Computer-based intervention in autism spectrum disorders Author: Dr Sven Bцlte - Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University, Frankfurt am Main, Germany Sven Bölte, Ph.D., is assistant professor and clinical neuropsychologist at the department of child and adolescent psychiatry and psychotherapy at Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. He is a senior researcher in autism spectrum disorders and has published more than 70 original articles, reviews, book chapters and assessment tools in the field. One of his special interests is computer-based intervention. He recently published the first intervention study in autism using functional neuroimaging for evaluation Abstract: Sven Bölte, Ph.D. Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University, Deutschordenstr. 50, D-60528 Frankfurt/M., Germany E-mail: or Tel.: 0049.69.6301.5408 Fax: 0049.69.6301.5843 Individuals who suffer from autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are impaired in reciprocal social interaction and communicative interchange. ASD are chronically disabling conditions, for which to date no cure has been found, although some behaviour-based interventions have proven to result in major quantitative behavioural improvements. Computer technology promises to be of substantial value in autism intervention. The availability of evaluated computer programs to facilitate cognitive and social-communicative behaviour in autism spectrum disorders is still limited. In this article, a review regarding the development and evaluation of computer-based intervention in autism is given. Recent studies on computer-aided programs aiming to promote literacy skills, social cognition and emotion recognition are summarized. All studies show optimistic results, but the problem of limited generalization of accomplished effects is often discussed. It is concluded that computer-aided treatment of autism houses a large potential for helping affected individuals to acquire underdeveloped capacities, if certain key elements are taken into account. Full Paper: INTRODUCTION Pervasive developmental disorders, increasingly also called autism spectrum disorders, are severe, early-onset neurodevelopmental conditions, primarily characterized by impairments in social interaction and reciprocal communication. According to the behaviour descriptions of the syndromes in DSM-IV-TR and ICD-10, a prototypic individual with core autism (299.0; F84.0) may be very limited in showing interest in people, being empathic, making social overtures, responding to others and sharing enjoyment or attention. In addition, speech perhaps is delayed or deviant, eye contact unusual, gesturing and facial expressions poor or awkward. Aside from the social and communicative features, autism is associated with stereotyped, repetitive, restricted or bizarre behaviours, activities and interests. The latter includes obsessive ritualistic patterns, hand and finger or other mannerisms, unusual curiosity in sensory stimuli (e.g. smells, sounds), being extraordinarily tied to special objects or excessively engaged in specific topics and self-mutilation. Although, deficits mentioned here are are less grave in the more able end of the spectrum (e.g. Asperger’s syndrome), these subjects still suffer from a basic lack in the capacity to socialize, to hold mutual conversations, comprehend social conventions and grasp concepts like irony and cynicism. Thus, all ASD are linked to a comparably low level of adaptive behaviour and outcome in later life (Howlin & Goode, 1998). Best predictors for outcome are speech capacity and IQ in pre-school age (Gillberg & Steffenburg, 1987). ASD are qualitatively chronic conditions, for which no complete cure has yet been found. On the other hand, ASD manifest at a broad range of phenotypes with multiple accompanying comorbidities and differing trajectories in single cases. Indeed, in a substantial minority of affected individuals, adaptive behaviour can reach a considerably high level, with independent living, employment and even stable partnerships in adulthood. Hence, it is evident that most individuals with autism are not totally blank concerning interpersonal exchange, but do engage in social participation to a certain degree (Kennedy & Shukla, 1995; McGee, Feldman & Morrier, 1997). Fundamental social communication deficits are a hallmark of ASD, but it seems that individuals with autism are able incrementally to learn some basic social behaviours by guidance (Paul, 2003) and that many affected suffer from their lack of social integration (Bauminger &Kasari, 2000). INTERVENTIONS FOR AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDERS The interventions offered for autism are numerous. However, if approaches which lack sufficient empirical support are subtracted,, the number of treatments quickly becomes relatively clear (Bölte & Poustka, 2002). Even for some interventions which are favoured by the scientific community (e.g. Carol Gray’s “Social Stories”), the evidence base is sometimes small. The fact that ASD are biologically-based psychiatric disordersdoes not imply that behavioural intervention must be useless. On the contrary, global comprehensive behavioural therapy has shown to be the most effective in reducing autistic behaviours, while psychopharmacological treatments have solely demonstratedlimited significance. A range of medications that have been claimed to have dramatically positive effects on autism (e.g. secretin) do not hold up in controlled clinical trials (e.g. Chez et al., 2000). A standard medication is never indicated in autism,because no controlled clinical study has yet convincingly shown any major effect on the social and communicative symptoms of ASD. On the other hand, in a variety of cases drugs are beneficial or necessary in the handling