Title of Your Contribution

Title of abstract
A. Firstauthor1, B. Secondauthor1, C. Thirdauthor2, D. Forthauthor3, …
1. Department, Institution/Company, City, State/Country
2. Department, Institution/Company, City, State/Country
3. Department, Institution/Company, City, State/Country
E-mail: email-address of corresponding author
This one page abstract serves to present your work for evaluation during the review process which is necessary for your invitation to the Symposium. Accepted abstracts will appear
in the Book of Abstracts printed for the participants of the Symposium. In this self-contained
abstract, clearly state what is relevant and relate your contribution to other work in the field.
Should the abstract be accepted, the contact author will be invited to submit a fully written
paper for the Symposium Proceedings.
This template should be used for its preparation. If you do not use this MS-Word template, please adhere to the style as closely as possible. On an A4 format (210 mm × 297 mm)
margins should be set for a 2.5 cm top, bottom, left, and right. Please use “Times New Roman
16 pt” font for the title (bold), 12 pt for the text and 10 pt for affiliations and references. Center the paper title at the top of the page. Only the first word, proper nouns, and acronyms are
capitalized. Keep titles brief and descriptive. Spell out acronyms unless they are widely
known. The list of authors immediately follows the title with each line centered. The list of
affiliations follows with clear notation for each author’s affiliation. If the authors are from the
same institution, only cite this affiliation once.
Underline the presenting author and
make sure that the email address of the contact
A. Firstauthor in this example). Cite references using the format of [1] and [2]. A table
or figure (or two), such as Fig. 1, containing
a schematic, photograph, and/or data, is encouraged (but not mandatory), since reviewers and readers can often more quickly grasp
your points visually. Note that your figure(s)
need not be embedded like Fig. 1.
Upload your abstract in PDF format via
the Symposium submission website. From
the submitted and accepted abstracts about Fig. 1: Example figure. To ensure visibility try to use text
font sizes in your figure not smaller than “Times-New
twenty will be selected for oral presentation,
Roman 10pt”.
the others will be poster presentations.
It is understood that the language and proceedings of the Symposium shall be in English.
[1] Wineland, D. J.; Bergquist, J. C.; Bollinger, J. J.; Drullinger, R. E.and Itano, W. M. “Quantum Computers and
Atomic Clocks”, Proceedings of the 6th Symposium on Frequency Standards and Metrology, Gill, P. (Ed.),
World Scientific, 2002, 361 – 368.
[2] Rosenband, T.; Schmidt, P. O.; Hume, D. B.; Itano, W. M.; Fortier, T. M.; Stalnaker, J. E.; Kim, K.; Diddams,
S. A.; Koelemeij, J. C. J.; Bergquist, J. C. and Wineland, D. J.: “Observation of the 1S0 – 3P0 clock transition
in 27Al+” Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 220801-1-4 (2007).