JRE 1 - Avaya Support

JCE Cryptography Expired Patch
Sun file jce1_2_1.jar, which OA uses for signing certificate for reports and admin client,
expired on 27 July 2005. This readme describes how to replace this with jce1_2_2.jar and
its supporting file for Solaris, Windows, and AIX. This fix only addresses the issue with
the JCE cryptography expiring; therefore, it is not cumulative. The JCE cryptography patch
can be applied in conjunction with the latest OA patch for any supported release.
OA Versions Affected: 6.0.X, 6.1, 6.1.X , and 7.0
IMPACT: Affects the functionality of OA Admin Client, OA TRW and Graphical Reports,
and OA Authentication Server.
OA Real-Time is not affected by this jce file. Real-Time will only be change if it co-exists
with either Historical or Reporting Subsystems. If Real-Time exists by itself or OA Event
Collector no action is required.
The common errors have been seen reports.log and adminclient.log:
1. + 1122650988.896 UTC; altTZ(360); 1672-PlayerEventHandler:l10:
Reason: com.avaya.cc.cvx.security.AuthenticationService$CantProceedException:
Could not authenticate aut server: AUTHENTICATION SERVER NOT LEGIT
2. 1122574930.859 UTC; altTZ(360); 3280-main:l10:
ALARM - emergency: CRM-BI/OA stumbras 0=ClientID:StartupService|Error
initializing service: com.avaya.stumbras.services.dbpool.DbPoolService
java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError: java.lang.SecurityException: Cannot set up
certs for trusted CAs
at javax.crypto.b.<clinit>([DashoPro-V1.2-120198])
at javax.crypto.SecretKeyFactory.getInstance([DashoPro-V1.2-120198])
NOTE: For this operation you will need to bring down all OA process and applications and
thus disrupt data flow for the time it is down. Plan this work for a low usage time of day.
Also, please review this readme before attempting to apply this patch
Procedure for Windows and Solaris Version (6.0, 6.0.X, 6.1, 6.1.X)
Stop All OA Systems
To stop each system, follow the instructions outlined in the Avaya Operational Analyst
Maintenance and Troubleshooting Guide, section “Starting and Stopping OA-Related
Processes”. In general, the following steps will work:
As OA Administrator:
1. On each Solaris system, from a terminal window, type “pa stop all”. Also, stop iplanet,
initsrv, namesrv and TimesTen . Order of shutdown is important and must be in a
certain order.
a. To stop web server on Solaris SunOne:
i. Older SunOne 6.0 Solaris: cd /usr/iplanet/server/https-stumbras
ii. Newer SunOne 6.1 Solaris: cd / opt/SUNWwbsvr/https-stumbras
As Root:
b. Edit the /etc/inittab file and change respawn next to nm and in to off; execute
init q . This will stop the name service and the init service.
c. To stop TimesTen you will enter this command, if you used the default
TimesTen settings: /etc/init.d/tt_avaya_bi stop
As OA Administrator:
2. On each Windows system, from a command window, type “pa stop all” to stop OA
processes. Order of shutdown is important and must be in a certain order.
a. Go to Microsoft Window Services
Stop ORBacus Naming Service
ii. Stop Avaya Business Intelligence Service
iii. Stop Stumbras-Tomcat (Reporting Subsystem)
Stop TimesTen
3. Use ICManager to stop all running instances of ECServer and ECBridge.
The Jce 1.2.2 patch consist of the following jars listed below. You will need to backup the
current version of these files on your Windows and Solaris system.
Note: The back-up copy of these jar should not be located anywhere within the BI
directory. They should be moved to another location. If the files are left within
the BI directory, web servers will attempt to use the older jars.
Patch for Windows OA Historical and Reporting Subsytem (6.X.X)
1. Copy the four jars to %PABASE%\jars.
2. Copy the four jars to %JAVA_HOME%\jre\lib\ext (ie. Default location:
C:\Program Files\JavaSoft\JRE\1.3.1_06\lib\ext)
Note: Check path by running in command prompt: echo $PATH in a command
3. Edit %PABASE%\stumbras\tomcat\conf\nt_service.properties, change the
jce1_2_1.jar to read jce1_2_2.jar instead.
4. Edit environment variable system classpath, change the jce1_2_1.jar to read
jce1_2_2.jar instead.
Patch for Windows OA Admin Client (6.X.X)
1. Copy the four jars to %PABASE%\jars.
2. Copy the four jars to %JAVA_HOME%\jre\lib\ext (ie. Default location:
C:\Program Files\JavaSoft\JRE\1.3.1_06\lib\ext)
3. Edit %PABASE%\cfg\java.policy, change the jce1_2_1.jar to read jce1_2_2.jar
Note: If you are still having problems bringing up the admin client, you will need to edit
the AdminPol.html located at %PABASE% using notepad. The change will be done
twice, replace the jce1_2_1.jar to read jce1_2_2.jar instead.
Patch for Solaris OA Historcial and Reporting Subsytem (6.X.X)
1. Copy the four jars to %PABASE%\jars.
a. Perform chmod 750 to the four jars
b. Perform chown with proper user and group (ie chown biadmin:oaadmin
2. Copy the four jars to %JAVA_HOME%\jre\lib\ext (ie. Default location:
3. Edit %IPLANET_HOME%/config/jvm12.conf, change the jce1_2_1 to read jce1_2_2
4. Edit classpath %PABASE%/.profile AOA_CP, change the jce1_2_1 to read jce1_2_2
instead. Re-execute the .profile to update current environment variables.
Note: If you are running with Solaris 6.1 SunOne on JDK 1.4 then steps 2 and 3 are not
required. You also will not find jvm12.conf because it was replaced by server.xml.
Procedure for Windows and Solaris Version (7.0)
Patch for Windows OA Historical and Reporting Subsytem (7.0)
1. Copy the four jars to %PABASE%\jars.
2. Edit environment variable system classpath, change the jce1_2_1.jar to read
jce1_2_2.jar instead.
Patch for Solaris OA Historcial and Reporting Subsytem (7.0)
1. Copy the four jars to %PABASE%\jars.
a. Perform chmod 750 to the four jars
b. Perform chown with proper user and group (ie chown biadmin:oaadmin
2. Edit classpath %PABASE%/.profile AOA_CP, change the jce1_2_1 to read
jce1_2_2 instead. Re-execute the .profile to update current environment variables.
Patch for Windows OA Admin Client (7.0)
1. Copy the four jars to %PABASE%\jars.
2. Edit %PABASE%\cfg\java.policy, change the jce1_2_1.jar to read jce1_2_2.jar
Note: If you are still having problems bringing up the admin client, you will need to edit
the AdminPol.html located at %PABASE% using notepad. The change will be done
twice, replace the jce1_2_1.jar to read jce1_2_2.jar instead.
OA Start-UP Procedures Windows and Solaris
Start Systems Up
To start up each system, follow the instructions outlined in the Avaya Operational Analyst
Maintenance and Troubleshooting Guide, section “Starting and Stopping OA-Related
Processes”. In general, the following steps will work:
1. Ensure historical server, initsrv, namesrv, TimesTen for Solaris are running or
TimesTen, Avaya BI, and ORBacus Naming Service for Windows.
For Solaris: (Order of startup is important and must be in a certain order)
As Root:
a. Edit the /etc/inittab file and change off next to nm and in to respawn;
execute init q . This will stop the name service and the init service.
b. To start TimesTen you will enter this command, if you used the default
TimesTen settings: /etc/init.d/tt_avaya_bi start
As OA Administrator:
c. To start web server on Solaris SunOne:
i. Older SunOne 6.0 Solaris: cd /usr/iplanet/server/https-stumbras
ii. Newer SunOne 6.1 Solaris: cd / opt/SUNWwbsvr/https-stumbras
As OA Administrator:
For Windows: (Order of startup is important and must be in a certain order)
Go to Microsoft Window Services
i. Start TimesTen
ii. Start ORBacus Naming Service
iii. Start Avaya Business Intelligence Service
iv. Start Stumbras-Tomcat (Reporting Subsystem)
2. If a non-historical server ensure the OA services have started. (Refer to the
startup above for Solaris or Windows).
