registration form - RocDyn-2

ISRM Specialised Conference
2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics and
Applications (RocDyn-2): From Research to
18–20 May 2016, Suzhou, China
Organized by
Supported by
Sponsorship and Exhibition
05 October 2015
RocDyn-2, Suzhou, China
Following the success of the First International Conference on Rock Dynamics and Applications
(RocDyn-1) in Lausanne Switzerland in June 2013, the Second International Conference on Rock
Dynamics and Applications (RocDyn-2) will be held in Suzhou China in May 2016. RocDyn-2 will be
organised by the Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics of Chinese Academy of Sciences, together with
4 other universities around the World.
Rock dynamics covers a huge scope of research to understand the dynamic behaviour of rock
materials, rock joints and rock masses, including the initiation and the propagation of stress waves, the
responses and the failures of rocks under the dynamic and static loads. It has wide applications in civil,
mining, hydropower, petroleum engineering, including the new rock engineering applications such as
shale gas, hot rock geothermal energy, and earthquake hazard management.
With extensive research conducted worldwide and increasing engineering projects applying rock
dynamics, RocDyn-2 is organised to address scientific research as well as engineering applications.
The exhibition will be held in the hall outside the symposium main and break-up theatres and will be
easily accessed by the delegates. Sponsors and exhibitors will find the RocDyn-2 provides unique
opportunity to targeted engineering market associated with tunnels and slopes, energy and
environment, research and development.
We are seeking sponsors to support the RocDyn-2. Leading engineering consultants, contractors,
equipment and materials suppliers are invited to take this opportunity to demonstrate their support to
the rock mechanics and rock engineering community, and their commitment to sponsor rock
mechanics research and rock engineering technology development.
We are encouraging reputable equipment manufacturers and material suppliers, engineering
contractors and consultants, research institutes and laboratories to showcase products and services,
and to develop new collaborations and markets. The exhibition will be open for 3 days throughout the
RocDyn-2 period on 18–20 May 2016.
Sponsorship & Exhibition Package Details
Platinum Sponsorship
USD 20,000
Placement of your company banner at the plenary session rooms
Placement of your company banner at the main hall of the venue
Placement of your company logo with link (as a Platinum Sponsor) on the symposium website
Placement of your company logo (as a Platinum Sponsor) in symposium final program
One full page colour advertisement printed in symposium final program
Company promotional materials inserts in the conference bags
A 5x2 m2 exhibition space
Symposium full registrations for 4 persons (including reception)
Symposium dinner for 4 persons
Gold Sponsorship
Placement of your company banner at the plenary session rooms
Placement of your company logo with link (as a Gold Sponsor) on the symposium website
Placement of your company logo (as a Gold Sponsor) in symposium final program
One full page colour advertisement printed in symposium final program
Company promotional materials inserts in the conference bags
A 4x2 m2 exhibition space
Symposium full registrations for 2 persons (including reception)
Symposium dinner for 2 persons
Silver Sponsorship
USD 4,000
A 3x2 m space with 3 wall panels, sufficient tables and chairs
Symposium full registrations for 2 persons
Symposium dinner for 2 persons
USD 5,000
Placement of your company banner at the plenary session rooms
Placement of your company banner with link (as a Bronze Sponsor) on the symposium website
Placement of your company logo (as a Bronze Sponsor) in symposium final program
One full page colour advertisement printed in symposium final program
Company promotional materials inserts in the conference bags
Symposium dinner for 1 person
USD 10,000
Placement of your company banner at the plenary session rooms
Placement of your company banner with link (as a Silver Sponsor) on the symposium website
Placement of your company logo (as a Silver Sponsor) in symposium final program
One full page colour advertisement printed in symposium final program
Company promotional materials inserts in the conference bags
A 3x2 m2 exhibition space
Symposium full registrations for 1 person (including reception)
Symposium dinner for 1 person
Bronze Sponsorship
USD 15,000
One full page colour advertisement printed in symposium final program
USD 2,500
2nd International Conference on Rock Dynamics and Applications
18–20 May 2016, Suzhou, China
Contact Person :
We confirm that we will take up the following sponsorship and exhibition package:
 Platinum Sponsorship
USD 20,000
 Gold Sponsorship
USD 15,000
 Silver Sponsorship
USD 10,000
 Bronze Sponsorship
USD 5,000
 3x2 m Exhibition with Panel and Table
USD 4,000
 Full Page Colour Advertisement in Symposium Final Program
USD 2,500
Please return this form to:
Date & Company’s Stamp
Professor Jian ZHAO (RocDyn-2 Chair)