Statewide Training and Education Committee (STEC) CDSS, Sacramento March 10, 2013 | 10:00 am to 3:00 pm S U M M A R Y MEETING/EVENT/CONFERENCE CALL SCHEDULE, ACTION ITEMS & DECISIONS MEETING/EVENT SCHEDULES: Next STEC……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ....................... 6/10/13, Sacramento Common Core 3.0 Mtg………..………………………………………………………………………….................... 6/25-26/13, Sacramento Macro Evaluation…………………Supe Core Scoring Webinar 3/25/13, 2-4pm; In-person Meeting 4/11/13, 10am-3pm Fairness and Equity Symposium …………………………………………………………………..5/14/13, 9:30am – 4:30pm, Emeryville CONFERENCE CALLS/WEBINARS: CDOG Webinars (monthly) ……………………………………………………………………………. ...................... 4th Monday 10 am – noon Adoptions Curriculum Committee .................................................................................................. 3/13/13, 2:00 to 4:00 Technology and Learning Committee ....................................................................................................... 3/26, 11 – 1:30 Unraveling the Mystery of Business Objects: Querying the System to Get the Information You Want and Need .... 3/20 Communities of Practice and Motivational Interviewing ........................................................................................... 3/27 How the Perception of Fathers Contributes to Disproportionality: A Real Discussion .............................................. 4/22 From the Classroom to the Cloud: Converting in-person training to eLearning ........................................................ 5/15 ACTION ITEMS: 1. CalSWEC is scheduled to meet with the Youth Training Project about sharing youth digital stories on the CalSWEC Vimeo site. 2. Regions will ensure they each have a regional CWDA representative on STEC, per the charter. 3. CalSWEC and CDSS will request that the ICWA workgroup identify a STEC representative. 4. CalSWEC will make corrections to the STEC email list. 5. CalSWEC will share the Central Katie A. convening materials with STEC. 6. A new subcommittee to address Fairness and Equity will be added to a future STEC agenda, after the symposium. 7. Central noted that Fresno County has a Special Immigrant Juvenile Status tool and policy they can share. David Foster will send it to CalSWEC and CalSWEC will share it with the group. Other regions will share any available tools /curriculum with the AOC or CalSWEC. 8. AOC will share a list of trainers and topics with the regions. 9. STEC members will share any curriculum related to the use of psychotropic medication with CDSS. PCWTA has two curricula that might be helpful. They will share them with CDSS and Gary Kupfer. 10. CalSWEC will send the shared learning form to STEC and ask for STEC members to share their own forms. We will also ask volunteers to pilot the form at the Fairness and Equity Symposium. 11. CalSWEC will develop a user-friendly web page to post conference and other presentations. 12. STEC members are asked to share any curriculum related Latino children, youth and families in the child welfare system with CalSWEC or Soledad Caldera-Gammage. *In order to accommodate travel schedules and maximize the productivity of the meeting, a working lunch will be served UC BERKELEY SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WEL FARE 2850 TELEGRAPH AVE, SUITE 215 BERKELEY, CA 94705-1169 (P) 510.642.9272 (F) 510.642.8573 (W) 13. CalSWEC will ask the Latino Practice Advisory Board to present the data related to Latino families in the child welfare system to STEC at a future date. 14. CalSWEC will send the Common Core 3.0 presentation link to STEC and ask them to complete the survey. 15. STEC will discuss Common Core 3.0 implementation at a future meeting. 16. P4 will contact Sphere to address these questions on the CAT Tools as well. 17. P4 will share curriculum when it becomes available. 18. CalSWEC will add explanatory text to the link to the SOGIE Guidelines. 19. CalSWEC will revise the ppt slides for the Katie A. info to include timeframes and the cross-over between Katie A and Common Core and send those slides to STEC. 20. STEC member will provide feedback on the Katie A. training recommendations within 1 week. 21. CDSS will forward dates and additional information about the upcoming Katie A. orientations to the RTAs. ATTENDANCE: CalSWEC: CDSS: Counties: CWDA Reps: RTAs/IUC: Other Attendees: Via phone: I. Sherrill Clark, Melissa Connelly, Phyllis Jeroslow, Barrett Johnson, Suzanne Schoenfeld, Sevaughn Banks Diane Brown, Cheryl Treadwell Linda Martinez, Lonetta Richardson-Bryan, Jenell Thompson, Stuart Young, Mieke Bryant Gary Kupfer (Tulare/Central) Soledad Caldera-Gammage, David Foster, Mary Garrison, Jennifer Cannell Valerie Peck, Meka Klungtvet-Morano (IV-E); Juline Aguilar, Lucy Berger (Community Colleges); Kristine Van Dorsten (AOC); Bob Friend (Seneca); Toni Heineman (A Home Within); Karri Biehle (P4) Leslie Zeitler (CalSWEC); Rod Caskey (CRC); Brian Kiefer (CiMH) Welcome and Introductions Review of summary, additions to agenda Added Psychotropic meds work group as related training needs have been identified No changes to the summary. The group adopted it as published. Action Items/Hot Topic follow-up CalSWEC followed up with Youth Training Project about sharing youth digital stories on the CalSWEC Vimeo site: CalSWEC has a meeting planned with CYC. CDSS and CalSWEC will consider whether in the long run there should be a broader