Understanding Regular Expressions

Understanding Regular Expressions
by Peter Robson, JustSQL
considerably to the ability of the user to
really explore and manipulate in great
This article is about the new Regular
detail the contents of their database.
Expressions that were introduced by
This paper attempts to introduce them to
Oracle in 10g. It is based closely on a
the competent SQL user who has no
presentation that I have made to several
experience with regular expressions,
conferences and meetings. One thing
either in 10g, or in the Unix world. Rather
became clear from these events, and that
than simply list their parameters, this
is the number of people who are
paper will demonstrate, using simple
peripherally aware of these new regular
worked examples, how the four types of
expressions, but had never tried to use
regular expressions can be used in
them. So this article is for these people,
everyday coding situations. It will show
strictly beginners in the field, but people
how these expressions are built on the
who are very comfortable using SQL
existing and familiar SQL character
itself. It is a first timers introduction, and
functions, and will explain in detail each
will prepare you to explore the topic on
of the various parameters associated
your own
with the four regular expressions..
Regular expressions have long been
The four regular expressions introduced
used in the Unix world. With Oracle 10g,
into Oracle 10G are all based on the four
they have now entered the SQL toolbox.
SQL character functions substr, like,
For those unfamiliar with them, regular
instr, and replace. Their names too
expressions can be both complex and
confusing, but do bring substantial
are recognizable, all being prefaced with
the text ‘regexp’, as follows:
flexibility to the developer. They enable
the user to drill down into the detail
constituents of individual database text
fields. They can hunt for complex text
patterns embedded within fields,
constrained by position in the fields (as
defined by any arbitrary character
position). Therefore, they add
Each one of these terms will be
explained and demonstrated, showing
how the original abilities of the SQL
character functions have been extended
thirdly, anywhere in the string,
into the regular expression forms. Their
irrespective of what may precede or
function falls into one of two categories,
follow. Note that in the second example, I
either to identify patterns of data within
have used the underbar symbol (‘_’) to
discrete strings or attributes, or to
indicate a single space!
manipulate target patterns within discrete
strings or attributes. By ‘string’ or
The regular expression regexp_like
‘attributes’, I mean a string literal which
can of course achieve the same result,
may be part of a SQL expression, or
but uses a slightly different construct:
alternatively (and more likely) an attribute
value held within a database table. It is
Select * from tab where
when the two activities of identification
and manipulation are combined that the
Note that no percentage wild card is
true strength of regular expressions can
required – the match will happen if the
be seen. They are indeed very powerful
string ‘START’ is found anywhere within
tools with which to both search and
the target field. This is where additional
modify data, but with this power comes
parameters allow you to control a lot
danger, which we will discuss later.
more precisely exactly what will be
matched with a regular expression. A
variety of ‘metacharacters’, embedded
within the target search string, enables
As indicated, this is based on the SQL
you to control the condition of the match.
character function ‘like’. Lets look at
three example uses of ‘like’:
Select * from tab where field like ‘START%’;
Select * from tab where field like ‘_START%’;
Select * from tab where field like ‘%START%’;
It is worth listing examples of
metacharacters before discussing in
In each case the pattern to be found is
detail how some of them work:
‘START’, but the constructs enable a
certain amount of choice over where that
string is to be found. The ‘%’ symbol acts
as the familiar wild card. The text pattern
(a full stop) Any
may either be found at the beginning of
One or More of the
previous expression
the string (irrespective of what may
follow), or commencing at the 2nd
character position in the string (and again
irrespective of what may follow), or
Zero or One of the
Select * from tab where
Zero or More of the
previous expression
Here we would only match those fields in
Exact Count of the
which the string START was located at
previous expression
the beginning of the field. This we
achieve by inserting the metacharacter ^
Count of 'm' or more
Count of at least 'm',
required string. Notice that Oracle
maximum 'n'
automatically distinguishes between
(carrot, or hat) immediately before the
metacharacters and normal text. If you
List of characters to be
need to include a character in your
search template that is also a
metacharacter, you can do this by using
[ ^… ]
List of characters NOT
to be matched
Or, alternatively
Group or subexpression of
Match from the first
the ‘escape’ device of a backward slash,
which forces the next character to be
interpreted as normal text.
