National Fraud Intelligence Bureau

Job Title
NFIB Head of Analysis and Research
Reporting To:
Deputy / Director of NFIB
Responsible for:
Professional Development of NFIB Senior Analysts,
Analysts and Researchers
Post No:
Budgetary Responsibility: NIL
21 New St London EC2M 4TP
Contract Type:
Fixed term
Vetting Level:
To be the principal analyst and professional head to all Crime Analysts and Intelligence Researchers
in the National Fraud intelligence Bureau (NFIB), and set professional standards for research and
intelligence analysis. To develop, promote and direct intelligence analysis and research within the
NFIB and to lead joint working programmes across the counter fraud community. To review and
ensure that the use of National Intelligence Model (NIM) practices and analytical products are fit for
purpose. Identify and disseminate good practice in accordance with NIM and other cross government
professional standards. Ensure that optimum use is made of intelligence within the NFIB and across
the counter fraud community, in order to achieve accurate, timely, consistent and relevant high
quality analysis that informs and drives effective strategic and tactical decision making by Association
of Chief Police Officer (ACPO) rank Officers, all levels of Senior Management and other senior
counter fraud community stakeholders.
1. Develop, disseminate and monitor standards for the delivery of all intelligence and analytical
products to all staff across the NFIB. Acting as advisor to ACPO and senior management on all
strategic and tactical issues relating to the provision of intelligence led law enforcement, analysis,
prevention and disruption.
2. Author the NFIB Strategic Assessment and other Threat Assessments
national guidelines and the NFIB requirement.
in accordance with
3. Drive and set NFIB research and analysis priorities, business plans and risk registers.
4. Identify and evaluate intelligence analysis and research techniques and practices and
developments in information technology in order to maximise the NFIB’s ability to enhance
intelligence-led law enforcement.
5. Lead interagency joint working programmes and projects for the production of strategic level,
other threat assessments and other counter fraud outcomes.
6. Promote economic crime intelligence gathering, the NFIB Control Strategy and Intelligence
Requirement and analysis within the NFIB using a range of methods including media strategies
and presentations and the delivery of training.
7. Regularly review NFIB processes to ensure compliance with the National Intelligence Model
codes of practice and associated guidance/standards throughout the intelligence function and in
providing support and guidance to the NFIB on National Intelligence Model policy and practice. To
make relevant recommendations on change.
8. Provide strategic direction, consultancy and expertise in intelligence analysis to the NFIB as head
of profession; influencing the development of policy and practice in order to promote and facilitate
the effective use of quality intelligence analysis in order to inform decision-making and drive
intelligence-led law enforcement.
9. Represent the NFIB in matters concerning intelligence analysis and NIM, providing a central point
of contact to the City of London Police and other counter fraud partners as Head of Profession for
analysis and research.
10. Maintain awareness of current developments regionally and nationally and where
relevant/required to attend and contribute to meetings, seminars, conferences and working
groups. Represent NFIB and all levels of senior management at meetings.
11. Lead and develop the career structure for the analytical & research function, reviewing its
effectiveness and developing it, as required, in line with the City of London Police pay structure.
12. Take strategic responsibility for the professional development of the analytical function across the
NFIB, determining appropriate training and development requirements and provide support in the
mentioning and coaching of staff.
13. Take strategic lead for the recruitment of intelligence analysts and researchers NFIB-wide,
including the setting and development of process and standards for candidate selection and
participating and/or advising in the recruitment process.
14. Establish and maintain an intelligence analysts’ forum as an NFIB-wide network spreading best
practice and development opportunities, ensuring that all relevant awareness, advice and
guidance is effectively circulated around the NFIB.
15. Provide crime and intelligence analysis in sensitive or high level/high priority cases and
16. Ensure procedures and practices comply with City of London Police Policies, the Data Protection
Act, the Human Rights Act, and all relevant legislation.
Extensively research and prepare strategic analysis reports, such as the annual NFIB Strategic
Assessment and the associated Strategic Review. Then presenting these reports to ACPO, senior
management and senior stakeholders in the counter fraud community to assist them in their decisionmaking and the setting of NFIB operational targets and objectives in line with national priorities and
local concerns.
Gather information from a range of sources, both from within the NFIB and from key strategic
partners, in order support the generation of the full range of NFIB products.
Collect, evaluate and analyse data from various sources, with a view to identifying offenders, victims,
hotspot locations, crime patterns and trends, and crime series, resulting in the prioritisation and
direction of police resources both at the tactical and strategic level.