subcommittee to consider and address issues of fairness, equity and disparities (currently there is a planning committee for the Symposium. CalSWEC noted that internal discussion points to the need for an ongoing and separate subcommittee. There are concerns about duplication of efforts. We recommended that this committee form after the Fairness and Equity Symposium. We will add this to a future agenda for deeper discussion. Northern and Central RTAs will share their outlines for initial convenings that they are having for Katie A, so that they can be shared with STEC. Central shared materials. Northern shared promotional materials. Central has additional meetings in the planning stages. CalSWEC will share the Central materials with STEC. Barry and Mary Garrison drafted a simple tool that can be used to record learning at conferences. A tool was developed, but piloting was a challenge. This is included in the discussion below for this agenda item. STEC will consider whether some sort of alternative structure (e.g. a day added to a STEC meeting, an addition to the RTA/CalSWEC/IUC/CDSS All Staff meeting) would be helpful to foster more shared knowledge opportunities. Also included in the discussion below. Summary 03/11/13, p. 2 CalSWEC will send an invitation out to STEC participants seeking volunteers to contribute material and participate in the development of the planned writing course. Group assembled. STEC participants should send CalSWEC any potential source material for Katie A. curriculum. Request continued. Membership/reps update According to the STEC charter each region should have a designated CWDA Children’s rep. CalSWEC asked that the regions seek representation. Gary Kupfer is the representative for Central. The other regions need to designate representatives. We need to identify and confirm a representative from the ICWA workgroup for STEC It was also noted that the CalSWEC mailing list for STEC has some omissions. CalSWEC will make corrections. Partner reports/Announcements AOC: Looking to develop training on Special Immigrant Juvenile Status. The AOC representative requested that shareable curriculum or tools be shared either via CalSWEC or directly to the AOC. Central noted that Fresno County has a tool and policy they can share. They’ve partnered with the Mexican Consulate to train in the central region. David Foster will send materials to CalSWEC and CalSWEC will share it with the group. Foster Parent Training: Upcoming train the trainers foster care institute coming up in April. It’ll be for lead trainers for the 62 colleges that they serve. Topics include LGBTQ best practices and youth involved training with recommendations from CYC . Actions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Regions will ensure they each have a CWDA Children’s committee representative on STEC. CalSWEC and CDSS will request that the ICWA work identify a STEC representative. CalSWEC will make corrections to the STEC email list. CalSWEC will share the Central Katie A. convening materials with STEC. A new subcommittee to address Fairness and Equity will be added to a future STEC agenda. Central noted that Fresno county has a Special Immigrant Juvenile Status tool and policy they can share. David Foster will send it to CalSWEC and CalSWEC will share it with the group. Other regions will share any available tools / curriculum with the AOC or CalSWEC. 7. AOC will share a list of trainers and topics with the regions. II. Subcommittee reports Macro Evaluation: The Supervisor Core scoring webinar will happening on March 25, 2013, from 24pm Pacific time. They will have an in-person meeting April 11, 2013 in Sacramento, from 10am3pm. Content Development Oversight Group: CDOG is reviewing the draft version 2.0 of the Policy and Practice for Supervisors curriculum. They recently updated the Supporting Educational Right and Achievement LOs. We will talk later in the agenda about the role of CDOG in Common Core. 3.0. We will also work more on addressing the way we roll out new curricula. This will likely be included in the upcoming RTA / IUC / RCFFP All Staff. Training Content Alignment: No update. This group is participating in the Technology and Learning webinars (see below). Technology & Learning: Sevaughn shared information about the upcoming webinar series. Registration: Summary 03/11/13, p. 3 o III. Unraveling the Mystery of Business Objects: Querying the System to Get the Information You Want and Need , Chris Lovejoy, IBM, 3/20 o From the Classroom to the Cloud: Converting in-person training to eLearning, Lori Delagrammatikas & Krista Brown, 5/15 Fairness & Equity: The symposium is May 14, 2013 at the Hilton Garden Inn in Emeryville. Planning is underway via a steering committee. The symposium will consist of a series of breakout sessions. A few presenters have already been identified. There is a call for presentations with a deadline of April 1, 2013. STEC members are asked to spread the word about the symposium and invite mental health partners. Stipends for youth may be available Adoptions Curriculum: The updated LOs are posted on the CalSWEC website for comment with a deadline of 3/18/13. Regions want clarification about whether or not this is a mandated statewide training. It was noted that the adoption curriculum is a resource curriculum. It is meeting an identified need, but is not mandatory. The audience is new adoption social workers, or workers who have