CR Fast Track Site Setup Workbook

Catalyst Fast Track Site Setup Workbook
A Fast Track site is created by cloning your custom model site. The new site will be created with
all of the same fields, forms, dynamic folders and other settings as the model site.
1. General Information
Please provide the following information to help us set up your Catalyst site:
Matter Information
Site Name:
Name of Model Site to be Cloned:
Estimated Volume of Data:
Please note that we are unable to clone sites actively being used for review. Only a model site
can be used in the cloning process.
2. Billing Information
Please supply a billing contact for this matter.
Billing Contact Information
Client Name:
Client Address:
Billing Contact Name:
Billing Contact Phone:
Billing Contact Email:
In rare instances we may need to contact a case lead regarding special maintenance or
downtime for your site. Please list the individuals that should be contacted if this need arises.
Downtime Contact Information
Contact Name(s):
Email Address(s):
3. Fields, Forms & Dynamic Folders
All fields, forms and dynamic folder views on the model site that you have selected will be copied
to the new site. You may submit a ticket after the site has been created if customization of these
features is required that you are unable to complete yourself. Additional charges may apply. 877.557.4273 
4. Other Set-up Information
Review Module
The Review Module can be used to structure your workflow if you will be using rules and stages
to route documents between reviewers. The Review Module requires additional configuration
after the site has been created. Contact your Catalyst Project Consultant for assistance in
creating your workflow within the Review Module.
Turn On Review Module? (Yes or No)
We can batch your documents at upload time if you will be using the dynamic folders to structure
your review. This batching is not related to the Review Module and if you plan to use the Review
Module then we do not suggest that you request this type of batching. Typically when we create
batches they are grouped by a field, such as Custodian, so that each batch contains documents
from a single custodian. Most commonly we create batches of 250 or 500 documents.
Would you like batches to be created for the Dynamic Folders?
(Yes or No)
If yes, then:
Which field should we group the batches by?
How many documents per batch?
Duplicate Documents:
If you will be doing your review on a family level then you may not want to allow reviewers to tag
duplicates as it often leads to designation conflicts within a family.
Enable Tag Duplicates? (Yes or No)
Checked by default? (Yes or No)
Foreign Languages
If your site contains foreign language documents then we will create two fields, Primary Language
and Secondary Languages, that you can search on to categorize documents by language. If
you’d prefer we can also turn on our Translation On-the-Fly feature. This enables reviewers to
translate documents within CR, though please note that there is a per document charge for this
Does your site include foreign language documents? (Yes or No)
Do you want to enable Translation On-the-Fly? (Yes or No)
Time Zone
By default, when an email is displayed in preview mode or converted to PDF, the time zone used
is based upon the time settings for the server where the conversion takes place. Since our
servers currently are hosted in Denver, the Mountain Time zone is used by default. This can lead
to discrepancies between what is displayed to the user on the document and what was extracted
during processing. Please indicate a time zone to override the server settings and to be used for
all previews or PDF conversions.
Time Zone:
Conversion Settings
We use a number of standard settings for document conversions. These settings have an impact
upon the way that documents are displayed when converted for print jobs, redactions and for
productions. Please review the settings below and confirm that they match your production
requirements. If you would like to change any of the settings then please make a note below.
Setting Name
Standard Configuration
Customize Setting?
(Leave blank for default
or indicate requested
Microsoft Word Documents
Track Changes
Track changes are not shown
Headers and the footers are shown
Auto date fields are removed and
Auto Dates
replaced with the text AutoDate
Auto time fields are removed and
Auto Times
replaced with the text AutoTime
Auto File Name
The auto file name is not printed
Microsoft Excel Documents
Excel files are converted in landscape
Print Orientation
Grid Lines
Grid lines are shown as existing
Hidden Rows/Hidden
Hidden rows, columns and sheets are left
as existing. This option doesn’t apply if
the sheet is password protected
Print Column Row
Column row headings are printed as
Comments are printed at the end of the
Print Comments
Excel files are converted from left to right
and then down. This preserves
Print Order
information in columns to the right that
won’t fit on the first page
Files are converted to show data in a print
Print Area
Auto fit is configured to accommodate
Auto Fit Contents
longer text
Set Zoom
Header and footer data is not shown
The zoom as existing
Auto date fields are removed and
Auto Dates
replaced with the text AutoDate
Auto time fields are removed and
Auto Times
replaced them with the text AutoTime
Auto File Name
The auto file name is not printed
Microsoft PowerPoint Documents
Print Hidden Slides
Hidden slides are not printed
Print Notes
Speaker notes are printed as existing
Auto date fields are removed and
Auto Dates
replaced with the text AutoDate
Auto Times
Auto time values are shown in the footer
Auto File Name
The auto file name is not printed
5. Initial User List
We will create up to 5 logins for your users during the site set-up process. Additional logins can
be created by us for an additional charge or may be created by your site Super Administrators.
We typically create three different types of users:
Users: These users have basic rights on the site. Typically, they are able to review
documents and conduct searches, as well as redact and print documents.
Regular Administrators: These users have all of the above rights, but can also add
values to lookup tables, create batches and use the reporting tools on the Admin page.
Super Administrators: These users have the rights of Regular Administrators, but also
have access to the User Administration module and the Review Administration module.
User Level
Admin or
Super Admin)
or Firm