Unofficial Translation Comments of the Russian Federation on Annex II, Part One of the ADP.2015.4.InformalNote Document (Tool) 27 August 2015 In order to implement an objective to establish an integral and balanced regime that would provide for sustainable and effective solution to the issue of climate change and systemically combine efforts, which were already undertaken in the framework of the UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol, with further steps to tackle global climate change, aimed at a long-term perspective, a new international legal document (agreement) should include in its text the following elements: - definition of a collective contribution in reduction of the load on the climate system within an agreed time frame (in a similar way to the KP); - a principle of full account of greenhouse gas sources and sinks; - to take into account activity in the sector of land use and forestry in fulfilling commitments of the Parties regarding mitigation of climate change impacts, as well as to determine fundamental principles of such an activity including consideration of country circumstances and maintenance of incentives to further develop the activity; - section 16 on guiding principles should include forestry; - clear definition of the base year for comprehensive and accurate assessment of the course of implementation/achievement of the objectives and for ensuring methodological connection through the UNFCCC – KP – new agreement line; - a time frame, established for fulfillment of emission reduction commitments; - a guiding principle of review of the so called level of ambitions (commitments): regarding the dynamic character of commitments (i.e. continuous review of new objectives upon achieving the previous ones), the 2 negotiating text should include a provision on increasing the scale of commitments only upon achieving a previous target indicator; - an agreed list of greenhouse gases (a basket of gases) covered by the agreement and, if necessary, guiding principles regulating optional choice for a Party to the agreement of a determined set of gases from the list and their methodological connection with commitments of the Party; - a guiding principle that implies bringing various types of declared commitments to a common indicator (evaluation of a commitment in a CO2equivalent); - a fundamental political approach providing for a truly collective character of efforts to tackle global climate change without the obsolete differentiation of the Parties; - all types of commitments (related to emission reduction, finance, technology transfer) should have an equal status – they should be reflected in the text of the agreement or in annexes to the agreement or in a respective decision of the Conference of the Parties. In addition, - in formulation of the objective of the future agreement, we deem it advisable to address striving of the Parties to develop national economies on a lowcarbon basis but not to set a knowingly unachievable objective of one hundred percent refusal of greenhouse gas emissions; - in formulation of the global objective of the agreement expressed in a numerable and controllable indicator, it is necessary to set a clear orienting point of maintaining the global temperature rise under 2 degrees Celsius; - regarding implementation of measures of capacity-building and financial and technological support for mitigation and adaptation for countries in need, all Parties capable of providing such assistance should participate in that process.