SOCIO-ECONOMIC VULNERABILITY TO CLIMATE CHANGE: IMPACT ASSESSMENT ON AQUACULTURE FARMERS IN SARAWAK, MALAYSIA. Rosita Hamdan Fatimah Kari Nurulhuda Mohd Satar Faculty of Economics and Administration University of Malaya Kuala Lumpur Since the past two decades, the climate projection has revealed the occurrence of climate change by the extreme warming trends of the mean surface temperature. Malaysia has experienced the highest mean surface temperature in 1997 and 1998 and the frequent El-Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events. These scenarios have influence to the abnormal patterns of precipitation and also increase the droughts, storms and floods in some areas and states including Sarawak. Besides the physical and financial drivers, climate is a major driver that enhances the aquaculture sector growth and sustainability. The variability of temperature, air humidity and total rainfall in Sarawak shows negative signs to aquaculture production in both ponds and cages systems. Moreover, the climate change also degrades the water source quality for aquaculture activities such as rivers and water spring where the problems of water stratification and decrease of dissolved oxygen affects aquaculture activities. These problems have contributed to major loss of production and increase in the socio-economic and income vulnerability among farmers. The small scale or individual farmers are among the highest vulnerable to climate change. With the low assetsowned, they are unable to cope with the impacts with their income falling below the national poverty line. Thus, this study attempts to assess the consequences of climate change to aquaculture farmers in Sarawak based on environment and poverty linkages as well as vulnerability and adaptation framework. The impacts and implication of climate change and the strategies by the farmers in coping with the impacts will be discussed further in this paper. Keywords: climate change, aquaculture, impacts, vulnerability, socio-economic. Overview of aquaculture sector development in Malaysia. Aquaculture sector had been developed since 1920’s in Malaysia started with the freshwater aquaculture and then brackish water aquaculture in the late 1930. The brackish water aquaculture on that time situated in the mangrove area and concentrated on the shrimp farming by using trapping ponds and also cockle culture in mud flats. The cages aquaculture sector is started around seventies (Tan,1998). This sector has significantly expanded in the last two decades. Aquaculture sector has a great potential to be developed and play a significant role to overcome the decreasing of fish stock due to over exploitation fishing activities in coastal area by the commercial fishery (Tan, 1998; CICS, 2000). According to Shariff et. al. (1997), aquaculture sector has been transform greatly to more technological activities and drive to the high market contribution. Aquaculture has been identified has the strategic industry to fulfill the domestic demand of high protein resources and export demand of fish products. This will help the government to achieve the growth of food production for 33.4 percent or 1.8 million metric tonnes for fisheries and accomplish 103% in self sufficiency level by 2010 as mentioned in mid-term review of the Ninth Malaysia Plan (Malaysia, 2008). The aquaculture sector benefits the national and local level by perform the demand for fish and endorse the private sector technical and research capability for the economic development (CICS, 2000). 1 The aquaculture sector in Malaysia is still small as compared to the neighbour countries such as Thailand and Indonesia. However, Malaysia is also supply the aquaculture products by export activities to the other countries. The main Malaysia’s exported aquaculture products are shrimps (Penaeus monodon and P. merguiensis), sea-perch (Lates calcarifer), grouper (Epinephelus spp), crabs (Scylla serrata), cockles (Anadara granosa) and other freshwater species (Tan, 1998). Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) reveal that aquaculture production is going to be more economically important way of increasing local fish production for food security and contribute less than 0.2 percent of GDP. Other evidences are stated that contribution of aquaculture to GDP in terms of production value as percent of GDP is 0.283 in 2003 (Lungren et. al., 2006) and increase to 0.366 in 2004 (Sugiyama, et. al., 2004). Thus, this sector has been targeted by the government in the Third National Agriculture Policy (1998-2010) to become the major area of concentration to enhance the competitiveness of agriculture sector in Malaysia. The aquaculture activities are believed will able to supply the local demand of fisheries products and also for export to other countries. The policy envisions for steady growth of aquaculture production from the current total production to 120,000 tons of total production by the year 2010 (Tan, 1998). With respect to socio-economic, aquaculture involves in improving food supply, employment and income. Aquaculture activities help to reduce the poverty problem especially in rural areas although by the traditional aquaculture practices such as in China and Indonesia. Aquacultures activities benefit the poor livelihoods by supply the nutritional foods, own-job and generate income (Edwards,). In 1990, out of 18,143 people are employed under this sector and occupied with the various level of operation activities including harvesting, processing and marketing (Tan, 1998). Besides, the development of aquaculture activities in the rural area will benefit the farmers and nearby community due to the allocation of infrastructure such as electricity, communication and road access that help to improve the quality of life (Mohd. Fariduddin, 2006]). Safa (2004) elaborated that the fishery sector are important in Malaysia because it supply the demand of main source of protein and develop rural development through employment creation. Climate change and aquaculture Environmental problems are one of the major issues that challenge the sustainable growth of aquaculture sector (CICS, 2000; Shariff, et. al. (1997); Hambal, et. al. (1994)). The effects of climate change to social and economic aspects can be seen in the interaction between environment, aquaculture and socioeconomics can be assessing through social-ecology system concept. This concept promotes the evaluation practices that include the entire exposure unit in system to identify the best solution to solve the problem. The climate change hazards affect the worldwide aquaculture production although the productions are expected to growth due to the demand of fish consumption. The humans and environment have to acclimatize with the ecosystem pressure and failure, biodiversity thrashing, variability of time length for growing season, coastal corrosion and aquifer salinization, acidification of river and sea water and also uneven series for pests and disease. The physical impacts of climate change are different between one to another place and also effect vary to human and environment (World Bank, 2010). Climate change is a natural climatic event (production risk) that influences the quality and quantity of aquaculture production (Beach and Viator, 2008). The climate change has contribute to the climatic variability such as rising temperature, sea level rise (Ong, 2001), exposure to extra violet radiation, unbalanced rainfall pattern and force of severe weather (CICS, 2000; Akegbejo-Samsons, 2009). The changes of temperature and precipitation were the major causes of failure to ponds culture production. It leads to drought and flood seasons and implicate the water stratification that harms to culture species 2 especially in shrimp production. Moreover, the rising temperature caused the oxygen depletion that persuades the growth of algae blooms which affect toxins to the water (World Bank, 2010). The climate change also will cause the modification to evaporation and precipitation cycle and harm mostly to the salt water aquaculture. The most dangerous effects for aquaculture production and other coastal activities are the occurrence of storm surges, waves, and coastal erosion. The severe storm will results high loss to the farmers due to the serious and high damage of farm and cost high for recovering the destroyed (CICS, 2000, Schjolden, 2004). In Malaysia, the difference climate and natural conditions between states seems influenced to their aquaculture production. The increasing temperature and changes in rainfall caused vulnerable especially to the northern peninsular Malaysia and also the coastal of Sarawak and Sabah (Mustafa, 2007). The climate change is also caused the disease outbreaks to the cultured fish and shrimp in all stages of its growth (Chamhuri, et. al., 2009). White Spot Disease or White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV) is among the common disease that effect to the cultured species especially to the shrimp farming (Mazuki and Subramaniam, 2005). The deteriorating water escalate the disease eruptions and infectivity of