and URCR 82 Appendix 4 Wet and Dry Spell Results 86 Acknowledgement 87 3 Chapter 1 Introduction - Climate of Jamaica 1.1 Climatology The climate of Jamaica is basically similar to the climate of the Caribbean, which has been concisely described by Taylor and Alfaro (2005). It can be broadly characterized as dry winter/wet summer with orography and elevation being significant modifiers on the sub regional scale. The dominant synoptic influence is the North Atlantic subtropical high (NAH). During the winter the NAH is southernmost with strong easterly trades on its equatorial flank. Due to the combination of a strong trade inversion, a cold sea surface temperature (SST) and reduced atmospheric humidity, the region generally is at its driest during the winter. Precipitation during this period (December to March) is due to the passage of mid-latitude cold fronts, and the higher elevations receive heavier rainfall, with a rain-shadow effect on their southern coasts which are distinctively arid. With the onset of the spring, the NAH moves northward, the trade wind intensity decreases, the sea becomes warmer and the southern flank of the NAH becomes convergent. At the same time easterly waves traverse the Atlantic from the coast of Africa into the Caribbean, and frequently mature into storms and hurricanes under warm sea surface temperatures and low vertical wind shear, generally within a 10ºN-20ºN latitudinal band referred to as the main development region. These waves represent the primary rainfall source and their onset in June and demise in November roughly coincides with the mean Caribbean rainy season. Around July a temporary retreat of the NAH equatorward is associated with diminished rainfall known as the mid-summer drought. Enhanced precipitation follows the return of the NAH and the passage of the Inter Tropical Convergent Zone (ITCZ) northward. The timing of the processes are illustrated graphically for Jamaica in Fig. 1.1. Also shown in Fig.1.1 is the variation in air temperature which tends to follow the sun, or more precisely the variation in solar insolation. July is the warmest months while January/February is the coolest period. There is also spatial variation across the island as coastal areas exhibit warmer temperatures compared to the cooler mountainous interior of the island. Sea breezes and the warm ocean temperatures of the Gulf and Caribbean Sea also help modulate temperature year round. 4 On average Jamaica receives 1800 mm of rain each year, but there is significant year to year variability (see following section). Northeastern Jamaica receives highest rainfall, while the southern plains are the driest regions (less that 1200 mm annually). Climatology (Bar graph – precip, line graph –temp) Air Temp follows the sun mm 150 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 100 50 0 Celsius (3) Jamaica n b r r y n l g p t v c Ja Fe Ma A p Ma Ju Ju A u Se Oc No De NAH moves closer to equator Stronger trades Low SST Mid-lat fronts NAH starts Northward migration Weaker trades SST begins to increase NAH temporarily retreats Southward ‘MidSummer Drought’ NAH return Northward High SST Easterly waves ITCZ North Fig. 1 The timing of climatology processes for Jamaica (NAH refers to North Atlantic High pressure system; SST, Sea Surface Temperature; ITCZ, Intertropical Convergence Zone) 1.2 Variations from climatology The dominant mode of variability in precipitation in the dry season (December to March) is associated with the El Niño Southerly Oscillation1 (ENSO) signal (Stephenson et al, 2007) with precipitation anomalies behaving oppositely in the north and south Caribbean. The southeastern Caribbean becomes drier than normal in response to a warming ENSO (or El Niño) signal because of a shift in atmospheric circulations (Hadley and Walker circulations). 1 The ENSO signal consists of a warm phase (El Niño) and a cold phase (La Niña). The term El Niño was initially used to describe a warm-water current that periodically flows along the coast of Ecuador and Perú, disrupting the local fishery. It has since become identified with a basin-wide warming of the tropical Pacific Ocean east of the dateline. This oceanic event is associated with a fluctuation of a global-scale tropical and subtropical surface pressure pattern called the Southern Oscillation. 5 The early rainfall season (May to July) is anomalously wet during the year after an El Nino event, and anomalously drier during a La Niña event (Chen et al., 1997, Giannini et al., 2000, Chen and Taylor, 2002, Taylor et al, 2002, Spence et al., 2004, Ashby, 2005) due to warmer and colder than normal sea surface temperatures respectively. Again the variation in sea surface temperature is due to shifts in atmospheric circulations during these events (Wang and Enfield, 2001). The warmer SST is referred to as ‘warm pool’ in the literature. The late rainfall season (August, September, October, November) tends to be drier in El Niño years and wetter in La Niña years (Giannini et al., 2000, Martis et al., 2002, Taylor et al., 2002, Spence et al., 2004, Ashby et al., 2005, Jury et al.,2007) and tropical cyclone activity diminishes over the Caribbean during El Niño summers due to the stronger vertical shears it creates in the wind field (Gray et al., 1994). The phase of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), which consists of opposing variations of barometric pressure near Iceland and near the Azores, modulates the behaviour of warm ENSO events mentioned above (Giannini et al., 2001). A positive NAO phase implies a stronger than normal NAH and amplifies the drying during a warm ENSO. On the other hand, a negative NAO phase amplifies the precipitation in the early rainfall season in the year after an El Niño. The Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) is also associated with greater hurricane activity during its warm phase (See Hurricane Trends below). 1.3 Report Objectives How the climate of Jamaica will be altered by the stresses of global warming is discussed in the following Chapters. In Chapter 2 we discuss the historical trends in Caribbean climate and the projections of the IPCC. In Chapters 3 and 4 we discuss the latest projections for Jamaica based on the use of general circulation models, a regional climate model and on statistical downscaling. A discussion of the results, uncertainties and priorities for research are discussed in Chapters 5. 6 Chapter 2 Caribbean Climate Trends and Projections from the IPCC 2.1 IPCC The climate of Jamaica along with that of the rest of the Caribbean will be altered by global warming. This is the assessment of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in its 4th assessment (IPCC, 2007). The IPCC was founded in 1988 by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). The scientific body consists of 3 working groups, Working Group I which assesses the scientific aspects of climate change, Working Group II which assesses impacts, vulnerability and adaptation, and Working Group III which assesses options for mitigating climate change. IPCC Working Group I Fourth Assessment (AR4) methodology of arriving at a conclusion depends on i. Assessment based on peer reviewed papers and publications up to March 2006, consisting of observed trends in climate, General Circulation Models of Climate (GCMs), downscaling of global models by Regional climate models (dynamic) and Statistical downscaling ii. Strong Physical basis or explanation (theory) iii. degree of agreement between observation, modeling and theory iv. Assessed Likelihood based on expert judgment The likelihood of an IPCC projection is expressed in probabilities but based on expert judgement. The categories are • Virtually certain > 99% probability • Extremely likely > 95% probability • Very likely > 90% probability • Likely > 66% probability • More likely than not > 50% There are corresponding analogous statements about unlikeliness. 7 2.2 Temperature 2.2.1 Trends Global temperatures have increased by about 0.74˚C (0.56˚C to 0.92˚C) since the 19th century (IPCC, 2007). There has been a warming trend from 1950-2001 with minimum temperatures increasing at a higher rate than maximum (Alexander et al., 2006). An increasing trend in both variables is also observed for the Caribbean region (Peterson et al., 2002). Peterson et al. (2002) used ten globate climate indices to examine changes in extremes in Caribbean climate from 1950 to 2000. They found that the difference between the highest and lowest temperature for the year (i.e. the diurnal range) is decreasing but is not significant at the 10% significance level. Temperatures falling at or above the 90th percentile (i.e. really hot days) are increasing while those at or below the 10th percentile (really cool days and nights) are decreasing (both significant at the 1% significant level). These results indicate that the region has experienced some warming over the past fifty years. 2.2.2 IPCC Projections The IPCC projection is for continued warming through the end of the current century. IPCC scenarios of temperature change for the Caribbean between the present (1980-1999) and the future (2080-2099) are based on a coordinated set of climate model simulations (hereafter referred to as the multi-model data set or MMD ) which are archived at the Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison2 (PCMDI); (Christensen et al., 2007). The results of the analysis using A1B Special Report Emission Scenario (SRES)3 (Nakićenović and Swart, 2000) are summarised in Table 2.1 (Christensen et al., 2007). In the Table, the small value of T (column 8 for temperature) implies a large signal-to-noise ratio, so that the temperature results are significant. The probability of extreme warm seasons is 100% (column 15) in all cases and the scenarios of warming are all very significant by the end of the century. Table 1 also shows that the MMDsimulated annual temperature increases for the Caribbean at the end of the 21st century range from 1.4°C to 3.2°C with a median of 2.0°C, somewhat below the global average. 2 3 See http://www-pcmdi.llnl.gov/ See Section 2.3. for an expanded description of Climate models and SRES Scenarios 8 Fifty percent of the models give values differing from the median by only ±0.4°C. There were no noticeable differences in monthly changes. Table 2.1. Regional average of Caribbean (CAR) temperature and precipitation projections from a set of 21 global models in the MMD for the A1B scenario. The mean temperature and precipitation responses are first averaged for each model over all available realisations of the 1980 to 1999 period from the 20th Century Climate in Coupled Models (20C3M) simulations and the 2080 to 2099 period of A1B. Computing the difference between these two periods, the table shows the minimum, maximum, median (50%), and 25 and 75% quartile values among the 21 models, for temperature (°C) and precipitation (%) change. Regions in which the middle half (25–75%) of this distribution is all of the same sign in the precipitation response are coloured light brown for decreasing precipitation. T years (yrs) are meaures of the signal-to-noise ratios for these 20-year mean responses. They are estimates of the times for emergence of a clearly discernible signal. The frequency (%) of extremely warm, wet and dry seasons, averaged over the models, is also presented. Values are only shown when at least 14 out of the 21 models agree on an increase (bold) or a decrease in the extremes (From Christensen et al., 2007). 9 A summary of the monthly projections of temperature up to 2090 for MMD using 21 GSMs is given in Fig. 2.1 Figure 2.1 Monthly temperature change (º C) from 1980-1999 to 2080-2099 obtained from AR4/PCMDI models using the SRES A1B scenario for the Caribbean (CAR) The distribution gives the median (dark line), half the model values between the 25% and 75% quartile (dark shading) and the remaining up to the maximum and minimum values (light shading). 