If we use the metacharacter ‘dot’ (or
‘stop’, ‘ . ‘), we can create a slightly
anomalous query. Look at this:
Select * from tab where
character in line or
Match the very last
character in line / field
Here we are looking for any three
contiguous characters in our data source
– they can be anything. We have also
prefaced those dots with the hat - ^,
Most of the above are self-explanatory,
instructing the search to begin at the
but you should experiment with them in
beginning of the data field. Syntactically
simple examples to see exactly how they
this construct is fine, it is just a bit
vary the results you can obtain.
superfluous. It is easy to make errors like
this with regular expressions, and
To return to our simple example, let’s use
conversely, to create an expression
a simple metacharacter (^) to force our
which is syntactically correct, but which
pattern search to begin at the first
cannot possibly retrieve a result!
character position in our data source:
Our simple query could also be written as
follows, which makes more explicit the
use of a pair of (complimentary)
We now know enough to progress on to
metacharacters, the round brackets:
the next regular expression,
regexp_substr. This is in fact highly
Select * from tab where
complimentary with regexp_like, the
two work together most effectively.
But in this case the round brackets are
not strictly required, and might confuse.
There is a final aspect of regexp_like
The reason for this is that you can never
actually see what is being matched by
regexp_like – all you see is the
to be noted, namely the optional ‘Match-
retrieval that you requested if the match
Parameter’, which is used to control the
is made. The two are entirely
case of the character pattern being
searched for. So again, our simple
example can include this parameter as
disconnected. For example, you may
inadvertently forget to switch the match
parameter from case dependent to case
independent, and may therefore get a
result, but based entirely on a false
Select * from tab where
premise. This is where regexp_substr
allows you to display the actual pattern
that is successfully matched with the
Here the letter ‘i’ is used to indicate that
regexp_like function.
the string START can be any mixture of
upper or lowercase – it is to be case
Lets start with the formal definition of this
independent. Use of the only other
alternative parameter of ‘c’ will force the
character string to match exactly the
case of the string in the query.
The formal definition of regexp_like is
as follows:
(source, pattern
[, position
[, occurrence
[, match_parameter ] ] ] )
( source_string, pattern
[, match_parameter] )
Unlike regexp_like, this expression
enables you to retrieve exactly the
pattern within the text string or table field
Because it is enclosed in square
that matches the pattern as defined. So if
brackets, the match parameter is defined
the regexp_like and regexp_substr
as optional.
constructs are identical, you can be
absolutely confident that what you see
retrieved by regexp_substr is exactly
what is being matched by
Select REGEXP_SUBSTR(field,’START’,1,1,’i’)
from tab
where REGEXP_LIKE (field,’START’,’i’);
Notice that there are a couple more
optional parameters available for use
The great benefit of using regexp_like
with regexp_substr. But this makes it
and regexp_substr together is that
a superset of the regexp_like
they are an ideal method for debugging
construct, so enabling any construct in
complex expressions. As with so much of
regexp_like to be used with
SQL, it is the old problem of the
regexp_substr. Lets see how this can
declarative versus the procedural. Often
one can build a syntactically correct SQL
regular expression, but the actual
Select REGEXP_SUBSTR(field,’START’) from tab
where REGEXP_LIKE(field,’START’);
semantic meaning of the expression can
be very different from what you think you
Complexity starts to appear if you want to
have written. By using these two
use the match_parameter. In
expressions in tandem, and by doing
regexp_substr it is the third optional
several tests, you can both learn a lot
parameter, which obliges you to insert
values for the previous two parameters,
namely for ‘position’ and
‘occurrence’. This is easy, however.