aquaculture products that affect the high economic lost which happen in Penang in 1992 (Hambal, et. al., 1994) and the flood and water stratification caused fish death in Sungai Semarak, Kelantan in 2008 (Utusan Malaysia, 2008). The ‘El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) which is the major climatic threat in agriculture sector in 1997/1998 especially in Selangor, Sarawak and Sabah (Mustafa, 2007) and recently informed as the threat to the agriculture sector (Utusan Malaysia, 2009). The growth of aquaculture sector is importance in economic growth. However, this condition will degrade the natural ecology system of the fish and shrimp where it is fully dependent on the given feed. Moreover, it also raises the environmental problem which leads increase to climate change impacts (World Bank, 2010). Aquaculture sector is negatively effect on coastal resources (Sulit, et. al., 2005) through the loss of mangroves (Hambal, et. al., 1994) and threatened and degraded the rivers’ water quality including Santubong River in Sarawak (Lee, et. al., 2002; Miod, et. al., 2009). The extreme climate change impacts conditions will diminish the growth of development, destroying lives and livelihood. In indicating the issue of climate change, the environmental and social aspects are important to ensure the sustainable and safety aquaculture production (Anon, 2003). The climate change risk affect increase to production cost in managing the farm efficiently (Sulit, et. al., 2005) and minimize the production from the aquaculture farm. Thus, the small farmers are unable to survive in this sector due to rising cost of production and lack of support system to cover the cultured fish and shrimp from the impacts of production risk. The farmers failure in production and decline in food production will lead to problem of famine (Sen, 1981) and poverty trap because of the permanent losses of human and physical capital (Heltberg, et. al., 2009). The sensitivity of culturing procedures to the climate change variability in terms of type, scale, intensity and culture location has a bad outcome to the aquaculture farmers’ livelihood and also various socioeconomic costs (Oguntuga, et. al., 2009). The pressures on access the finest water quality for aquaculture production raised the competition among the farmers and other sectors’ farmers. The operation of industrial development near to the aquaculture potential are has neglected the potential of the sectors’ growth (Hambal,, 1994). The social dimension is important to the improvement of policy and practice in coping with the climate shocks (Kelly and Adger, 2000). The existing studies on the environmental issues on aquaculture development in Malaysia need to be concentrated on the solution of the environmental problems in terms of the assessment in good management, technical improvement and strategic planning (Hambal et. al., 1994). FAO (2008) indicated that there are insufficient of studies done that able to provide understanding of the vulnerability of fisheries and aquaculture to climate change which affect the constraint for 3 prioritizing adaptive strategies. Besides, there is lack of research that focus on identify the relationship between biophysical impacts of climate change and livelihood vulnerability of poor fishing communities (Akegbejo-Samsons, 2009). The response of market to these changes and the implications for prices, economic returns and sector investment will have major impacts on sector performance, employment, food security and longer-term development impact. The farmers, consumers or dependent people to aquaculture are vulnerable to the direct and indirect impacts of predicted climatic changes. Thus, this study attempts to highlight the problem of climate change and its impact on aquaculture production and socio-economic of farmers in the aspect of environmental economic based. Moreover, this study will also indicate the option of adaptation by aquaculture farmers to cope with the risk of climate change. The adaptation strategy in reducing climate change risk in aquaculture sector The joint of mitigation and adaptation aspect in risk reduction management will maximize the social welfare under the climate change conditions. The adaptations seems applicable to the community especially for the lower income farmers due to the less implementation cost as compared to the cost of mitigation. The rigorous mitigation target will increase if the adaptation processes are scarce to reduce vulnerability. However, adaptation is ongoing process and performs