2.2.3 Other Supporting Studies The GCM results were supported by the work of Angeles et al, 2007, at University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez. Fig. 2.2 shows the colour coded projected changes in temperature of about 1ºC across the Caribbean up to the year 2050 under a business as usual scenario called IS92a. 10 Fig. 2.2 Temperature changes simulated across the Caribbean by Angeles et al., 2006 Fig. 2.3 Observed and baseline (NCEP) temperatures and temperature scenarios at Worthy Park in Jamaica for present (1961-90), 2020s, 2050s and 2080s time slices, obtained by SDSM using HadCM3 with A2 emission scenario. Corresponding results for the Caribbean region given by HadCM3 and ECHAM4 are also shown. 11 Statistical Downscaling of Temperature at Worthy Park in Jamaica shown in Fig. 2.3 also show projected increase from 1960-1990 to 2080’s using A2 to be approximately 3ºC (Chen, Rhoden and Taylor, 2006). Increases in atmospheric greenhouse gas concentration by man-made activity causing increased trapping of terrestrial radiation and global warming also produced a strong physical basis for temperature increases (IPCC, 2007) as depicted in fig. 2.4 Fig. 2.4 Increases in the envelope of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere cause trapping of terrestrial radiation and global warming It is very likely then that Jamaica and Caribbean temperatures will increase based on agreement of observation, global models, statistical downscaling and a good physical basis. The extent of the warming will depend on the actual amount of green house gas emissions. Even if emissions ceased today temperatures will rise at the end of the century due to long lifetimes of CO2 and methane and long ‘memory’ of the oceans. 2.3 Precipitation 2.3.1 Trends Two of the Caribbean precipitation indices used by Peterson et al. (2002) show significant changes. The greatest 5 day rainfall total increased over the period under analysis (10% significance level) while the number of consecutive dry days decreased (1% significant level). The results, however, may not take into account differences in the 12 precipitation regime between the north and south Caribbean. Using several observed data sets, Neelin et al., (2006) also noted a modest but statistically significant drying trend for the Caribbean’s summer period in recent decades. 2.3.2 IPCC Projections IPCC scenarios of percentage precipitation change for the Caribbean are also based on the multi-model data set (MMD) and are also summarised in Table 1 for the A1B scenario. The large value of T for precipitation (column 14) implies a small signalto-noise ratio. In general, then, the signal-to-noise ratio is greater for temperature change than for precipitation change, implying that the temperature results are more significant. In other words, it takes a long time for the change in precipitation to become significant. From Table 2.1, most models project decreases in annual precipitation, with a few suggesting increases. Generally, the change varies from –39 to +11%, with a median of -12%. Figure 2.5 (Christensen et al., 2007) shows that the annual mean decrease is spread across the entire region (left panels). In December, January and February (DJF), some areas of increases are evident (middle panels), but by June, July and August (JJA) the decrease is region-wide and of larger magnitude (right panels), especially in the region of the Greater Antilles, where the model consensus is strong (right bottom panels). 13 Figure 2.5 Precipitation changes over the Caribbean from the MMD-A1B simulations. Top row: Annual mean, DJF and JJA fractional precipitation change between 1980 to 1999 and 2080 to 2099, averaged over 21 models. Bottom row: number of models out of 21 that project increases in precipitation (From Christensen et al., 2007). Figure 2.6 Monthly changes in precipitation response (% change) from 1980-1999 to 2080-2099 obtained from AR4/PCMDI models using the SRES A1B scenario for the Caribbean (CAR) The distribution gives the median (dark line), half the model values between the 25% and 75% quartile (dark shading) and the remaining up to the maximum and minimum values (light shading). 14 The monthly precipitation change over the Caribbean from 21 models (MMD) using AIB from 1980’s to 2080’s are shown in Fig. 2.6. It can be seen that most models project decreases in JJA 2.3.3 Other Supporting Studies Angeles et al. (2007) also simulate decreases up to the middle of the century in the vicinity of the Greater Antilles but not in the other islands in the late rainfall season. Theoretically, drying is likely in the subtropics, and the Greater Antilles, (Chou and Neelin, 2004) since water is expected to be transported horizontally by the atmosphere from regions of moisture divergence (particularly in the subtropics) to regions of convergence. 2.3.4 Precipitation Summary There is general agreement among GCMs that in the vicinity of the Greater Antilles there will be significant drying in JJA. A global model run by Angeles et al, 2007, for the Caribbean show decrease in JJA in the vicinity of the Greater Antilles. A drying trend has been observed in at least one data set. Theoretically drying is expected in the subtropics. Other indirect support for drying comes from projections of increases in the positive phase of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and of El Niño like projections in the Pacific, both of which are associated with drying in the Caribbean. 2.4 Hurricanes 2.4.1 Trends Analysis of observed tropical cyclones in the Caribbean and wider North Atlantic Basin shows a dramatic increase since 1995. This increase however has been attributed to the region being in the positive (warm) phase of a multidecadal signal (Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation or AMO) and not necessarily due to global warming (Goldenburg et al., 2001). Results per year obtained from Goldenburg et al. (2001), show that during the negative (cold) phase of the oscillation the average number of hurricanes in the Caribbean Sea is 0.5 per year with a dramatic increase to 1.7 per year during the positive phase. Attempts to link warmer sea surface temperatures (SSTs) with the 15 increased number of hurricanes have proven to be inconclusive (Peilke et al., 2005). Webster et al., (2005) found that while SSTs in tropical oceans have increased by approximately 0.5˚C between 1970 and 2004, only the North Atlantic Ocean (NATL) shows a statistically significant increase in the total number of hurricanes since 1995. In an analysis of the frequency and duration of the hurricanes for the same time period, significant trends were only apparent in the NATL. Both frequency and duration display increasing trends significant at the 99% confidence level. Webster et al., (2005) also noted an almost doubling of the category 4 and 5 hurricanes in the same time period for all ocean basins. While the number of intense hurricanes has been rising the maximum intensity of hurricanes has remained fairly constant over the 35 year period examined. 2.4.2 Modelling Knutson et at (2006) used a regional climate model of the Atlantic basin to reproduce the observed rise in hurricane counts between 1980 and 2006, along with much of the interannual variability, when forced with observed sea surface temperatures and atmospheric conditions. In a later paper (Knutson et al., 2008), they used the same regional model and methodology above in a downscaling exercise (See Chapter 3) to investigate the changes in large-scale climate that are projected to occur by the end of the twenty-first century by an ensemble of global climate models, and found that Atlantic hurricane and tropical storm frequencies are reduced. At the same time, near-storm rainfall rates increase substantially. This is in agreement with earlier model simulations of tropical cyclones in a warmer climate, which showed that there will be an increase in precipitation associated with these systems (Knutson and Tuleya, 2004). The mechanism is simply that as the water vapour content of the tropical atmosphere increases, the moisture convergence for a given amount of dynamical convergence is enhanced. This should increase rainfall rates in systems like tropical cyclones, where moisture convergence is an important component of the water vapour budget. The simulated reduction in frequency of Atlantic hurricanes and storms seemingly contradicts one of the results obtained by Oouchi et al., (2006), who used a high resolution global 20-km grid atmospheric model capable of generating tropical cyclones 16 that began to approximate real storms, as opposed to the downscaling technique used by Knutson et al., (2008). The model was run in time slice experiments for a present-day 10-year period and a 10-year period at the end of the 21st century under the A1B scenario. In the study, tropical cyclone frequency decreased 30% globally, but increased by about 34% in the North Atlantic. The strongest tropical cyclones with extreme surface winds increased in number while weaker storms decreased. (It should be noted that the results of Knutson et al., (2008) do not contradict the possibility of increases of stronger storms, only with the total increase of Atlantic cyclones.) The tracks were not appreciably altered, and maximum peak wind speeds in future simulated tropical cyclones increased by about 14% in that model, although statistically significant increases were not found in all basins (Meehler et al., 2007). It must be noted, however, that these regional changes are largely dependent on the spatial pattern of future simulated SST changes (Yoshimura et al., 2006) which are uncertain. The results of Oouchi et al., (2006), are shown in Fig. 2.7. The top diagram shows the actual (observed) tracks 1979-1988; the middle diagram, the simulated present day tracks. Both compare favourably. The bottom diagram shows the simulation of future tracks (2080-2099), with a greater density of storm tracks in the Atlantic and less dense tracks in other oceans compared to the top diagram. 17 Fig. 2.7 20 Km Japanese model result of Hurricane tracks (Oouchie et al, 200) 2.4.3 Summary There were not enough results from hurricane simulations to make statement about the Caribbean and other hurricanes. IPCC merely states that it is more likely than 18 not (> 50% probability) that human activity contribution to observed trend and that it is likely that intense tropical cyclone will increase in some regions (>66%). This cautious statement was likely the result of the controversy which has involved some proponents of climate change and some hurricane experts. Both sides have valid arguments and it is quite likely that future hurricanes will bear out both sides, with the climate change proponents having the last say toward the end of the century. A statement which was authored by participants of the WMO International Workshop on Tropical Cyclones, IWTC-6, San Jose, Costa Rica, November 2006 states that ‘Given the consistency between high resolution global models, regional hurricane models and Maximum Potential Intensity theories, it is likely that some increase in tropical cyclone intensity will occur if the climate continues to warm.’ 2.5 Sea Level Rise 2.5.1 Trends Global sea level rise over the 20th century is estimated to have been 0.17 ± 0.05 m. From estimates of observed sea level rise from 1950 to 2000 by Church et al. (2004), the rise in the Caribbean appeared to be near the global mean. There have been large observed variations in sea level rise, especially in the Pacific Ocean mainly due to ocean circulation changes associated with ENSO events. From 1993 to 2001, all the data show large rates of sea level rise over the western Pacific and eastern Indian Ocean and sea level falls in the eastern Pacific and western Indian Ocean (Church et al., 2006). 