COMMISSION EUROPEENNE Bruxelles, le 8 mars 2013 CALENDRIER du 11 au 17 mars 2013 (Susceptible de modifications en cours de semaine) Activités des Institutions Déplacements et visites Lundi 11 mars Foreign Affairs Council (FAC) General Affairs Council (GAC) Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council (TTE Transport) European Parliament plenary session (11-14/03) Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Secretary of State of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Portugal, Mr Brites PEREIRA and Secretary of State of European Affairs of Portugal, Mr Miguel MORAIS LEITÃO Ms Androulla VASSILIOU in Dublin: gives a press conference at the Royal Hospital Kilmainham (RHK); delivers opening speech at the "EU Youth conference 2013" organised by the Irish presidency Ms Maria DAMANAKI and Mr Dacian CIOLOŞ in Dublin: deliver speeches at the meeting of the AgriFish Committees Chairpersons from National Parliaments of the European Union. Mr Dacian CIOLOŞ also delivers a speech at the European Young Farmers conference Ms Kristalina GEORGIEVA attends the Friends of Europe event "Japan Seminar - For a More Resilient Word" Ms Cecilia MALMSTRÖM receives Ms Eva Birgitta OHLSSON, Minister for European Union Affairs of Sweden Ms Cecilia MALMSTRÖM receives Ms Vesna PUSIĆ, First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of Croatia Mardi 12 mars Mr Maroš ŠEFČOVIČ meets Ms Lucinda CREIGHTON, Minister of State for European affairs of Ireland, in the margins of the European Parliament plenary session, Strasbourg Mr Janez POTOČNIK attends the meeting on Endocrine Disrupters (European Parliament plenary session, Strasbourg) M. Michel BARNIER rencontre M. Benoît HAMON, Ministre délégué auprès du ministre français de l'Economie et des Finances, chargé de l'Economie sociale et solidaire et de la Consommation Mr Johannes HAHN in Luxembourg: meets Mr Marco SCHANK, delegated Minister for Sustainable Development and Infrastructure of Luxembourg; attends the Official Inauguration of the new ESPON CU Offices Mr Dacian CIOLOŞ participates in the debate and vote on the Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy in the Plenary session of the European Parliament (Strasbourg) Mercredi 13 mars Mr José Manuel Durão BARROSO receives Mr Valdis CLDR/13/9 Activités des Institutions Déplacements et visites DOMBROVSKIS, Prime Minister of Latvia Mr José Manuel Durão BARROSO receives Mr Zoran MILANOVIĆ, Prime Minister of Croatia Mrs Viviane REDING in Berlin, Germany (13-14/03). On 13/03: gives a presentation at the Schwarzkopf foundation. On 14/03: holds a speech at the seminar of German consumer rights ministers on consumer rights in the Web 2.0 – "Challenges for European Policy"; holds a speech at the F.A.Z. strategy forum on the future EU data protection regulation Mr Siim KALLAS receives a delegation from the Association of European Airlines (AEA) Ms Neelie KROES in London: participates in joint EIF-DPA event to launch Digital Business First; visits Tech City Mr László ANDOR in Berlin: meets Ms Ursula VON DER LEYEN, German Federal Minister of Labour and Social Affairs; participates in a seminar on Youth Guarantee Schemes Jeudi 14 mars European Council (14-15/03) Mr KALLAS on official visit to Estonia: delivers a speech at the conference "The Charms and Pitfalls of EU Funding" Mr Olli REHN at the ALDE Liberal lunch Summit (Brussels) Mr Janez POTOČNIK receives a small group of companies and Mr Mike BIDDLE, CEO of MBA Polymers Mr Andris PIEBALGS delivers the opening speech at the "Scaling Up Nutrition Senior Level Meeting" (Brussels) Mr Michel BARNIER takes part in a Breakfast Dialogue on the Single Market at the European Policy Centre Mr Tonio BORG meets Ms Anna Maria DARMANIN, Vice President of the European Economic and Social Committee (Brussels) Mr Tonio BORG attends and delivers speech at the Opening Session of the European Consumer Day (Brussels) Mr Tonio BORG receives Mr Pierre SIVAC, President of the International Fragrance Association Ms Máire GEOGHEGAN-QUINN in Dublin: delivers keynote address at the Expo "Ireland – 40 years of membership of the European Union" Ms Kristalina GEORGIEVA receives Australian Head of Mission Mr Duncan LEWIS Ms Connie HEDEGAARD delivers a keynote speech at the Danish Convenience Goods Association conference (Axelborg, Copenhagen) Mr Štefan FÜLE on official visit to Tunisia (14-15/03) Mr László ANDOR participates in the Tripartite Social Summit (European Council, Brussels) Ms Cecilia MALMSTRÖM attends a working lunch with H.M. 2 Activités des Institutions Déplacements et visites Queen Paola of Belgium and the Council of Patrons of Missing Children Europe Vendredi 15 mars Mr José Manuel Durão BARROSO receives Mr Joseph MUSCAT, Prime Minister of Malta Mr José Manuel Durão BARROSO receives Mr Nicos ANASTASIADES, President of Cyprus Mr Maroš ŠEFČOVIČ delivers a speech at the General Assembly of European Public Affairs Consultancies' Association (EPACA) (Brussels) Mr Olli REHN participates in the Brussels Forum on "A Fragile World After the Crisis" (Conrad Hotel, Brussels) Mr Janez POTOČNIK, Mr Karel DE GUCHT and Mr Tonio BORG receive Mr Ivica DAČIĆ, Prime Minister of Serbia Mr Michel BARNIER (opening keynote speech) and Ms Cecilia MALMSTRÖM (keynote speech) participate in the Conference on Fighting money laundering and terrorist financing (Charlemagne building, Brussels) Ms Androulla VASSILIOU visits the College of Europe (Bruges): meets Mr Thierry MONFORTI, Director of the Academic Service and Admissions and attends the National (Greek and Cypriot) week event Mr Karel DE GUCHT receives Mr Tim GROSER, Minister of Trade of New Zealand Mr Karel DE GUCHT receives Mr BARK Taeho, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of South Korea Mr Tonio BORG receives Roberto GRADINK, President of the European Biopharmaceutical Enterprises Mr Tonio BORG receives Ms Sabine LARULLE, Belgian Minister of the Middle Class, SME's, Self-Employed and Agriculture Ms Kristalina GEORGIEVA participates at the closing event of the "Scaling Up Nutrition Senior Level Meeting" Ms Kristalina GEORGIEVA participates in the seminar "From Mali to Syria: Dealing with a Troubled Neighbourhood", organised by the German Marshall Fund of the United States Mr Dacian CIOLOŞ in Bucarest: speech at "Eurosfat" conference Samedi 16 mars Ms Catherine ASHTON and Mr Karel DE GUCHT participate at the German Marshall Fund (GMF) Brussels Forum Mr Dacian CIOLOŞ in Poland: speech at "The Development of Rural Areas. Experiences and Perspectives" conference (Jasionka) Dimanche 17 mars 3 Activités des Institutions Déplacements et visites Prévisions du mois de mars: 18-19/03 Agriculture and Fisheries Council (AGRI FISH) 21/03 Environment Council (ENVI) Permanence DG COMM le WE du 9 au 10 mars: Simon O'CONNOR, +32 (0) 460 767 359 Permanence RAPID - GSM: +32 (0) 498 982 748 Service Audiovisuel, planning studio: +32 (0) 2 295 21 23 4