Resolution No. 29-07 Amended - Orleans Parish School Board

The following amended Resolution was offered for adoption by __ _______, seconded ____ _:
A Resolution levying and imposing taxes on all the property subject to taxation in Orleans Parish, State of Louisiana.
WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Orleans Parish School Board, State of
Louisiana, acting as the governing authority of the Parish wide School District of the Parish of
Orleans to levy taxes for the payment of bonds thereof for the year 2008; and
WHEREAS, it is also necessary for the Orleans Parish School Board to levy its
Constitutional Millage and Dedicated Millages; and
WHEREAS, the Orleans Parish School Board adopted Resolution 29-07 at its
October 23, 2007 Board Business meeting based on the best information available on
assessed valuation of taxable property; and
WHEREAS, The Orleans Parish School Board has been provided with more
accurate data on assessed valuation of taxable property within the Parish;
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Orleans Parish School Board
amends Resolution 29-07 to reflect the revised valuations.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Orleans Parish School Board, State of
Louisiana, acting as the governing authority of Orleans Parish for school purposes and as the
governing authority of said Parish wide School District, that:
SECTION 1. Constitutional Mills. Acting under the authority of the Constitution
and Laws of the State of Louisiana, there is hereby levied, assessed and imposed on all the
property in said Parish of Orleans, State of Louisiana (the “Parish”) for the year 2008, 20.16
mills on the dollar of the assessed valuation of all taxable property located within said Parish.
SECTION 2. Special Dedicated Mills. Acting under the authority of the Constitution and Laws of the State of Louisiana, and pursuant to the authority of an election duly and
legally held in the Parish of Orleans, State of Louisiana (the "Parish"), on May 2, 1998, there is
hereby levied, assessed and imposed on all the property in said Parish for the year 2008, the
following mills on the dollar of the assessed valuation of all taxable property located within said
Parish, for the dedicated purposes specified:
Dedicated Purposes
Purpose A – School Books, Materials and Supplies
Purpose B - Early Childhood, Discipline and Dropout Programs
Purpose C – Employee Salary, Benefits and Incentives
Purpose D – Air Conditioning, Asbestos Removal and Facilities
SECTION 3. General Obligation Bond Tax. Acting under the authority of the
Constitution and Laws of the State of Louisiana and pursuant to the authority of an election duly
and legally held in the Parish wide School District on July 15, 1995, a special tax of 5.69mills
on the dollar of the assessed valuation of all the taxable property in Orleans Parish is hereby
levied, assessed and imposed on all of said property for the year 2008 for the purpose of
paying the principal of and the interest on the general obligation bonds of the Parish wide
School District.
SECTION 4. Collection of Tax. The proper administrative officials of the City of
New Orleans are hereby empowered, authorized and directed to spread said tax, as hereinabove set forth, upon the assessment roll of said City for the year 2008 and to make the
collection of the tax imposed for and on behalf of said School Board and said Parish wide
School District, according to law, and the tax herein levied shall become a permanent lien and
privilege on all the property subject to taxation as herein set forth, and the collection thereof
shall be enforceable in the manner provided by law.
This Resolution shall be published in the official
journal of School Board in the manner provided by law.
SECTION 6. Effective Date. This Resolution shall become effective immediately.
The above and foregoing Resolution having been submitted to a vote, the vote
thereon was as follows:
And the Amended on was declared adopted on this, the 20th day of November,
_____________________________________ _______________________________________
I, the undersigned Secretary of the Orleans Parish School Board, State of
Louisiana, do hereby certify that the foregoing two (2) pages constitute a true and correct copy
of an Resolution adopted by said Orleans Parish School Board on October 23, 2007, levying
and imposing taxes on all the property subject to taxation in the City of New Orleans, Parish of
Orleans, State of Louisiana.
I, further attest that the Public Notice and Meeting Agenda attached were
properly noticed and posted in the Orleans Parish School Board Office and on the New Orleans
Public Schools website.
IN FAITH WHEREOF, witness my official signature and the impress of the official
seal of said School Board in the Parish of Orleans, State of Louisiana, on this, the 23rd day of
October, 2007