2.5.2 IPCC Projections Global sea level is projected to rise between the present (1980–1999) and the end of this century (2090–2099) by 0.35 m (0.23 to 0.47 m) for the A1B scenario (IPCC, 2007). Due to ocean density and circulation changes, the distribution will not be uniform. However, large deviations among models make estimates of distribution across the Caribbean uncertain. The range of uncertainty cannot be reliably quantified due to the limited set of models addressing the problem. The changes in the Caribbean are, however, expected to be near the global mean. 19 Fig. 2.8 shows the projected average global sea level rise (m) due to thermal expansion during the 21st century relative to 1980 to 1999 under SRES A1B scenario. The differences are substantial. Fig. 2. 8 Differing model results of sea level rise in an A1B scenario (Fig. 10.31, Meehl et al., 2006) Figure 2.9 gives the local sea level change in meters due to ocean density and circulation change relative to the global average (2080 to 2099 minus 1980 to 1999) for the A1B scenario. There is little or no change from the global average for Jamaica. 20 Fig. 2.9 Local sea level change (m) due to ocean density and circulation change relative to the global average (i.e., positive values indicate greater local sea level change than global) during the 21st century, calculated as the difference between averages for 2080 to 2099 and 1980 to 1999, as an ensemble mean over 16 AOGCMs forced with the SRES A1B scenario 2.6 Evapotranspiration The IPCC report does not address evapotranspiration specifically within the Caribbean. However, mean annual changes in evaporation for the SRES A1B scenario are given on a global scale as shown in Figure 2.10. From the figure it appears that by the end of the century (2080-2099) evaporation in the vicinity of Jamaica will increase by about 0.3 mm day-1 relative to current (1980-1999) values. It is to be noted that the evaporation value in the vicinity of Jamaica is given over the ocean, and evaporation over land may be less. 21 Figure 2.10 Multi-model mean changes in evaporation (mm day–1). To indicate consistency in the sign of change, regions are stippled where at least 80% of models agree on the sign of the mean change. Changes are annual means for the SRES A1B scenario for the period 2080 to 2099 relative to 1980 to 1999. 2.7 IPCC 4th Assessment Summary for the Caribbean Based on the SRES A1B scenario, the following summary can be made about future climate conditions within the Caribbean (from Christensen et al., 2007). Sea levels are likely to continue to rise on average during the century around the small islands of the Caribbean Sea …. Models indicate that the rise will not be geographically uniform but large deviations among models make regional estimates across the Caribbean … uncertain. Note: Based on the personal judgement of the consultants, the increase will probably follow the global average. All Caribbean … islands are very likely to warm during this century. The warming is likely to be somewhat smaller than the global annual mean warming in all seasons. Summer rainfall in the Caribbean is likely to decrease in the vicinity of the Greater Antilles but changes elsewhere and in winter are uncertain. 22 Note: On-going analysis of precipitation changes by the Climate Studies Group Mona warrants upgrading the ‘likely’ decrease of precipitation in the Greater Antilles to ‘very likely’ (See Chapters 3 and 4) It is likely that intense tropical cyclone activity will increase (but tracks and the global distribution are uncertain). It is to be noted that the A1B scenario on which these statements are predicated gives an average global increase in temperature of 2.8º C over the present century. If all developed countries were to cut greenhouse gas emissions at the rate now proposed by the United Kingdom and France4, then the global temperature increase would be limited to just under 2º C. 2.7.1 Limitations of IPCC projection The IPCC projections rely largely on GCMs whose resolution are too course to give detailed projections for Jamaica; they give one value for a grid of approximately 2º latitude x 2º longitude, which would include Jamaica, the surrounding Caribbean Sea, part of Haiti and Cuba. Little dynamic and statistical downscaling was included in the report. Insufficient model runs to determine regional distribution of cyclone changes and large deviations among models make regional distribution of sea level rise uncertain. No projections were made for storm surges because of the limited number of storm surge models in use worldwide. Uncertainty about future El Niños was also a problem since the latter impacts on climate variability in Jamaica. In addition many Caribbean climatic processes are not well understood. This is a shortcoming for regional and statistical downscaling as well. 4 The proposed reductions below 1990 emission levels are approximately 50% by 2050 and 80% thereafter. 23 Chapter 3 Obtaining Future Scenarios for Jamaica 3.1 GCMs, Special Emission Scenarios, RCMs and Statistical Models As has been clearly illustrated in the previous section, information on future climates commonly comes from General Circulation Models (GCMs). GCMs are mathematical representations of the physical and dynamical processes in the atmosphere, ocean, cryosphere and land surfaces. They solve for (calculate) and step forward in time equations of motion, the first law of thermodynamics, the physics of water vapor and clouds. Physical processes include atmospheric chemistry, land - atmosphere interactions and atmosphere- ocean interactions. Due to computational and storage burdens, these processes need to be simulated on a supercomputer, and the results are given on a gross scale (~ 2º Lat x 2º Long (~222 km x ~214km) or more). Sub-grid processes are assumed or parameterized, e.g., cloud dynamics, precipitation, radiation and land – surface processes. Nonetheless their physical consistency and skill at representing current and past climates make them useful for simulating future climates due to differing scenarios of increasing greenhouse gas concentrations. SRES GCMs are run under different scenarios of greenhouse gas emissions called IPCC Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES) (Nakicenovic et al., 2000). The scenarios are images of how the future might unfold, or alternative futures. Since many physical and social systems are poorly understood, and information on the relevant variables is incomplete, prediction is not possible in such cases and thus the scenarios are neither predictions nor forecasts, but are rather representations of plausible alternative futures. The emissions scenarios are the basis for the assessment of possible mitigation strategies and policies to prevent climate change. They are summarized in Figure 3.1. 24 A1 storyline and scenario family: a future world of very rapid economic growth, global population that peaks in mid-century and declines thereafter, and rapid introduction of new and more efficient technologies. A2 storyline and scenario family: a very heterogeneous world with continuously increasing global population and regionally oriented economic growth that is more fragmented and slower than in other storylines. B1 storyline and scenario family: a convergent world with the same global population as in the A1 storyline but with rapid changes in economic structures toward a service and information economy, with reductions in material intensity, and the introduction of clean and resource-efficient technologies. B2 storyline and scenario family: a world in which the emphasis is on local solutions to economic, social, and environmental sustainability, with continuously increasing population (lower than A2) and intermediate economic development. Figure 3.1 Special Report on Emission Scenarios (SRES) schematic and storyline summary (Nakicenovic et al., 2000). As seen in the box above, the SRES contain four different scenarios (A1, A2, B1, B2). Two scenarios emphasize material wealth, and the other two scenarios emphasize sustainability and equity. Additionally, two scenarios emphasize on globalization and two on regionalization: A1: globalization (market forces), emphasis on human wealth A2: regionalization (regional oriented economic growth), emphasis on human wealth B1: globalization, emphasis on sustainability and equity B2: regionalization, emphasis on sustainability and equity A set of scenarios thus assists in understanding possible future developments of complex systems. Some emission scenarios and subsets, and corresponding concentrations (CO2, SO2 and N2O) are illustrated in Figure 3.2. The A1B scenario is a subset of A1. It represents a "balanced" progress across all resources and technologies from energy supply to end use. Many IPCC projections are based on this scenario. In this report we 25 also take the average between A2 and B2 to get a ‘balanced’ view between emphasis on wealth and emphasis on sustainability for scenarios of regional oriented economic growth. Figure 3.2 Fossil CO2, CH4 and SO2 emissions for six illustrative SRES non-mitigation emission scenarios, their corresponding CO2, CH4 and N2O concentrations (From Meehl et al., 2007) Due to the large resource requirements, GCMs are normally run by large research centers worldwide and the data made freely available. Table 3.1 (to be discussed in detail in the Sections 3.2.1 and 3.2.2) lists the properties of three GCMs for which data have been extracted for the Caribbean region and for Jamaica in particular (Watson et al., 2008). The table suggests a limitation of GCMs, particularly for a study of this nature. Their coarse resolution (row 4) relative to the scale of required information (country or station level) suggests the need for downscaling techniques in order to yield more detailed information at a finer scale. 26 Table 3.1 Characteristics of Climate models from which Caribbean climate information has been extracted. ECHAM5-OM HADCM3 CGCM2.3.2 PRECIS Acronym ECH HAD MRI PRECIS Model GCM GCM GCM RCM Data Type gridded monthly gridded gridded monthly gridded monthly monthly Resolution 1.875˚×1.875˚ 2.5˚×3.75˚ Scenarios Baseline, A2 Baseline, A2 Baseline, A2 Baseline, A2 A1B, B1 A1B, B1 B2 Simulation Period 1860-2100, 2001- 1860-1999, Organization 2.8˚×2.8˚ A1B, B1 50km×50km 1850-2000, 2001- 1961-90, 2001- 2200 2000-2199 2300 -2099 Max-Planck Hadley Meteorological Climate Studies Institute for Centre, Research Institute, Group Mona, Meteorology, UK Japan Germany University of the West Indies, Jamaica Typically, two downscaling methods are applied – dynamical downscaling and statistical downscaling. With dynamical downscaling a regional climate model (RCM) uses the outputs of the GCMs as boundary conditions to provide more detailed information over a smaller geographical area. Like GCMs, the RCMs rely on mathematical representations of the physical processes. They are especially useful for spatial representations of future climates. Statistical downscaling enables the projection into the future of a local variable by first developing statistical relationships between the local variable and large scale climate variables for current or baseline periods. The relationships are assumed to hold true for the future and so the local variable can be predicted utilising GCM simulated future large 27 scale conditions as predictors. Statistical downscaling is especially useful for generating projections at a particular location. Data from all three methods (GCMs, RCMs, and statistical downscaling) are employed to assess both changes in rainfall and streamflow for Jamaica under future global warming scenarios. The methodology is detailed below. 