Database import instructions


Ready Reference Guide

Data Vendor Export Instructions

RefWorks – Importing from a Data Vendor Instructions

2 April 2007

RefWorks – Data Vendor Import Instructions

Exporting from a Data Service

RefWorks supports hundreds of databases provided by numerous data vendors.

Import filter development is an ongoing process and new filters are being added continually. For a complete up-to-date list of import filters click here .

If your data vendor is not listed below, check the import filter list from the link above to determine if a filter exists for a particular vendor. Not all data vendors are listed below.

If no filter exists for a particular vendor, we recommend you look for alternative export or save options. If there is an export/save option for EndNote, you can use the Refer Format import filter (see sample below) or for Reference Manager, you can import into RefWorks with the RIS Format import filter (see sample below). If there is an export/save option for

Medline (see sample below), you can use NLM PubMed as the import filter.

Sample Refer Format:

%A Kim, Hyeon-Hye

%A Goins, Gregory D.

%A Wheeler, Raymond M.

%A Sager, John C.

%D 2004

%I Oxford University Press

%J Annals of Botany

Sample RIS Format:

A1 Kim, Hyeon-Hye

A1 Goins, Gregory D.

A1 Wheeler, Raymond M..

A1 Sager, John C.

Y1 2004

PB Oxford University Press

JF Annals of Botany

Sample Medline Format:

IS - 1538-7135

VI - 3

IP - 1

DP - 2005

TI - The threat of pandemic influenza: are we ready?

PG - 70-3

AD - Institute for Human Infections and Immunity, University of Texas Medical

Branch, Galveston.

FAU - Lemon, Stanley M

3 March 2007

RefWorks – Importing from a Data Vendor Instructions


(click on the data vendor name for instructions)


ACM Digital Library

ACM Online Guide to Computing Literature

ACS (American Chemical Society)

Agricola (USDA National Agricultural Library)

Annual Reviews

ASCE Research Library

BioMed Central

Blackwell Synergy (British Medical Journal Online)

Books In Print


CAB Direct

Cambridge Journals Online

Chadwyck Healey

China Academic Journals

CISTI Source


CQ Press

CSA (Cambridge Scientific Abstracts)


Current Contents Connect (ISI)

Current Index to Statistics




EBSCOhost EJS (Electronic Journals Service)

EI Engineering Village 2


ERIC (Education Resources Information Center)

FIS Bildung

FIZ Technik

GALE InfoTrac Web

Google Scholar


Highwire Press


IEEE/IEE Electronic Library



(Taylor & Francis)


IOP Axiom

Jahrbuch Database Electronic Research Archive for Mathematics


4 April 2007

RefWorks – Data Vendor Import Instructions

LEA Online (Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.)


Live Search Academic

MathSciNet (AMS)

NASA Astrophysics Data System



NISC Biblioline

OCLC FirstSearch


Project Muse


ProQuest Digital Dissertations

PsycINFO Direct (APA Website)



Reference Sight


RLG Eureka



SciFinder Scholar


Scitation (American Institute of Physics)


SilverPlatter WebSPIRS Version 5

Social Sciences in Forestry

SPIE - Digital Library




Transportation Research Information Services TRIS

Web of Science (ISI)

Wiley InterScience

WilsonWeb - H.W. Wilson Company


ZMATH: Zentralblatt MATH

5 March 2007

RefWorks – Importing from a Data Vendor Instructions


For Direct Export:

1. Conduct a search and mark the records you want by clicking the Tagged box.

2. Click on the Output Options button.

3. Select Short Entry if you just want the citation or Full Entry if you want the abstract to be included with the citation information.

4. In the Output Type area, select RefWorks Export and click Submit to initiate a direct export.

5. Click on the link to log into your RefWorks account

6. Log into RefWorks and your records should automatically appear in the Last

Imported folder.

To Manually Save and Export Records:

1. Mark the records you wish to save by clicking the Tagged box.

2. Click on the Output Options button.

3. Choose Entry Format Full Records and Request Entry Tagged.

4. Choose Output Type ASCII Display and click Submit.

5. Using your browser's Save As function, navigate to the local drive and directory where you want to save the file.

6. Select Text as the file type.

7. Click Save.

8. Log in to RefWorks.

9. Select References/Import from the toolbar.

10. Select ABC-CLIO as the data source and select the appropriate database.

11. Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer.

12. Click Import.

13. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

6 April 2007

RefWorks – Data Vendor Import Instructions

ACM Digital Library

1. View a citation you wish to save in full format.

2. Click the link to Display in BibTeX format.

3. If you have multiple records you want to import, copy and paste the results into a

Document and Save As a plain text .txt file.

4. Log in to RefWorks.

5. Select References/Import from the toolbar.

6. Select BibTeX as the data source and ACM Digital Library as the database.

7. Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer.

8. Click Import.

9. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

ACM Online Guide to Computing Literature

1. View the full citation.

2. Click on Display in BibTeX format.

3. Copy and paste the results into a document and Save As a plain text .txt file.

4. Log in to RefWorks.

5. Select References/Import from the toolbar.

6. Select BibTeX as the data source and ACM Digital Library as the database.

7. Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer.

8. Click Import.

9. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

7 March 2007

RefWorks – Importing from a Data Vendor Instructions

ACS (American Chemical Society)

Note: You can only export one record at a time from the the ACS website.


or Direct Export:

1. Conduct your search.

2. Select the records you want to export and click Download to Citation Manager.

3. Select RefWorks in the Choose a Citation Manager Format drop-down and click the Download button.

4. Click the Export to RefWorks button.

5. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

Agricola (USDA National Agricultural Library)

1. Conduct your search and mark the records you want to import.

2. Under Select Records (at the bottom of the page), make your selection.

3. From the Select Format drop-down, select Full Record.

4. Click on Format for Print or Save button.

5. Using your browser's Save As function, navigate to the local drive and directory where you want to save the file.

6. Select Text as the file type.

7. Click Save.

8. Log in to RefWorks.

9. Select References/Import from the toolbar.

10. Select Endeavor Voyager as the data source and Agricola as the database.

11. Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer.

12. Click Import.

13. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

8 April 2007

RefWorks – Data Vendor Import Instructions

Annual Reviews

Note: Only one record at a time will be saved.

