Triple Science Trial exams revision list You will sit a paper in each subject. BIOLOGY CHEMISTRY PHYSICS B2.1 Cells Tissues and Organs C2.1 Structure and Bonding P2.1 Motion Ionic and Covalent bonding, Formulae of ions, arrangement of atoms in metals Distance/time graphs, velocity and acceleration, Applying distance/time and velocity/time graphs. Cell structure, Comparing bacteria, yeast and other cells, Specialised cells, Diffusion, Tissues, Organs and Organs Systems and Examples P2.2 Forces B2.2 Organisms in the environment C2.2 Structure and properties Photosynthesis and limiting factors, How plants use photosynthesis, organisms in their environment and how to measure distribution. Giant Ionic structures, properties of molecules linked to structure. Giant covalent structures , giant metallic structures, polymers , nanoscience B2.3 Enzymes C2.3 How much? Masses of atoms, masses of moles, calculating percentage content and empirical formulae. Balanced symbol equations, interpreting equations(moles) H , yield, reversible reactions. Chemical and instrumental analysis. C2.4 Rates and Energy Enzyme action, factors affecting enzymes, digestion and the digestive system, commercial uses of enzymes in industry. B2.4 Energy from respiration Forces between objects, resultant forces, F=ma, forces on the road, falling objects, stretching and squashing (Hookes law) P2.3 Work, Energy and Momentum Energy and Work, Gravitational Potential Energy, Kinetic Energy, Momentum, Explosions, Impact Forces, Car Safety. P2.4 Current Electricity Aerobic and anaerobic respiration, effect of exercise on the body, oxygen debt. Rate of reaction, collision theory, surface area, temperature, concentration, catalysts, exothermic and endothermic, using the energy transferred from reactions. Electrical Charge, Circuits, Resistance (Ohms Law), Current/Pd Graphs, Series Circuits, Parallel Circuits. B2.5 Inheritance in animals and plants C2.5 Salts and electrolysis P.2.5 Mains electricity Acids and alkalis, making salts from metals/bases, from solutions, electrolysis and of brine, extraction of Aluminium, electroplating. Alternating Current, Plugs and Fuses, Electrical Power and Potential Difference, Electrical Charge and Energy, Electrical Efficiency. Cell division and growth (mitosis), meiosis, stem cells and differentiation, Mendel and DNA, genetic inheritance and genetic diseases. Ethics