3.2 Methodology In climate modelling the conventional wisdom is to run a number of models and use an ensemble mean of the model runs as a best value. In the case of modeling in Jamaica this is time consuming and beyond our means. The next best approach is to use the output of a GCM that reasonably represents the present climate of Jamaica as input to our regional and statistical downscaling model. For GCMs we looked at simulations under the A2, B2 and A1B scenarios. A2 and B2 are relatively high and low emission scenarios, while A1B falls somewhere in between, as explained above. For regional and statistical downscaling we used A2 and B2 scenarios and found the average of these two to get an in-between estimate since A1B ‘post-processed’ outputs were not readily available in a form suitable as inputs for the regional and statistical models. For GCMs the periods for which projections were made are • 2015’s – 2010 to 2019 • 2030’s – 2025 to 2034 • 2050’s – 2045 to 2054 For RCMs and Statistical downscaling the projections were extended to 2080’s (2075 to 2084). In addition in Appendix 1 we give the projections for the years 2015, 2030 and 2050 by statistical downscaling, as these years were specified in the terms of reference. The projections around a decadal period were done since these periods would be more meaningful for projections than a single year. 28 3.2.1 GCMs The GCM chosen was HADCM3 since it reasonably represented the climate of Jamaica and outputs were readily available. At the same time data were also extracted from simulations carried out using the other 2 GCMs detailed in Table 3.1 for comparison. Time series of current and future monthly precipitation are extracted for each model’s grid box over Jamaica for the baseline climate (1960-1990) and for decadal periods centered on the 2015s, 2030s and 2050s. The models are run under the A2, B2 and A1B scenarios.. The future change in Jamaica’s rainfall regime under each scenario and for each model is determined by subtracting the baseline climatology (as simulated by the models) from the simulated future climate. 3.2.2 PRECIS The methodology for generating future Jamaican climate using an RCM is identical to that already described for the GCM. Available RCM data come from the PRECIS (Providing Regional Climates for Impact Studies) model which was run within the region at the University of the West Indies (Taylor et al., 2007). Details of the PRECIS model are also provided in Table 3.1. Noteworthy is its 50 km resolution and its restriction to a Caribbean domain. Because of its finer resolution, data are extracted for seven grid boxes (as opposed to the one GCM gird box) which cover Jamaica (see Figure 3.3 and Appendix 2 for detailed coordinates). Data for three grid boxes (boxes 3, 4 and 5) covering three watershed regions for which station data were available (see section 2.3.3) are analyzed in conjunction with statistical downscaling. Data are extracted for the baseline and future time periods noted above and for the A2 and B2 scenarios. 29 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 Figure 3.3 PRECIS grid boxes surrounding Jamaica. Grid boxes are labelled between 1 and 7 for ease of reference in the text. 3.2.3 SDSM Statistical downscaling is facilitated by the use of the Statistical Downscaling Model (SDSM) (www.sdsm.org.uk). The model allows for the development of statistical relationships between local variables (in this case rainfall and streamflow) and large scale weather indices from GCMs. Details about the rainfall and streamflow data used in this study are given in the following section. In the development of the relationships, reanalysis data from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) are used to provide the large scale current climate information. Future data for the same large scale predictors are then extracted from the HADCM3 GCM run under the A2 and B2 scenarios and used to generate the future values of the local variables. The data were extracted from a gridbox centered at Latitude: 17.5°N and Longitude: 75 W (East of Jamaica) since rainfall in the main wet season is influenced by waves to the east. The climate change data (future minus baseline) are generated for the same future time periods noted above. In addition to temperature and rainfall, some streamflows, which are forced mainly by precipitation, are also projected to support the projections for precipitation. This is done because of the limited data available for statistical downscaling (See section 3.3) 30 3.3 Data - Rainfall and Streamflow and Temperature Streamflow data for three rivers in Jamaica are utilised in this study. The rivers are the Great River (St. James) at Lethe, the Rio Grande (Portland) at Fellowship and the Hope River (St.Andrew) at Gordon Town, all of which are primarily fed by rainfall runoff run-off (Fernandez, 2008). Details of the streamflow data are provided in Table 3.2. The approach taken is to directly downscale the streamflow data using SDSM, and to compare the results to downscaled rainfall results for three nearby rainfall stations. The requirement of SDSM for at least 20 years of daily data proved a constraint, and as a result the rainfall stations used in the study were from both airports Manley (Kingston) and Sangster (St. James) and an Upper Rio Cobre Rainfall (URCR) index which combines rainfall data from four stations in the Rio Cobre watershed region: Swansea, Enfield, New Hall and Worthy Park (Brown, 2008). Characteristics of the rainfall data are given in Table 3.2. The stations were the nearest to the watershed regions which had data of sufficient length and quality to inspire confidence when using the SDSM technique. Although a large amount of data was missing from Sangster, SDSM was able to simulate the baseline data adequately, especially for Sangster (See Figure The location of all the stations are given in Figure 3.4. For downscaling temperature for the specific years 2015, 2030 and 2050, data from Worthy Park alone (last column of Table 3.2) was used, as it was the only station with a sufficiently long time series of baseline data. However, in downscaling rainfall for these years, the Worthy Park data was inadequate since over 75% of the data was missing. The Sangster rainfall data was used instead. These runs for the specific years 2015, 2030 and 2050 were done before the Brown (2008) dataset became available. The latter dataset and the streamflows became available as a result of a consultation entitled Development of a National Water Sector Adaptation Strategy to Address Climate Change in Jamaica Prepared for: Mainstreaming Adaptation to Climate Change Project c/o Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (ESL/MACC, 2008) 31 Table 3.2 Temperature, Rainfall and Streamflow Data Characteristics. Data provided by Water Resources Authority and the National Meteorological Service of Jamaica. In the 7th column URCR is a combined rainfall index from four stations in the Upper Rio Cobre Region. Streamflow Station Temp Sangster URCR Worthy Great Rio Hope River Grande River Data 1960- 1960- 1960- 1961- 1961- 1960- 1960- Length 2000 2000 2000 1990 1990 1990 1990 0% 0% 40% 39% 0% 9% %Missing 0% Manley Rainfall Park Data Sangster (Rfl) Available Station Data for SDSM Great River at Lethe (Sf) Worthy Park (Rfl) Rio Grande at Fellowship (Sf) Upper Rio Cobre Basin (Rfl) Fig. 3.4 Location of rainfall and streamflow stations 32 Manley (Rfl) Hope River at Gordon Town (Sf) 3.4 General Approach and Study Limitations Generally, the approach taken is a comparative one. That is: The outputs from the three GCMs are compared to provide a range of possible future rainfall and temperature regimes for Jamaica. Though each model run under each scenario is a plausible future, the results are analysed for general consensus. This is done for setting context. The output from the RCM is compared to that from the GCMs for consistency of the projected climate trends. Additionally, the output over the RCM grid boxes covering the three watershed regions is extracted and region specific scenarios of future climate generated. The SDSM generated future rainfall scenarios for the three rainfall stations are compared with the RCM generated future climates for the grid box in which the station resides. The SDSM generated future streamflows are compared with the future rainfall scenarios (i) for the nearby station as generated by SDSM and (ii) for the RCM grid box in which the watershed region resides. This is done to determine consistency (if any) between the trend in future rainfall in the watershed regions and the future streamflows. It is based on the above comparisons that the severity of the impact of global warming on Jamaica’s climate and streamflows are deduced and conclusions drawn. Each methodology employed possesses its inherent limitations. For example, the GCM information is coarse and may not in fact account for land interactions, since the country is smaller than the grid box. The GCMs also do not all possess the same skill at simulating all variables across all seasons for the region of interest. Both the RCM and the SDSM, on the other hand, may be biased by the forcing GCM. SDSM technique in addition assumes stationarity i.e. a constancy into the future of the developed empirical relationships on which the predictions are based. Data limitation is also a problem since there are few observations with which to compare the RCM results for present climate. 33 The data used in the SDSM methodology are sparse5 and do not give a comprehensive representation of rainfall in Jamaica and the few available station data of sufficient length include missing data stretches. Temperature projections are expected to be less uncertain than projections of precipitation since the signal to noise signal for temperature is much stronger than that for precipitation in dynamic models, and the regression equations for precipitation in statistical models are much more complex than that for temperature. The limitations of the methodologies and the data do not however preclude their use. Instead, the full range of future climates derived from each method is reported as a means of expressing the uncertainty in the results. It is then based on the degree of consensus between all or most of the methods that expressions of confidence are attached to the conclusions drawn. The results and conclusions drawn are presented in the following sections. Confidence in the results is boosted by agreement with observed trends and theoretical understanding of the results, some of which were discussed in Chapter 2 in the IPCC projections and some of which, namely, the changes in the SDSM predictors, are discussed in the next chapter. Data were destroyed in fire at the Meteorological Office in the 1980’s, and search to find copies has had little success. 5 34 Chapter 4 Downscaled Results Some of the results and commentary presented in this chapter naturally coincide with the report on the ESL/MACC (2008) Water Sector Adaptation project since some of the PRECIS data and Sangster and Manley data from this project were used in the ESL//MACC (2008), and conversely some of the streamflow and URCR rainfall data from the ESL//MACC (2008) project are used in this report to provide as large a dataset as possible. The results given offer a look at future temperatures and rainfall for Jamaica as simulated by GCMs and downscaled using PRECIS and SDSM (as explained in Section 2.3). 4.1 From GCMs To provide context, the values for precipitation and temperature for Jamaica from the three GCMs (Table 3.1) are first analyzed to produce scatter plots of projected change relative to the 1961-90 baseline. The results are shown for the annual change and the change during June July August (JJA) for the 2015s, 2030s and 2050s using the A2, A1B, B1 scenarios (Figure 4.1). All models show increases in annual temperature between 0.4ºC to 0.7ºC for the 2015s, 0.6ºC and 1.0ºC for the 2030s’ and 1.0ºC and 1.5ºC for the 2050s. Changes in JJA are not much different from the annual changes. Most models show a decrease in precipitation, which is more pronounced in JJA and become greater with time. Tables 4.1 and 4.2 give the actual values. 