1. Mark the record you wish to save by clicking the checkbox.

2. Click on Download to Citation Manager.

3. Choose Reference Manager format and citations with abstracts.

4. Navigate to the local drive and directory where you want to save the file; it will be saved as a .ris file.

5. Click Save.

6. Log in to RefWorks.

7. Select References/Import from the toolbar.

8. Select RIS Format as the data source and Reference Manager as the database.

9. Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer.

10. Click Import.

11. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

ASCE Research Library

1. Select the journal you want to search

2. Conduct your search and view the article in Abstract View.

3. In Article Options, select Download Citations in&RefWorks.

4. A new screen will open with the tagged information. You can either copy and paste, or save the file as a .txt file.

Note: you can only import one record at a time

5. Log in to RefWorks.

6. Select References/Import from the toolbar.

7. Select RefWorks Tagged Format as the data source.

8. Either Paste the information into the or Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer.

9 March 2007

RefWorks – Importing from a Data Vendor Instructions

9. Click Import.

10. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

BioMed Central

1. After you perform your search mark the references you want to import by clicking on the checkbox.

2. In the Send section of the Search Results Page, select which records you want to send.

3. Select Send to: RefWorks. Note: you have two options with or without Abstracts.

4. Click Send.

5. The references are automatically sent to RefWorks. If you are not already logged in to RefWorks, you will be prompted to do so.

6. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

Blackwell Synergy

For Direct Export:

1. Conduct your search and select (Highlight) the records you wish to save.

2. Select Download all highlighted abstracts to Citation Manager.

3. Select Citation for this article or Citation and abstract for this article.

4. Select RefWorks format (make sure the Direct Import option is selected).

5. Click the Download references button.

6. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

To Manually Save and Export Records:

1. Conduct your search and select (Highlight) the records you wish to save.

2. Select Download all highlighted abstracts to Citation Manager.

3. Select Citation for this article or Citation and abstract for this article.

4. Select Medlars format and deselect Direct Import.

5. Click the Download references button.

10 April 2007

RefWorks – Data Vendor Import Instructions

6. Select the location where you want to save the file, type the name you want and select Text as the Save As Type.

7. Click Save.

8. Log in to RefWorks.

9. Select References/Import from the toolbar.

10. Select NLM PubMed as the data source and PubMed as the database.

11. Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer.

12. Click Import.

13. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder. (British Medical Journal Online)

For Direct Export:

1. Select the item you wish to save.

2. Select Download to Citation Manager and the Go button.

3. Click Download all selected citations to Citation Manager.

4. Choose RefWorks format.

5. Save the file to disk.

6. Log in to RefWorks.

7. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

To Manually Save and Export Records:

1. Select the item you wish to save.

2. Select Download to Citation Manager and the Go button.

3. Click Download all selected citations to Citation Manager.

4. Select the Reference Manager format

5. Save the file to disk.

7. Log in to RefWorks.

11 March 2007

RefWorks – Importing from a Data Vendor Instructions

8. Select References/Import from the toolbar.

9. Select RIS Format as the data source and RIS Format as the database.

10. Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer.

11. Click Import.

12. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

Books In Print

1. Select records and click Download.

2. Select Standard Download and click Go.

3. Select ASCII and Full Record as the Record Format and click on Go.

5. Using your browser's Save As function, navigate to the local drive and directory where you want to save the file. The file will have a .gpb extension.

6. Select Text as the file type.

7. Click Save.

8. Log in to RefWorks.

9. Select References/Import from the toolbar.

10. Select BooksInPrint as the data source and BooksInPrint (ASCII Full Record) as the database.

11. Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer.

12. Click Import.

13. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.



From within BookWhere, launch the Setup Wizard by selecting Options/Setup

Wizard. When you get to Step 4, select Reference Manager as your default export option.


Select the references you want to export.


Select File, Export.

12 April 2007

RefWorks – Data Vendor Import Instructions


You will be prompted to save your .txt file. Choose a location, give the file a name and click save. Make sure your file is in the Reference Manager format.


Return to the main Reference Option screen


Go into RefWorks and from the References menu select Import


Select RIS Format as your data source and Reference Manager as your



Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer.


Click on Import.


Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

CAB Direct

For Direct Export:

1. Conduct a search and mark your records and Add them to the Marked List at the bottom of the screen.

2. Select Full Record as the Process.

3. Select RefWorks from the drop-down to the left of the Export button and click


4. Log into RefWorks and your records should automatically appear in the Last

Imported folder.

To Manually Save and Export Records:

1. Conduct a search and mark your records and Add them to the Marked List at the bottom of the screen.

2. Select Full Record and Text (do not select Tagged Text)as the Process.

3. Click on the Save button.

4. From the pop-up box, click Save and then select the location where you want to save the file. You will be saving a .doc file.

5. Log in to RefWorks.

6. Select References/Import from the toolbar.

7. Select CAB Direct as the data source and as the database.


10. Browse to find the .doc file you saved to your computer.

March 2007

RefWorks – Importing from a Data Vendor Instructions

11. Click Import.

12. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

Cambridge Journals Online

1. Select the item you wish to save.

2. Select Save/Export/View Citation.

3. Click Export Citation.

4. Choose File Format: RIS.

5. Click Download.

6. Save the file to disk.

7. Log in to RefWorks.

8. Select References/Import from the toolbar.

9. Select RIS Format as the data source and RIS Format as the database.

10. Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer.

11. Click Import.

12. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

Chadwyck Healey

Note: Some Chadwyck Healey databases have a direct export option (PCI for example) and others have only a save to text file option or an e-mail option.

For Direct Export:

1. Conduct a search and select your records to export.

2. Click on Selected Records.

3. Click on the link that says Export Directly to RefWorks.

4. Log into RefWorks and your records should automatically appear in the Last

Imported folder.

14 April 2007

RefWorks – Data Vendor Import Instructions

To Manually Save and Export Records:

1. Conduct a search and select your records to export by clicking on Add Selected

Records to Marked List.