of extremely stereotypical behaviour, self-injury, temper tantrums and co-existing problems such as epilepsy, restlessness andhyperactivity or depressive episodes. There is now a rich literature on the utility of several global and circumscribed behaviour-based interventions for ASD (Rogers, 1998). Reviewing the literature of behaviour-based interventions for children (< 8 years) with autism between 1996 and 2000, Horner et al. (2002) found reductions by up to 90 % on all kinds of problem behaviour. Decreases of 80 % or greater were reported in half to two thirds of the studies. However, large-scale and thoroughly designed long-term and comparative treatment studies are still rare and more data are required to explore the mechanisms and efficacy in depth. Moreover, such treatments may not reach all children within the autisticspectrum (Smith et al., 1995). Even for the well-known and widely applied models (e.g. ABA, TEACCH) more scientific data needs to be collected. On the basis of existing research, some general principles have emerged, being integrative parts of most successful programmes to improve the social behaviour of individuals with autism (Table 1). Several literature reviews (e.g. McConnell, 2002) have pointed out that training in multiple settings (home, school, clinic) and by different facilitators (parents, teacher, therapist), prompting and reinforcement of social interaction and later fading of support, peer mediation, extensive rehearsal, transparency and predictable structure of the training and the environment, as well as prior functional, do favour the benefit of treatment. Those principles can be realized through different avenues of intervention. Four general strategies can be distinguished in behaviour-based intervention in ASD. First, procedures that increase the probability of functional behaviour appearing by contingently reinforcing it, perhaps with prior modelling. Second, procedures to minimize reinforcement of aversive behaviour. Third, procedures targeting the minimimalization of aversive stimuli in the environment and the daily life of autistic subjects to prevent dysfunctional behaviour. Fourth, strategies trying to modify behaviour by instruction and self-management. Table 1. Characteristics of successful behaviour intervention in autism spectrum disorders ___________________________________________________________________ Training in multiple settings (home, school, clinic) Multiple facilitators (parents, teacher, expert) Prompting, reinforcement and fading Peer mediation (especially educated peers) Extensive rehearsal Transparency and predictable structure of training/environment Prior functional analysis ___________________________________________________________________ Excessive behavioural patterns, like stereotypic, disruptive and self-injurious behaviour have apparently been investigated the most among the symptoms often encountered in ASD. This is perhaps because these patterns can appear more dramatic than the social and communicative problems in the first place and more accessible through functional analysis. Moreover, they can absorb a lot of time and prevent autistic children from showing adaptive behaviour. In the case of severe auto-mutilation, such features may even be a serious threat to the child’s health, requiring urgent action. There is evidence for an inverse relationship between stereotypic, restricted and pro-socialbehaviour (e.g. Koegel et al., 1992). Even though there might be a surplus of studies on the efficacy of behaviour-basedreduction of stereotypies in autism, the treatment of social and communicative deficits is, at long last, the main interest of intervention in ASD. Within this array of intervention efforts, a mounting number of approaches focus on the teaching of social skills and Theory of Mind (ToM) -abilities in older and more able people with ASD, particularly individuals with Asperger 's syndrome and highfunctioning autism. Unfortunately, for this quite large group of affected subjects, adequate intervention methods have been rather neglected in the past. Typically, in social skills approaches, instruction-based intervention, self-monitoring and perception, topic-centred peer- mediated group activities, video- modelling, explicit teaching of ToM competencies (Ozonoff & Miller, 1995; Hadwin et al., 1996) and social conventions are pivotal techniques. In their intervention guidelines for students with Asperger's syndrome, Klin and Volkmar (2000) also stress the need to improve pragmatic conversational rules and prosody. COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY AND AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDERS There is no doubt that computers have revolutionized the world. Also for clinical child and adolescent psychology and psychiatry, the introduction of computer technology has meant a considerable change regarding assessment and intervention. In the past few years, computers have become tools with which more and more people are experienced and prices have fallen to a broadly affordable level. There are numerous areas where the application of computers in research and practice are potentially useful. Not to mention the Internet as an extraordinary source of communication between experts and parents. In diagnostics, computer-based psychometric testing and expert systems are already well established. For some psychiatric disorders, also, the use of computer programs for training purposes is becoming a standard procedure, e.g. computer facilitated programs to increase phonological awareness, reading and spelling skills in learning disorders. However, well-standardized and evaluated treatment programs are still scarce. In the latest edition (4th) of the leading textbook “Child and Adolescent Psychiatry” by Sir Michael Rutter and Eric Taylor (2002), the