as the complement solutions within time until the mitigation response increase. (Howden, et. al., 2007). The adaptation is observed for the context of impact analysis where the society adaptive capacity helps to explain the cost of rising climate change (Fankhauser, et. al., 1999). The adaptation action is worked with the purpose to reduce harm and not to avoid the severe climate change. Adaptation should be a continuous action and starting with the change in normal conditions and also prepare for the extreme events. The study in Canada in 1995 regarding to the adaptation costs in adapting the normal variability of climate and extreme climate shows that Canada benefit larger by the expense to adapt with changes in climate and less benefit due to the tremendous events (Burton, 1997). The perception of risk is important in identifying the best application of risk management practice (Meuwissen et. al., 2001). The factors that influence perception of risks are geographic areas, farm types (Patrick, et. al., 1985); institutional and other factors that influence the farmers’ environment (Patrick and Musser, 1997). The decision for implementing the risk management options can be taken by assessing the information of limited resource farmers. The study in Mississippi shows that the limited resource farmers practice low input and output production for adapting the production risks. Due to income constraint, the farmers are also do the off-farm job to add the income and at the same time used the social security and other government funds. The farm diversification activities are doubtful as the best solution for reduce the farm risk. The improvement in high production quality would the alternatives for reducing farm risk. The farmers also preferred the incentives rather than involve in the crop insurance program especially from the farmers who gain low production. The educational program and training on the farm management aspect would help the farmers to improve in their activities (Coble, et. al., 2001). Adaptation is comprised the step of adjusting practices, processes and capital reaction to the existent or peril of climate change as well as the reaction in the decision environment including social, institutional structures and modification of technical options that can affect the potential or capacity for realization of adaptation. The knowledge of adaptation will help to effectual handle climate risk for the future. It helps in delivering the feedbacks from the related agents and policy makers in making the decision of adaptation for short term and long-term duration. It help in giving the clear relationship between the short term and long term alternatives so the management and policy decision will able to prepare for any consequences of future risk (Howden, et. al., 2007). 4 Data and model specification The data for economic indicators such as total estimated production, total wholesale value and the size of aquaculture areas are gathered from the Agricultural Statistics of Sarawak, Department of Agriculture Sarawak and the Annual Fisheries Statistics, Department of Fisheries Malaysia from 1992 until 2008. The climate data comprises of mean maximum temperature, mean minimum temperature, mean total rainfall, mean relative humidity and total sunshine hours had been collected from the Yearbook of Statistics, Department of Statistics Malaysia and also from Agricultural Statistics of Sarawak, Department of Agriculture Sarawak. The interview was conducted on 41 aquaculture farmers in Kuching district (including Santubong, Sematan, Lundu, Bau and Siburan) to indicate the adaptation option by them in coping with the climate change. The data covered four different system of aquaculture systems known as freshwater ponds, freshwater cages, brackish water ponds and brackish water cages systems. The models are analyzed using two common techniques, known as Ordinary Least Square (OLS) parametric estimation and Chi-square test for two unrelated non-parametric samples. Ordinary Least Square is used to find a good estimation of parameters that fit a function, f(x), of a set of data, x 1….xn in identifying the significant of climate and aquaculture area to aquaculture production, wholesale and retail value. The econometric model of this study is; Yt 1 max temp 2 min temp 3totrain 4 humidity 5 sunshine 6 area where, Y1 Y2 maxtemp mintemp totrain humidity sunshine area (1) = total estimated production = total wholesale value = mean of maximum temperature in degree celcius = mean of minimum temperature in degree celcius = mean of total rainfall in millimeter/day = mean relative humidity in percentage = total sunshine hours = size of aquaculture ponds or cages Chi-square test for two unrelated samples is used to evaluate the existence of relationship between two variables (Green and Salkind, 2008) or whether the difference between the observed and expected frequencies is bigger than the expected by chance (Wheater and Cook, 2000). This technique is used to identify the adaptation option of farmers to climate change risk. The Chi-square can be calculated as; X2 (O E ) 2 E (2) Where, O is the observed (measured) value and E the expected (calculated) value. Estimation Results and Discussions The results from OLS estimation are presented in the table 1 for brackish water aquaculture and table 2 for fresh water aquaculture system. The findings are compared by the types of water (freshwater and brackish water) results and different systems of aquaculture known as ponds and cages aquaculture systems. Moreover, the findings also covered different relationship between total production and total wholesale value as the independent variables. The two independent variables, total production and wholesale value indicate the physical and monetary value of production. In the neo-classical sense, 5 physical output and monetary value differs because the assumption about market structure in aquaculture production (Beattie and Taylor, 1995). Thus, the findings will help to identify and assess the critical factors that affecting production risk in Sarawak’s aquaculture sector. In general, the estimated residuals of all systems are normally distributed. There are also showed no evidence of autocorrelation from the Breusch-Godfrey LM test and no evidence of heteroskedasticity from the White test in all aquaculture systems. 5.1 Brackish water aquaculture systems The coefficient of all explanatory variables (see table 1) shows that only the size of aquaculture areas has a significant positive impact on aquaculture production for brackish water cages system. The increase of 1 percentage point in the size of aquaculture area will increase total production by 0.0002 percentage point. In brackish water aquaculture ponds, mean relative humidity is significant negative where the increase of 1 percentage point of the mean relative humidity will decrease 0.0976 percentage point of the total production. The size of aquaculture area is significant positive on aquaculture production where the increase of 1 percentage point in the size of aquaculture area will increase 0.003 percentage point of total production. The positive impacts of the size of aquaculture area in brackish water ponds and cages suggest that the additional numbers of cages and ponds will result the high production in this sector. Table 1: Regression results (brackishwater aquaculture system) CAGES Ytprod = - 20.6252 - 0.5954maxtempt + 0.8084mintempt + 0.0164totraint + 0.2027humidityt + 0.9932sunshinet + 0.0002areat (-0.54) (-0.51) (1.31) (0.15) (1.42) (0.70) (2.61)** Ytwholesale = 1.7327 – 1.2460maxtempt + 0.8160mintempt + 0.0410totraint + 0.2055 humidityt + 0.9139 sunshinet + 0.0002areat (0.04) (-0.99) (1.21) (0.35) (1.33) (0.91) (2.53)** PONDS Ytprod = - 14. 8685 + 1.0611maxtempt + 0.1784mintempt - 0.0664totraint - 0.0976humidityt – 1.4490sunshinet + 0.0030areat (-0.41) (1.10) (0.32) (-0.84) (-2.28)** (-1.37) (5.04)*** Ytwholesale = - 41.9285 + 2.0775maxtempt + 0.2567mintempt - 0.0974totraint – 0.1174humidityt - 1.7608sunshinet + 0.0033areat (-0.82) (1.54) (0.33) (-0.88) (-1.96) * (-1.19) (3.87)*** R-squared Adjusted R-squared Standard error of regression F-statistic Breusch-Godfrey LM test White test Jarque-Bera normality test Sum of squared residuals Note: figures in paratheses are t-statistics. * significant at the 10% level ** significant at the 5% level *** significant at the 1% level Brackishwater Cages Ytprod Ytwholesale 0.76 0.77 0.62 0.62 0.94 1.02 5.29 5.43 3.00 2.10 1.32 1.33 1.06 0.85 8.75 10.37 Brackishwater Ponds Ytprod Ytwholesale 0.90 0.86 0.85 0.78 0.72 1.01 15.75 10.53 0.55 0.93 0.44 0.36 0.61 0.80 5.17 10.11 The observation on 41 aquaculture farms showed that the farmers had expended their incomes to open the new ponds or cages through the additional operating periods due to the market demand and the benefits gain from the aquaculture activities. While the negative impacts of mean relative humidity is 6 consistent to the study by Kutty (1987). The air humidity has significant relation to the level of evaporation of the water in the ponds and cages. If the degree