Toronto City Hall - University of Manitoba

**Please Note:
CAPS-ACEAU reserves the right to amend the program accordingly in the interests of the conference and association.
Toronto City Hall
100 Queen Street West
North-west corner of Queen Street West and Bay Street
CAPS-ACEAU Conference | Toronto 2008
Wednesday, February 6th, 2008
Join us in the Council Chambers of Toronto City Hall as we welcome hundreds of students from across Canada, practicing planners, academics,
and a range of different professionals for an all day event. Registration will begin early in the day to allow for a range of networking and
independent exploration. Arrive early because you will not want to miss any of the special events we have planned for you. We will commence at
noon with a welcome from Director of Ryerson’s School of Urban and Regional Planning, President of the Canadian Institute of Planners, and Mayor
David Miller.
We have invited two keynote speakers with national profiles to give special presentations: The Honourable Michael Harcourt and Glen Murray.
Michael Harcourt is the former Premiere of British Columbia, former Mayor of the City of Vancouver, was the advisor on cities to former PrimeMinister Paul Martin, recipient of the Woodrow Wilson Award for Public Service, and recipient of the Canadian Urban Institute’s Jane Jacobs Lifetime
Achievement Award. Glen Murray is the President and CEO of the Canadian Urban Institute (CUI), former Mayor of the City of Winnipeg, the first
Chair of the Big Cities Caucus, Chair of the National Round Table on the Economy and Environment, and long-time urban advocate. In addition, we
have arranged two dynamic panels that will engage in the discussion of the Dialectics of Planning. Urban Mentor and former Chief Planner of the
City of Toronto Paul J. Bedford will chair a discussion in the latter part of the afternoon with his distinguished guests and student panel. Dr. Mitchell
E. Kosny, Chair of the Toronto Community Housing Corporation (TCHC) and Associate Director at Ryerson’s School of Urban and Regional
Planning, will facilitate a discussion on the challenges facing planning, planners, and change.
07:30 – 11:00
Conference Registration in the Member’s Lounge of City Hall
11:00 – 12:00
Special Presentation and Sponsored Networking Brunch*
12:00 – 13:00
Opening Session:
Introduction by President & Chair of the CAPS-ACEAU Board Directors – John Atienza
Welcome by Director of Ryerson’s School of Urban and Regional Planning – David Amborski
Message from President of the Canadian Institute of Planners – Blake Hudema
Welcome by Mayor of the City of Toronto – Mayor David Miller
13:00 – 15:00
Keynote Speaker Special Presentation
The Honourable Michael Harcourt and Glen Murray
15:00 – 15:30
Sponsored Refreshment Break*
15:30 – 17:30
Panel Discussion -- Making Smart Growth Work: From the Inside Out
Chaired by: Paul J. Bedford
Urban Mentor and Former Chief Planner of the City of Toronto
Special Guests + Student Panel (Enrique Ortiz-Guerrero, Katherine Perrot, and Shelagh Graham)
17:30 – 19:00
Dinner Break
19:00 - 21:00
Panel Discussion – Planning, Planners and Change: Recipe for an Oxymoron?
Chaired by: Dr. Mitchell E. Kosny
Chair of TCHC and Associate Director of Ryerson’s School of Urban and Regional Planning
Special Guest Panel: Mitchell Cohen, Harold Madi, Michael Gordon, Sue Corke and
David Gordon (To Be Confirmed)
Oakham House
63 Gould St. Ryerson University.
South-west corner of Gould Street and Church Street
CAPS-ACEAU Conference | Toronto 2008
Thursday, February 7th, 2008
Join us in Oakham House at Ryerson University for a series of special presentations by planning professionals and Canada’s brightest future
planners to discuss:
Innovative Planning Strategies and Design
Engaging the Public in Meaningful Participation
Finding Bridges Between the Economy and Environment
Integrating Sustainable Planning Between Urban and Rural Areas.
