INVITATION TO QUOTE Experience Nottinghamshire Ltd Delivery of Enterprise Support for ERDF Funded Project – Nottingham event Bidding Unit EMX08075 Date: 3rd October 2013 Experience Nottinghamshire Ltd Gothic House Barker Gate Nottingham NG1 1JU 0115 9628320 1. INTRODUCTION Experience Nottinghamshire is a not for profit Company Limited by Guarantee, a Destination Management Organization representing public and private sector members to grow and promote Nottingham and Nottinghamshire to visitor markets. Experience Nottinghamshire operates under service level agreements from local authority partners, and membership income from over 400 private sector businesses. The board of directors is representative of these partner organisations and oversee the company’s core mission to develop strategy, and deliver tactical projects to maximise growth in tourism to the destination. For more information about 2. Experience Nottinghamshire please visit BACKGROUND In 2011, Experience Nottinghamshire submitted an ERDF competiveness fund application to deliver the Event Bidding Unit project. This project had been developed in partnership with public and private stakeholders over the previous eighteen months, to address a market failure in the local business tourism market. Following appraisal, the project commenced on 1st April 2013 for a two year period. The aim of the project is to attract major events with significant economic impact to the city of Nottingham. These will include conferences, sports and cultural events. The project works with 45 conference and accommodation providers to attract this business. Project activity will include marketing & promotion of the City, as well as providing free services ot the event organiser in order to make Nottingham an attractive proposition and correct the market failure. The project is managed by Experience Nottinghamshire itself, and Experience Nottinghamshire are the accountable body and contract holder with the ERDF Secretariat. The project is funded through ERDF Priority Axis 2 - £440,000 University & public sector funding - £156,056 Private sector funding - £163,260 The project, over its 2 year life, will generate £13million of additional visitor spend into the Nottingham visitor economy by delivering four strands of activity: 3. Creating capacity; the project sales team will co-ordinate citywide bids for conferences and events Marketing; the project includes attendance at trade shows and advertising to generate prospects and event leads Visitor Welcome; the project will use technology to make information about the destination readily available to delegates and visitors Market intelligence; the project will commission industry data to inform tactical activity and future strategic direction TENDER SPECIFICATION Description of Requirement As a requirement of our ERDF funding, we require a supplier to deliver business mentoring in order to support improved productivity and competitiveness for businesses within the project area, see section 4 below. Full documentary information and details of the project will be provided to the successful tenderer. Working Arrangements The evaluation project will be overseen by David Randall who is Director of Conferencing and Events at Experience Nottinghamshire. The successful Tenderer will be expected to identify one named project manager to whom all contract and day to day enquiries can be addressed. 4. PROJECT REQUIREMENT – AIMS & OBJECTIVES 4.1 Experience Nottinghamshire is seeking to recruit a Contractor to deliver the business mentoring element of the project, supporting delivery of contracted project outputs prior to target dates. 4.1.1 This mentoring should comprise four elements: a. Business planning, to improve focus, targeted and measurable business actions b. On and off-line presence and communications c. Business resilience, retaining customers in challenging times d. Capture of business support evidence required for reporting outputs to the project funders. 4.2 You are invited to suggest other areas which may be addressed as part of this mentoring although the areas outlined above must be incorporated as the focus of the work. However, in your proposal you must outline: 4.2.1 Your approach to undertaking the project, addressing each of the areas to be covered as outlined above. 4.2.2 Timescales and reporting, this should include details including any interim, draft, and final reports in addition to an executive summary as appropriate (note – this is not a pre-condition), clearly indicating the recipient audiences. The timing of these reports should be linked to and clearly stated in the timetable 4.2.3 Your knowledge and experience in this area, particularly in terms of the enterprise support and the business arena 4.2.4 The knowledge and experience of individuals to be involved in this work and relevant contact point 4.2.5 Proposed outcomes, including how you will present those outcomes and the methodology to be used. 4.2.6 Costs. Cost estimates should include all design, facilitation and production related costs and include the transfer of all materials to Experience Nottinghamshire at the end of the project. The total cost of the project should not exceed £15,000 + VAT. Contact with a representative number of beneficiaries may need to be established to gauge their satisfaction with support received. Contact with member organizations of Experience Nottinghamshire would be in the first instance through the management of EN Period of Contract The contract shall commence November 2013 and run until the end of July 2015, the financial conclusion of this phase of the project. Budget The budget for this evaluation is capped at £15,000 plus VAT if applicable. Please note that Experience Nottinghamshire is a VAT registered organisation and