‘Position’ refers to the position in the
more about regular expressions, and
furthermore, be confident that the answer
you get is the answer to the question you
really asked, and not what you thought
you asked.
text string from which to start looking for
a pattern. The numeric ‘1’ will force the
examination to commence from the
beginning, and is the default. The
‘occurrence’ parameter simply
indicates how many times you wish to
find the string – the default is 1. (Note
The third of the four regular expressions
that this is not the same as the
is distinctly different from the two
occurrence parameter in the
previous examples that we have looked
regexp_instr, which we will discuss
at. Now, the value returned from
regexp_instr is a numeric value which
identifies the position of the start (or the
We can modify our example to force a
case independent search as follows, but
we must insert at least the default values
for the two preceding parameters in the
regexp_substr expression:
end) of a particular pattern in the data
source character string. The original SQL
character function is defined as follows:
The result gives the character position in
(source, pattern
the string of the first occurrence of the
[, starting at M
first letter of the pattern ‘beer’, which is of
[, the Nth occurrence ]] )
course the integer 5. We can modify the
query to look for the second instance of
The regular expression version takes this
basic position and adds a couple of
additional properties, the
return_option and the
match_parameter. Lets have a look at
regexp_instr('Two beers or three beers,
result from dual;
the formal definition:
If the return option is changed from ‘0’ to
(source, pattern
‘1’, to return the integer indicating the end
[, starting at M
of the pattern string, the query and result
[, the Nth occurrence
appear as follows:
[, return_option
[, match_parameter ] ] ] ] )
It may be easier to understand what is
happening if the above definition is
regexp_instr('Two beers or three beers,
result from dual;
transposed into free text:- the expression
is looking for the position of the Nth
occurrence of pattern in the source,
But here is a subtly easily overlooked.
starting at character position M, with the
The result returned is not the numeric
return_option of either the start or end
position of the last character of the
position of the pattern, with an optional
search pattern ‘beer’, but rather the next
match_parameter governing the case
position after the end of the pattern,
sensitivity of the pattern search.
which is the letter ‘s’..
As with the two previous expressions, the
source and the pattern operate in exactly
the same way, complete with controlling
metacharacters when required. Lets look
at the following example:
The fourth of the regular expressions is
the only one to actually manipulate a
target pattern. As previously, it is based
regexp_instr('Two beers or three beers,
result from dual;
on the original SQL character function of
‘replace’, with the addition of three extra
constraints. The definition of replace
looks like this:
multiple spaces, namely one single
(source, pattern, replace_string )
of which an example could be as follows:
The result would return the following
Select replace(‘this is a small
example’,’small’,’tiny’) from dual;
‘This written by a not-very good typist’
The result takes the target string,
In the above example, we have not seen
substitutes ‘small’ with ‘tiny’ and returns
the use of either ‘position’,
the modified string ‘this is a tiny
‘occurrence’, or ‘match_parameter’.
This structure is developed further in the
regexp_replace, which has the following
Just as with the previous regular
expressions, their use is exactly the
same. The following example shows how
one can apply the replacement
selectively within a string:
( source, pattern
select regexp_replace
('Regexp could be used to encrypt
text','(e)','*XYZ*',10,1,'i') result from
[, occurrence
[, match_parameter ] ] ] ] )
In this example, we are going to use
‘regexp_replace’ as a crude form of
Once again, let’s see what an example of
encryption, by looking for the first
this expression might look like. We can
occurrence of the letter ‘e’ after character
use it to prune out multiple instances of
position 10 in the string, and then
spaces between characters, as here:
replacing that letter with the string
select regexp_replace
('This written
a not-very good
typist','( ){2,}', ' ') Result from dual;The
construct above contains three items: a
‘*XYZ*‘. The final result looks like this:
’Regexp could b*XYZ* used to encrypt
string with multiple spaces between
words, a pattern to search for (a single
space identified in a closed bracket
construct) followed by a numeric
argument which says ‘find at least 2
contiguous spaces with no upper limit on
how many occur together’, and finally the
string with which to replace these
So far we have only considered the most
simple of examples, and deliberately too.
We have touched on the variety of
metacharacters available to use. These
are the characters which retain their own
meaning within a pattern string, and
[:alnum:] an alpha-numeric string
which are used to apply constraints to the
interpretation of that character string. But
You can see immediately how a
there are traps here – look at the use of
compound pattern expression, looking for
the ‘hat’ or carrot’ (^). It can have two
both upper and lower case letters and
entirely different meanings, dependent on
its context. In this form ( [^…] ) it is
numerics, constructed as follows:
defining characters which must not be
matched. Here (^…) it requires the
parser to start hunting for the pattern
from the beginning of the text data
can be simplified into a single expression
source (where ‘…’ stands for any three
as follows:
alpha numeric characters). Note also the
use of the back slash \, the ‘escape’
character, which will force a
Note how the character classes are
metacharacter to be treated as an
defined with opening and closing square
ordinary text character. It is all too easy
brackets. Because we have replaced the
to overlook these small aspects of
pattern string ‘A-Za-z0-9’, which was
regular expression construct, which if
itself contained within square brackets,
misused can alter entirely the behaviour
those outer brackets have to be retained.
of the query.