2. Click on Marked List.

3. Select Download.

4. In the Select Download Format area, select RefWorks (RIS).

5. Click the download button and select the location where you want to save the file, type the name you want and select Text as the Save As Type

6. Click Save.

7. Log in to RefWorks.

8. Select References/Import from the toolbar.

9. Select RIS Format as the data source and RIS Format as the database.

10. Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer.

11. Click Import.

12. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

To Email records for import:

1. Conduct your search.

2. Select your records to export and click on the Add Selected Records to Marked


3. Close the window that pops up telling you the records have been added.

4. Click on Marked List. Note: You will need to open the list for each area and export each area separately

5. Select Email Records.

6. Under Citation Format, select RefWorks and select Plain Text as the email option.

7. Click Send.

8. Open your email and either Select all text or select and copy the two letter tagged information.

15 March 2007

RefWorks – Importing from a Data Vendor Instructions

9. Log into RefWorks.

10. Select References/Import from the toolbar.

11. Select RIS Format as your data source and RIS Format as your database

12. Paste the information copied from the email into the text box in the Import Data

from the Following Text area.

13. Click Import.

14. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

China Academic Journals

1. Conduct your search and mark the records you want to import.

2. Click on the Save button.

3. Click on the RefWorks link.

4. You will be prompted to save a .txt file to your computer. Using your browser's

Save As function, navigate to the local drive and directory where you want to save the file.

5. Log in to RefWorks.

6. Select References/Import from the toolbar

7. Select RefWorks Tagged Format as the data source and database.

8. Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer.

9. Click Import.

10. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

CISTI Source

1. Conduct your search and mark the records you want to import.

2. Click on Selections.

3. Email the selected articles.

4. Opened the email and copy the text, using edit, copy.

5. Log in to RefWorks.

16 April 2007

RefWorks – Data Vendor Import Instructions

6. Select References/Import from the toolbar

7. Select CISTI Source as the data source and select the appropriate database.

8. Paste the text into Import Data from the Following Text area.

9. Click Import.

10. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.



Conduct your search and mark the records you want to import.


Click the Save Selected In button after specifying a folder from the dropdown.


Click the Save & Share tab.


Select the records again and choose RefWorks from the drop-down in the

Export Selected To: area


Click on the Export Selected To: button.


Click the Export to RefWorks button (located at the bottom of the page) and the references are automatically exported to RefWorks.


Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

CQ Press

For Direct Export:

1. Conduct your search.

2. Click the Cite Now! button at the top of the record you would like to export. Note:

you can only export one record at a time.

3. A separate window will pop up.

4. Choose Export citation to: RefWorks.

5. The reference is automatically exported to RefWorks.

6. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

17 March 2007

RefWorks – Importing from a Data Vendor Instructions

CSA Illumina

For Direct Export:

1. Conduct your search.

2. Select the records you want to export and click the RefWorks

Note: if you do not see a RefWorks link, click on the Save, Print, Email link

3. Click the Export to RefWorks button and the references are automatically exported to RefWorks.

4. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

To Manually Save and Export Records:

1. After you perform your search and are at the results window, click Save/Print/E-

mail link.

2. Select either Marked References or Use Records from the Current Search.

3. Select Full Format.

4. Scroll down the page and select the file type you want and click Save.

5. You will be prompted to either Open or Save the file (which is already named and is a text file).

If you select open, then the references appear in your browser window and from the

File menu select Save As.

6. Select the location where you want to save the file, type the name you want and select Text as the Save As Type.

7. Log in to RefWorks.

8. Select References/Import from the toolbar.

9. Select CSA as the data source and the appropriate database as the database.

10. Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer.

11. Click Import.

12. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

18 April 2007

RefWorks – Data Vendor Import Instructions


1. Conduct your search and mark the records you want to import.

2. Click Guardar Selección.

3. When finished, click on Seleccionados.

4. Then select Descargar Resultados.

5. Under Elija el modelo del documento a descargar, select Completo.

6. Under Elija el formato de salida, select RIS (Reference Manager) and click


7. You will be prompted to save a .ris file to your computer. Using your browser's

Save As function, navigate to the local drive and directory where you want to save the file.

8. Click Save.

9. Log in to RefWorks.

10. Select References/Import from the toolbar.

11. Select RIS Format as the data source and database.

12. Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer.

13. Click Import.

14. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

Current Contents Connect (ISI)

1. Conduct your search and mark the records you want to import.

2. Click Update List (this must be done for each page where you have selected citations.)

3. When finished, go to My List.

4. Under Fields in addition to author, title, and source (defaults) you may also wish to include Keywords and Abstract.

5. Under Options, click Save to File.

6. Using your browser's Save As function, navigate to the local drive and directory where you want to save the file.

19 March 2007

RefWorks – Importing from a Data Vendor Instructions

7. Select Text as the file type.

8. Click Save.

9. Log in to RefWorks.

10. Select References/Import from the toolbar.

11. Select ISI (Institute for Scientific Information) as the data source and

Current Contents Connect as the database.

12. Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer.

13. Click Import.

14. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

Current Index to Statistics

1. On the search page, change the drop-down Format box to BibTeX. You may also wish to change the number of results (Headlines) per page to the maximum.

2. Perform your search.

3. Using your Browser's Save As function, navigate to the local drive and directory where you want to save the file.

4. Select Text as the file type.

5. Click Save.

6. Log in to RefWorks.

7. Select References/Import from the toolbar.

8. Select BibTeX as the data source and Current Index to Statistics as the database.

9. Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer.

10. Click Import.

11. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

20 April 2007

RefWorks – Data Vendor Import Instructions


For Direct Export:

1. Conduct a search and mark the records you want to import.

2. Click on the Selección link.

3. Select Integrar en RefWorks.

4. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.


1. After you perform your search and are at the results window, click Print/Save/E-

mail button above the results display.

2. Save the results in the Complete Record Tagged format using the Format to

Use drop-down.

3. The references appear in your browser window.

4. From the File menu select Save As.

5. Select the location where you want to save the file, type the name you want and select Text as the Save As Type.

6. Log in to RefWorks.

7. Select References/Import from the toolbar.

8. Select Dialog@Site as the data source and the appropriate database as the database.

9. Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer.

10. Click Import.

11. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.