therefore the VAT status of the tenderer is irrelevant. Evaluation of Tenders Tenders will be evaluated by Experience Nottinghamshire Ltd. Tenderers are asked to submit within their tenders the following information which corresponds to the key areas of evaluation: A detailed breakdown of total costs showing all elements of expenditure relating to the Contract, including VAT A demonstrable understanding of the brief of the project Methodologies proposed for contract delivery The qualifications, experience, expertise and skills of the individuals to be assigned to the project 5. INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS Tender Timescales The following timescales are envisaged. Stage Date Tender closing date 16th October 2013 Evaluation and award 18th October 2013 Inception meeting During October 2013, subject to availability Progress/review meetings as required Reporting Quarterly until the project deliverables have been achieved, by End July 2015. Please submit your proposals, within the dates specified above, in electronic format only (Microsoft Word) to Tenderers should note that in the event that a bid is considered to be fundamentally unacceptable on a key issue, regardless of its other merits, that bid may be rejected Tenders submitted after the time and date shown will be rejected and returned to the tenderer The tender document must not exceed 8 pages, A4. Additional background information may be included in appendices to the main document. Information included within the annexes, must only provide further detail and not key elements of the proposal If you require further information concerning the tender process, or the nature of the proposed contract, please in the first instance contact: David Randall Experience Nottinghamshire Ltd 07515 392109 No questions will be answered that provide competitive advantage to any party tendering. Should questions arise during the tendering period which, in our judgement, are of material significance we will inform all tenderers to explain the nature of the question, and our formal reply. All tenderers should then take that reply into consideration when preparing their own bids, and we will evaluate bids on the assumption that they have done so. 6. CONDITIONS OF TENDER Representations A tenderer may contact officers of Experience Nottinghamshire to obtain any further information about the requirements of the contract or the tendering procedures if these are not evident or clear from the documents supplied to tenderers. Specification For the avoidance of doubt, the contract specification shall include all requirements explicit or implied within the invitation to tender. It must be recognised that Experience Nottinghamshire reserve the right to withdraw this tender document and all funding contained within it without notice. Tenders Excluded No tender will be considered for acceptance if the tenderer has indulged or attempted to indulge in any corrupt practice or canvassed the tender with officer of Experience Nottinghamshire or partner organisations. If a tenderer has indulged or attempted to indulge in such practices and the tender is accepted, then grounds shall exist for the termination of the contract and the claiming damages from the successful tenderers. It is unlikely that any tender will be accepted which (a) is incomplete or inaccurately or inadequately completed or which purports to impose conditions other than those provided in the contract documents and (b) is delivered out of time or in a manner other than specified in the specification. Collusive Tendering In submitting a tender against this contract, the tenderer confirms that he has not fixed or adjusted the amount of the tender by or under or in accordance with any agreement or arrangement with any other person. The tenderer also certifies that at no time, before or following the submission of the tender, has the Tenderer carried out any of the following acts: i) communicating to a person other than the person calling for the tenders the amount or approximate amount of the proposed tender, except where such disclosure is required for the purpose of obtaining insurance; ii) entering into any agreement or arrangement with any person that he shall refrain from tendering or as to the amount of any tender to be submitted; iii) offering or paying or giving or agreeing to give any sum of money or valuable consideration directly or indirectly to any person for doing or having done or causing or having caused to be done in relation to any other tender or proposed tender for the said work any act or thing of the sort described above. The context of this clause the word ‘person’ includes any persons and any body or association, corporate or unincorporated; and ‘any agreement or arrangement’ includes any such transaction, formal or informal, and whether legally binding or not. Freedom of Information Information in relation to this tender may be made available on demand in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Tenderers should state if any of the information supplied by them is confidential or commercially sensitive or should not be disclosed in response to a request for information under the Act. Tenderers should state why they consider the information to be confidential or commercially sensitive. This will not guarantee that the information will not be disclosed but will be examined in the light of the exemptions provided in the Act. It is important to note that information may be commercially sensitive for a time (e.g. during a tender process) but afterwards it may not be. The timing of any request for information may be extremely important in determining whether or not information is exempt. However, Tenderers should note that no information is likely to be regarded as exempt forever.