switched roles within child welfare, not existing adoptions staff. CDSS report Psychotropic medication: Quality improvement project in partnership with Healthcare Services. The Child and Family Services Improvement and Innovation act required that the state improve work related to psychotropic medication and that this work be conducted in collaboration with the branch that oversees Medicaid. The work has been underway for a year with a focus on planning in three areas. The Data Workgroup is seeking to integrate the JV 220 with the Health and Education Passport. They are seeking to improve technology in this regard and in conjunction with concurrent efforts to improve electronic records. The Clinical Workgroup is developing protocol for prescribing medications and using other non-medication interventions. The Family, Youth and Education Workgroup is looking at the role of caregivers and youth in the use of psychotropic medications. Gary Kupfer is on this committee and will serve as a STEC representative. CDSS is seeking representation from the foster parent training community for the Family Youth and Education Workgroup. They also requested that STEC members send them any curriculum related to the use of psychotropic medication. They are especially interested in including information on whether youth are informed of their rights, esp. doctor’s recommendations. If there are STEC members who would like to be on the other committees, they are asked to Let CDSS know. Katie A.: CDSS has released the Core Practice Model Guides. An orientation for directors is set for 3/28/13. RCFFP (in partnership with the CiMH) is hosting 6 regional meetings to present the CPM Guide and the Medi-Cal Billing Guide. Meeting notices will come out to all STEC members this week. An ACL should be coming out this week regarding the CPM Guide and related expectations. A separate letter will be coming out on Friday regarding the readiness assessment process. It was noted that there is a request to extend the Learning Collaborative timeline. CDSS will provide more information about this. CDSS is thinking about how to strategically collapse some workgroups given the workload load and the fact that several of the same people are working on different initiatives together. Action: 1. STEC members will share any curriculum related to the use of psychotropic medication with CDSS. PCWTA has two curricula that might be helpful. They will share them with CDSS and Gary Kupfer. IV. Sharing Learning Summary 03/11/13, p. 4 CalSWEC provided an update on their work so far. Mary Garrison assisted in developing a form to use to document content from trainings and conferences, but Barry was unable to complete the form due to time constraints. We agreed to try again with multiple users piloting the form, perhaps at the Fairness and Equity Symposium. We discussed scheduling a day at some point in the year to facilitate sharing of information gathered at conferences. More work is needed to develop a workable system. The group agreed that when a STEC member is presenting at a conference we will post the presentation materials on the CalSWEC website, with a brief synopsis of significant learning experience/points. Action: 1. CalSWEC will send the shared learning form to STEC and ask for STEC members to share their own forms. We will also ask volunteers to pilot the form at the Fairness and Equity Symposium. 2. CalSWEC will explore development of a user-friendly web page to post conference and other presentations. V. Fostering Connections After 18/AB 12 NRTA is having a convening on March 18, 2013. BAA will host monthly workgroups to support practice related to Fostering Connections. Shauna Murtha is the lead on this. PCWTA is providing ongoing training. CalSWEC has posted the Supporting Pregnant and Parenting Youth curriculum. The ICWA curriculum was posted, but is now undergoing revisions. VI. Latino Practice Advisory Board This group is focusing on the experience of Latino children and families in the Child Welfare System. This originated from Santa Clara County who saw their biggest disparate child population with Hispanic/Latino children. There is interesting data about this population and it was noted that outcomes vary based on 1st or 2nd generation immigration status. We expect training needs will be identified through this Advisory board. STEC members are asked to share any related curriculum materials with CalSWEC or Soledad Caldera-Gammage. The group discussed the larger issue of addressing disproportionality and disparity in child welfare training and education. It was noted that the Office of Statewide Health Planning may have or be a resource on disparity topics ( They also use consumers in evaluation and design of their curriculum. Action: 1. STEC members are asked to share any curriculum related to the use of Latino children, youth and families in the child welfare system with CalSWEC or Soledad Caldera-Gammage. 