For Direct Export:

1. Conduct a search.

2. Click on the Add folder icon to the right of any results you want to save.

21 March 2007

RefWorks – Importing from a Data Vendor Instructions

3. Click on the Folder has items link, above the Results List on the right side of the screen.

4. Click on Export.

5. Click the radio button in front of Direct Export to RefWorks to initiate a direct export.

Note: Uncheck the Remove these items from folder after saving option, if you want items to remain in the folder after performing the export function.

7. Click the Save button to begin the direct export.

8. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

To Manually Save and Export Records:

1. Click on the Add folder icon to the right of any results.

2. Click on the Folder has items link, above the Results List on the right side of the screen.

3. Click on Export.

4. Click the radio button in front of Generic bibliographic management software.

Note: Uncheck the Remove these items from folder after saving option, if you want items to remain in the folder after performing the export function.

6. Click Save.

7. From the File menu select Save As.

8. Select the location where you want to save the file, type the name you want and select Text as the Save As Type.

9. Log in to RefWorks.

10. Select References/Import from the toolbar.

11. Select EBSCOhost as the data source and the appropriate database you searched from.

12. Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer.

13. Click Import.

14. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

22 April 2007

RefWorks – Data Vendor Import Instructions

EBSCOhost EJS (Electronic Journals Service)

Note: If you have an ISI ResearchSoft product (Reference Manager, EndNote or ProCite) installed on your computer the following directions may not work.

An ISI Helper application may have been installed on your computer that is automatically called when you select the Export to Citation Manager in EJS. It

will not allow you to save the information to text.

1. Conduct your search and mark the items wish to import.

2. When you are ready to export, click on the Marked Items link.

3. Click on Export to Citation Manager.

4. Using your browser's Save As function, navigate to the local drive and directory where you want to save the file.

5. Select Text as the file type.

6. Click Save.

7. Log in to RefWorks.

8. Select References/Import from the toolbar.

9. Select RIS Format as the data source and database.

10. Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer.

11. Click Import.

12. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

EI Engineering Village 2

For Direct Export:

1. Conduct a search and mark the items you wish to export.

2. Select Download from the search results page.

3. Select RefWorks direct import and click on Download.

4. The export will open RefWorks, if it is not already open, and automatically import the references.

5. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

23 March 2007

RefWorks – Importing from a Data Vendor Instructions

To Manually Save and Export Records:

1. Conduct your search and mark the records to export.

2. In the Results Manager box, choose Detailed Record as the format.

3. Select the Download button.

4. Select Plain text format and click on Download.

5. Using your browser's Save As function, navigate to the local drive and directory where you want to save the file.

6. Select Text as the file type.

7. Click Save.

8. Log in to RefWorks.

9. Select References/Import from the toolbar.

10. Select EI Engineering Village 2 as the data source and EI Compendex as the database.

11. Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer.

12. Click Import.

13. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.



Conduct your search and add the records you want to import to your marked list.


Click on Marked List on the left-hand side of the screen.


Click on Display for Download (ASCII).


Using your browser's Save As function, navigate to the local drive and directory where you want to save the file.


Select Text as the file type.


Click Save.


Log in to RefWorks.


Select References/Import from the toolbar.

24 April 2007

RefWorks – Data Vendor Import Instructions


Select Emerald as the data source and All databases as the database.


Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer.


Click Import.


Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

ERIC (Education Resources Information Center)

1. Conduct your search and add the records to My Clipboard.

2. When you are ready to export, click on My Clipboard.

3. Click on Export Citations.

4. Select Citation Manager File as the file type to export.

5. You will be prompted to save your .ris file. Choose a location, give the file a name and click save.

6. Log in to RefWorks.

7. Select References/Import from the toolbar.

8. Select ERIC as the data source and database.

9. Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer.

10. Click Import.

11. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

FIS Bildung


Conduct your search and mark the records you would like to export.


At the bottom of the screen leave all Fields (Felder) as pre-selected and select mit Feldbezeichnern from the Format drop-down menu.


Select Liste Erstellen.


Using your browser's Save As function, navigate to the local drive and directory where you want to save the file.


Select Text as the file type.


Click Save.

25 March 2007

RefWorks – Importing from a Data Vendor Instructions


Log in to RefWorks.


Select References/Import from the toolbar.


Select FIS Bildung as the data source and database.


Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer.


Click Import.


Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

FIZ Technik


Conduct a search and mark the records you wish to export.


Go to Output format at the bottom of the page and select ALL, then click on Show



Click on Save as Text.


Using your browser's Save As function, navigate to the local drive and directory where you want to save the file.


Log in to RefWorks.


Select References/Import from the toolbar.


Select FIZ Technik as the data source and appropriate short name of the

database (i.e. INSP for Inspec).

Note: If you are uncertain as to which short code to select, you can determine it by looking at the file you saved from FIZ Technik in a text editor. The first line of the saved file will remind you of the database, i.e. INSP, INSPEC®

Physics/Electr./Comput. from 1996 (INSP), alternatively the database short code will be shown just after the Accession Number (AN) for each record.


Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer.


Click Import.


Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

GALE InfoTrac Web

1. Conduct your search and mark the records you want to import.

2. Click on view your marked list.

26 April 2007

RefWorks – Data Vendor Import Instructions

3. In the e-mail delivery options, select full article and email the list to yourself.

You will get a single e-mail for each record in your marked list.

4. When you get the e-mails, open the message.

5. Open your word processor and copy and paste the information from each email into the blank document.

6. After copying and pasting, save the document using the Save As feature and save the file type as .txt (not .doc)

7. Log in to RefWorks.

8. Select References/Import from the toolbar.

9. Select GALE InfoTrac Web as the data source and <Multiple Databases> as the database.

10. Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer.

11. Click Import.

12. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

Google Scholar

For Direct Export:

Note: To configure the direct export to RefWorks, you must configure Google Scholar by clicking on the Scholars Preferences link and selecting RefWorks as your default in the Bibliography Manager area.


Conduct your search in Google Scholar.


Each record displayed will have an Import into RefWorks link. Clicking on the link will launch the RefWorks login page.


Once you log in, you are brought automatically to the Edit view of the reference. If you do not wish to edit the record, you can navigate to any other area of RefWorks.


Your record is stored in your Last Imported Folder.

