CONSENT TO PHOTOGRAPHY AT NOTTINGHAM CITY HOSPITAL Medical Photography Patient Name: I wish to refer you to Medical Photography for clinical photographs to be taken. These images will be part of your medical records and will be used to assess your eligibility for NHS funded treatment, in line with the Commissioning Policy for Cosmetic Procedures (All Ages) NHS No: DOB: Address: Please Note: Clinical Photographs are NOT required for patients requesting Breast Asymmetry or Breast Reduction Surgery In view of the explanation given to me by: I consent to photographs being taken to assess my eligibility for NHS funded treatment Signature of patient /parent /guardian:…………………………………………….............................……. Print Name:....................................................... Relationship if not patient: ……………………………. Date ……….............................……………….. Practice: REQUSTERS SIGNATURE………………………….…...………………………………….………....................……… Area to be photographed (please state) :................………… Views required (to include measurements if necessary):………………………………… NOTE FOR PATIENTS We have arranged two “drop-in” sessions per week with Medical photography at Nottingham City Hospital, Hucknall Road, Nottingham, NG5 1PB. Please follow signs for North Corridor, Junction N6 These are: TUESDAY AFTERNOON from 13:00 to 15:45 hours and FRIDAY MORNING from 08:30 to 12:15 If these times are really difficult for you please contact 0115 9691169 extension 56493 Please attend for clinical photographs as soon as possible; it is very important that you attend as we may not be able to assess your G.P.’s referral and this may delay any treatment which you may require. Please confirm with your GP when you have attended and had your photographs taken NOTE FOR PHOTOGRAPHER Please up load images to GP Referral database (NUH Secure Clinical System). Please include a measure in the close-up view Date………………………. Location………………….. Form updated September 2013 Photographer…………….......