2. CalSWEC will ask the Latino Practice Advisory Board to present their data related to Latino families in the child welfare system to STEC at a future date. VII. Common Core 3.0* CalSWEC shared a brief overview of the revision concept and reviewed the preliminary stakeholder feedback. The group asked about implementation. The root of this question had to do with wondering if the implementation of core has more effect on its success than what happens after training. The group would like to know who participated in the webinars. CalSWEC will send a list of the counties who participated. Summary 03/11/13, p. 5 It was noted that some stakeholders are interested in more than certificates, but actually in certification of trainees upon completion of core. CalSWEC will send the presentation link to STEC and invite STEC members to complete the survey. It was recommended that we add the issue of implementation and county buy-in to a future STEC agenda. We noted the need to coordinate with the ongoing CWDA effort to establish a statewide practice model that incorporates Katie A., SOP, Katie A. CPM, etc. The group discussed the prospective workload related to developing curriculum to support this revision. Factors at play include the development of a statewide practice model and budgeting of staff resources to focus on oversight of curriculum development and development of new curriculum and tools. This will require further planning and discussion with the Common Core 3.0 workgroup. Action: 1. CalSWEC will send the Common Core 3.0 presentation link to STEC and ask them to complete the survey. 2. CalSWEC will send a list of the counties who participated in the webinars. 3. STEC will discuss Common Core 3.0 implementation at a future meeting. VIII. Hot Topics GLBTQ training Karri Biehle of Homebuilders/P4 discusses their approach to GLBTQ training, with a discussion on how we can support and build upon this work. The P4 project is ending and the work of the group will be integrated throughout training. The goal of P4 is to build competency of staff to address and deal with LGBTQ issues. One way to integrate this work is to include the Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity & Expression (SOGIE) Guidelines that the group developed. The guidelines were released and there is a plan to pilot and test the use of the guidelines in Pennsylvania and California. It is expected that additional practice level tools for social workers to use in the field will be developed following the initial piloting of the SOGIE guidelines. Karri asked for feedback from STEC about how to move forward and integrate this concept in practice. 1. The group noted the need to also include working with birth families and caregivers to be open to these discussions and to respond in a way that is healthy for children and youth. 2. The group noted the benefit of making this a global conversation with all children and youth instead of focusing only on LGBTQ youth. 3. Fostering Media Connections is making a 5 part video on Sex Education for foster youth. 4. John Burton Foundation’s legislative focus this year is on ensuring that all foster youth ages 12 and over have access to information about sex and sexuality. 5. PCWTA has an online module focused on After 18 and LGBTQ Youth. 6. The group discussed integration of this concept in Common Core 3.0 and agreed that it is important for several practice areas (case planning, assessment, engagement). 7. P4 is in contact with CRC and they are exploring adding these questions to the SDM tool. STEC recommended that they also contact SPHERE to address these questions on the CAT Tools as well. 8. Curriculum is in development with RISE and P4 will share that when it is available. Summary 03/11/13, p. 6 9. CalSWEC has posted the SOGIE Guidelines on the Child and Youth Development Curriculum page and the LGBTQ Training page. CalSWEC will add additional explanatory text to the link. Action: 1. P4 will contact SPHERE to address these questions on the CAT Tools as well. 2. P4 will share curriculum when it becomes available. 3. CalSWEC will add explanatory text to the link to the SOGIE Guidelines. 4. CRC will incorporate sexual orientation issues in their (child) needs assessment. Home Away/Transitions training IX. Toni Heineman from A Home Within discusses their innovative training approach on transitions, and how it might apply to our After 18 young people training. They provide services in 22 states, a component which is pro bono psychotherapy, with no defined timeline for closure. The average length of treatment is 3.5 years. In addition to the training, they have a variety of tools for working with transition-age youth. For example, they have developed sets of cards to use in training to help focus on factors related to identity formation, transition, and parenting. The cost is $15.00 per deck. They could be adapted to be a mobile app. Their tools and curricula are intended for therapists, social workers, caregivers and any others who work with foster youth. They are currently applying for a grant to provide services/training on parents of incarcerated children. They also have a website ( ) which hosts information and tools for people working with foster youth. Katie A The group reviewed proposed recommendations for Training/Workforce Development related to Katie A. and provided feedback for planning upcoming activities. It was noted these training recommendations are focused on conjoint training with child welfare and mental health. The recommendations include: Use implementation science to inform the implementation process. Provide guidance to county leadership to create a joint management structure between county-level child welfare and mental health agencies. Prepare initial curriculum and training products that will assist joint management leaders to form and develop cross-disciplinary, county-level implementation teams. Provide initial curriculum