The day will commence with two very special presentations. The Canadian Urban Institute (CUI) in cooperation with Canadian Association of
Planning Students (CAPS-ACEAU) and the Ontario Professional Planning Institute (OPPI) will present a special roundtable breakfast panel
discussion. It will be hosted by Glenn R. Miller, Director of Education and Research at CUI and Editor of the Ontario Planning Journal. The session
aims to introduce the planners of tomorrow in an interactive discussion with leading professionals in planning. In addition, the first segment in a
special series on Innovative Planning Strategies and Design + Engaging the Public in Meaningful Participation will be hosted by Michael Gordon,
Senior Central Area Planner of the City of Vancouver, and Harold Madi, Partner at the Planning Partnership and founding partner for the Office of
Urbanism. Together they will inspire the human psyche. Lastly, Donald F. May, former President of the Ontario Professional Planning Institute, will
give a special workshop to help students find future employment and network their way into their ideal career.
Following the morning’s special presentations, student presentations will be the focus of the latter part of the day. Planning students from schools
across Canada will present research and innovative ideas to inspire ingenuity as we find our path and share our journey. The evening will end with
our second session in our special series on Innovative Planning Strategies and Design + Engaging the Public in Meaningful Participation. CAPSACEAU has invited James McKenzie, Vice-Chair of the Ontario Municipal Board, and Nik Luka, Assistant Professor of McGill’s School of
Architecture and Urban Planning, to engage the audience in discussion and give special presentations that will illustrate how we can begin to bridge
the gaps and make the necessary changes in planning.
07:45 - 09:45
Canadian Urban Institute Roundtable Panel Discussion
Meet the Planners of Tomorrow: Conversations about our world with Canada’s top students
Hosted by: Glenn Miller
Student Panel: James T. White, Kaeley Wiseman, Aviva Pelt, and Rachel C. Derrah
10:00 – 12:00
Special Series Part I: Innovative Planning Strategies and Design + Engaging the
Public in Meaningful Participation
Hosted by:
Michael Gordon and Harold Madi
Professional Development Workshop: How to get a job !!!
Hosted by:
Donald F. May
Networking Brunch Sponsored by CAPS-ACEAU*
12:00 – 13:00
CAPS-ACEAU / CIP Representative Executive Meeting
13:00 – 19:00
19:00 – 22:00
Special Series Part II: Innovative Planning Strategies and Design + Engaging the
Public in Meaningful Participation
Hosted by:
James McKenzie and Nik Luka
Special Presentations by:
Ministry of Public Infrastructure Renewal
and The City of Calgary (To Be Announced)
Oakham House
63 Gould St. Ryerson University.
South-west Corner of Gould Street and Church Street
CAPS-ACEAU Conference | Toronto 2008
Thursday, February 7th, 2008
12:30 PM
SALON 1 - 1PM to 3PM
James White - University of British Columbia
Royal Patronage and Urban Design in the United Kingdom: An
Analysis of the Prince's Foundation for the Built Environment
1:00 PM Erin Smith - Ryerson University
Learning through Engagement: Summer Experiences in Costa
1:30 PM Marco Melfi - University of Waterloo
Downtown University Campuses & Mid-size City Downtown
2:00 PM Tamar Fuhrer, Vincent Luk, Malena Mendez, David
Wachsmuth & Andre Robichaud - University of Toronto
Planning for Older Adult Clusters in Mississauga
2:30 PM Tessa Forest - York University
Planning for Urban Sustainability: Intensification of Loss of
Urban Green?