To Manually Save and Export Records:

Note: You will need to change your Scholars Preferences and select Reference

Manager as your default bibliography manager in order to save a text file of your export to your computer. If you have an ISI ResearchSoft product (Reference

Manager, EndNote or ProCite) installed on your computer the following directions may not work.

27 March 2007

RefWorks – Importing from a Data Vendor Instructions

1. Conduct your search in Google Scholar.

2. Each record displayed will have an Import into Reference Manager link. Click on the link.

3. You will be prompted to either Open or Save the file (which is already named and is a .ris file). Choose Save.

4. Select the location where you want to save the file.

5. Click Save.

6. Log in to RefWorks.

7. Select References/Import from the toolbar.

8. Select RIS Format as the data source and the database.

9. Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer.

10. Click Import.

11. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.


1. Mark the citations you wish to save by checking the box labeled Add to marked


2. Click Marked List at the top of the screen.

3. Click Download records at the top of the list.

4. Click Export directly to RefWorks.

5. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

Highwire Press

For Direct Export:

1. Select the items you wish to save.

2. Click on the prompt Download ALL Selected Citations to Citation Manager.

3. Click on RefWorks (do not click on the link below the word RefWorks, otherwise you will be saving a file to your computer).

28 April 2007

RefWorks – Data Vendor Import Instructions

4.The export will open RefWorks if it is not already open and automatically import the references.

5. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.


For Direct Export:

Note: You can only direct export one record at a time from HubMed.

1. Conduct your search.

2. Select the record you want to export and click Export.

3. Select RefWorks in the Choose an Export Format area.

4. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

To Manually Save and Export Records:

Note: You can export multiple records at once using this option

1. Conduct your search.

2. Select the records to export and add them to the Clipboard.

3. Click on the Clipboard link.

4. Select the records to export and scroll to the bottom and click Export.

5. Chose RIS as the format to export.

6. You will be prompted to either Open or Save the file (which is already named and is a .ris file). Choose Save.

7. Select the location where you want to save the file.

8. Log in to RefWorks.

9. Select References/Import from the toolbar.

10. Select RIS Format as the data source and the appropriate database as the database.

11. Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer.

12. Click Import.

29 March 2007

RefWorks – Importing from a Data Vendor Instructions

13. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

IEEE/IEE Electronic Library

Note: If you have an ISI ResearchSoft product (Reference Manager, EndNote or

ProCite) installed on your computer the following directions may not work. An ISI

Helper application may have been installed on your computer that is automatically called. It will not allow you to save the information to text.

1. When viewing a citation you wish to save, click the Download Citation link at the top of the page.

2. Choose Citation or Citation with Abstract and RIS format and click the

Download button.

3. Your citation will be saved as a file with a .jsp extension.

4. Log in to RefWorks.

5. Select References/Import from the toolbar.

6. Select RIS Format as the data source and IEEE/IEL as the database.

7. Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer.

8. Click Import.

9. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.


1. When viewing a citation you wish to save, click Abstract.

2. Click on Download this Citation at the top of the screen.

3. Select Citation and Abstract from the Choose drop-down menu.

4. Select EndNote, ProCite and Reference Manager from the Download dropdown menu.

5. Click the Download button.

3. Your citation will be saved as a file with a .jsp extension.

4. Log in to RefWorks.

5. Select References/Import from the toolbar.

6. Select RIS Format as the data source and IEEE/IEL as the database.

30 April 2007

RefWorks – Data Vendor Import Instructions

7. Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer.

8. Click Import.

Informaworld (Taylor & Francis)

1. Conduct your search and Add to Marked List from the Selected drop-down.

2. When you are ready to export, click on the View Marked Lists link.

3. Select the items in your list and select Download Citation from the Selected drop-down.

4. Select RefWorks Direct Export from the Choose a format drop-down.

5. Select Citation and Abstract and Download file.

6. You will be prompted to save a .ris file to your computer.

7. Log in to RefWorks.

8. Select References/Import from the toolbar.

9. Select RefWorks Tagged Format as the data source and database.

10. Browse to find the .ris file you saved to your computer.

11. Click Import.

12. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.


1. Conduct your search and add the records you want to import to your marked list.

2. Click on Marked List.

3. Click on Export.

4. Using your Browser's Save As function, navigate to the local drive and directory where you want to save the file.

5. Select Text as the file type.

6. Click Save.

7. Log in to RefWorks.

8. Select References/Import from the toolbar.

31 March 2007

RefWorks – Importing from a Data Vendor Instructions

9. Select Ingenta as the data source and select the appropriate database.

10. Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer.

11. Click Import.

12. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

IOP Axiom

1. From the search results page select the references you want to import.

2. Under File Type select Axiom Tagged Format.

3. Under Results In select Full Record format.

4. Under Destination select Browser and click Export Results.

5. Using your browser's Save As function, navigate to the local drive and directory where you want to save the file.

6. Select Text as the file type.

7. Click Save.

8. Log in to RefWorks.

9. Select References/Import from the toolbar.

10. Select IOP Axiom as the data source and the appropriate database you searched from.

11. Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer.

12. Click Import.

13. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

Jahrbuch Database Electronic Research Archive for Mathematics

1. Check the items you wish to save.

2. Check Display checked records in BibTeX Format and complete form.

3. Use your browser's Save As menu to save the web page as a plain text (.txt) file.

4. Log in to RefWorks.

5. Select References/Import from the toolbar.

32 April 2007

RefWorks – Data Vendor Import Instructions

6. Select BibTeX as the data source and Multiple Databases as the database.

7. Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer.

8. Click Import.

9. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.


For Direct Export:

1. Conduct your search and save the citations you want to import.

2. Click on the View Saved Citations link to retrieve your records.

3. Under the Export Options, select Directly export citations into RefWorks.

4. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

To Manually Save and Export Records:

1. Conduct your search and save the citations you want to import.

2. Click on the View Saved Citations link to retrieve your records.

3. Under the Export Options, select citation manager from the View and Save

Citations drop-down.

4. Click View.

5. Using your browser's Save As function, navigate to the local drive and directory where you want to save the file.

6. Select Text as the file type.

7. Click Save.

8. Log in to RefWorks.

9. Select References/Import from the toolbar.

10. Select JSTOR as the data source and as the database.

11. Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer.