35 (a) Scatter 2015s 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 HAD A2 10.00 Had A1B 5.00 HAD B1 MRI A2 0.00 MRI A1B -5.00 MRI B1 ECH A2 -10.00 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 HAD A2 precipitation (mm) precipitation (mm) 15.00 Scatter JJA 2015s ECH A1B Had A1B HAD B1 MRI A2 MRI A1B MRI B1 ECH A2 0 0.2 ECH B1 temperature (oC) 0.4 0.6 temperature (oC) 0.8 ECH A1B ECH B1 (b) Scatter 2030s Scatter JJA 2030s HAD A2 5.00 Had A1B 0.00 HAD B1 precipitation (mm) precipitation (mm) 10.00 MRI A2 -5.00 MRI A1B -10.00 -15.00 0.00 ECH A2 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 HAD A2 30 20 Had A1B 10 MRI A2 0 MRI A1B HAD B1 -10 -20 MRI B1 0.20 40 MRI B1 ECH A2 -30 ECH A1B 0 0.5 1 temperature (oC) ECH B1 temperature (oC) (c) Had A1B 0.00 HAD B1 MRI A2 -10.00 MRI A1B -20.00 -30.00 0.00 MRI B1 ECH A2 0.50 1.00 temperature (oC) 1.50 2.00 ECH A1B ECH B1 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 ECH B1 HAD A2 precipitation (mm) precipitation (mm) HAD A2 10.00 ECH A1B Scatter JJA 2050s Scatter 2050s 20.00 1.5 Had A1B HAD B1 MRI A2 MRI A1B MRI B1 ECH A2 0 0.5 1 1.5 temperature (oC) 2 ECH A1B ECH B1 Figure 4.1 Left panels: Scatter graphs of scenarios of annual precipitation changes vs temperature changes relative to a 1961-90 baseline, simulated by Hadley (HAD, United Kingdom), Meteorological Research Institute (MRI, Japan) and European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts High resolution (ECH) General Circulation Models for (a) 2015s, (b) 2030s and (c) 2050s using A2, A1B, B1 Special Emission Report Scenarios. Right panels: Same as for left panels but for June July August (JJA) changes. Note that the scales are not the same and the position of the 0% change on the precipitation axis varies. 36 Table showing mean annual temperature change for Jamaica 2015's, 2030's & 2050's HAD A2 A1B 2015s 0.50 0.50 2030's 0.85 2050's 1.46 MRI B1 A2 ECH A1B B1 A2 A1B B1 0.59 0.48 0.47 0.57 0.68 0.56 0.48 0.97 0.93 0.88 0.82 0.82 0.94 1.03 0.69 1.56 1.00 1.17 1.49 1.07 1.51 1.51 1.35 Numbers in red indicate changes outside of the standard deviation Table 4.1. Mean annual temperature change for Jamaica simulated by HADCM3, MRI and ECH for A2, A1B and B1 scenarios for 2015s, 2030s and 2050s. Table showing mean annual precipitation change (%) for Jamaica 2015's, 2030's & 2050's HAD MRI ECH A2 A1B B1 A2 A1B B1 A2 A1B B1 2015s -1.60 -5.98 6.93 4.17 12.45 -7.40 -3.71 -2.37 2.64 2030's -12.61 -5.48 6.74 -4.90 8.58 -13.23 -2.44 0.67 -4.25 2050's -15.63 -21.87 -28.27 5.51 7.33 9.43 -10.20 2.44 -3.76 Table 4.2 Same as for Table 4.1 but for precipitation change (%) 37 4.2 From PRECIS 4.2.1 Temperature In table 4.3 we summarize the annual changes in temperature in the 7 PRECIS grid boxes outlined in Figure 3.3 for the 2015s, 2030s, 2050s and 2080s. The values are averages of A2 and B2 results to give an intermediary value between low and high emission scenarios, similar to the A1B scenario used in IPCC 4th Assessment. A progressive increase in temperature is seen, reaching an average over all boxes of 1.1ºC by 2050s and a maximum of 2.5ºC by 2080s. Not all boxes change at the same rate as seen from the table and illustrated in Figure 4.2 for the 2050s. In the 2050s the changes were greatest over the southwestern Jamaica (Boxes 1 and 2). The changes over the seasons are also different with greater changes in the latter half of the year, as shown for Box 1 in 2050s (Figure 4.3). Table 4.3 Changes in annual temperature (average of A2 and B2) relative to 1961-90 average for 2015s, 2030s, 2050s and 2080s Changes in annual temperature (average of A2 and B2) relative to 1961-90 average for 2015s, 2030s, 2050s and 2080s Box 1 Box 2 Box 3 Box 4 Box 5 Box 6 Box 7 AVG ALL 2015s 0.91 0.68 0.38 0.36 0.54 0.46 0.38 0.53 2030s 0.97 0.81 0.53 0.51 0.66 0.60 0.52 0.66 38 2050s 1.77 1.35 0.76 0.73 1.06 0.90 0.75 1.05 2080s 3.45 3.26 1.93 1.84 2.55 2.27 1.90 2.45 Avg A2&B2 change in annual temperatue PRECIS Boxes by 2050s relative to 1961-90 2.00 1.80 Change in degree C 1.60 1.40 Box1 Box2 Box3 Box4 Box5 Box6 Box7 1.20 1.00 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.00 Boxes Fig. 4.2 Average of A2 and B2 changes in annual temperature for PRECIS boxes in 2050s relative to 1961-1990 average Season Changes in Box 1 in 2050s. 2.50 Degree C 2.00 1.50 DJF MAM JJA SON 1.00 0.50 0.00 1 Seasons Fig. 4.3 Seasonal changes in Box 1 in 2050s relative to 1961-1990 39 4.2.2 Rainfall Rainfall change in the 7 PRECIS grid boxes were extracted for the future time slices previously noted under the A2 and B2 scenarios. The results of the averaging both scenarios for the 2050s and 2080s are shown in Figure 4.4. Precipitation begins to decrease in most regions by the 2050s, and by the 2080s the decrease in precipitation becomes significant in all regions, ranging from 25 to 40%. Detailed results for all time slices are given in Appendix 2. 40 Avg A2B2 %change for all Precis Boxes by 2050s relative to 1961-90 25.00 20.00 15.00 % change 10.00 Box1 Box2 Box3 Box4 Box5 Box6 Box7 5.00 0.00 -5.00 -10.00 -15.00 -20.00 Boxes Avg A2B2 %change for all Precis Boxes by 2080s relative to 1961-90 0.00 -5.00 -10.00 % change -15.00 Box1 Box2 Box3 Box4 Box5 Box6 Box7 -20.00 -25.00 -30.00 -35.00 -40.00 -45.00 Boxes Figure 4.4 Average of percentage changes for A2 and B2 2050s and 2080s scenarios downscaled for the 7 regions outlined in Fig. 3.3 using PRECIS. 41 4.3 From SDSM 4.3.1 Temperature Projected temperature changes at Worthy Park, averaged for A2 and B2 scenarios, are shown in Table 4.4 for 2015s, 2030s, 2050s and 2080s. The average temperature was found by averaging the changes in the maximum temperature (TMAX) and the minimum temperature (TMIN). The changes are found by subtracting the projected temperatures (in 2015s, 2030s, 2050s and 2080s) from the baseline model values for 1961-1990 (Current Climate Forcing, CCF61-90). The changes are given for annual values and seasonal values (December to February, DJF; March to May, MAM; June to August, JJA; September to November, SON). The maximum annual change is about 2.4ºC by the 2080s. Table 4.4 Temperature changes average for A2 and B2 scenarios. Yellow rows represent the average to maximum (TMAX) and minimum (TMIN) temperatures Annual Mean WP Temperature (deg C) 2015s CCF61-90 2015s change 2030s TMAX 29.11 29.84 0.73 30.38 TMIN 17.76 18.21 0.45 18.53 Avg 23.43 24.02 0.59 24.45 2030s change 1.27 0.77 1.02 2050s 30.93 18.93 24.93 2050s change 1.82 1.17 1.50 2080s 31.96 19.70 25.83 2080s change 2.85 1.94 2.39 DJF Mean WP Temperature (deg C) 2015s CCF61-90 2015s change TMAX 27.52 28.37 0.85 TMIN 15.95 16.37 0.42 Avg 21.74 22.37 0.63 2030s 29.07 16.83 22.95 2030s change 1.55 0.88 1.21 2050s 29.71 17.29 23.50 2050s change 2.19 1.34 1.76 2080s 30.87 18.17 24.52 2080s change 3.35 2.22 2.79 MAM Mean WP Temperature (deg C) 2015s CCF61-90 2015s change 2030s TMAX 28.94 29.70 0.77 30.37 TMIN 17.26 17.90 0.63 18.28 Avg 23.10 23.80 0.70 24.33 2030s change 1.44 1.02 1.23 2050s 31.04 18.68 24.86 2050s change 2.11 1.42 1.76 2080s 32.41 19.64 26.02 2080s change 3.48 2.37 2.93 JJA Mean WP Temperature (deg C) 2015s CCF61-90 2015s change TMAX 0.39 30.30098 30.69 TMIN 19.09 19.52 0.43 Avg 24.70 25.11 0.41 2030s change 0.79 0.68 0.73 2050s 31.35 20.21 25.78 2050s change 1.05 1.11 1.08 2080s 32.06 20.85 26.46 2080s change 1.76 1.76 1.76 2030s 31.09 19.77 25.43 42 SON Mean WP Temperature (deg C) 2015s CCF61-90 2015s change TMAX 29.66 30.59 0.93 TMIN 0.32 18.7303 19.05 Avg 24.20 24.82 0.63 2030s 30.98 19.24 25.11 2030s change 1.31 0.51 0.91 2050s 31.60 19.56 25.58 2050s change 1.94 0.83 1.38 2080s 32.49 20.13 26.31 2080s change 2.83 1.40 2.11 4.3.2 Rainfall An attempt is made to similarly quantify future changes in rainfall, but at the three rainfall stations previously identified (Manley, Sangster and URCR), using SDSM. Detailed results for the A2 and B2 scenarios are given in Appendix 3. Some graphical representations for the annual and seasonal (DJF, MAM, JJA, SON) rainfall and rainfall change under the A2 scenario for baseline, 1915s, 1930s, 1950s and 1980s are also given in Figures 4.5 through 4.7. A general pattern of decreased rainfall is again seen. The decrease in annual precipitation is almost linear, except for the 2015s and 2050s at Manley and the 2050s at URCR. Decreases occur in all time slices except for the 2015s at Manley, where a slight increase is seen. The decrease is also only 2% at Manley in 2050s. By the 2080’s decreases are close to 20% at Manley, 60% at Sangster and 14% at URCR. By the 2050s the seasonal decrease is more pronounced in JJA and SON. Similar trends are noted under the B2 scenario. 4.3.3 Wet and Dry Spells The percentage of days (wet day %) that exceed a wet-day threshold limit of 0.3 mm, the average length of continuous wet-days with amounts greater than or equal to the wet-day threshold (mean wet spell length), and the average length of continuous dry days with amounts less than the wet-day threshold (mean dry spell length) for Manley are given in Figure 4.8. The corresponding graphs for Sangster and the Upper Rio Cobre River are given in Figures 4.9 and 4.10. The values used in the graphs are given in Appendix 4. 43 The percentage wet days all decrease below the 1961-90 baseline in JJA except for Manley in the 2050s. The decrease is also noted in SON, except for the 2015s and 2030s at Manley and the 2015s at URCR. The concomitant decrease in wet spell length and increases in dry spell length are also noted in JJA and SON. 44 (a) (b) (c) (d) Figure 4.5 Absolute values of SDSM results using HAD3 A2 scenarios for (a) annual and (c) seasonal (DJF, MAM, JJA, SON) rainfall for 1960-90, 1915s, 1930s, 1950s and 1980s; percentages changes in (b) annual and (d) seasonal rainfall in 1915s, 1930s, 1950s and 1980s compared to 1961-90, for Manley 45 (b) (a) (d) (c) Figure 4.6 Same as for Fig. 4.5 but for Sangster. 46 (b) (a) (d) (c) Figure 4.7 Same as for Fig. 4.5 but for URCR. 47 (a) (b) (c) Figure 4.8 SDSM results (a) % wet days, (b) wet spell length and (c) dry spell length at Manley for 1961-90, 2015s, 2030s, 2050s and 2080s using HAD3 A2 scenarios. 48 (a) (b) (c) Figure 4.9 Same as for Fig.4.8, but for Sangster. 49 (a) (b) (c) Figure 4.10 Same as for Fig. 4.8, but for URCR. 50 51 4.3.4 Streamflow To supplement the precipitation results, streamflow rates for the three river basins (Great River, Hope River and Rio Grande) were downscaled by SDSM. The results for are shown in Figures 4.11 through 4.13 respectively and are compared with the precipitation results. Streamflow changes at Great River and Hope River compare favourably with precipitation at Sangster. Annual values decrease progressively for 1960-90 to 2080s, except that the decrease at Great River in the 2030s and 2050s is practically the same. Seasonal decreases are greatest in JJA, followed by decreases in SON. While annual values of streamflow at Rio Grande also decrease progressively from 1960-90 to the 2080s, the seasonal pattern is different, showing marked decreases in all seasons, but least decrease in JJA. In addition the decreases are so marked that the streamflow is reduced to nil by 2080s. There is a greater uncertainty in the projections for Rio Grande and this will be discussed in Section 5.2. 