SALON 1 - 3PM to 5PM
3:00 PM Karin Kliewer - University of Manitoba
Barbara Besner - University of Manitoba
Art and the City: The Role of the Arts in City Planning
Sarah Zollinger - Dalhousie University
Four Houses at the Boarder: Seeking Community Solutions in a
Texas 'Colonia'
David Bennett - York University
Public Participation in Local Government Planning and
Procedures in British Columbia's Lower Mainland
Tara Sawatsky - Simon Fraser University
The Influence of Contextual Factors On Nature based Tourism
Development in Bahia Magdalena, BCS
SALON 2 - 3PM to 5PM
Jason R. Burke - University of Toronto
Winter City Cycling: Network Power, engagement, and citizen Planning the Secure City: The US Embassy in Ottawa
3:30 PM Devin Clark - University of Manitoba
Developing the Existing
4:00 PM Victoria Kramkowski-Epner - York University
Putting the "Fresh" into Freshwater: A Multi-Dimensional,
Ecological Approach to Watershed-Scale Planning
4:30 PM Marcie Snyder - University of Waterloo
The Role of Heritage Conservation Districts: Maintaining the
Urban Fabric, Economic Development, and Social well-being
of Communities
SALON 1 - 5PM to 7PM
5:00 PM Shelagh Graham - University of Manitoba
Metropia: Transit Systems of the Network City
5:30 PM Rachel Caroline Derrah - Dalhousie University
6:00 PM
Planning for Sustainable Development in New Brunswick: The
Hemp Project
Tamar Fuhrer - University of Toronto
Whose Right-of-Way is this? The Effectiveness of Pedestrian
Crossovers Along Minor Arterial Roads in Toronto
6:30 PM Blake Laven - Dalhousie University
Connectivity Testing and the private realm: Private enclave
development in Surrey BC
Kaeley Wiseman - University of Manitoba
Urban Ecology and City Farming: Opportunities for Urban WellBeing and Capacity Building
Michelle Drylie, Mia Hunt, Adam Molson, David Wachsmuth University of Toronto
Housing Families in Downtown Toronto
Emily Sinclair - York University
Food for Thought: Planning, Cities and Food Systems Research
SALON 2 - 5 to 7PM
Aviva Pelt and Lauralyn Johnston - York University
Who Plans? Planning by the People for the People: A Working
Experience with a Local Advisory Experience
Enrique Ortiz-Guerrero - University of Waterloo
Regional Planning and Development: Contested Paradigms
Katherine Perrott - Dalhousie University
Selling the Suburbs: Emotional Representations in Marketing
Media in Markham, Ontario
Barbara Besner, Karin Kliewer, Kaeley Wiseman, Marli
Sakiyama, Andrew Ross - University of Manitoba
Studio Culture: Participation and Exploration
*** Note: Several Students have been selected to participate in professional panel discussions. ***
Ryerson’s School of Urban and
Regional Planning
105 Bond St.
North-east Corner of Dundas Street and Bond Street
CAPS-ACEAU Conference | Toronto 2008
Friday, February 8th, 2008
CAPS 2008 Toronto aims to facilitate opportunities for students across Canada to engage in productive dialogue and network opportunities. It is
designed to contribute to the evolution of the planning profession and inspire ingenuity. Join us on Day 3 of the conference to promote the ideals of
diversity, innovation, sustainability, and collaboration as we cultivate the skills and mind-set for future planners across the nation. We have several
workshops organized and one charette sponsored by Friends of the Greenbelt Foundation which you won’t want to miss. There is limited
availability, so advanced reservations are recommended and can only be ensured by pre-registering with advanced payment in the form of a
certified money order. The final day initiative will integrate walking, talking, living, and learning. Together we will find our path and share our
After the mid-afternoon sponsored lunch, we will commence the CAPS-ACEAU Annual General Meeting, which will give the opportunity to students
to discuss the future of the Canadian Association of Planning Students and present bids to host next years CAPS-ACEAU Conference in 2009. We
will conclude with our closing session, which will be brief because we will be on our way to our annual evening networking event. Several venues
have been selected and we will announce closer towards the date of the conference which special venue it will be hosted at. As we gather together
on the last night to exchange memories of the conference, share a couple of drinks, meet some new people, exchange contacts, and celebrate the
profession of planning, we will bridge gaps explored in our discussion on Dialectics of Planning.
10:00 – 14:30
Regent Park Neighbourhood Revitalization
Availability: 40 Students
Mobile Workshop and Tour
Hosted by: Dr. Mitchell E. Kosny
Sponsored by: Toronto Community Housing Corporation (TCHC)
Location: Regent Park
Planning by Design in Community: Making Great Places?