Produce appropriate analytical products (strategic and tactical assessments, problem and target
profiles) utilising the techniques and methodologies identified by the National Intelligence Model as a
minimum standard (Crime Pattern Analysis, Demographic/Social Trend Analysis, Market Profiles,
Results Analysis, Network Analysis, Risk Analysis, Criminal Business Profiles, Target profile Analysis,
and Operational Intelligence Assessment).
Ensure that NFIB analytical support to partner investigations remains focused in order to prevent
mission creep, identify priorities for an operation’s intelligence effort, focus intelligence gathering and
inform resourcing decisions.
Actively develop and embrace problem-solving analysis to include hypothesis on causation and
recommendations for resolution.
Produce analytical products that go beyond the facts of all criminal and major investigations, and
provide added value to management teams. Products should include expert analytical opinion,
inductive logic and strong, specific and valuable inferences, and recommendations that focus on
Intelligence, prevention and enforcement opportunities.
Develop and maintain a strong working relationship with all key economic crime community partners,
and take a leading role in the commissioning of analytical product.
Project manage production of analytical reports including Strategic Threat and risk Assessments,
providing support and guidance to ensure that timescales are met.
National Intelligence Model (NIM):
Direct the development of NIM products relevant to local, regional and national and international law
enforcement requirements.
Encourage the proactive application of the NIM analytical & research techniques and products.
Ensure timely delivery of NIM products and techniques that inform both the tactical and strategic
decision making process to enable the NFIB and directorates to achieve the NFIB’s Control Strategy
Promote NIM and intelligence led law enforcement to staff of all rank and grade across the NFIB and
to it partners such as the corporation of London, to improve intelligence delivery and use of analysis
and research.
Maintain an understanding of the external demand and influences on the NFIB such as governments
and ACPO changes to policy and legislation. To apply this to law enforcement and provide
recommendations against the threat to inform effective service delivery.
Information Technology:
Play an integral part in developing the future analytical IT requirements. Seek out and assess the
benefits of new technology to enhance the analytical and research capability. Prepare business cases
in support of new technology as appropriate, in liaison with the Technology department.
Make the best use of current technology, ensuring correct operation and compliance with
organisational and legal requirements.
Be fully conversant with NFIB, police and other partner computer systems as well as analytical &
research IT solutions, including the use of Geographic Information Systems, Database and Data
Mining software and statistical solutions.
Ensure analytical and researcher staff are suitably trained and mentored to utilise NFIB and bespoke
IT systems to an acceptable level of competency.
Have a thorough working knowledge and significant depth of experience within the field of crime and
intelligence analysis.
Maintain and proactively update knowledge of developments within intelligence analysis and NIM.
Conduct regular quality assurance checks of the systems and assist in the development of
organisational policies and strategies.
Have and maintain an understanding of the strategic and tactical issues relating to the economic
crime law enforcement, disruption and prevention environments to give effective focus to analysis.
Be responsible for the appropriate use and handling of highly sensitive intelligence material ensuring
the security and confidentiality of that material at all times.
Manage and implement organisational change initiatives ensuring appropriate communication and
involvement of key staff members and the development of a culture of continues improvement within
the NFIB,
Responsible for the developments of product templates to ensure that they meet NFIB business
Briefings /Presentations:
Design presentations and deliver information to diverse audiences, both from inside the NFIB and to
key partner agencies.
Enhance the understanding of intelligence led law enforcement, prevention and disruption at all levels
and to raise the profile of Intelligence analysis to all staff across the NFIB and its partners. Develop
the analytical & research skills of both new and experienced staff, introducing new techniques and
technology ensuring the use an appropriate communication style. Operate equipment correctly and
represent the values of the Service.
Give structured and detailed briefings to senior police officers, police officers, support staff and other
external partners on both strategic and tactical issues as required and outlining findings and results
from investigation and making recommendations to drive delivery of law enforcement.
Prepare analytical evidence for submission to a court of law, including liaison with crown prosecution
staff, barristers and court chambers staff and attending court as a witness, if required.
Prepare for and actively contribute within meetings, ensuring decisions and actions are communicated
to appropriate personnel. Negotiate and influence management from an analytical perspective in
decision making around analysis.
Experienced manager responsible for directing teams of Intelligence Researcher and Analytical staff
based in the NFIB, as well as co-ordinating the tasking of specialist Analysts based across the City of
London Police force.