The pairs of square brackets are a
There are also groups of characters
known as ‘character classes’ as distinct
from metacharacters. These are less
familiar feature of regular expressions –
you will therefore immediately recognize
that a character class is being used.
confusing, and indeed if used carefully,
can do much to remove some of the
confusion which can arise in trying to
manage complex strings. Let’s have a
look at some of the more useful
character classes:
[:alpha:] alphabetic chars only
The above gentle introduction to regular
expressions might seem straight forward,
but it masks a degree of complexity
which can become seriously confusing.
Users familiar with the old SQL character
[:digit:] numerics
functions will recall that you often had to
use multiple functions to achieve the
[:lower:] lower case alphabetic
[:cntrl:] nonprinting or control characters
desired result. For example, a replace
action could be used with one or more
instr functions to restrict both the start
[:xdigit:] hexadecimal
and the end point of a replace action,
possibly even with the use of the
large tables are involved, try to ensure
‘length’ function. This degree of
that the regular expression operates on
complexity has been partially resolved
the smallest possible subset of a query
with regular expressions, in that this sort
result, by ensuring that as much data as
of control can now be obtained within one
possible is retrieved using high
expression. But equally, there is no
performance indexes, before applying
reason why one cannot embed a
time consuming regular expression
succession of regular expressions, each
within the other. Any one of these
expressions can be embedded in any
other, which will of course automatically
increases the overall complexity.
Regular expressions can also provide
beneficial functionality as part of pre-load
validation, but again, only so long as load
volumes are kept under careful review.
If you are building a complex suite of
expressions, be sure to build
incrementally, and test at each stage as
you build up the layers. If you are trying
to understand what one expression is
actually doing, take it apart and break it
down into its individual components,
according to the formal definition of each
expression. Clarity of layout is the great
issue here, just as it is in writing and
reading a complex piece of SQL code.
Finally – beware of using regular
expressions when there is an easier way
of accomplishing the same task! It may
well be the case that with some carefully
constructed SQL code, you can achieve
the same result, with a consequent
performance benefit too. If you still can’t
achieve your objectives with ‘pure’ SQL,
look again at the old character functions
before finally resorting to the regular
Further help
Regular expressions are a powerful
addition to the SQL toolbox. As well as
becoming familiar with their complexity
and slightly confusing syntax (and this
may not be a rapid task!), you should be
rather careful where you employ these
techniques. Inevitably, their use in a
simple query against a text field in a table
such as the examples discussed in this
article will result in a full table scan. With
very large tables, this can result in
disastrously slow execution times. Where
Any internet search in which the words
‘Oracle’ and ‘Regular Expressions’ are
submitted will return many useful pages
of information. In particular, I would
commend the following works for further
reading, and indeed for ongoing
reference material. Be careful with any
text book addressing regular expressions
in general. They will tend to be directed
at the Unix / shell script community. Just
to confuse things even further, every
different context in which regular
expressions appear tends to have its own
syntax variants.
“Writing Better SQL Using Regular
Expressions” – Alice Rischert
Google search; A previous article in
Oramag. Highly recommended.
Oracle on-line documentation:
(This is ‘SQL Reference for 10g’ – search
on ‘regexp’)
An excellent blog / discussion on Regular
Expressions by Andrew Clarke (Radio
Free Tooting)
/09/ useful-article-on-regex-in-oracle10g.html
“Oracle Regular Expression Pocket
Reference” (O’Reilly) Jonathan Gennick
& Peter Linsley (cheap at $10!)
Peter Robson
(peter_robson@justsql.com) is a
database specialist with a particular
interest in SQL. His web site
www.justsql.com contains a number of
unusual examples of the use of SQL.
Based in Scotland, he is also a Director
of the UK Oracle User Group.