of humidity increases, the evaporation will decrease. This will cause the increase in moisture of the cultured species, the volume of fish foods and use of chemicals in aquaculture activities. In term of the total wholesale value, the operation size has significant effects whereby the size of aquaculture area is important to the both systems where the increase of 1 percentage point in the size of aquaculture area will increase 0.0002 percentage points and 0.0033 percentage points on the total wholesale value in brackish water cages and brackish water ponds. The mean relative humidity shows the negative significant effects to the brackish water ponds where the increase of 1 percentage point of mean relative humidity will affect of 0.1174 percentage point reduce in aquaculture returns. The increase of mean relative humidity will affect the high expenditure on maintenance and management cost on the aquaculture production. Thus, it contributes to the loss of returns from aquaculture to the farmers. The R2 from estimated regression in total production and total wholesale of brackish water cages is 0.76 and 0.77. These imply that about 76 percent and 77 percent of the variation in Y tprod and Ytwholesale are explained by the variation in the independent variables included in the models. The brackish water ponds estimated regression results explain that 90 percent and 86 percent of the variation Ytprod and Ytwholesale are explained by the variation in the independent variables included in the model. 5.2 Fresh water aquaculture systems In the fresh water cages (see table 2), the coefficient of all explanatory variables shows that the mean maximum temperature is negative significant impact on aquaculture production and total wholesale value. The mean maximum temperature has a highly significant (at 10 percent level) negative impact on aquaculture production and total wholesale value. An increase of 1 percentage point of the mean maximum temperature will decrease the aquaculture production by 3.068 and total wholesale value by 3.236 percentage points. However, the size of aquaculture area affect positive significant to the both explanatory variables. The increase of 1 percentage point in the size of aquaculture area will increase 0.786 and 0.758 percentage point on aquaculture production and total wholesale value. The R2 results show that 64 percent of Ytprod and 65 percent of Ytwholesale are explained by the variation in the observed independent variables. Meanwhile in the fresh water ponds, out of four coefficients of variables are statistically significant in total production and exhibit their expected signs. The mean maximum temperature has highly significant (at 10 percent level) positive impact on aquaculture production. An increase of 1 percentage point of the mean maximum temperature will increase 1.064 percentage points on aquaculture production. The positive significant of coefficient are also showed by the mean minimum temperature and the size of aquaculture area. If 1 percentage point increases in the mean minimum temperature and the size of aquaculture, the total production will increase 0.873 and 0.827 percentage points. The mean relative humidity shows negative significant (at 5 percent level) direction in its relationship to total production. The increase of 1 percentage points in the mean relative humidity will decrease 0.006 percentage points in the total production. In indicating the influence factors on aquaculture returns to the farmers, the findings show that the mean minimum temperature and the size of aquaculture area have significant (at 10 percent level) positive impact on the total wholesale value. The performance of total wholesale value is highly influence by the mean minimum temperature. An increase of 1 percentage point in the mean minimum temperature 7 will increase 0.942 of total wholesale value. Nevertheless, the 1 percentage point increase in the size of aquaculture area will contributes 0.742 percentage point increase in the total wholesale value. The findings are also showing that 63 percent of Ytprod and Ytwholesale are explained by the variation in the observed independent variables from the R2. Table 2: Regression results (freshwater aquaculture system). CAGES Ytprod = 80.182 – 3.068maxtempt + 0.557mintempt + 0.203totraint + 0.080humidityt – 1.549sunshinet + 0.786areat (1.61) (-2.01)* (0.76) (1.62) (1.10) (-0.10) (2.17)* Ytwholesale = 86.724 – 3.236maxtempt + 0.686mintempt + 0.203totraint + 0.066 humidityt - 1.734 sunshinet + 0.758areat (1.69) (-2.07)* (0.92) (1.59) (0.89) (-1.08) (2.04)* PONDS Ytprod = - 77.052 + 1.064maxtemp t + 0.873mintempt + 0.042totraint - 0.006humidityt + 1.474sunshinet + 0.827areat (-2.46) (2.00)* (2.17)* (0.66) (-0.14)** (1.62) (2.28)** Ytwholesale = - 69.015 + 1.554maxtempt + 0.942mintempt + 0.022 totraint – 0.037humidityt + 0.964sunshinet + 0.742areat (-1.96) (1.74) (2.10)* (0.30) (-0.81) (0.95) (1.84)* R-squared Adjusted R-squared Standard error of regression F-statistic Breusch-Godfrey LM test White test Jarque-Bera normality test Sum of squared residuals Note: figures in paratheses are t-statistics. * significant at the 10% level ** significant at the 5% level *** significant at the 1% level Freshwater Cages Ytprod Ytwholesale 0.64 0.65 0.36 0.39 1.05 1.07 2.32 2.51 0.46 0.49 1.41 1.55 1.05 0.87 8.75 9.19 Freshwater Ponds Ytprod Ytwholesale 0.63 0.63 0.41 0.40 0.62 0.69 2.88 2.78 0.57 1.18 0.32 0.40 0.37 0.30 3.82 4.74 In freshwater aquaculture system, the climate indicators especially temperature was mostly influence to the total production and the total wholesale value. The temperature of water affect directly to the quantity of oxygen dissolved in the water, evaporation and aquaculture productivity (Kutty, 1987). The aquaculture species are growing dynamically in the minimum and maximum tolerance limit of temperature and survive in optimal temperature. However, the rapid temperature variation will affect negative to the aquaculture species growth due to the less dissolved oxygen in the warm water. The change of temperature will change the feeding pattern, nutrient and growth of fish because it doubles the rate of metabolism, chemical reaction and oxygen consumption (Tidwell et. al., 1999). The fish will experience stress and disease threat when the temperature increases to the maximum tolerance or fluctuates suddenly. The modification of the biophysical condition due to the temperature will affect the loss of production or unproductive growth of fisheries. It will reduce the returns of aquaculture production to the farmers and increase the operation cost of the farm. 5.3 Adaptation options by the Sarawakian aquaculture farmers A two way contingency table analysis was conducted to evaluate whether farmers education background, income from aquaculture, income from off-farm and number of years operating aquaculture 8 had significant relationship to the willingness to pay for aquaculture insurance, the use of technology in production and the importance of climate information. The results in the table 3 show the importance of climate change information system was significant related to the income from aquaculture and the number of operating years. The table shows that 16 farmers from different level of aquaculture income answered that climate change information system is important for them while 25 farmers answered not important. The Chi-squares analyses reveal a significant association between the income from aquaculture to the importance of climate change, 2 (2, N=41) = 14.6, p<.05. While for the number of operating years show the significant association to the importance of climate information system where 2 (2, N=41) = 8.42, p< .10. The table shows that 13 farmers who involved in the range of 1-10 years and 3 farmers who involved in the range of 11-20 years in aquaculture activities expect that climate change information system is important to their production. However, the farmers who involved more than 20 years in aquaculture sector answered “no” to the importance of climate change information system. The reason is their long experiences in aquaculture activities enable them to predict the changing patterns of weather and climate seasons through the personal observation. The chi-square results were supported by the qualitative information given by the farmers during the interview session. It is verified that the farmers who are intensively involved in aquaculture production believed that the improvement of information system on climate warning is important to help them prepare in any possible uncertainty. The farmers mostly observed the climate condition by using their predictions where sometimes is not persistence. There are also few farmers reported experiencing the severe loss of production in several times due to wrong prediction of weather and flooded events. As similar to other elements, the numbers of operating years influenced to the awareness towards the important of climate information by the related agencies. However, the education and income from off-farm activities do not influence to any adaptation options