index of the book comprising 1209 pages does not include a single reference to computer-based intervention. Although improving, the research on, and development of, specific computerprograms for the treatment of ASD is still in its infancy. Already over twenty years ago, Panyan (1984) emphasized why computers may be particularly appropriate for individuals with autism. For instance, he pointed out the computer’s role in improving the motivation and co-operation of autistic individuals. Indeed, later studies have consistently shown that subjects with autism displayed more interest in computers than in toys and preferred computer instruction when alternatively offered a personal instruction (Bernard-Opitz et al., 1990; Chen & Bernard-Opitz, 1993). Furthermore, people with ASD do not just seem to be more attentive or less resistant to computers (Williams et al., 2002) than to teachers, but also show a superior learning result (Moore & Calvert, 2000). These results are promising, but the use of computer for therapy matters has also raised legitimate concerns. The core critique is that computers could enhance social withdrawal and obsessive behaviour. Although there is a certain risk of such a consequence, computer intervention has never been intended as a substitute but rather as a supplement to intervention involving people. In fact, some studies have also reported that the support of assistants is crucial for effective computer learning (e.g. Jordan & Powell, 1990a/b; Romanczyk et al., 1992). Overall, there are multiple advantages of computers for intervention settings (see Table 2), indicating that it would be negligent not to see them as an opportunity for treatment practice. For instance, as subjects with autism probably have problems in automatically ignoring irrelevant stimuli and forming a globally meaningful gestalt perception, computers may be a good medium to present optimal, adaptive learning contexts for each child, with the option slowly to increase the level of complexity. Computers give predictable responses, are “fair” (all users are treatedequally) and do not demand swift in vivo social behaviour that could overtax people with autism. Via computers, a wide range of social and communicative behaviours can be trained in protected and safe virtual realities, to prepare for development in real-life situations. Last but not least, tasks can be repeated without fatiguing the trainer. Table 2. Advantages of computer usage in autism ___________________________________________________________________ Highly motivating (preferred education form) Possibility of only presenting relevant (limited) information Material can be selected to match cognitive ability Freedom from social demands Fair medium Provision of consistent and predictable responses Rehearsal without trainer fatigue Active control over the pace of learning Multiple virtual real-world simulations possible ______________________________________________________________________ COMPUTER PROGRAMS IN AUTISM INTERVENTION Since the 1960s, the utility of computers to facilitate adaptive behaviour in autism has been investigated (Ferster & DeMyer, 1961; Colby, 1973; Russo et al., 1978). At first, studies were relatively optimistic but did not lead to straightforward furtherdevelopments. In recent years, more elaborate programs and evaluation studies of computer-aided intervention have become available, focusing on literacy as well as social communicative skills and emotion detection (Table 3). Literacy From a Scandinavian group, various publications are available regarding the training of reading and spelling skills in autism. Heimann et al. (1995) examined the utility of an interactive microcomputer program called “Alpha”. Three groups of children were taught reading and communication skills: 11 autistic children, 9 children with mixed handicaps (cerebral palsy, learning disabilities) and 10 normal pre-school children. The children received a computer instruction comprising a series of animated nouns and verbs in sentence creations, in addition to their regular reading and writing lessons. After familiarization, the groups had 20 sessions of 30 minutes training over a period of three months. A pre-test (after familiarization), and two posttests (at the end of training, after six months) were performed, including reading samples, sentence imitation, sound synthesis and ratings of communication and autistic symptoms. Moreover, videotaping of the children’s communicative behaviour was carried out (start and posttest 1). The autistic group showed significant gains on the measures for reading and phonological awareness during the intervention, but not at follow-up. The study concluded that the program is valuable in teaching communicative behaviour in autistic and otherwise disabled children, but that the treatment should be individualized and monitored in clinical practice. The same research group (Tjus et al., 1998) also evaluated another multi-media program (“Delta Messages”) for enhancing literacy skills in children with autism. Thirteen autistic children received training with the Delta Messages program, as a supplement to their regular reading and language lessons. No control groups were included. Fifteen training sessions of 15 to 30 minutes were carried out over three to four months. The authors report substantial gains on the scales applied to ensure effect during the treatment and partially at follow-up. Tjus et al. (2001) also conducted an in-depth look at the videotaped teacher-child interactions during the training program. According to their observations, the children with autism exhibited a significant increase in verbal expression, enjoyment and willingness to seek assistance during the course of the training. There was a tendency for individuals with higher language ability