1st time counselor application

Camp Dates for 2014: May 14, 15, & 16
Please fill out and return to the main office before 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 19th.
Name ______________________________________ Grade _______ Age ______
Address_______________________________________ Home Phone ________________
Cell Phone_____________________ Email: ____________________________________
Please take your time and answer the following questions. If more space is needed for any of your
answers please to attach an additional sheet. Typed responses are welcomed.
(Application is available online at the Canaan 6th grade teacher’s website-under 6th grade camp.)
1. Why do you want to work with the sixth graders at camp?
2. What significant experience or background do you have working with children that qualifies you for
this camp counselor position?
3. Teamwork is an important part of being a member of the camp staff. Give an example of how you
have used teamwork skills to solve a problem or develop a project. .
4. What is your greatest strength that you can contribute to sixth grade camp? Explain how we can
use this strength during camp.
5. Describe the experience you would hope for the children attending. As a camp counselor, how do
you see your role in achieving this experience for campers?
6. Students will have some recreation time to play a sport, hang out, etc. What activity would you feel
most comfortable participating in during this time?
7. List activities you are involved with inside and outside of school Include sports, jobs, hobbies etc.
Place a “L” next to those you can teach or lead, an “A” where you can assist or lead with other counselorsand an “X”
where you are willing to learn.
Leave blank if none of the above apply.
Sports and Fitness
___ Soccer
___ Basketball
___ Volleyball
___ Kick ball
___ Football
___ Team building games
___ Song Leading
___ Group games
___ Skits/ Plays
Creative Arts
___ Sketching
___ Painting
___ Writing
___ Drama
___ Singing
___ Woodwork
Camp Crafts
___ Fire Building
___ Outdoor Cooking
___ Survival skills
Nature Study
___ Reptiles &
___ Plants
___ Pioneer Life
___ Astronomy
Other (you may add
your own)
Are you certified in the
Yes No
First Aid Yes No
I am aware that my child has applied for a camp counselor position, and if selected has my
permission to attend.
Parent Signature:________________________________________ Date________
Applicant’s Signature:_____________________________________ Date ________