12. Click Import.

13. Your records should appear in the Last Imported folder.

33 March 2007

RefWorks – Importing from a Data Vendor Instructions

LEA Online (Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.)

1. Conduct your search and select the citations you want to import.

2. Click on the Download to Citation Manager link.

3. Make your selection in the Include area and chose Reference Manager as the


4. Deselect the Direct Export option.

5. Click Download article metadata.

6. Using your browser's Save As function, navigate to the local drive and directory where you want to save the file.

7. Select Text as the file type.

8. Click Save.

9. Log in to RefWorks.

10. Select References/Import from the toolbar.

11. Select RIS Format as the data source and database.

12. Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer.

13. Click Import.

13. Your records should appear in the Last Imported folder.


1. Information from Lexis/Nexis must be entered into RefWorks manually.

2. After logging in to RefWorks, click on References/Add New Reference.

3. Choose the appropriate Ref Type (for example newspaper article). Note the fields available.

4. Copy the information from Lexis/Nexis field by field, paste to appropriate field in


34 April 2007

RefWorks – Data Vendor Import Instructions

Live Search Academic

Note: You can only export one record at a time from Academic Live.

For Direct Export:

1. Conduct your search.

2. Mouseover the record you want to export (do not click on the record title) and click on the RefWorks link at the top of the right-hand panel.

3. Click on the Export to RefWorks link.

4. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

To Manually Save and Export Records:

1. Conduct your search.

2. Mouseover the record you want to export (do not click on the record title) and click on the RefWorks link at the top of the right-hand panel.

3. Highlight the tagged data in the right-hand panel and use your Browser's copy function to copy the data.

4. Log in to RefWorks.

5. Select References/Import from the toolbar.

6. Select RefWorks Tagged Format as the data source and database.

7. Paste your data in the Import Data from the Following Text area.

8. Click Import.

9. Your record should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

MathSciNet (AMS)

1. Save citations by clicking the Add to Clipboard button.

2. Review your marked citations by clicking the View Clipboard button.

3. Select format Citations (BibTeX) and click Text.

4. Using your browser's Save As function, navigate to the local drive and directory where you want to save the file and save the file in the text (.txt) format.

35 March 2007

RefWorks – Importing from a Data Vendor Instructions

5. Log in to RefWorks.

6. Select References/Import from the toolbar.

7. Select BibTeX as the data source and MathSciNet as the database.

8. Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer.

9. Click Import.

10. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Note: Not all fields download correctly.

1. Mark the records you wish to save by checking the box next to each record.

2. Under Retrieve the above record in other formats, select RefMan format and Save

to File.

3. Using your browser's Save As function, navigate to the local drive and directory where you want to save the file and save the file in the text (.txt) format.

4. Log in to RefWorks.

5. Select References/Import from the toolbar.

6. Select RIS Format as the data source and Reference Manager as the database.

7. Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer.

8. Click Import.

9. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.


Note: You can only export one record at a time.

Note: If you have an ISI ResearchSoft product (Reference Manager, EndNote or

ProCite) installed on your computer the following directions may not work. An ISI

Helper application may have been installed on your computer that is automatically called when you select the Export button in Nature. It will not allow you to save the information to text.

1. Conduct your search.

2. Click on the Abstract or Full Text link for the record you want to export.

36 April 2007

RefWorks – Data Vendor Import Instructions

3. Click on the Export Citation link to the left of the abstract.

4. You will be prompted to save a .ris file to your computer. Click Save and navigate to the local drive and directory where you want to save the file.

5. Log in to RefWorks.

6. Select References/Import from the toolbar.

7. Select RIS Format as the data source and RIS Format as the database.

8. Browse to find the .ris file you saved to your computer.

9. Click Import.

10. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

NISC Biblioline

For Direct Export:

1. From your search results mark the references you want to import and click Output:

marked Full Records in the Select Format for Output drop-down.

2. Click Export.

3. Click RefWorks.

4. The export will open RefWorks if it is not already open and automatically import the references.

5. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

OCLC FirstSearch

For Direct Export:

1. From your search results mark the references you want to import and click Export.

2. To do a direct export, select RefWorks in the Export to: section.

3. The export will open RefWorks if it is not already open and automatically import the references.

4. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

To Manually Save and Export Records:

1. To save to a text file, select Text File in the Export to: section.

37 March 2007

RefWorks – Importing from a Data Vendor Instructions

2. Using your browser's Save As function, navigate to the local drive and directory where you want to save the file.

3. The page URL displays as the default name. Under File name, type the file name to be saved. Assign a name that helps you locate the file later on.

4. Select Text as the file type.

5. Click Save.

6. Log in to RefWorks.

7. Select References/Import from the toolbar.

8. Select OCLC FirstSearch as the data source and select the appropriate database.

9. Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer.


10. Click Import.

11. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

For Direct Export:

1. Select the references you want to export.

2. Click on Results Manager.

3. Select Complete Reference in the Fields section.

4. Select the Direct Export format.

5. Click the Save button.

6. Select Export Citations to RefWorks and Continue.

7. The export will open RefWorks if it is not already open and automatically import the references.

8. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

Note: If you do not see the Export Citations to RefWorks option contact your Ovid

Technical Support representative to have it turned on.

To Manually Save and Export Records:

1. Select the references you want to export.

38 April 2007

RefWorks – Data Vendor Import Instructions

2. Click on Results Manager.

3. Select Complete Reference in the Fields section.

4. Select the Ovid format.

5. Click the Save button.

6. Select the appropriate platform style and click Continue.

7. Click Save at the File Download prompt.

8. Select the location where you want to save the file and type the file name.

9. Click Save.

10. Log in to RefWorks.

11. Select References/Import from the toolbar.

12. Select OVID as the data source and select the appropriate database.

13. Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer.

14. Click Import.

15. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

Project Muse

For Direct Export:

1. Select the references you want to export.

2. Click on the Saved Marked Results button.

3. Click Email/Export Saved Results.

4. Under Export marked results to: select Refworks.

5. Click the Export button.

6. The export will open RefWorks if it is not already open and automatically import the references.

7. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

39 March 2007

RefWorks – Importing from a Data Vendor Instructions


For Direct Export:

1. Perform a search and mark the references you want to export.

2. You can choose to export the items now or add them to My Research and add additional records for exporting later. If you add the records to My Research, select that folder tab when you are ready to export. If you choose to export only the

selected records on that page, skip to #4 below.