Availability: 40 Students
Workshop on Innovative Planning Strategies and Design
Hosted by: Dr. Ian Wight
Sponsored by: University of Manitoba and CAPS-ACEAU
Location: Oakham House
Exploring Toronto’s LRT Streetcar Line
Availability: 15 Students
Photo Presentation, Mobile Workshop, and Tour
Hosted by: Dr. Joseph Springer
Sponsored by: CAPS-ACEAU
Location: Ryerson’s School of Urban and Regional Planning
Multi-disciplinary Team and Urban/Rural Design Charette
Availability: 35 Students
Develop Innovative Design Interventions for Ontario’s Greenbelt Region
Hosted by: Pamela Robinson and Nina-Marie Lister
Sponsored by: Friends of the Greenbelt Foundation
Location: Ryerson’s School of Urban and Regional Planning
Exploring Toronto’s CBD Underground Path System
Availability: Open
Guided Informal Tour with Shopping Opportunities & Site Seeing
Hosted by: CAPS-ACEAU
Start: Ryerson’s School of Urban and Regional Planning
End: Union Station
15:00 – 16:00
Refreshments and Snacks Sponsored by CAPS-ACEAU
16:00 – 18:00
Annual General Meeting
19:00 – 19:30
Closing Session
19:30 – 24:00
ANNUAL NETWORKING EVENT (Venue to be announced…)
Ryerson University
School of Urban and Regional Planning
350 Victoria Street, Toronto, ON Canada
M5B 2K3
Please note that the following information is confidential and will be used for official registration by the Canadian Association of Planning
Students | Association Canadienne des Etudiants(es) en Amenagement et en Urbanisme (CAPS-ACEAU). It is a requirement to
complete every portion of this form electronically and mail full payment inclusive of taxes by certified money order to the above
address care of (c/o) John Atienza and Paul Nichols. One form and registration fee is required per person. Presenters are required to
complete this form and send payment in advance in order to confirm their attendance and guarantee scheduling. Presenters wit h more
than one presentation are required to complete one registration form and send payment in the full amount of one package fee. Personal
cheques will not be accepted in an order to avoid NSF transactions. Registration for mobile workshops will be available on the morning of
Wednesday, February 6th, 2008 on a first come basis or can be confirmed with advanced registration.
CAPS-ACEAU reserves the right to cancel registration of any participant to preserve the integrity of the association. Limited seating is
available due to the conference venue capacity and advanced registration with payment by certified money order is recommended to
guarantee confirmation of registration. Availability is limited to 230 participants. Confirmation of registration will be sent upon r eceipt of
your fully completed registration form and submission of full payment of the conference fees in the form of a money order. We will be
accepting cash payment at registration; however, without advanced registration and full payment in advance we can not guarantee
availability. Please note that we have received requests for nearly 40% of the availability for this conference. This form has been
distributed to all schools as of January 17th 2008. We are now accepting advanced registration and it is strongly recommended that you
register within the next 7 days. Please complete the below form electronically to avoid confusion it has been saved in MSword for your
convenience. Once completed you should mail it immediately with the full amount in the form of a certified money order to the address
listed on the top of the page.
REGISTRATION INFORMATION: *Please Print or Complete Electronically in Microsoft Word
Last Name:
First Name:
Street Address:
Province / State:
Postal Code / Zip Code
Telephone Number:
Email Address:
School / Organization:
Special Diet Needs:
Access Requirements:
Medical Conditions:
Emergency Contact:
Selected Package Fee:
Planning Interests:
Prof 
Dr 
Mr 
Mrs 
Miss 
Ms 
CONFERENCE PACKAGE FEE: *For advanced registration please allow for 7 business days to process
General Admission Students:
Industry Professionals:
$120.00 + Taxes (GST 5% & PST 8%) =
$100.00 + Taxes (GST 5% & PST 8%) =
$100.00 + Taxes (GST 5% & PST 8%) =
$200.00 + Taxes (GST 5% & PST 8%) =
$200.00 + Taxes (GST 5% & PST 8%) =
$135.60 CAD (Cash. Without Pre-registration)
$113.00 CAD (Advanced Registration)
$113.00 CAD (Guaranteed)
$226.00 CAD
$226.00 CADING