Oversee the work undertaken by specialist intelligence teams and individuals, focussing their work
towards the NFIB’s Control Strategy Priorities. Assisting supervisors to manage the tasking of these
teams and individuals with the production of appropriate intelligence products, monitoring their
progress, offering advice and guidance based on their experience and quality assuring the products
In conjunction with the Director of Intelligence set short, medium and long-term operational objectives
and to develop associated plans to ensure that organisational objectives are achieved.
Use their analytical experience and specialist knowledge to establish analytical & research work
standards, design and maintain effective intelligence workflows and produce operating policies and
Be responsible for managing and addressing the performance and professional development of all the
NFIB’s analytical and research staff. Ensure staff are trained to nationally recognised standards and
that national occupational standards are maintained throughout their career. To ensure all staff have
the opportunity to undertake further studies/training appropriate to their role. This will include the
introduction and coordination of the NVQ in Intelligence analysis.
Complete and monitor the formulation of performance development reviews (PDR’s), dealing with
poor performance by means of action planning and targets.
As experience intelligence professional to act as a key knowledge worker, coaching and mentoring
staff by developing and facilitating workshops and training courses. Promoting analytical and
organisational best practice and providing specialist opinion and interpretation when required.
Ensure the organisation has the correct levels of suitably qualified, high calibre personnel, to provide
a quality service and achieve organisational objectives. To design & implement a range of entry level
tests to ensure applicants possess the necessary skills to perform the role(s).
Monitor and review the handling quality of the grievance, capability and disciplinary process and
oversee the timeliness of outcomes, ensuring conformity with organisational processes and City of
London Police regulations. Where required take on direct line manage responsibility for analytical or
research staff that are subject to such processes.
Ensure regular monitoring and evaluation of service delivery and take responsibility for the
formulations of solutions to problems.
Promote Equality Diversity and Human Rights in working practices by developing and maintaining
positive working relationships, ensuring that colleagues are treated fairly contributing to developing
Monitor the welfare of staff and to assist staff in identifying welfare issues and provide support in line
with organisational policies and procedures.
Manage and ensure compliance with the City of London Police Health & Safety instructions at all
times and take immediate and appropriate action upon identification of: Breaches of H&S instructions,
the use of new materials, equipment and working practices for which no risk analysis has been
completed, any other potentially dangerous situation that could endanger the Health and Safety of
individualsAssist with the completion of OHS reports
Undertake such other duties commensurate with the post as may be required for the safe and
effective performance of the job.
This role description should develop along with the changing demands of law enforcement reflected in
NFIB Objectives and priorities.
Mandatory duties
Actively seek to implement the City of London’s and City of London Police Occupational
Health and Safety Policy in relation to the duties of the post, and at all times give due regard
to the health and safety of both themselves and others when carrying out their duties.
Actively seek to implement the City of London’s Equal Opportunity Policy and the objective to
promote equality of opportunity in relation to the duties of the post.
To undertake any other duties that may reasonably be requested appropriate to the grade
Selection Criteria
Educated to degree level in a relevant discipline.
Proven experience in Intelligence Analysis in law enforcement, government intelligence or similar.
Exceptional research and analytical skills and techniques.
Proven ability to effectively problem solve using analytical and research techniques and lateral
thinking processes.
Ability to communicate and negotiate confidently at all levels both orally and in writing, adjusting the
content to ensure it is appropriate for the audience.
Sound leadership skills with the ability to motivate others.
Detailed working knowledge of IT software, including Microsoft Word, Excel and Power Point and
analytical software such as GIS and i2 products or similar.
Ability to mentor and coach others.
Comprehensive understanding of the structure and functions of a large organisation, with skills at a
strategic level and perspective.
Excellent interpersonal and communication skills at all levels of contact and in a wide variety of
Ability to participate in the management team and influence effectively with the highest levels of
management within the organisation.
Excellent attention to detail.
Knowledge of the nature and priority of fraud, other economic crime and the cyber threat impacting on
the wellbeing of the UK.
Effective knowledge and application of the National Intelligence Model (NIM) or other intelligence
management methodologies.
In depth understanding and ability to apply relevant legislation (i.e. ECHR, RIPA, Data Protection).
Experience in an analytical environment, to include management of analysts and researchers.
Proven management experience at a strategic level to include project/programme management.
Experience of giving presentations to a variety of audiences including senior management.
Significant experience in delivering effective joint working involving multiple organisations.
Significant experience in the application of analysis techniques.
Experience in recruitment and selection.
Experience of producing reports at a strategic level.
Experience of working in a confidential environment.
Experience with operating DETICA intelligence tools.