Call for application for Guest Fellowships at the Department of

Call for application for Guest Fellowships at the Department of Economics
(2009-2010 Academic Year)
The Department of Economics at Insubria University invites application for "Guest Fellowship"
contributions. The Call is addressed to scholars working in foreign Universities and Research
Centres, interested in introducing their research to the Faculty and in contributing to the
scientific and cultural activities of the Department over the fellowship period.
The Scholarship is intended for Italian or foreign individuals with proven scientific expertise in
the Department fields of interest, and in particular in economics, business, law, mathematics
and statistics.
Applications will be evaluated by the Department Committee, on the basis of the curriculum
vitae and qualification of the scholar, and the interest of the Department for the areas of
investigation outlined by the candidate in the application.
Length and value of contributions
The contributions are awarded for visiting periods of 15 days to cover travel and staying
expenses. The gross contribution amounts to € 2.000,00. Funding will be awarded in the form of
anticipated instalments.
The annual funding dedicated by the Department of Economics to the "Guest Fellowship"
programme amounts to € 8.000,00.
Application procedure
The Department invites interested candidates to submit signed application by mail (addressed to
the Director of the Department of Economics, via Monte Generoso 71, 21100 Varese, Italy) or by
e-mail to .
Applications must arrive before the end of October 2009.
The application should include:
1) Personal data (name, date and place of birth, citizenship, postal address, email,
phone/fax number);
2) Area of current research and a short description of the activity the candidate intends to
carry out during the fellowship at the Department of Economics;
3) Preferred fellowship time period over the 2009/10 academic year;
4) Curriculum Vitae;
5) Copy of a valid identification document or passport.
Application form and enclosed documents can be submitted in English.
The Department Committee will evaluate applications and award “Guest Fellowship”
contributions within 15 days following the deadline.
Selected candidates will be notified by the Department administrative office and requested to
submit the following documents, which are to be received, on pain of forfeiture, within 10 days
following receipt of the communication the declaration of acceptance of the fellowship for
research activity.
Guest Fellowship conditions and responsibilities
Over the fellowship period, the Guest Fellow is expected to participate full time to the scientific
life and research activities of the Department and to provide at least one seminar.
The Guest Fellow will be provided access to the normal facilities required for undertaking
his/her research (computer and internet access, library, access, etc.).
Furthermore, interested candidates are informed that at the moment of receiving the
scholarship, and for the purpose of payments of the awarded contribution, the winners are
requested to have an Italian tax identification number ("codice fiscale").
Guest fellows are expected to sign adequate compulsory personal insurance policy, both against
work accidents and professional diseases, including the in itinere risk, which might occur during
the visiting period at the University facilities, or at times outside of them, when authorised, and
against responsibility for injury to persons, animals or properties that the scholar might cause.
The policy will be signed directly by the scholar, who will take contact with the Department
administrative office for the matters within its competence. The insurance coverage will have to
start on the date of the actual beginning of the activities for which the contribution is awarded.
Use of personal data
Applicants are informed that, in accordance with the legislative decree 196/2003 ("Codice in
materia di dati personali"), the University is committed to respect the confidential nature of the
information provided by the candidates: all data provided will be treated and processed solely
for the aims related and instrumental to the selection procedure and, possibly, for the activities
closely connected with the establishment and management of the relationship with the
Varese 05.10. 2009
The Director of the Department
Prof. Gioacchino Garofoli
DEPARTMENT OF __________________
VIA _______________
Subject: application for “Guest Fellow” contributions
The undersigned ________________________________________________________________
born in __________________________________________ on ________________________,
citizenship__________________________, resident in (city/town) _________________________
address_________________________________________________ zip code_______________,
address for the purposes of this application: city/town ___________________________________
address_________________________________________________ zip code________________
email __________________________________
requests participation to the public selection for the awarding of “Guest Fellow” contributions, for a
visiting period at the Department of Economics, Università dell'Insubria.
The length and period of the intended visiting activity are 15 days and precisely in the period:
The undersigned encloses to the present application the following documents:
1) a Curriculum vitae
2) a short description of the activity that he/she intends to carry out during the time of the fellowship
at the Department of Economics, also indicating the area of current research, on which she/he
intends to work during the period of the visit.
3) a copy of a valid identification document or passport.
The undersigned declares to have carefully read the announcement for Guest Fellow contributions
of the Department of Economics, Università dell'Insubria (NUMERO BANDO).
The undersigned gives his/her consent for the treatment of his/her personal data, in accordance
with the legislative decree 196/2003, for the fulfilment of the purposes related to the present call
Place and date