RDG 384 Case Study (RUBRIC) (40 points MAX) Rating Indicator 5 4 3 Exemplary Mechanics Effective Mechanics Adequate Mechanics Limited Mechanics 2 May have minor errors Punctuation Capitalization Spelling Needs little or no editing Exemplary Sentence Structure Few errors Punctuation Capitalization Spelling Needs some editing Some errors Punctuation Capitalization Spelling Needs editing but doesn’t impede readability Frequent errors Punctuation Capitalization Spelling Begins to impede readability Effective Sentence Structure Adequate Sentence Structure Limited Sentence Structure Sophisticated and well controlled sentences Sentence variation (simple, compound, complex, compoundcomplex) All sentences sound natural and are easy on-the-ear when read aloud. Each sentence is clear and has an obvious emphasis Complete and correct sentences Sentence variation (simple, compound, complex, compoundcomplex) Almost all sentences sound natural and are easy-on-the-ear when read aloud Complete and correct sentences Sentence variation (simple, compound, complex, compoundcomplex)(errors in more complex sentence structure do not detract) Most sentences sound natural and are easy on-the-ear when read aloud Minor errors in sentence structure Limited sentence variation (simple, compound, complex, compound-complex) (errors in more complex sentence structure begin to detract) Sentences are difficult to read aloud because they sound awkward, are distractingly repetitive, or difficult to understand Application of Informal Assessment Tools: Exemplary Informal Reading Assessment Effective Informal Reading Assessment Adequate Informal Reading Assessment Pre-service teacher effectively uses informal reading assessments (e.g., miscue analysis, phonics use assessment, graded words lists, and/or graded reading passages) to individualize and develop appropriate instruction for a student based on the results obtained. Required informal reading assessments were utilized correctly The purpose of each assessment was communicated well Results fit the implications well Required informal reading assessments were utilized correctly The purpose of each assessment was communicated well, and almost all critical elements were communicated Results fit the implications well Required informal reading assessments were utilized correctly The purpose of each assessment was communicated well, and most critical elements were communicated Results fit the implications well WIC-MECHANICS ONLY: (EDITING) Pre-service teacher uses standard English syntax to communicate with parents and colleagues. WIC- SENTENCE STRUCTURE & SENTENCE FLUENCY (REVISION & EDITING) Pre-service teacher uses standard English syntax to communicate with parents and colleagues. Page |1 1 Minimal Mechanics/Minimal Response Consistent errors Punctuation Capitalization Spelling Impedes readability Minimal Sentence Structure/Minimal Response 0 Inadequate Mechanics Serious and consistent errors Punctuation Capitalization Spelling Impedes understanding/ communication Inadequate Sentence Structure Contains fragments and/or run-ons Minimal sentence variation (simple, compound, complex, compound complex) (errors in sentence structure detract) Sentences are difficult to understand and are awkward Contains numerous fragments and/or runons Little or no sentence variation (simple, compound, complex, compound-complex) (errors in sentence structure detract) Numerous sentences are difficult to understand and are awkward Limited Informal Reading Assessment Minimal Informal Reading Assessment Inadequate Informal Reading Assessment Required informal reading assessments were utilized correctly The purpose of each assessment was communicated well, but most of the critical elements were not communicated Results fit the implications well Required informal reading assessments were utilized correctly The purpose of each assessment was communicated well, but almost all of the critical elements were not communicated Some of the results fit the implications well Not all of the required informal reading assessments were utilized correctly The purpose of each assessment was communicated well, but numerous critical elements were missing in one or more of the assessments The results did not fit the implications well RDG 384 Case Study (RUBRIC) (40 points MAX) Pre-service teacher follows format assigned for case study. Pre-service teacher uses professional academic language. Page |2 Pre-service follows 100% of the requirements for the format and organization of the product Pre-service teacher follows almost all of the requirements for the format and organization of the product Pre-service teacher follows most of the requirements for the format and organization of the product Pre-service teacher follows some of the requirements for the format and organization of the product Pre-service teacher follows few of the requirements for the format and organization of the product Pre-service teacher did not meet numerous requirements for the format and organization of the product Pre-service uses professional and academic language 100% of the time Pre-service teacher uses professional and academic language almost all of the time Pre-service teacher uses professional and academic language most of the time Pre-service teacher uses professional and academic language some of the time Pre-service teacher seldom uses professional and academic language Pre-service teacher did not use professional and academic language well SCORING FORMULA:[(TOTAL POINTS=25 points/5=AVERAGE of 5) X 8]=40 MAXIMUM POINTS ACHIEVABLE WIC elements COPIED FROM THESE ORIGINAL WORKS: (USED FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES AS REQUIRED) http://www.sites4teachers.com/links/redirect.php?url=http://www.readwritethink.org/lesson_images/lesson398/rubric-essay2.pdf and http://wvde.state.wv.us/teach21/writingrubrics/ NOTES: