Abstract Format for the MEGA Symposium Author One,1 Author Two,2 Author Three3; 1Affiliation, City, State, 2Affiliation, City, State, 3Affiliation, City, State Principal Contact: Author One, Title, Affiliation, Address, City, State Zip Code, Phone, Fax, E-mail. Abstract This abstract provides instructions on the format to be used when submitting the initial abstract to the MEGA Symposium. In 150 words or less, provide a summary of the results to be presented in the intended paper for evaluation of its contribution to this symposium. Priority will be given to papers that present new substantive experimental and/or analytical results. Priority will be given to papers that present user experiences implementing technologies required for MATS compliance; maintaining reliable, compliant operation of pollutant controls in load-following dispatch; successfully incorporating byproduct management in compliance plans; demonstrating technologies for meeting Clean Power Plan targets; and using novel approaches or new data for developing Clean Power Plan strategies. Margins should be at least 1” on all sides. Type font should be Times Roman 12 point. The title should appear at the top, centered, and in bold. The authors’ names should appear below the title, centered. Each author’s name should appear as a first name, middle initial (if applicable), and last name. A superscript numeral should designate the author’s organization. For each separate organization, the superscript numeral should appear followed by the affiliation, city, and state. Next, contact information should be given for the author serving as primary contact. This information should include name, mailing address, phone number, fax number, and e-mail address. The e-mail address should be double-checked since it will be used as the primary means of contacting the authors.