Assessment of Student Learning Course Description: The course focuses on the development and utilization of assessment tools to improve the teaching-learning process. It allows the students to go through the standard steps in test construction, both traditional and alterative forms of assessment. Course Objectives: After completing this module, the students are expected to: 1. show understanding of the basic concepts and principles of high quality assessment 2. match the different learning targets and their appropriate assessment techniques 3. identify the role of assessment in making instructional decisions 4. construct classroom assessment tools in measuring cognitive, psychomotor and affective skills 5. demonstrate skills in utilizing and reporting tests results Topics: 1. Basic Concepts in Assessment Measurement Assessment Evaluation Tests Non-test Testing Objectives 2. Roles of Assessment in Making Instructional Decisions Placement purposes Formative purposes Diagnostic purposes Summative purposes 3. Principles of High Quality Assessment Clarity of learning targets Appropriateness of assessment methods Validity Reliability Fairness Positive consequences Practicality and efficiency Ethics 4. Development of Classroom Assessment Tools for Measuring Knowledge and Simple Understanding Types of Knowledge Assessing Recall Knowledge Completion and Short Answer Items Matching items Binary-choice items Multiple choice Assessing Simple Understanding Assessing comprehension Assessing application 5. Development of Classroom Assessment Tools for Measuring Deep Understanding and Reasoning Reasoning Skills Assessing reasoning and deep understanding Short-answer and selected response Binary-choice Multiple choice Interpretive exercises Essay items 6. Item Analysis Difficulty index Discrimination index Analysis of distracters 7. Development of Performance-based Assessment Performance-based, alternative and authentic assessment Learning Targets for performance-based assessments Constructing performance-based assessment Criteria for performance-based assessment Scoring criteria, rubrics and procedures Rating scales Rubrics 8. Organizing Assessment Data Frequency distribution Histogram Frequency polygon 9. Measures of Central Tendency Mean Median Mode 10. Measures of Variability Range Semi-interquartile range Percentile Standard deviation 11. Interpreting Assessment Data Criterion-referenced interpretation Norm-referenced interpretation Grade norms Age norms Percentile norms Standard score norms z-scores T scores Assessment Requirements 1. Written outputs (activities and exams) 40% 2. Portfolio of Testing Instruments 60% Required entries 1. Table of Specification for a Periodical test 2. Tryout form of the test 3. Tryout of the results 4. Refined form of the test 5. Reflective journals 6. Report of Assessment Data References Kubiszyn, T. & Borich, G. (2000). Educational Testing and Measurement. Classroom Application and Practice. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. McMIllan, J. (1997). Classroom Assessment and Practice for Effective Instruction, Bosto: Allyn and Bacon. Popham, J. (1999). Classroom Assessment : what teachers need to know (2nd edition). Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Linn, R. (2000). Measurement and Assessment in Teaching (8th edition). Prentice Hall. Gredler, M. (1999). Classroom Assessment and Learning. New York: Longman. Stiggins, R. (2001). Student-involved Classroom Assessment. New Jersey: Merill Prentice Hall.