3. From My Research, select Export Citations.

4. Select Export directly to RefWorks.

5. The export will open RefWorks if it is not already open and automatically import the references.

6. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

To Manually Save and Export Records:

1. Perform a search and mark the references you want to export.

2. You can choose to Export the items now or add them to My Research and add additional records for exporting later. If you add the records to My Research, select that folder tab when you are ready to export. If you choose to export only the

selected records on that page, skip to #4 below.

3. From My Research, select Export Citations.

4. Select Download in a format compatible with ProCite, EndNote, Reference

Manager and RefWorks.

5. Select Save As from your browser and select Text as the Save As file type.

6. Log in to RefWorks.

7. Select References/Import from the toolbar.

8. Select RIS Format as the data source and database.

9. Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer.

10. Click Import.

11. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

40 April 2007

RefWorks – Data Vendor Import Instructions

ProQuest - Digital Dissertations

1. Perform a search and mark the references you want to export.

2. Click on Marked list.

3. Click Download.

4. Choose your output format (either citation or citation + abstract)

5. Click Download.

6. Select the location where you want to save the file and type the file name.

7. Log in to RefWorks.

8. Select References/Import from the toolbar.

9. Select ProQuest Digital Dissertations as the data source and as the database.

10. Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer.

11. Click Import.

12. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

PsycINFO Direct (APA Website)

For Direct Export:

1. Perform a search and mark the references you want to export.

Note: Selection marks are not carried forward on multiple pages. You must mark the records to export on a page of search results, export the records, then return to your search results to export additional records. Alternatively, you can modify the Maximum results

per screen to the highest number for a better display of search results.

2. In the export to: drop-down, select and click the Go button.

3. Select Click here to continue.

4. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

To Manually Save and Export Records:

1. Perform your search and mark the references you want to export.

41 March 2007

RefWorks – Importing from a Data Vendor Instructions

Note: Selection marks are not carried forward on multiple pages. You must mark the records to export on a page of search results, export the records, then return to your search results to export additional records. Alternatively, you can modify the Maximum results

per screen to the highest number for a better display of search results.

2. In the Display Checked Items area, select Full PsycINFO Record and click


3. Using your browser's Save As function, navigate to the local drive and directory where you want to save the file and save the file in the text (.txt) format.

4. Log in to RefWorks.

5. Select References/Import from the toolbar.

6. Select PsycINFO Direct as the data source and as the database.

7. Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer.

8. Click Import.

9. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.


1. Perform a search and mark the references you want to export.

2. Change the Display option from Summary to MEDLINE.

3. In the Send To drop-down, select Text. A window opens with just the references in MEDLINE format.

4. Select Save As from your browser and select Text as the Save As file type.

5. Log in to RefWorks.

6. Select References/Import from the toolbar.

7. Select NLM PubMed as the data source and as the database.

8. Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer.

9. Click Import.

10. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

42 April 2007

RefWorks – Data Vendor Import Instructions


1. Mark the records you want to import and click Save Selected.

2. Click on View Selected.

3. Click Save/Mail.

4. Select OPAC Format as the record format

5. Click Go.

6. Click Save Selected.

7. Click Save to save the file to your computer.

8. Select the location where you want to save the file and type the file name. Make sure the file name ends in .txt

9. Select All Files in the save as type field.

10. Click Save. A file will be saved to your computer.

11. Log in to RefWorks.

12. Select References/Import from the toolbar.

13. Select Ex Libris ALEPH as the data source and RAMBI (Opac format) as the


14. Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer.

15. Click Import.

16. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

Reference Sight

1. Conduct your search.

2. Select the records you want to import.

3. Select Bibliographic Software Format from the Download Format drop-down.

4. You will be prompted to save a .ris file to your computer. Click Save and navigate to the local drive and directory where you want to save the file.

5. Log in to RefWorks.

43 March 2007

RefWorks – Importing from a Data Vendor Instructions

6. Select References/Import from the toolbar.

7. Select RIS Format as the data source and RIS Format as the database.

8. Browse to find the .ris file you saved to your computer.

9. Click Import.

10. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.


Note: Information can only be exported one record at a time.

1. Conduct your search.

2. From your search results, open the first record you wish to export by clicking on

the title.

3. Scroll down to the Publisher Info section and select the RIS link from the list of formats available to download. A new window will open with the tagged reference.

4. Select and copy the reference information.

5. Open another instance of your browser and log in to RefWorks.

6. Select References/Import from the toolbar.

7. Select RIS Format as the data source and as the database.

8. Paste the copied reference information into the text box in the Import Data from

the Following Text area.

9. Click Import.

10. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

RLG Eureka

For Direct Export:

1. Perform a search and mark the references you want to export.

2. Select Export to Bibliographic Software.

3. Select RefWorks.

4. To do a direct export, click Ok.

44 April 2007

RefWorks – Data Vendor Import Instructions

5. The export will open RefWorks. Once you login your references will automatically be imported.

6. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

To Manually Save and Export Records:

Netscape users note: Exporting records from Eureka databases may not work with

Netscape browsers.

1. Check the items you wish to save and click the Save link.

2. When you have completed searching, click the Saved link on the top blue bar.

3. Choose the Full display and then choose Print.

4. Select Save As from your browser and select Text as the Save As file type.

5. Log in to RefWorks.

6. Select References/Import from the toolbar.

7. To import the references, select RLG Eureka as the Import Filter and select the appropriate database.

8. Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer.

9. Click Import.

10. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

Mac users note: Exporting records from Eureka databases requires you to change your RLG preferences. Please follow the instructions below:

1. In RLG change your preferences to the Endnote format, save the preferences.

(note you will have to do this each time you log in to RLG as your this change is not saved once you have logged out).

2. Check the items you wish to save.

3. Select Full Format.

4. Select Save As from your browser and select Text as the Save As file type.

5. Log in to RefWorks.

6. Select References/Import from the toolbar.

7. Select Refer Format as the data source and select Endnote as your database.

45 March 2007

RefWorks – Importing from a Data Vendor Instructions

8. Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer.