and training products by June 1, 2013 for first use by counties selected by CDSS for participation in the Learning Collaborative, which begins on June 30, 2013. Solicit feedback from the Learning Collaborative about the initial curriculum and training products that can be used to refine training materials for statewide dissemination. Use the products developed for use by the Learning Collaborative as precursors for subsequent cross-disciplinary development of curricula and coaching materials for supervisors and line staff in county child welfare services and mental health agencies across the state. Provide co-training for child welfare staff, mental health staff, and community-based partners. Sequence the process for cross-disciplinary training and staff development in five phases: o Phase 1: Engaging stakeholders Summary 03/11/13, p. 7 Parents and youth affiliated with the child welfare or mental health systems shall be invited to participate throughout the implementation process. Stipends should be funded to enable the ongoing participation of parent and youth stakeholders. o Phase 2A: Creating an implementation team guide for Child Welfare Service and Mental Health leadership, with associated training tools and curricula that facilitate implementation planning Managers and supervisors should be trained first and become fluent in the Core Practice Model. It is essential to establish an agency infrastructure that can support coaching and ongoing staff development for practicing the Core Practice Model. The timing of the implementation guide should be coordinated with issuance of the ACL re: the forthcoming readiness assessment, and the formation of the Learning Collaborative. o Phase 2B: Identifying existing curricula and practices that support the Core Practice Model STEC’s multidisciplinary workgroup shall continue to identify curriculum and training resources that can be adapted for training the Core Practice Model. o Phase 3: Utilizing the learning collaborative to identify additional training and staff development products. The Learning Collaborative and other implementation activities could be used to identify and inform the training and curriculum needs of individual counties, so that subsequent content development could be well matched and responsive to a variety of county circumstances. o Phase 4: Revising implementation tools and developing curricula based on feedback from the Learning Collaborative. Curriculum should be co-developed with community-based partners. Curriculum should draw from CAPP’s work on disproportionality, disparities, and the engagement of parents, youth, and families. Curriculum should include content that addresses use of a mental health screening tool. o Phase 5: Ongoing training, coaching, and staff development activities Curricula and other training and coaching tools will be further refined over time, and integrated into ongoing university-based education and in-service training systems (e.g. the Common Core Curriculum, curriculum for Title IV-E and Mental Health Stipend Programs, etc.). Community-based partners will be invited to participate on an ongoing basis with cross-disciplinary training and coaching staff to review and modify curricula and other training and coaching tools. The group sought clarification of when the curricula for leaders / managers would be available as compared to curricula for social workers. It was noted that the first stage would be developing curricula for leaders and managers by 6/1/13 and then completion of readiness assessments. This would provide direction for development of curricula that RTAs could use in consultation with counties. The group also discussed the process for identifying the Learning Community counties and the opportunity for counties with successful collaborative programs such as Therapeutic Behavioral Services to provide technical assistance to other counties. The group discussed the concern that there is insufficient coordination between training related to Katie A. and training related to Common Core 3.0. CalSWEC noted that there is a graphic / slide that Summary 03/11/13, p. 8 portrays the crossover. CalSWEC will add an additional slide designating the timeframes for developing training and send those slides to STEC. The group suggested the following changes to the training recommendations: CDSS will consult with CalSWEC about fitting the timeframes into the phases in the document. CalSWEC will add a note making the connection between the Katie A. training recommendations and Common Core 3.0. CDSS will confirm that the terminology used in the recommendation document matches the terminology in the settlement, especially around development of Joint Management Teams. CalSWEC will add a recommendation that the process include gathering feedback on the training as it is delivered. STEC is asked to respond within a week with their feedback on these recommendations. CDSS noted that orientations will also be provided to caregivers and the RTAs will be asked to participate. Actions: 1. CalSWEC will revise the ppt slides for the Katie A. info to include timeframes and the cross-over between Katie A and Common Core and send those slides to STEC. 2. STEC members will provide feedback on these training recommendations within 1 week. 3. CDSS will forward dates and additional information about the upcoming orientations to the RTAs. X. Next steps Next meeting 6/10/13. Summary 03/11/13, p. 9