YARD WASTE SUGGESTIONS - Copeland`s Mulch Depot

Starting January 1, 2007 the landfill at Cherry Island will no longer be accepting
any yard waste. There are several options for homeowners that do their own yard work.
Cherry Island will have a composting facility you will be able to take your yard waste
there. If you are signed up for the pickup of recyclables, yard waste can be added to that
for an additional $3.00 per month. The State is counting on other waste haulers,
landscapers, lawn people, tree services, etc. to step up and offer this service also. They
are also hoping that other composting facilities will open up. Neighborhood Associations
can work with some of these people to set up certain collection days throughout the year
for yard waste.
There are several components that make up yard waste….they are grass, leaves,
small clippings from dead heading of annuals and perennials, small twigs form light
pruning to larger sticks and branches. There are several ways to get rid of your grass
clippings. The best way is to just let the grass clippings stay on the lawn. If you must
bag your clippings then you can use them on walkways in your vegetable garden. It is
great for keeping the weeds down. For the clippings from dead heading and light
pruning, composting works well. Composters come in many shapes, sizes, and price
ranges. They can blend into the landscape and take very little work. Larger branches and
old firewood can be brought to us, Copeland’s Mulch Depot. We do accept some of the
other components of yard waste, but since we produce mulch and not compost we prefer
to take mostly wood. We do charge a fee for this service, starting at approximately $25
to $35 for a pick up truck load. Please call 302-633-9536 or 302-633-6690 or e-mail us
at mulchdepot@comcast.net if you have any questions.