DIGITAL ELECTRONICS II LAB 3: MULTIPLIER OBJECTIVE 1. To understand the basic operations of a multiplier. 2. Design a multiplier logic circuit with the simplest logic gates representation. 3. To verify and note the techniques used to design a multiplier EQUIPMENTS Max+PlusII UP2 Training Board INTRODUCTION Nowadays, multipliers are very useful in digital machines such as calculator and digital watches. The combinational circuit of a multiplier can be constructed in many ways, such as using the K-map technique and the Array Multiplier, K – map Use all input possibilities to create a truth table. Then K-map to get the simplified Boolean expressions, which is used to construct the circuit. Array Multiplier Using shift-add operation by manual techniques. We multiply the LSB multiplicand first. Then write it down as the first partial product. Next, the second bit is multiplied but the second partial product is shifted 1 bit to the left. The final total product is the sum of partial products. Designing a multiplier involves understanding the basics of binary multiplication. When multiplying two numbers, the first number is called the ‘multiplier’ and the second number being multiplied is called the ‘multiplicand’. An example of this procedure given in figure 3.1, where the multiplier is 1110 or 10112 and the multiplicand is 510 or 01012. Figure 3.1 KOLEJ UNIVERSITI KEJURUTERAAN UTARA MALAYSIA DIGITAL ELECTRONICS II Multiplications of two 4 bit numbers are hence the addition of four binary numbers, rows 1, 2, 3 and 4 in the above example. Row 1 is the multiplier times the 1st bit of the multiplicand, bit 1. Row 2 is the result of the multiplier times the 2nd bit of the multiplicand, bit 1, shifted to the left by one bit. And bit LSB is 0. The process continues for each of the four rows, however at each row the result is shifted left by an additional one bit. It is important to note that each row, the least significant bit (LSB) corresponds to an actual bit in the product. This bit can be saved as part of the product. The 3 most significant bits at each row are then summed with next row’s bit to produce a partial sum. This process continues until all four rows have been completed. At this point four least significant bits have been determined and the remaining four bits make up the four most significant bits of the product. This fact was critical in designing the serial multiplier. Below is an example of a simple multiplication using the array method Figure 3.2 : Array Technique KOLEJ UNIVERSITI KEJURUTERAAN UTARA MALAYSIA DIGITAL ELECTRONICS II TASK/ASSIGNMENT In the experiment, you will construct a 2x2 bit multiplier using the K-Map and array mapping method. Synthesis this multiplier. Understand and verify the procedures. Study and compare the two methods used to construct your multiplier. Then, using any of the 2x2 multiplier, create a 4x4 bit multiplier using the array technique. PROCEDURE Part A : K-Map Technique 1. Follow the normal procedures to create the logic circuit of a 2x2 multiplier. 2. Begin implementing your design into Altera’s MaxPlusII schematic editor. Your project name should be called “KMap_2x2” 3. Simulate your design. You may choose any values for your inputs, but assign your multiplier in counting sequence and the multiplicand in a fixed value. 4. Study the waveforms. Part B : Array Technique 1. Arrange your multiplier and multiplicand in order and begin your multiplication process in array. Study this arrangement. 2. Since you will need Full Adders to build array multiplication, on Altera MaxPlusII, build a Full Adder circuit first and create the default symbol. 3. Begin aligning your array multiplication using the FA symbols. Save and create your project name as “Array_2x2”. 4. Simulate your design. You may choose any values for your inputs, but assign your multiplier in counting sequence and the multiplicand in a fixed value. 5. Study the waveforms. 6. Create a default symbol for your 2x2 Array Multiplier. Part C : 4x4 bit Multiplier using Array_2x2 1. Open a new schematic editor. Your project name will be “Multiplier_4x4” 2. Using the symbol of your 2x2 bit multiplier (Array_2x2) and Full Adder module, design the 4x4 bit multiplier using the Array Technique. KOLEJ UNIVERSITI KEJURUTERAAN UTARA MALAYSIA