Spring Pool-Open Detailed Task List

Pool Opening Task List
(Divide and conquer. Assign tasks.)
(Some tasks are not necessary every year. Assess
and complete as appropriate)
Assess cleaning supplies in guard room. Purchase more as
necessary. (buckets, sponges, lysol, toilet cleaner, plastic
gloves, etc)
Re-stock first aid kit as necessary (band-aids, neosporin,
hydrogen peroxide, cotton wipes, etc)
Clean grills & get propane
Scrub pavilion
Scrub all tables and chairs with TSP and water mix
Power wash bathrooms
Clean bathroom sinks and toilets
Power wash deck (cement around both pools)
Hand-scrub diving board
Re-install diving board (takes at least 2 people, it’s heavy)
Assess the shrubs and landscaping, plant stuff as needed
Plant flowers in the pots; hanging flower baskets
Assess lawn furniture, buy chairs, umbrellas, bases as needed
Diving board maintenance (take care of rust, clean it, )
Paint chain link fence
Stain the benches (Or paint the benches)
Asses depth markers tiles in the pool. (Replace as needed)
Clean the lane ropes with a power washer
Paint lifeguard chairs and diving board
Rodent control assessment in guards room
Check all light bulbs (pavilion, bathrooms, etc) replace as
Revised: Nov 9 2014, AN
Completed by
Pool Opening Task List
(Divide and conquer. Assign tasks.)
(Some tasks are not necessary every year. Assess
and complete as appropriate)
Completed by
Clean the guards room
Spring 2015: Procure (or build) a “comments” box to
allow members to provide feedback anonymously
Notes on the garabage cans from Loraine Perkins. This info may come in handy when we open the
pool in the spring of 2015
Sent: Monday, September 22, 2014 6:39 PM
Subject: RE: hi!
Hi amy,
I ordered 4 cans via republic a few years ago when I took over maintenance.
The reason for doing so was bc the ones that are normally provided to a home/business are the 95 gallon ones.
These are great to have at your home property bc the are lifted by the garbage truck; however, they are too
big/heavy for the guards to lift into the dumpster…and they are too big for us to find trash bags to fit it. So for
those reasons I worked with Jaimie and she connected me to whoever you normally order trash cans from and I
did so. (they would have given the isc free of charge the 95 gallon cans, both trash and recycle…I had to work
with them on requesting the smaller …I think 45gallon…cans). They were ordered under my name so for that
reason I told the board that after I was not on the board I would be taking them back to my home.
There are trash cans at the swim club. They are the ones that you have to lift a lid that comes off (so its not
attached at the back top of the can). It seemed like they never fit properly and so that’s how/why I pursued
getting the ones like we have for our trash via republic. Also, mona and I went shopping for trash cans and they
were about $100 each for the good ones with a lid that is attached and lifts up.
Again, The trash company will provide, free of charge, the 95 gallon cans on wheels with the lid that is attached
and lifts open. I had to request the smaller ones. …again bc we couldn’t find big enough trash bags to fit a 95
gallon can and bc I thought it would be too heavy for the guards to lift out of the can and throw into the dumpster.
Sent: Monday, September 22, 2014 12:23 PM
Subject: Re: hi!
Hi Amy,
Thanks all is well with me. I've been meaning to email you. Just wanted you to know that Mona and I went over
and emptied out all of the flowerpots and stacked them next to the pop machine. We threw the pop cans that were
in the bottom of all the planters away and we threw the dead plants over the railing of the pavilion. Likewise I took
for trash cans to recyclables and to trash back to my house. I had called Jamie and work through Republic waste
or Allied republic and got for trash cans the smaller sized ones sent to my house and then I took them over to the
Ingemar some club. I just brought them home to my house because they are attached to my name and I didn't
want to be charged for them if ever they ask for them back. So whoever is in charge of the trash service next year
will want to call and ask for the smaller sized cans. As far as those big dumpsters go I thought that we've always
removed them but I never knew that we were charged for that nor do I remember being charged for that. So I
agree with you there's no reason to have them removed if in fact we're going to have to pay to have them
Revised: September 22 2014, AN
Pool Opening Task List
(Divide and conquer. Assign tasks.)
delivered and then take it away at the beginning and end of every season. That must be something new because
when I did maintenance we weren't charged for it to the best of my knowledge. I was wondering why the
dumpsters were still there last week when I went there because normally we have them removed right after the
swim season ends like in the beginning of September. So hopefully we haven't been charged for them. Sounds
like you have it all under control!!!!
Revised: Nov 9 2014, AN