Exam 1

King Saud University
College of Pharmacy
Department of Pharmacology
PHL 285
Dr. Hala Abou El-Fetouh Attia
Student Name:
Student Number:
Question I: Choose ONE best answer:
1- All of the following concerning gastrin are TRUE EXCEPT:
a) is a polypeptide hormone
b) stimulates the release of HCl from parietal cells
c) stimulates secretion of pepsin from chief cells
d) is secreted from gastric mucosa upon stimulation by food
e) plays a role in protein digestion in stomach
Glycine and cysteine share the following functions EXCEPT:
a) enter in the formation of glutathione
b) participate in bile salt formation
c) play a role in detoxication reactions in the body
d) enter the synthesis of creatinine
e) produce pyruvate through their metabolic pathways
In individuals live on a diet free from methionine, which of the following
non essential amino acids will be then essential :
a) serine
b) glycine
c) glutamic acid
d) cysteine
e) tyrosine
4- Carbons number 4, 5 and 6 of pyrimidines are derived from:
a) CO2
b) aspartate
c) N10- formyl THF
d) glycine
e) glutamate
5- Which of the following glucogenic amino acids forms succinyl CoA:
a) aspartate
b) histidine
c) arginine
d) methionine
e) cysteine
6- Serine is a glucogenic amino acid as it gives:
a) succinyl CoA
b) pyruvate
c) fumarate
d) oxaloacetate
e) α- ketoglutarate
7- Pellagra may be caused by a deficiency of:
a) tryptophan
b) vitamin B6
c) pyridoxal phosphate
d) nicotinic acid
e) all of the above are correct
f) a and d
8- The main storage form of energy in skeletal muscles is:
a) creatine phosphate
b) ATP
c) GTP
d) acetyl phosphate
e) phosphoenolpyruvate
Question II: Give the reason of each of the following illustrating your answer
with biochemical equations whenever possible:
Vitamin C is important for iron absorption, while, ceruloplasmin is
essential for its transport.
2Connective tissue pigmentation in alkaptonuria
3Cysteine is a glucogenic amino acid
4Deficiency of vitamin B6 leads to convulsions especially in children
Question III: Complete the following Table:
The enzyme deficiency
Clinical symptoms
1)…………………… ……………………….
……………………. ……………………….
Light color of skin, hair and
eye. Increased incidence of skin
burns and photophobia
3)…………………… ……………………….
……………………... ………………………..
Mental retardation,
discoloration of eye lens,
osteoporosis, myocardial
infarction and atherosclerosis
4) Hyperammonemia ………………………..
Question IV: Illustrate using biochemical equations:
1- Synthesis of:
a- Melanin
b- Histamine
c- Melatonin
2- Two transmethylation reactions
QuestionV: Match:
A1- Cushing syndrome
2- Addison's disease
3- Wilson's disease
4- Hyperparathyroidism
5- Simple Goiter
a- hypercalcemia
b- hypocupremia
c- hypernatremia and hypokalemia
d- I2 deficiency
e- hyponatremia and hyperkalemia
B1- Copper
2- Iron
3- selenium
a- glutathione peroxidase
b- thyroid hormones
c- catalase
4- I2
d- vitamin B12
5- cobalt
e- ceruloplasmin
Question VI: Write short notes on:
1- Role of parathyroid hormone in regulating plasma calcium
2- Wilson's disease