4.4 Physical Basis for Results (Predictors) The predictors which correlated significantly with precipitation and streamflows are shown in Table 4.5. Since precipitation and streamflows decrease by 2080s, these predictors should be able to explain the decrease. Increasing geopotential heights (p500na and p850na) are associated with increasing atmospheric high pressure systems and therefore with less precipitation. Decreasing meridional velocity (8_vna) and vorticity (8_zna and zna) are linked with less atmospheric convergence and therefore less precipitation. Decreasing relative humidity (r500na and r850na) means that less moisture is in the atmosphere and therefore the chances of precipitation are less likely. Note that near surface relative humidity (rhumna) is increasing but the atmosphere dries out by the time it reaches 850 and 500 hPa or is transported southward to the ITCZ (Chou and Neelin,2004). Surface air flow strength (fna) is a predictor only for Rio Grande. The Rio Grande is in a valley surrounded by high mountains. Orographic precipitation occurs when winds drive moisture up the mountains. Therefore decreasing air flow strengths would be associated with decreased precipitation. 52 Table 4.5 List of predictors used in SDSM and their tendenc;y in 2080s. x’s under a station indicate that the predictor was used. Tendency Predictors in 2080s Great Hope Manley Sangster URCR River River Rio Grande 500 hPa Geopotential Height (p500na) Increasing x x 850 hPa Geopotential Height (p850na) Increasing x x 850 hPa Meridional Velocity (8_vna) Decreasing 850 hPa Vorticity (8-zna) Decreasing x x Near Surface Relative Humidity (rhumna) Increasing x Relative Humidity at 500 hPa (r500na) Decreasing X x x Decreasing X x x x x x Relative Humidity at 850 hPa (r850na) Surface Air Flow Strength (fna) Decreasing Surface Vorticity (zna) Decreasing x x 53 x (b) (a) (c) (d) Figure 4.11 Absolute values of SDSM results using HAD3 A2 scenarios for (a) annual and (c) seasonal (DJF, MAM, JJA, SON) streamflow at Great River for 1960-90, 1915s, 1930s, 1950s and 1980s; percentages changes in (b) annual and (d) seasonal rainfall in 1915s, 1930s, 1950s and 1980s compared to 1961-90. 54 Annual % change in daily streamflow at Hope relative to 1961-90 Had3 A2 Box 77 1 0 0.8 -5 1960-90 0.6 2015s 2030s 2050s 0.4 2080s streamflow (m3/s) streamflow (m 3/s) Annual Average Streamflow at Hope Had3 A2 Box 77 0.2 -10 2015s 2030s 2050s 2080s -15 -20 0 -25 Years (b) (a) % Seasonal Changes in Hope River Streamflow Relative to 1961-90 Had3 A2 Box77 Seasonal Streamflow at Hope (Had3 a2 Box 77) 10 1.5 5 0 1961-90 2015s 2030s 2050s 2080s 0.5 Precip Changes (%) Streamflow m 3/s DJF 1 MAM JJA -10 2015s -15 2030s 2050s -20 2080s -25 -30 -35 -40 0 DJF MAM JJA SON SON -5 -45 (d) (c) Figure 4.12 As in Figure 4.11 but for Hope River. 55 (b) (a) (c) (d) Figure 4.13 As in Figure 4.11 but for Rio Grande. 56 Chapter 5 Discussion and Conclusion 5.1 Temperatures As previously suggested, the comparison of results from the GCMs, PRECIS and SDSM provides a means of assessing the confidence in results. The general agreement among GCMs that temperatures will increase gives a high probability that increases will occur in the Caribbean, especially since the temperature signal to noise ratio is high (Section 2.3.2) for the GCMs. The probability is increased because of agreement with PRECIS and SDSM results. Confidence is further enhanced because of observed trends in warming and the science of global warming is well understood and almost universally accepted. The temperature increase will depend on the future emissions. Under the A1B scenario temperatures in the Caribbean are expected to rise by about 1.5ºC by 2050s and be just under the global average of 2.8ºC by the end of the 21st century. Temperature increases over the 7 PRECIS boxes were given in the previous chapter along with temperature increases at Worthy Park obtained from SDSM results. Worthy Park lies in Box 3 but close to the border with Box 2, so some comparison is possible. The increases are based on averages of A2 and B2 scenarios. Figure 5.1 does show that the changes in Temperature at Worthy Park is close to an average of changes in Boxes 2 and 3 in 2015s and 2080s, but is higher than either boxes in 2030s and 2050s. Thus while there is great confidence that temperatures are very likely to increase over Jamaica, the exact value of the changes are uncertain. For temperature changes over Jamaica it may be prudent to use the average of all 7 boxes, which is also given in Figure 5.1. 57 Avg A2&B2 Annual Temperature Change 3.50 3.00 Degree C 2.50 2.00 Box 3 WP Box2 All Boxes 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 2015s 2030s 2050s 2080s Fig, 5.1 Average of A2 and B2 annual temperatures changes in Box 3, Worthy Park (WP), Box 2 and in all boxes (averaged). 5.2 Rainfall Most GCM simulations of future Caribbean precipitation show a decrease in annual values and in JJA, by the end of the century under the A1B scenario. However, the signal to noise ratio is low and the precipitation signal does not become significant until the latter half of the century. The PRECIS and SDSM results, averaged for A2 and B2 scenarios, given in Chapter 4 support the general trend and the probability is therefore high that decreases in precipitation will occur, especially by the 2080s. The magnitude of the decrease however is uncertain. To help to reduce the uncertainty, we compare the PRECIS and SDSM results, i.e. we compare the station projections from SDSM with the projections from PRECIS in the grid boxes in which they fall. In doing so, it is noted that the uncertainty in rainfall decreases in the 2050s, based on projections by PRECIS ,will also be compounded by the 58 fact that the precipitation signal to noise ratio for GCMs does not become significant until late in the century and the same may be true for PRECIS. Figure 5.2 shows the average annual precipitation percentage change for Great River streamflow, Sangster rainfall and PRECIS box 5 precipitation. There is good agreement between PRECIS and SDSM with respect to rainfall, with projected decreases being 40% and 55% respectively by the 2080s. The corresponding decrease in streamflow is over 10%. The streamflow here is not used as an estimate of precipitation, but merely to support the projection of a decrease. A conservative estimate of 40% decrease i.e., the decrease projected by PRECIS in box 5, is therefore recommended for use in estimating water resources in 2080s. For the 2050s the decreases given by PRECIS and SDSM are 4% and 36%. Since the change at Sangster is much greater, a conservative recommendation for decrease in precipitation in region 5 by 2050s is 10%. Figure 5.3 gives the average of A2 and B2 projections of change in streamflow at Hope River, rainfall at Manley, rainfall in the Upper Rio Cobre Region, and PRECIS Box 3 precipitation for the 2015s, 2030s, 2050s and 2080s. The results from Manley are questionable because of the large fraction of missing daily station data that were used in the SDSM analysis, and because the simulated baseline did not fit as well with the observed data, compared to the Sangster results. Decreases have set in from 2030s. By the 2080s PRECIS shows a precipitation deficit of over 30%. Taking into consideration the smaller deficit projected for the Upper Rio Cobre River basin, a conservative estimate of reduction in rainfall by 2080s is 20%. The deficit in streamflow at Hope River and rainfall at Manley support this estimate of reduction. Again based on the precipitation deficits in Region 3 and in the Upper Rio Cobre River region, the estimate of reduction in rainfall in the 2050s is 10%. 59 Figure 5.2 Average of A2 and B2 projected changes in streamflow at Great River and precipitation at Sangster and in Box 5 for 2015s, 2030s, 2050s and 2080s. Avg A2B2 Annual % Change for Box 3 Area 5 0 2015s 2030s 2050s 2080s -5 -10 Hope R. Manley -15 URCR Box 3 -20 -25 -30 -35 Figure 5.3 Same as for Figure 4.15 at Hope River, Manley, URCR and in Box 3 The PRECIS results given in Figure 4.4 are reproduced below for ease of reading. There are no SDSM results for comparison in Regions 1, 2, 6 and 7. For these regions an 60 estimate of reduction in precipitation by the 2080s is 30%, which is close to the PRECIS results. For the 2050s the estimate of changes in regions 2, 6 and 7 for this time slice is 10%, while for box 1 there is a small increase in precipitation. Owing to the uncertainty about the precipitation signal for the 2050s, it is best to assume that there is no change in precipitation in box 1 at this time. Avg A2B2 %change for all Precis Boxes by 2050s relative to 1961-90 25.00 20.00 15.00 % change 10.00 Box1 Box2 Box3 Box4 Box5 Box6 Box7 5.00 0.00 -5.00 -10.00 -15.00 -20.00 Boxes Avg A2B2 %change for all Precis Boxes by 2080s relative to 1961-90 0.00 -5.00 -10.00 % change -15.00 Box1 Box2 Box3 Box4 Box5 Box6 Box7 -20.00 -25.00 -30.00 -35.00 -40.00 -45.00 Boxes Figure 4.4 Average of percentage changes for A2 and B2 2050s and 2080s scenarios downscaled for the 7 regions outlined in Fig. 3.3 using PRECIS. 61 The region covered by box 4 clearly poses a problem. Whereas PRECIS simulated an increase in precipitation in the 2050s, the downscaling of streamflow in the Rio Grande (which lies in box 4) projected decreases in streamflow of 60% i.e. a severe reduction of rainfall. By the 2080s streamflow is reduced to nil using SDSM downscaling, yet reduction in rainfall in box 4 was only simulated to decrease by about 25% by PRECIS. To make some sense of this the rainfall process in the region should be considered. The highest peaks in Jamaica, some over 2000 m, are situated in the parishes of Portland and St. Thomas, which comprise the region occupied by box 4. The rainfall is orogrophic6, driven by winds pushing moisture up the mountains on the windward side in Portland. The windward side is consequently wetter (annual rainfall of 367 cm) and the leeward side in St. Thomas drier (annual rainfall of 229 cm). The major predictor for streamflow in Portland is the surface airflow strength, which forces the wind up the mountains. Future global warming will cause the surface airflow strength to decrease, leading to reduced orographic rainfall, and consequently a decrease of rainfall in Portland, affecting rainfall more in Portland than in St. Thomas. The decrease simulated in region 4 by PRECIS would likely be comprised of a greater decrease in Portland and a lesser decrease in St. Thomas. The decrease in streamflow in the Rio Grande valley downscaled by SDSM is too severe to be accepted, since it is produced by only one simulation. Another SDSM simulation which did not use surface airflow strength gives less reduction in streamflow. As a compromise, then, it is suggested that the rainfall in box 4 be considered in 2 parts that in Portland and that in St. Thomas - and that the estimate of reduction in Portland be 40% and in St. Thomas be 20% by 2080s. Because of the problem of possible low precipitation signal to noise ratio in the 2050s, no estimate is made for box 4 despite the projected increase in rainfall. Because of the low signal to noise ratio in the rainfall signal in PRECIS and limited station data for SDSM analysis, no reliable estimate can be made of precipitation in the 2015s and 2030s. Instead we simply list the average of all PRECIS boxes as ‘estimates’ for all of Jamaica over these years. 6 No empirical study of orographic clouds has been done for Blue Mountains in the vicinity of Portland and St. Thomas, but the process is well known (See e.g., Wallace and Hobbs, Atmospheric Science, Academic Press, 1997), and the rainfall pattern there conforms to this process. 