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Launch of Breathing Matters
Issue 1 – Spring 2011
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Inside This Issue
The Launch
Who Are We?
A Day In The Life
On 19th January 2011, Breathing Matters was launched. Professor Geoffrey Laurent,
Spring Quiz
Director of the Centre for Respiratory Centre (CRR), was joined by his team of
scientists and researchers as well as respiratory doctors from University College
The launch was attended by 120 patients and relatives. Speakers included Dr Jo
Porter, Malcolm Weallans and Manjiry Tamhane who spoke about topics ranging from
living with respiratory disease through to the importance of patient support in shaping
Answers can be found on our
future scientific research and ways you can directly help us. Scientists and doctors
were on hand to talk about their current research and answer many probing questions.
Feedback from the event was very positive; many patients and relatives had not heard
of the work of the CRR and gained hope by our efforts. Also, many scientists were inspired by meeting the patients whom their work helps.
1. Oxygen and what other gas
is exchanged in the lungs?
A big thank you to all who came along and made the evening an entertaining and
successful one.
2. How many bones are found
in the human hand?
Who Are We and What Do We Do?
3. When was the UK Emergency
Number 999 first introduced?
Breathing Matters is the new Centre for Respiratory Research fund
4. What is the medical termwhich
for is part of the UCLH Charity (Reg No 229771). It has been set up
to raise awareness, provide patient support and help find a cure for
low blood sugar?
respiratory diseases. The focus of our research is into
pulmonary fibrosis, lung infection and lung cancer, although our
5. On a prescription, what does
research touches on other diseases.
‘qid’ mean?
Matters supports the CRR in their commitment to find
6. What is the biggest organ
better ways to diagnose and treat respiratory diseases, but to
your body?
also encourage patients, their families and friends to become actively
involved as advocates, advisors, fundraisers or even participants.
For ways on how you can become involved, visit our website
A Day in the Life … of a Scientist - Lindsey Edwards
Sunday, 12th June 2011,
…I work in the CRR as a postdoctoral research associate. I have been
researching bacterial infections in the lung. Specifically, I investigate a
Please join us to cycle 7 miles
bacterium called Streptococcus pneumoniae; how during infection of the lung
around the beautiful Richmond
this bacterium migrates across the lining of the lung, leading to inflammation,
Pneumonia and Empyema.
There are only 30 places so
My day consists of designing and carrying out experiments in the laboratory;
please book early to secure
recording, critically analysing and evaluating the data that I have generated. I
your place.
also attend meetings to liaise with funding bodies and present work to
Cycles are available for hire at
collaborating groups as well as at national and international conferences.
Richmond Park.
There is no registration fee,
The job is hard work and can often involve long hours, but the reward is in
and no minimum sponsorship.
knowing that, in the future, your work makes a difference and may contribute
We just ask you raise as much
to the alleviation of patient’s pain, suffering and loss of life due to disease.
as you can! A prize will be
Looking back, would I change my job? The answer is simply no; I love being a
given to the biggest fundraiser.
Cyclists will receive a
commemorative T-shirt,
goodies and a completion
Unfortunately after writing this article, Lindsey's contract and research stopped
due to lack of funding.
FUNdraising Inspirations:
For a registration form, please
contact us on
Coffee morning/Wine tasting evening
Auction of promises
Sponsored knittathon
Cake bake
Make us your charity of the year
Trivia quiz
Join in on one of our events
Donate via