Mental & Emotional Health

Mental & Emotional Health
7th Grade
Day 1
Vocab: Emotion =
Hormone =
Emotional Health =
1. Emotional Spectrum = (what are the 5 emotions of the spectrum / show a picture
of each emotion)
What’s useful about Anger?
What are some physical effects of emotions?
How is mental health related to emotional health?
What life changes affect teen emotions?
How can emotions be pleasant or unpleasant?
What physical signs could tell you that someone is angry?
Which emotions are more likely to be fair – those based on facts or those based on
prejudice? Explain your answer and give an example.
Day 2
Vocab: Verbal communication =
Active listening =
Body language =
Creative expression =
1. What are 4 effective ways to communicate?
2. Why do people express emotions and communicate?
3. Look up The Scream painted by Edvard Munch. What emotions do you think
Edvard Munch was expressing when he painted The Scream? Do you notice any
body language in the painting? Consider both facial expression and body posture.
4. Name 3 unhealthy ways of expressing emotions.
5. Scenario: “You see your brother slouched in a chair with his arms crossed and a
frown on his face. You ask him if he is okay, and he says he is fine.” In what two
ways has your brother communicated with you? Which type of communication
do you think is expressing his true feelings?
Day 3
Vocab: Negative thinking =
Positive self-talk =
Defense mechanisms =
Trigger =
1. Name and define the 8 defense mechanisms:
Use the term trigger in a sentence.
How can defense mechanisms be healthy or unhealthy?
Name two habits that can influence emotional health.
Suppose you are disappointed about not doing well on a test. What are three ways
to handle the disappointment?
6. Your friend just moved away, and you feel terrible. Write a paragraph in which
you use positive self-talk to feel better.
7. Make a list of a person, a situation, and an event that trigger emotions of joy.
Day 4
Vocab: Mental illness =
Depression =
Phobia =
Therapist =
Psychiatrists =
1. What are five signs of depression?
2. Describe three anxiety disorders?
3. When should you get help for an emotional problem
4. What are three sources of help for emotional health problems?