62 5.3 Wet Spells and Dry Spells Based on SDSM analysis of precipitation, wet-day % and wet spells lengths will decrease while dry spells lengths will increase. For Sangster (located in box 5), the decreases in wet-day% and wet spell are 24% and 7% respectively for the 2050s and 44% and 10% for the 2080s. Dry spells will increase by 32% and 80% by the 2050s and 2080s respectively. For box 3, based on an average of values for Manley and URCR, the decreases in wet-day% and wet spell lengths are 2% and 3% respectively by the 2050s and 7% and 6% respectively by the 2080s. Dry spell lengths will increase by 1% and 4% in the 2050s and 2080s respectively. There are no data with which to make estimates for the other regions. The major difference between Sangster, on the one hand, and Manley and URCR on the other seems to be that Sangster rainfall is controlled by a high pressure system (geopotential height) as well as relative humidity, whereas the others are controlled primarily by relative humidity. 5.4 Estimates of All Changes 5.4.1 Temperature and Rainfall Based on the above discussion, the estimates for temperature and rainfall changes are summarised in the following table (Table 5.1). The values in red are more uncertain because of the low signal to noise ratios. Table 5.1 Absolute change in temperature for Jamaica and percentage change in rainfall for 7 regions. Regions refer to the portion of Jamaica contained in the PRECIS boxes 1 through 7 shown in Figure 3.3. The values in red are more uncertain. Estimated changes from 1961-1990 averages 2015s Temperature change (ºC) Precipitation change (%) Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Region 4: Portland St. Thomas 2030s 2050s 20280s 0.53 0.66 1.05 2.45 -2.28 -2.28 -2.28 -2.28 -2.28 -2.28 4.54 4.54 4.54 4.54 4.54 4.54 0 -10 -10 -30 -30 -20 No estimate No estimate -40 -20 63 Region 5 Region 6 Region 7 -2.28 -2.28 -2.28 4.54 4.54 4.54 -10 -10 -10 -40 -30 -30 Wet-day% Manley, URCR Sangster 0 -9 -2 -18 -2 -24 -7 -44 Wet spell length Manley, URCR Sangster -1 -4 -4 -8 -3 -7 -6 -10 Dry spell length Manley, URCR Sangster 0 8 3 19 1 32 4 83 A Note about Scenarios All the estimates given above are based on averages of A2 (higher emission) and B2 (lower emission) scenarios. Many scientists and international organizations are now advocating significant cutbacks in greenhouse gases in order to limit temperature rises to less than 2ºC during this century (UNDP, 2007). Several countries of the European Union have given commitments to these drastic reductions. The Governments of France and the United Kingdom, for example, have stated their intention to cut emissions by approximately 80% by 2050. However the chances of limiting temperature rise to less than 2ºC is slim because of economic and political hurdles. Energy Information Administration (Washington, DC), in its International Energy Outlook 2008 report released in June, predicts that world energy demand and carbon dioxide emissions will grow by about 50 percent over the next two decades. 5.4.2 Sea Level Rise, Evaporation and Hurricanes By the end of the century sea levels are also expected to rise by 0.21 to 0.48 meters under an A1B scenario using IPCC (2007) projections, but the models exclude future rapid dynamical changes in ice flow. A recent study of ice flows suggests that the rate of rise may actually double (Science Daily, Feb. 12, 2008) or be greater (guardian.co.uk, September 01 2008). 64 Evaporation is also projected to increase by approximately 0.3 mm/day over the sea. As noted before, the changes over land may be less. The frequency of hurricanes increasing or decreasing is uncertain but it is likely that with increased sea surface temperatures, rainfall amounts from storms and hurricanes will increase. While frequency of occurrence is uncertain, one model (Oochie et al., 2006) has projected more intense, hurricanes in the Atlantic. Given the consistency between high resolution global models, regional hurricane models and Maximum Potential Intensity theories, it is likely that some increase in tropical cyclone intensity will occur if the climate continues to warm. 5.5 Research Priorities The limitation of the scenarios and estimates described in this report are outlined in section 3.4 (General Approach and Study Limitations). 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Science, 309, 18441846 69 Appendix 1 SDSM results for 2015, 2030 and 2050 SDSM results during the years 2015, 2030 and 2050 are given since these years were specifically mentioned in the terms of reference of the project. They are not as meaningful for planning purposes as the projections for the decades centered around 2015, 2030, 2050 and 2080. The simulations are under A2 and B2 emissions. Temperature changes are given only for Worthy Park, a station in the Upper Rio Cobre basin, since this was the only station with sufficient data, while precipitation changes are given for both Worthy Park and Sangster. Temperature Changes Figure A1.1 gives the comparison of the monthly mean observed maximum temperature (blue line) at Worthy Park during the period 1961-1990 (baseline) with simulations from a weather generator (purple line) used in SDSM, and 2 simulations of temperature during the baseline period by SDSM (red-green lines). It can be seen that the temperatures simulated by SDSM agree fairly closely with the observed data, and the weather generator data, suggesting the SDSM adequately simulated the baseline data. Fig A1.1 Observed and simulated monthly maximum temperature during the baseline period 1961-1990 Figures A1.2 through A1.4 give projected changes in monthly maximum temperatures for 2015, 2030 and 2050. The solid green line gives the simulated baseline 70 period (1961-90) for comparison. The other solid line in each figure gives the A2 simulation, while the dashed line gives the B2 simulation. There does not appear to be an emerging pattern in the relationship between A2 and B2 scenarios on a monthly basis. On an annual basis, A2 emissions give greater temperature changes than B2, except for 2050, surprisingly (Fig. A1.5) Fig. A1.2 Baseline and 2015 monthly maximum temperatures under A2 and B2 emissions. Fig. A1.3 Baseline and 2030 monthly maximum temperatures under A2 and B2 emissions. 71 Fig. A1.4 Baseline and 2050 monthly maximum temperatures under A2 and B2 emissions. Fig. A1.5 Annual maximum temperature changes in 2015, 2030 and 2050 under A2 and B2 emissions 72 Fig A1.6 gives the relative number of maximum temperature peaks over a temperature threshold of 32ºC (89.6ºF). The observed peaks (purple) and simulated peaks (green) in the baseline period are given for comparison. The simulation overestimates the peaks. However it can be seen that the peaks in 2015, 2030 and 2050 gradually increase above the simulated baseline peaks. In other words, the number of days above 32ºC continually increases as we go from the baseline period to 2050 Fig. A1.6 Relative peaks over a threshold of 32ºC for 2015, 2030 and 2050 as compared with the simulated baseline period (green). The observed number of beaks is given (purple). Except for a difference in colours, Figs. A1.7 to A1.10 are corresponding changes in minimum temperature in 2015, 2030 and 2050. Fig. A1.10 shows clearly that annual 73 temperatures are increasing and that the changes under B2 emission are greater than under A2 emissions. The results of all temperature analyses are summarized in Table A1. Fig. A1.7 Baseline and 2015 monthly minimum temperatures under A2 and B2 emissions. Fig. A1.8 Baseline and 2030 monthly minimum temperatures under A2 and B2 emissions. 74 Fig. A1.9 Baseline and 2050 monthly minimum temperatures under A2 and B2 emissions. Fig. A1.10 Annual minimum temperature changes in 2015, 2030 and 2050 under A2 and B2 emissions Table A1 The seasonal and annual maximum and minimum temperature results in Celsius degrees are summarized . The temperatures values given are based on an average 75 of the results using A2 and B2 emissions. For each period, the maximum (TMAX) and minimum (TMIN) temperatures are given for the baseline period (CCF61-90) 7 , 2015, 2030 and 2050, as well as the changes during these years from the baseline values. The averages of the A2 and B2 values are highlighted in yellow. Annual Mean WP Temperature (deg C) based on average of A2 and B2 TMAX TMIN Avg CCF61-90 29.16 17.76 23.46 2015 29.86 18.19 24.02 2015 change 0.70 0.43 0.56 2030 30.35 18.52 24.43 2030 change 1.19 0.76 0.97 2050 30.72 18.69 24.70 2050 change 1.55 0.93 1.24 2050 29.37 17.16 23.27 2050 change 1.74 1.21 1.48 2050 30.61 18.34 24.47 2050 change 1.74 1.08 1.41 2050 19.75 19.77 19.76 2050 change 0.65 0.67 0.66 2050 31.41 19.47 25.44 2050 change 1.52 0.74 1.13 DJF Mean WP Temperature (deg C) based on average of A2 and B2 TMAX TMIN Avg CCF61-90 27.63 15.95 21.79 2015 28.35 15.95 22.15 2015 change 0.72 0.00 0.36 2030 29.12 17.05 23.09 2030 change 1.49 1.10 1.30 MAM Mean WP Temperature (deg C) based on average of A2 and B2 TMAX TMIN Avg CCF61-90 28.87 17.26 23.07 2015 29.93 18.05 23.99 2015 change 1.06 0.79 0.93 2030 30.41 18.31 24.36 2030 change 1.54 1.05 1.29 JJA Mean WP Temperature (deg C) based on average of A2 and B2 TMAX TMIN Avg CCF61-90 19.10 19.09 19.10 2015 19.40 19.66 19.53 2015 change 0.30 0.56 0.43 2030 19.72 19.66 19.69 2030 change 0.62 0.56 0.59 SON Mean WP Temperature (deg C) based on average of A2 and B2 TMAX TMIN Avg CCF61-90 29.89 18.73 24.31 2015 30.70 19.11 24.90 2015 change 0.81 0.38 0.59 Precipitation Changes 7 CCF refers to current climate forcing 76 2030 30.83 19.05 24.94 2030 change 0.95 0.32 0.63 Similar analyses were made for precipitation. Table A2 and A3 give summaries of the results for precipitation at Worth park and Sangster corresponding to the summary Table A1 for temperature. Table A2 As for Table A1, except for precipitation at Worthy Park generated using A2 and B2 scenarios. Annual Rainfall (mm/month) CCF61-90 A2 B2 Avg 172 171 171 2015 157 188 172 2015% change -9 10 1 2030 181 145 163 -4 2 -1 2030 146 140 143 -16 34 9 2030 156 170 163 -6 3 -1 2030 189 161 175 -9 2 -3 2030 233 110 171 2030% change 6 -15 -5 2050 149 148 148 2050 %change -13 -14 -14 15 12 14 2050 112 136 124 2050 %change -12 9 -1 3 9 6 2050 144 154 149 2050 %change -5 -1 -3 3 -12 -4 2050 146 137 142 2050 %change -20 -25 -23 4 -50 -23 2050 192 164 178 2050 %change -14 -26 -20 DJF Rainfall (mm/month) CCF61-90 A2 B2 Avg 127 125 126 2015 122 128 125 2015% change 2030% change MAM Rainfall (mm/month) CCF61-90 A2 B2 Avg 152 156 154 2015 128 208 168 2015% change 2030% change JJA Rainfall (mm/month) CCF61-90 A2 B2 Avg 183 182 183 2015 173 189 181 2015% change 2030% change SON Rainfall (mm/month) CCF61-90 A2 B2 Avg 223 221 222 2015 204 226 215 2015% change 77 2030% change Table A3 As for Table A1, except for precipitation at Sangster generated using A2 and B2 scenarios. Annual Rainfall (mm/month) CCF61-90 A2 B2 Avg 98 96 97 2015 88 103 95 2015% change -11 7 -2 2030 90 80 85 -5 -3 -4 2030 95 84 89 14 68 41 2030 80 93 86 -21 -4 -12 2030 72 82 77 -19 -7 -13 2030 112 59 86 2030% change -9 -17 -13 2050 76 69 72 2050 %change -23 -29 -26 1 -8 -3 2050 82 83 83 2050 %change -12 -8 -10 21 48 35 2050 73 84 79 2050 %change 12 33 23 -38 -27 -32 2050 47 41 44 2050 %change -60 -63 -62 -5 -50 -28 2050 100 66 83 2050 %change -16 -44 -30 DJF Rainfall (mm/month) CCF61-90 A2 B2 Avg 94 91 92 2015 89 87 88 2015% change 2030% change MAM Rainfall (mm/month) CCF61-90 A2 B2 Avg 66 63 64 2015 75 106 90 2015% change 2030% change JJA Rainfall (mm/month) CCF61-90 A2 B2 Avg 116 112 114 2015 92 108 100 2015% change 2030% change SON Rainfall (mm/month) CCF61-90 A2 B2 Avg 118 119 119 2015 95 111 103 2015% change Appendix 2 - PRECIS Results 78 2030% change The exact coordinates of the grid boxes in Figure 3.3 are given in Table A2. The downscaled results for annual temperature were given in Table 4.3. The downscaled results for precipitation for time slices 2015s, 2030s, 2050s and 2080s for the 7 PRECIS boxes are give in the following 7 tables (Boxes 1 to 7). Column 1 of each table gives the periods examined: annual, December to February (DJF), March to May (MAM), June to August (JJA) and September to November (SON). The second column gives the baseline precipitation (mm/month) for the periods. The remaining columns give the precipitation changes for the various time slices under A2 and B2 scenarios, and their average values. It can be seen that whereas both positive and negative changes are obtained for the earlier time slices, they begin to converge to negative changes by 2050s and the decreases are pronounced by 2080s. Table A2 Coordinates of grid boxes in Figure 3.3 Grid Box 1 Grid Box 2 Grid Box 3 Grid Box 4 Grid Box 5 Grid Box 6 Grid Box 7 Latitude 17.75 - 18.25 17.75 - 18.25 17.75 - 18.25 17.75 - 18.25 18.25 - 18.75 18.25 - 18.75 18.25 - 18.75 Longitude 281.70 - 283.18 283.00 - 284.30 284.30 - 285.60 285.60 - 286.90 281.70 - 283.18 283.00 - 284.30 284.30 - 285.60 79 Box1 Grid Box 1 Baseline Annual 80.51 DJF 36.79 MAM 54.76 JJA 101.10 SON 129.37 2015s A2 B2 8.48 -0.19 2.06 23.47 60.80 -4.47 -16.49 -11.13 -12.45 -8.64 Avg 2015s A2 B2 -7.33 -2.25 -7.62 5.68 0.87 -2.93 -12.49 -6.32 -10.09 -5.43 Avg 2015s A2 B2 -8.83 -4.09 -7.37 -1.73 -2.38 -3.65 -13.41 -6.07 -12.14 -4.91 Avg 2015s A2 B2 -2.32 12.67 3.52 51.58 3.22 -2.26 -7.04 -4.64 -8.99 5.99 Avg 4.15 12.77 28.17 -13.81 -10.55 2030s A2 B2 -1.50 8.27 15.02 27.85 7.32 22.73 -15.79 -9.46 -12.57 -8.04 Avg 2030s A2 B2 -4.65 0.64 6.22 8.25 -3.11 3.61 -11.68 -4.56 -10.04 -4.75 Avg 2030s A2 B2 -5.38 0.88 6.25 11.19 -1.80 4.33 -12.77 -5.84 -13.18 -6.15 Avg 2030s A2 B2 10.20 25.05 40.02 86.99 11.41 15.22 -1.45 1.19 -9.17 -3.19 Avg 3.39 21.44 15.03 -12.62 -10.30 2050s A2 B2 12.56 -6.21 -4.39 16.51 107.90 -4.09 -27.63 -20.06 -25.64 -17.21 Avg 2050s A2 B2 -15.38 -7.90 -12.66 1.35 -6.04 -9.57 -22.27 -10.40 -20.53 -12.98 Avg 2050s A2 B2 -17.49 -10.25 -11.11 -4.66 -11.11 -11.64 -23.87 -11.81 -23.89 -12.89 Avg 2050s A2 B2 2.78 39.04 27.35 155.84 5.91 -3.36 -5.19 3.41 -16.95 0.25 Avg 3.17 6.06 51.91 -23.84 -21.43 2080s A2 B2 -39.63 -20.04 -20.32 -7.67 -18.88 12.97 -64.12 -44.38 -55.20 -41.09 Avg 2080s A2 B2 -42.33 -22.76 -25.72 -10.64 -37.53 -15.44 -53.17 -27.93 -52.88 -37.05 Avg 2080s A2 B2 -42.75 -23.01 -22.80 0.65 -31.39 -19.86 -58.05 -34.25 -58.74 -38.58 Avg 2080s A2 B2 -31.69 -14.19 -22.52 24.81 -18.15 -18.39 -37.84 -19.34 -48.27 -43.85 Avg -29.84 -14.00 -2.95 -54.25 -48.14 Box2 Grid Box 2 Baseline Annual 140.23 DJF 79.78 MAM 111.69 JJA 180.88 SON 188.58 -4.79 -0.97 -1.03 -9.40 -7.76 -2.01 7.24 0.25 -8.12 -7.40 -11.64 -5.65 -7.81 -16.34 -16.76 -32.55 -18.18 -26.49 -40.55 -44.97 Box 3 Grid Box 3 Baseline Annual 161.33 DJF 113.78 MAM 138.16 JJA 171.04 SON 222.36 -6.46 -4.55 -3.01 -9.74 -8.53 -2.25 8.72 1.26 -9.31 -9.67 -13.87 -7.88 -11.37 -17.84 -18.39 -32.88 -11.08 -25.63 -46.15 -48.66 Box 4 Grid Box 4 Baseline Annual 64.05 DJF 28.61 MAM 58.03 JJA 64.47 SON 105.09 5.17 27.55 0.48 -5.84 -1.50 17.63 63.50 13.32 -0.13 -6.18 80 20.91 91.60 1.28 -0.89 -8.35 -22.94 1.14 -18.27 -28.59 -46.06 Box 5 Grid Box 5 Baseline Annual 29.96 DJF 25.29 MAM 25.22 JJA 21.11 SON 48.23 2015s A2 B2 -1.37 -3.66 -4.45 -0.80 24.54 2.57 -12.12 -9.72 -13.45 -6.71 Avg -2.52 -2.63 13.56 -10.92 -10.08 2030s A2 B2 6.54 18.63 6.08 22.17 40.69 59.11 -8.41 -2.28 -12.22 -4.46 Avg 12.58 14.13 49.90 -5.35 -8.34 2050s A2 B2 -2.10 -6.76 -6.05 -12.33 40.12 14.02 -18.28 -13.89 -24.18 -14.83 Avg -4.43 -9.19 27.07 -16.09 -19.50 2080s A2 B2 -50.82 -29.93 -37.33 -24.12 -31.61 8.28 -63.23 -49.29 -71.11 -54.59 Avg 2080s A2 -38.81 -22.63 -27.72 -49.19 -55.72 Avg B2 -16.19 -5.70 -2.91 -24.11 -32.05 2080s A2 -42.08 -22.37 -26.13 -57.36 -62.47 B2 -27.63 -1.43 -18.97 -42.97 -47.15 -40.38 -30.73 -11.66 -56.26 -62.85 Box 6 Grid Box 6 Baseline Annual 72.60 DJF 66.26 MAM 66.11 JJA 60.04 SON 97.99 2015s A2 -6.73 -8.95 2.05 -8.79 -11.22 Avg B2 -2.48 -3.84 0.10 -0.40 -5.80 2015s A2 -8.77 -6.31 -1.25 -13.59 -13.91 B2 -4.98 -1.28 -4.64 -7.70 -6.28 -4.61 -6.39 1.08 -4.60 -8.51 2030s A2 -2.56 -0.55 5.27 -4.71 -10.27 Avg B2 4.97 3.27 18.80 1.87 -4.06 2030s A2 -0.89 17.90 4.33 -11.33 -14.46 B2 3.41 21.11 8.98 -7.45 -9.00 1.20 1.36 12.03 -1.42 -7.17 2050s A2 -14.28 -15.86 -6.54 -13.75 -20.98 Avg B2 -6.94 -11.74 -1.21 0.15 -14.95 2050s A2 -14.83 -6.57 -6.59 -20.76 -25.40 B2 -11.81 -7.75 -12.28 -11.88 -15.35 -10.61 -13.80 -3.87 -6.80 -17.97 -27.50 -14.17 -15.32 -36.65 -43.89 Box 7 Grid Box 7 Baseline Annual 138.95 DJF 94.79 MAM 122.42 JJA 131.60 SON 206.98 Avg -6.87 -3.80 -2.95 -10.65 -10.10 Avg 1.26 19.50 6.66 -9.39 -11.73 81 Avg -13.32 -7.16 -9.43 -16.32 -20.38 Avg -34.86 -11.90 -22.55 -50.16 -54.81 Appendix 3 - SDSM Results for Manley, Sangster and URCR The summary of SDSM downscaled results for precipitation using outputs from the HADCM3 GCM for A2, B2 scenarios and the average of A2 and B2 for annual and seasonal (DJF, MAM, JJA and SON) precipitation at Manley, Sangster and the Upper Rio Cobre River are given in the tables A3.1 to A3.3 below. Precipitation values (mm/month) are given for the 1961-90 (CCF61-90) baseline, for the 2015s, 2030s, 2050s and 2080s, as well as the percentage change for each time slice. As with the PRECIS results, the changes are all negative by 2080s. 82 Annual average rainfall at Manley (mm/mth) CCF61-90 2015s 2015% change A2 67.59 69.01 2.11 B2 67.61 66.89 -1.07 Avg 67.60 67.95 0.52 2030s 59.57 61.34 60.45 2030% change -11.87 -9.28 -10.57 2050s 66.12 67.23 66.68 2050 %change -2.17 -0.57 -1.37 2080s 53.55 56.78 55.17 2080 %change -20.76 -16.03 -18.40 DJF rainfall (mm/mth) CCF61-90 2015s A2 29.46 27.50 B2 29.86 30.02 Avg 29.66 28.76 2015% change -6.66 0.53 -3.06 2030s 20.99 26.37 23.68 2030% change -28.75 -11.69 -20.22 2050s 23.85 25.45 24.65 2050 %change -19.03 -14.78 -16.91 2080s 23.24 22.68 22.96 2080 %change -21.13 -24.07 -22.60 MAM rainfall (mm/month) CCF61-90 2015s A2 44.69 39.46 B2 43.36 45.90 Avg 44.02 42.68 2015% change -11.71 5.86 -2.92 2030s 33.57 53.13 43.35 2030% change -24.88 22.54 -1.17 2050s 53.09 52.21 52.65 2050 %change 18.80 20.41 19.60 2080s 39.22 38.54 38.88 2080 %change -12.25 -11.11 -11.68 JJA rainfall (mm/month) CCF61-90 2015s A2 93.67 86.59 B2 92.51 91.65 Avg 93.09 89.12 2015% change -7.55 -0.93 -4.24 2030s 77.02 73.86 75.44 2030% change -17.77 -20.16 -18.97 2050s 96.72 97.69 97.21 2050 %change 3.26 5.60 4.43 2080s 67.58 77.37 72.48 2080 %change -27.85 -16.37 -22.11 SON rainfall (mm/month) CCF61-90 2015s A2 101.54 119.76 B2 103.73 97.00 Avg 102.64 108.38 2015% change 17.94 -6.49 5.72 2030s 104.58 89.36 96.97 2030% change 2.99 -13.86 -5.43 2050s 88.42 91.03 89.73 2050 %change -12.92 -12.25 -12.58 2080s 81.85 86.26 84.06 2080 %change -19.39 -16.84 -18.12 Table A3.1 Summary of SDSM results for A2, B2 scenarios and their average for annual and seasonal (DJF, MAM, JJA and SON) precipitation at Manley, comparing 2015s, 2030s, 2050s and 2080s results with 1961-90 (CCF61-90) baseline. 83 Annual average rainfall at Sangster (mm/mth) CCF61-90 2015s 2015% change A2 67.22 57.32 -14.72 B2 66.97 54.89 -18.05 Avg 67.09 56.10 -16.38 2030s 48.45 48.27 48.36 2030% change -27.92 -27.92 -27.92 2050s 42.68 43.58 43.13 2050 %change -36.50 -34.92 -35.71 2080s 28.30 32.48 30.39 2080 %change DJF average rainfall at Sangster (mm/mth) CCF61-90 2015s 2015% change A2 56.60 46.65 -17.59 B2 56.30 49.49 -12.11 Avg 56.45 48.07 -14.85 2030s 39.50 41.79 40.65 2030% change -30.21 -25.78 -28.00 2050s 36.88 38.42 37.65 2050 %change -34.84 -31.75 -33.30 2080s 28.21 32.12 30.17 2080 %change MAM Rainfall(mm/month) CCF61-90 2015s A2 45.58 45.75 B2 44.84 48.76 Avg 45.21 47.26 2015% change 0.38 8.73 4.56 2030s 41.35 46.00 43.68 2030% change -9.27 2.58 -3.35 2050s 50.70 46.18 48.44 2050 %change 11.23 2.98 7.11 2080s 44.96 44.77 44.87 2080 %change JJA Rainfall (mm/month) CCF61-90 2015s A2 87.04 60.04 B2 85.20 51.46 Avg 86.12 55.75 2015% change -31.02 -39.60 -35.31 2030s 44.08 41.26 42.67 2030% change -49.36 -51.58 -50.47 2050s 31.46 33.45 32.45 2050 %change -63.86 -60.74 -62.30 2080s 7.14 12.54 9.84 2080 %change SON Rainfall(mm/month) CCF61-90 2015s A2 77.76 72.18 B2 79.66 64.89 Avg 78.71 68.54 2015% change -7.17 -18.54 -12.85 2030s 64.91 59.88 62.39 2030% change -16.52 -24.83 -20.67 2050s 48.01 52.43 50.22 2050 %change -38.25 -34.18 -36.22 2080s 30.07 37.27 33.67 2080 %change Table A3.2 Same as for Table A3.1. but for Sangster 84 -57.89 -51.50 -54.70 -50.16 -42.95 -46.55 -1.36 -0.16 -0.76 -91.79 -85.28 -88.54 -61.33 -53.21 -57.27 Annual average rainfall at URCR (mm/mth) CCF61-90 2015s 2015% change A2 175.18 171.51 -2.10 B2 176.02 168.36 -4.36 Avg 175.60 169.93 -3.23 DJF average rainfall at URCR (mm/mth) CCF61-90 2015s 2015% change A2 101.61 97.55 -3.99 B2 103.16 99.78 -3.28 Avg 102.39 98.67 -3.64 2030s 161.11 165.39 163.25 2030% change -8.03 -6.04 -7.04 2050s 163.86 165.30 164.58 2050 %change -6.46 -6.10 -6.28 2080s 150.34 152.52 151.43 2080 %change -14.18 -13.35 -13.77 2030s 2030% change 91.16 -10.29 95.60 -7.34 93.38 -8.81 2050s 93.43 91.23 92.33 2050 %change -8.05 -11.57 -9.81 2080s 97.61 92.38 94.99 2080 %change -3.94 -10.46 -7.20 MAM Rainfall (mm/month) CCF61-90 2015s A2 137.79 125.07 B2 139.22 140.38 Avg 138.50 132.72 2015% change -9.23 0.84 -4.20 2030s 2030% change 124.71 -9.49 139.72 0.36 132.21 -4.57 2050s 137.10 134.17 135.64 2050 %change -0.50 -3.62 -2.06 2080s 119.35 125.66 122.50 2080 %change -13.38 -9.74 -11.56 JJA Rainfall (mm/month) CCF61-90 2015s A2 249.61 234.13 B2 247.24 226.88 Avg 248.43 230.50 2015% change -6.20 -8.24 -7.22 2030s 2030% change 226.15 -9.40 222.09 -10.17 224.12 -9.79 2050.00 233.84 236.01 234.92 2050 %change -6.32 -4.54 -5.43 2080s 205.18 203.82 204.50 2080 %change -17.80 -17.56 -17.68 SON Rainfall (mm/month) CCF61-90 2015s A2 208.33 219.54 B2 211.04 196.41 Avg 209.68 207.98 2015% change 5.38 -6.93 -0.77 2030s 2030% change 193.30 -7.21 194.59 -7.79 193.95 -7.50 2050.00 181.74 190.65 186.19 2050 %change -12.76 -9.66 -11.21 2080s 169.47 179.00 174.23 2080 %change -18.65 -15.18 -16.92 Table A3.3 Same as for Table A3.1. but for URCR 85 86 Appendix 4 Wet and Dry Spell Results The results for wet and dry spell are given in section 4.3.3 are based on Table A4. Table A4 The percentage of wet-days (as fractions), Dry-spells and wet-spells (days) for DJF, MAM, JJA, SON and annually at Manley, Sangster and URCR for 1961-90, 2015s, 2030s, 2050s and 2080s. 1961-90 DJF MAM JJA SON Annual Wetdays% 0.13 0.14 0.23 0.22 0.18 Manley Dryspell 7.33 7.62 4.48 4.79 6.04 Wetspell 1.19 1.27 1.42 1.45 1.36 Wetdays% 0.22 0.20 0.32 0.29 0.26 Sangster Dry-spell 4.53 5.32 3.34 3.49 4.18 Wetspell 1.33 1.39 1.62 1.49 1.48 Wetdays% 0.38 0.43 0.69 0.59 0.52 URCR Dryspell 2.68 2.55 1.58 1.83 2.20 Wetspell 1.68 1.94 3.44 2.63 2.43 2015s DJF MAM JJA SON Annual Wetdays% 0.13 0.13 0.22 0.24 0.18 Dryspell 7.63 7.51 4.66 4.53 6.04 Wetspell 1.18 1.24 1.40 1.52 1.36 Wetdays% 0.21 0.20 0.26 0.28 0.24 Dry-spell 4.68 5.28 4.16 3.69 4.53 Wetspell 1.29 1.36 1.50 1.48 1.42 Wetdays% 0.38 0.43 0.67 0.61 0.52 Dryspell 2.68 2.49 1.61 1.81 2.19 Wetspell 1.68 1.87 3.26 2.77 2.39 2030s DJF MAM JJA SON Annual Wetdays% 0.11 0.12 0.22 0.23 0.17 Dryspell 8.18 8.19 4.60 4.79 6.33 Wetspell 1.15 1.20 1.34 1.47 1.32 Wetdays% 0.20 0.18 0.21 0.26 0.21 Dry-spell 5.00 5.81 4.86 3.87 4.97 Wetspell 1.30 1.32 1.34 1.43 1.35 Wetdays% 0.38 0.42 0.67 0.58 0.51 Dryspell 2.72 2.58 1.59 1.86 2.22 Wetspell 1.65 1.85 3.19 2.59 2.33 2050s DJF MAM JJA SON Annual Wetdays% 0.12 0.14 0.25 0.21 0.18 Dryspell 7.86 7.13 4.23 5.20 6.07 Wetspell 1.17 1.28 1.43 1.41 1.35 Wetdays% 0.21 0.20 0.16 0.22 0.20 Dry-spell 4.86 5.52 6.62 4.57 5.52 Wetspell 1.31 1.48 1.32 1.37 1.37 Wetdays% 0.38 0.43 0.66 0.57 0.51 Dryspell 2.72 2.49 1.65 1.90 2.23 Wetspell 1.65 1.93 3.14 2.49 2.31 2080s DJF MAM JJA SON Annual Wetdays% 0.12 0.14 0.21 0.19 0.17 Dryspell 7.70 7.19 4.84 5.64 6.46 Wetspell 1.17 1.22 1.33 1.42 1.30 Wetdays% 0.20 0.17 0.05 0.17 0.15 Dry-spell 4.92 6.36 18.86 6.49 7.64 Wetspell 1.28 1.38 1.12 1.39 1.32 Wetdays% 0.39 0.42 0.63 0.55 0.50 Dryspell 2.58 2.47 1.68 1.97 2.21 Wetspell 1.67 1.83 2.88 2.43 2.21 87 Acknowledgement We would like to acknowledge the contribution of the following members of the Climate Studies Group Mona, University of the West Indies: Lawrence Brown Jayaka Campbell Cassandra Rhoden Rhodene Watson 88