to get more help and attention than children with low communication skills. In a well-designed pilot study, Williams et al. (2002) observed the development of eight autistic pre-school children’s reading skills during specialist teaching. The focus of the study was on the comparison of computer-instructed learning versus book-based learning. An observation schedule to register autistic behaviours was developed and tested for sufficient interrater reliability (kappa = .68). Participants were roughly matched according to ratings in the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (Lord et al., 1994). The probands were randomly assigned to the computer or book condition and then crossed over after half of the training (10 weeks). By the end of the training, four of eight probands, who could not read prior to the intervention, could recognize and read out loud at least three words. Findings showed that all eight children were more able to focus when in front of the computer. On average, the children were three to four times more attentive to the computer than to the book teaching. Interestingly, communicative behaviour (pointing, gesturing, showing) was also dramatically higher in the computer condition, while at the same time stereotypic behaviour decreased. Social cognition and emotion perception Swettenham (1996) examined the usefulness of a computer-based training version of the classic Sally-Anne false belief task to teach the understanding of basic Theory of Mind abilities. The effect of the program on three groups was recorded: eight healthy children, eight children with Down’s syndrome and eight children with autism. Only probands were included for the study who had initially failed to pass several false belief task scenarios. After the computer-aided training ,all three groups were able to pass the close transfer false belief task (Sally-Anne). However, only the children with autism were still unable to solve the distant transfer false belief tasks following the training. Overall, the results indicate limited effects of the program. Especially, generalisation of training effects could not be found. Thus, the authors speculate, the autistic children had not really learned to understand the ToM problem, but had developed an alternative coping strategy to pass the Sally-Anne task. Silver and Oakes (2001) carried out a randomized controlled trial to evaluate the effect of a computer program entitled “Emotion Trainer”, developed to train individuals with autism and associated disorders to recognize and predict the emotions of other people. Two randomly allocated groups of 11 adolescent children with infantile autism or Asperger's syndrome recruited at special schools were examined. One group received emotion recognition training using the Emotion Trainer in ten 30 minutes sessions over two to three weeks, while the other group did not get any computer training. The program consists of four modules showing facial expressions in a number of situations,which are connected to specific tasks, e.g. decide whether a situation would make a person angry, happy, sad or afraid. Group comparisons showed a substantial reduction in errors made in the emotion tasks of the computer program during the training phase. In addition, the trained probands were assessed pre- and postintervention using three independent outcome measures - namely judging facial expression photographs, cartoons depicting emotion-laden situations and non-literal stories - and they improved on all three criteria, compared to the control group. Bernard-Opitz et al. (2001) presented eight social problems on a computer to eight pre-school children with autism and eight matched normal children. In six probe and 10 training sessions, the participants were instructed to find solutions to animated social problem scenes. Children could choose from a range of given solutions or provide own. In the training sessions, the standard problem solutions were carefully described by the trainer and then illustrated via a computer. The latter was not the case in the probe sessions. Compared to matched peers, autistic children produced markedly fewer alternative problem solutions in the probe and training sessions. Nevertheless, a steady increase of ideas was present during the probe sessions. The authors concluded that computers were useful tools to teach social problem solving to young children with autism and normal peers. Bölte and colleagues (2002, 2006) report the development and evaluation of a computer-based program to teach and test the ability to identify facially expressed basic emotions on different levels, called the “Frankfurter Test und Training des Erkennens von fazialem Affekt” (FEFA). It uses the cross-cultural concept of seven fundamental emotional states (happy, sad, angry, surprised, disgusted, fearful, neutral) by Paul Ekman and colleagues (Ekman, Friesen, & Ellsworth, 1972) for judging emotion in photographs of whole faces and eye regions, respectively. The FEFA-training module comprises about 500 facial emotion teaching items on three description levels. On level 1, the test and the training module use comparable stimulus material, but correct judgments in the training section are followed by visual and acoustical reinforcement. If the given answer is incorrect, a feedback button appears on the screen. Clicking on the link leads to an explanation of the item solution (level 2). A further in-depth engagement in the specific emotion is provided by the opportunity to look at a comic-strip and again choose the specific corresponding emotion (level 3). The normed FEFA-test module comprises a series of 50 items for faces and 40 items for eyes, showing good to excellent internal consistency and stability (rt t .89). As one point is given for each correctly classified emotion, the maximum score