3. Run “pa start all” on the historical server as an OA Administrator.
4. Verify the system started cleanly by using the pa list and amui list commands.
5. Run “pa start all” on all of the non-historical servers as an OA Administrator.
6. Verify the system started cleanly by using the pa list and amui list commands.
7. Start up ICManager and start the ECB process(es). Ensure they are up and have
assigned to MSMQ before proceeding. The status line at the bottom of
ICManager will alert you that they have assigned.
8. For each non-historical server, from the ICManager, start EC for each nonhistorical subsystem.
Procedure for AIX (6.1.X , 7.0)
Stop All OA Systems
To stop each system, follow the instructions outlined in the Avaya Operational Analyst
Maintenance and Troubleshooting Guide, section “Starting and Stopping OA-Related
Processes”. In general, the following steps will work:
On each AIX system, from a terminal window, type “pa stop all”. Also, stop WebSphere,
httpd, initsrv, namesrv and TimesTen .
a. To stop WebSphere, cd to $PABASE/bin and execute stopWebSphere server1
b. To stop httpd on 6.1.x, cd to where you have your IHS installed and execute
./apachectl stop On 6.1.x, this will be in /usr/IBMHttpServer/bin. For 7.0, the
default location is /usr/IBMIHS/bin
c. Edit the /etc/inittab file and change respawn next to nm and in to off; exec init q
This will stop the name service and the init service.
d. To stop TimesTen you will enter this command, if you used the default
TimesTen settings: /usr/bin/stopsrc –s tt_avaya_bi
Patch for AIX OA Historcial and Reporting Subsytem (6.1.X, 7.0)
1. Copy the four jars to $PABASE\jars.
a. Perform chmod 750 to the four jars
b. Perform chown with proper user and group (ie chown biadmin:oaadmin
Note: The back-up copy of these jar should not be located anywhere within the BI
directory. They should be moved to another location. If the files are left within
the BI directory, Websphere will attempt to use the older jars.
2. Edit classpath $PABASE/.profile, change the jce1_2_1 to read jce1_2_2 instead.
Re-execute the .profile to update the environment variables.
OA Start-UP Procedures AIX
Start Systems Up
To start up each system, follow the instructions outlined in the Avaya Operational Analyst
Maintenance and Troubleshooting Guide, section “Starting and Stopping OA-Related
Processes”. In general, the following steps will work:
1. Ensure historical server, initsrv and namesrv and TimesTen for AIX are running
a. Edit the /etc/inittab file and change off next to nm and in to respawn;
exec init q This will stop the name service and the init service.
b. To start TimesTen you will enter this command, if you used the default
TimesTen settings: /usr/bin/startsrc –s tt_avaya_bi
c. Verify TimesTen startup with lssrc -s tt_avaya_bi
2. Run “pa start all” on the historical server.
3. Verify the system started cleanly by using the pa list and amui list commands.
4. Run “pa start all” on all of the non-historical servers
5. Verify the system started cleanly by using the pa list and amui list commands.
6. Start up ICManager and start the ECB process(es). Ensure they are up and have
assigned to MSMQ before proceeding. The status line at the bottom of ICManager
will alert you that they have assigned.
7. For each non-historical server, from the ICManager, start EC for each non-historical
8. Ensure that web service is started on each reporting subsystem .To start web
service, cd $PABASE/bin and execute startWebSphere This will start both the
Websphere Application Service and httpd processes.
Customers in the U.S. can contact Avaya Operational Analyst Technical Support via the
WWW, email and telephone:
- WWW (WebQ Support Knowledgebase):
- Email:
- Phone (U.S.):
- Phone (Direct):
1-888-TECH-SPT (1-888-832-4778)
International customers should contact their regional Avaya Center of Excellence (CoE)
for assistance.