Circular rpgc/rb/02/16 BINDURA UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE EDUCATION BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT INNOVATION AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP GRANT CALL FOR PROPOSALS-2016 DEADLINE: 19 February 2016 at 1600 hours RB9 (Application for a Research Board Grant Form) can be downloaded from the RPGC Website) and is available upon request from the RPGC ( _________________________________________________________________________ The Research Board is seeking highly innovative proposals, to be funded under the Business Development, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Fund (BDIEF). Winning proposals shall meet the general criteria of innovation, societal relevancy, and impact. The Bindura Innovation Forum (BIF) defines innovation as “a novel or new solution that addresses societal problems”. The proposals should focus on introducing an innovative product/service/process that adds value to those in existence or addresses specific problems in an innovative way. In particular, the Research Board shall be keen to find out what societal problem(s) the product/service/process seeks to solve, the competitive advantages and novelty of the proposed output, the customer(s)/target market(s) of the research output, the competitors (a comparison of the proposed product/service/process to the existing or competitor’s product/service/process in terms of performance, features, price etc), any likelihood of prototypes/policies being developed and the likely impact of the project. Grant Amount Successful proposals may be awarded up to a maximum of $5 000. Eligibility The BDIEF grant is open to all permanent members of BUSE including Academic Support Staff. Page 1 of 2 Circular rpgc/rb/02/16 Staff members on contract and those from affiliate colleges/institutions with innovative ideas should collaborate and apply through a BUSE permanent members of staff. Exhibitions It is anticipated that the projects funded under BIF grant shall be presented at national/international research exhibitions and symposia .i.e. RIE-SET week exhibitions. Page 2 of 2