among the producers. The similar results are also shown by the income from aquaculture and the number of operating years to the options of willingness to pay and technology used. These results are contrast to the qualitative information gained from the interviews. The farmers who had been in the industry for longer time demand production security programme which to protect the production risks and cover the severe lost of production due to the climate change risk. Most of farmers had experienced the severe loss of production due to the climate and disease threats. Thus, they believed the programme such as agriculture insurance will help to at least maintain their welfare. There are also few farmers who probably don’t understand the relationship between insurance and production loss and not willing to pay for the agriculture insurance whereby they are exposed to risk. Thus, the education plays an important role to increase the farmers’ perception and knowledge towards the function of agriculture insurance. The experienced farmers believed that technology helps in increasing their production and reducing the risk due to the fluctuation of climate. Most of the farmers who had long time involved in aquaculture sector owned the technologies such as machine and equipment to manage their farms. The level of education is also influencing to the farmers’ awareness towards the benefit of technology to their production. They are also able to diversify their farm activities by producing the fertilizers for their farm used and also sell to the market. However, some of them are at the same time still practicing the traditional ways to conserve their production from the diseases and other environmental threats. 9 Table 3 Chi-square Results (adaptation option of the farmers) Not WTP WTP Characteristics Education No school Primary school Religious school Secondary school Cert / diploma Degree Others N % N % 1 3 0 4 0 0 0 33.3 20.0 0 18.2 0 0 0 2 12 0 18 1 0 0 66.7 80.0 0 81.8 100 0 0 2 value Not used tech N % used tech N % 2 6 0 5 1 0 0 1 9 0 17 0 0 0 33.3 60.0 0 77.3 0 0 0 66.7 40.0 0 22.7 100 0 0 0.63 Aquaculture Income < RM 500 RM 501-1000 RM 1001 - 2000 RM 2001 - 3000 RM 3001 - 4000 RM 4001 - 5000 >RM5001 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 30.8 0 4 5 2 3 1 18 0 100 100 100 100 100 69.2 5 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 55.6 0 11.1 20.0 0 0 0 20.0 4 7 8 4 1 2 3 4 0 1 0 2 1 0 10 44.4 100 88.9 80.0 100 100 100 80.0 value Not impotant of climate info N % 1 11 0 12 1 0 0 33.3 73.3 0 54.5 100 0 0 Important of climate info N % 2 4 0 10 0 0 0 0 25.0 0 100 33.3 0 38.5 0 3 5 0 2 1 16 0 75.0 100 0 66.7 100 61.5 44.4 42.9 33.3 20.0 0 50 0 40.0 5 4 6 4 1 1 3 3 0 2 0 2 1 0 20 55.6 57.1 66.7 80.0 100 50 100 60.0 11.0 Value 2.95 0 50 0 100 33.3 0 76.9 0 2 5 0 2 1 6 0 50 100 0 66.7 100 23.1 7.33 4 3 3 1 0 1 0 2 2 66.7 26.7 0 45.5 0 0 0 4.84 5.73 Off-farm Income Not applicable < RM 500 RM 501-1000 RM 1001 – 2000 RM 2001 – 3000 RM 3001 – 4000 RM 4001 – 5000 >RM5001 2 14.6** 8 5 4 2 1 0 3 2 88.9 71.4 44.4 40.0 100 0 100 40.0 1 2 5 3 0 2 0 3 11.1 28.6 55.6 60.0 0 100 0 60.0 3.48 11.84 Operating years 1-10 years 11 – 20 years 21 – 30 years 31 – 40 years >40 years 3 2 1 1 1 13.0 20.0 20.0 50 100 20 8 4 1 0 87.0 80.0 80.0 50 0 7 4 1 2 0 5.92 30.4 40.0 20.0 100 0 16 6 4 0 1 69.6 60.0 80.0 0 100 10 7 5 2 1 5.11 43.5 70.0 100 100 100 13 3 0 0 0 56.5 30.0 0 0 0 8.42* Note: * p<0.10 **p<0.05 Conclusions The results implicate that climate change increase the risks to aquaculture production and reduce income livelihood among aquaculture producers. The maximum temperature and relative humidity constitute major factors that affect Sarawak’s aquaculture sectors. Similarly, the results also show that climate change have a more significant impact on ponds aquaculture system as compared to cages system. The ponds aquaculture system is more sensitive to the change of temperature and humidity because they are conducted in controlled environment that depend on stored water which may be influenced by the soils contents. As such, the problem of water quality is a major concern among pond based producer while cages water systems are conducted in natural environment of fisheries ecology. Thus, the impacts of climate change are mostly affecting ponds aquaculture system. Evident from the study indicate that some of the farmers having limited capital resource may be unable to survive the impact of environmental factors thorough higher fertilizers and feeding cost. 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