COVINGTON CITY PACING GUIDE REVISION SUBJECT _____French Level I_______________ GRADE 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th __ NAMES OF THOSE THAT WORKED ON THIS PACING GUIDE: Cindy McNown – Dept Chairman: Kyle Keyser __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Theme Topic Listed Here INSTRUCTION SOL Numbers and a Short Description of SOL Projected Number of Days to Teach FIRST 9-WEEKS Greetings Courtesy Numbers, days, months, time Descriptif, adjectifs, articles, etc. Negatif Africo School vocabulary Formal/Informal French in the U.S. FI. 1 The student will exchange simple spoken and written information in French. FI. 2 The student will understand simple spoken and written French based on familiar topics that are presented through a variety of media. FI. 6 The student will present rehearsed material in French, including brief narratives, monologues, dialogues, poetry and/or songs. FI. 12 French beyond the classroom (book interest resources) FI. 1 = 20 hrs Ongoing FI. 2 = 40 hrs Ongoing FI. 6 = 6 hrs Ongoing FI. 12 = 2 hrs Ongoing Student interest SECOND 9-WEEKS School vocabulary Family vocabulary Restaurant vocabulary ER verbs Articles Avoir – verb Possessive adjectives Verb Present – verb Meals in France Art, housing FI. 5 The student will present orally and in writing information in French that contains a variety of familiar vocabulary, phrases, and structural patterns. FI. 7 The student will develop an awareness of perspectives, practices, and products of francophone cultures. FI. 10 The student will demonstrate an understanding of the significance of culture through comparisons between francophone cultures and the cultures of the U.S.A. FI. 12 French beyond the classroom (book interest resources) FI. 5 = 10 hrs Ongoing FI. 7 = 6 hrs Ongoing FI. 10 = 6 hrs Ongoing FI. 12 = 2 hrs Ongoing Student interest THIRD 9-WEEKS Food and stores The airport Clothing Verbs: faire, pouvoir, vouloir, mettre, voir, croire IR verbs: sortir, Partir, dormr, sorvir, partitive comparisons FI. 8 The student will recognize that perspective, practices, and products of francophone cultures are interrelated. FI. 9 The student will recognize how information acquired in the study of French and information acquired in other subjects reinforce one another. FI. 12 French beyond the classroom (book interest resources) FI. 8 = 6 hrs Ongoing FI. 9 = 20 hrs Ongoing FI. 12 = 2 hrs Ongoing Student interest FOURTH 9-WEEKS The train RE verbs Verbs: dire, euire, line FI. 3 The student will understand simple spoken and written French based on familiar topics that are presented through a variety of media. FI. 4 The student will use verbal and non-verbal cues to understand simple spoken and written messages in French. FI. 11 The student will compare basic elements of the French Language to the FI. 3 = 20 hrs ongoing FI. 4 = 20 hrs Ongoing FI. 11 = 10 hrs Demonstrative adjectives Introduction to past tense. Questions English Language. FI. 12 French beyond the classroom ( book interest resources) Note: This is based on a full class period for each level. Ongoing FI. 12 = 2 hrs Ongoing