is 50 for the face and 40 for the eyes test. To evaluate the efficacy of the FEFA, a sample of 10 adolescent and adult male individuals with high-functioning autism or Asperger's syndrome was collected. One half of the sample was randomly assigned to receive FEFA treatment while the other half of the sample served to control for possible confounding effects. The training ran over a period of five weeks, consisting of two hours training a week. To evaluate the effect of the FEFA training module, the test module of the FEFA was applied. Furthermore, BOLD-fMRI changes in the fusiform gyrus region of the brain and other regions of interest as well as behavioural facial emotion recognition measures were assessed before and after training. No significant activation changes in the fisiform were observed. Trained subjects showed marked behavioural improvements on the FEFA-test, which were accompanied by higher BOLD-fMRI signals in the superior parietal lobule and maintained activation in the right medial occipital gyrus. Golan and Baron-Cohen (2006) examined the effect of their “Mind Reading” program (BaronCohen et al., 2002) in a sample of adults with Asperger 's syndrome (AS) and high-functioning autism (HFA). The program is an interactive systematic guide to emotions, including both complex emotions in faces and voices. Mind Reading comprises 412 human emotions each illustrated by 6 actors through the face, voice and mimi-stories. The program was evaluated in a sample of 19 subjects and 22 controls with HFA or AS and 24 normative controls at their homes for 10 to 15 weeks. Participants were tested on recognition of faces and voices at three different levels of generalization. The intervention group improved significantly, but generalization was less convincing. The authors conclude that using Mind Reading for a relatively short period of time allows users to learn to recognize a variety of complex emotions and mental states, although additional methods are required to enhance generalization. Mitchell et al. (2006) used virtual café and bus scenes for teaching social understanding to six adolescents with ASD. Participants also watched sets of videos of real café and bus environments. They were asked to judge where they would sit and explain why. Ten naive raters independently coded participants’ judgments and reasoning. In direct relation to the timing of virtual environment use, there were several instances of significant improvement in judgments and explanations about where to sit, both in a video of a café and a bus. According to the authors, the results demonstrate the potential of virtual reality for teaching social skills. In another study by the same group, Parsons et al. (2005) applied virtual environments in educational contexts for people with ASD. A sample of 12 adolescents with ASD, and matched comparison participants were studied. Participants were presented with virtual environments to assess whether they adhered to particular social conventions, such as not walking across grass and flowerbeds en route to a café, or not walking between two people (involved in conversation) en route to the bar. Whilst a significant minority of the ASD group adhered to the social conventions, others displayed substantial “off-task” behaviour and a limited understanding of the virtual environments. Thus, in addition to their other study, the authors suggest that some individuals with an ASD, with low verbal IQ and weak executive ability, require extra support to complete tasks successfully in virtual environments. BRIEF CONCLUSIONS Computer technology may be a valuable tool in supporting individuals with autism to enhance their communicative, social and other abilities. The review of studies on computer programs for people with ASD presented here demonstrates quite consistently that medium to large behavioural gains can be expected when circumscribed skills are trained. Unfortunately, most available programs and corresponding evaluations reportdifficulties in generalization of effects. However, at least one study using virtual reality (Mitchell et al., 2006) did not encounter limited generalization. In addition, convincing examples of the utility of virtual reality for therapeutic purposes have also been presented for other psychiatric problems (e.g. anxiety disorders; Rothbaum & Hodges, 1999). Therefore, the issue of generalization might be solved by more elaborated program concepts. In line with this presumption, Parsons and Mitchell (2002) provide an enthusiastic report of virtual reality’s potential for social skills training in autism. In their view, computers may be ideal for practicing socio-communicative behaviour by role-play in a safe environment. They outline crucial elements for a successful social skill training, which might also be realized (or even better realized) via a computer. (Table 4). Table 4. Key elements of successful social skills training (Parsons & Mitchell, 2002) ______________________________________________________________________ Repetition of the target skill or task Rote learning of social rules Fading of prompts over time Verbal instruction/explanation of the social skill A consideration of how one’s own behaviour impacts on others Practise skills in realistic settings The ability to practise the skill across contexts Role-play of target behaviours Accessibility and ease of use for schools and teachers Affordability for home and school environments ______________________________________________________________________ In addition to their list, I believe that the following criteria should be fulfilled: First, social tasks should be available on a continuum from elementary to complex (a large pool of critical and every day situations), so that tailored training is possible. 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