ELICITATION AND ARRANGEMENT OF MEANINGS IN THE LEXICOGRAPHY OF BANTU LANGUAGES PhD Candidate (Linguistics) (Oriikiriza C.) ABSTRACT This thesis is concerned with the elicitation and arrangement of meanings of words in the lexicography of Bantu languages. The problem of study was whether the multiple meanings of words are predictable from the semantic structure of language, and whether they can be arranged in a consistent order from the same structure. The study limited itself to the conceptual meanings of words. The objectives of the study were to find a method of prediction of conceptual multiple meanings of words and to find a consistent method of arrangement of the meanings. The rationale of the study was that such a method, if discovered, would be of much assistance to efforts of writing dictionaries in Bantu languages, which for long have persisted with only glossary-like dictionaries, and minimal dictionaries at most. The search of the method was based on the hypothesis that conceptual multiple meanings of words are predictable according to the principle of semantico-syntactic interface (i.e. isomorphism) and that they are orderable in a consistent arrangement according to the alphasyntactico-semantic sequence. From the interpretation of data collected, the first hypothesis was born out. The second hypothesis had four variables out of which three were born out, and one became inconclusive. The variables are arrangement of meanings according to the increasing complexity of semantic patterns, arrangement of meanings of words within semantic patterns according to the increasing complexity of semantic categories and arrangement of meanings with the same semantic formalisation according to the order of historical importance of usage labels. The other variable is arrangement of meanings according to the alphabetical place of the entry or subentry. It is the second last variable that was inconclusive according to the test implication, but the rest were confirmed. The study recommends the use of the principle of semantico-syntactic isomorphism for the elicitation of conceptual multiple meanings for compilation of dictionaries in Bantu languages, and arrangement of the same according to the alphasyntactico-semantic sequence. Pointers to further research are outlined as arrangement of same formalisation meanings according to the usage criterion, prediction and elicitation of non-literal meanings (i.e. idiomatic meanings) and the relationship between cognate meanings. Others are elicitation and arrangement of meanings for determiners, interjections and conjunctions, as functors, and category saturated sentences.