9. Click Import.

10. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.



Mark the records you with to export.


Select Print (this will print the records into your browser window)


Using your browser's Save As function, navigate to the local drive and directory where you want to save the file and save the file in the text (.txt) format.

4. Log in to RefWorks.

5. Select References/Import from the toolbar.

6. Select Sabinet as the data source and as the database.

7. Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer.

8. Click Import.

9. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.


For Direct Export:

1. Mark the records you want to import and click Export Citations.

2. Select either All documents or Only these documents for the Marked records.

3. Select Citations + Abstracts to export the record's abstracts.

4. Select the RefWorks Direct Export and click Export.

5. The export will open RefWorks if it is not already open and automatically import the references.

6. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

To Manually Save and Export Records:

1. Mark the records you want to import and click Export Citations.

2. Select either All documents or Only these documents for the Marked records.

46 April 2007

RefWorks – Data Vendor Import Instructions

3. Select Citations + Abstracts to export the record's abstracts.

4. Select the RIS Format and click Export.

5. Select the location where you want to save the file and type the file name.

6. Click Save.

7. Log in to RefWorks.

8. Select References/Import from the toolbar.

9. Select Science Direct as the data source and select the appropriate database.

10. Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer.

11. Click Import.

12. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

SciFinder Scholar

1. From the search results page select the references you want to import.

2. Click Save As from the top of the search screen.

3. Navigate to the local drive and directory where you want to save the file.

4. Select Text as the file type.

5. Click Save.

6. Log in to RefWorks.

7. Select References/Import from the toolbar.

8. Select CAS Scifinder as the data source and CAPlus as the database.

9. Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer.

10. Click Import.

11. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.


1. Mark the records you wish to save by checking the box next to each record.

2. Select Export Checked Results.

47 March 2007

RefWorks – Importing from a Data Vendor Instructions

3. In the Export area, select Citations, abstracts and keywords.

4. Select RIS as the File Format.

5. In the Save or Display area, select Save File to Disk. You will be prompted to save a .ris file to your computer. Note: If you have an ISI ResearchSoft product

(Reference Manager, EndNote or ProCite) installed on your computer you will need to select the Display Documents in Browser option and then save the file to your computer.

6 Log in to RefWorks.

7. Select References/Import from the toolbar.

8. Select RIS Format as the data source and the database.

9. Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer.

10. Click Import.

11. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

Scitation (American Institute of Physics)

1. Conduct your search and mark the references you want to export.

2. In the Options for Selected Articles drop-down, select Download citation(s)

in RefWorks and click Go.

3. A new window will open. Using your browser's Save As function, navigate to the local drive and directory where you want to save the file and save the file in the text

(.txt) format.

4. Log in to RefWorks.

5. Select References/Import from the toolbar.

6. Select RefWorks Tagged Format as the data source and as the database.

7. Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer.

8. Click Import.

9. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.


For Direct Export:


1. Conduct your search and mark your records for import.

April 2007

RefWorks – Data Vendor Import Instructions

2. Click on the Output button.

3. Select Export as the desired output type.

4. Select RefWorks direct export as the export format.

5. Select the citation format you prefer. For the most complete record, we recommend selecting Complete Format as your citation format.

6. Click the Export button.

7. Log in to RefWorks.

Note: You can bypass logging in by entering your RefWorks login information in your

Scopus My Profile area and selecting RefWorks Settings. Entering your information in this area will also allow Scopus to display a RefWorks icon next to records in Scopus that you already have in your RefWorks database, helping prevent the importing of duplicate records.

8. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

To Manually Save and Export Records:

Note: If you have an ISI ResearchSoft product (Reference Manager, EndNote or

ProCite) installed on your computer the following directions may not work. An ISI

Helper application may have been installed on your computer that is automatically called when you select the Export button in ScienceDirect. It will not allow you to save the information to text.

1. Conduct your search and mark your records for import.

2. Click on the Output button.

3. Select Export as the desired output type.

4. Select RefWorks direct export as the export format.

5. Select the citation format you prefer. For the most complete record, we recommend selecting Complete Format as your citation format.

6. Click the Export button.

7. You will be prompted to save a file called scopus.ris to your computer.

8. Click Save.

9. Log in to RefWorks.

10. Select References/Import from the toolbar.

49 March 2007

RefWorks – Importing from a Data Vendor Instructions

11. Select RIS Format as the data source and RIS Format as the database.

12. Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer.

13. Click Import.

14. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

SilverPlatter WebSPIRS Version 5

For Direct Export:

1. Mark the references you want to export and click the Save icon.

2. Select Save to RefWorks.

3. Click OK in the upper right area of the page.

4. The export will open RefWorks if it is not already open and automatically import the references.

5. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

To Manually Save and Export Records:

1. Mark the references you want to export and click the Save icon.

2. Select Save to Disk.

3. Under Save or Export These Records select Marked to export the references you selected.

4. Under Save These Fields select Complete Record.

5. Under Also Save: be sure you have Record number checked and Short Labels selected.

5. Click OK in the upper right area of the page.

6. Select the location where you want to save the file and type the file name.

7. Click Save.

8. Log in to RefWorks.

9. Select References/Import from the toolbar.

10. Select SilverPlatter WebSPIRS as the data source and select the appropriate database.

50 April 2007

RefWorks – Data Vendor Import Instructions

11. Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer.

12. Click Import.

13. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

Social Sciences in Forestry

1. From your search results, mark the items you wish to save.

2. Click on Limit to marked records.

3. Select Save these results to disk.

4. A new window will appear with your references. Using your browser's Save As function, save the page as a plain text .txt file.

5. Log in to RefWorks.

6. Select References/Import from the toolbar.

7.Select SSiF Format as the data source and the database

8. Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer.

9. Click Import.

10. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

SPIE - Digital Library

1. From your search results, mark the items you wish to save.

2. In the Options for Selected Articles, Check articles then... drop-down, select

Download Citations In: - RefWorks and click the Go button.

3. A new window will appear with your references. Using your browser's Save As function, save the page as a plain text .txt file.

4. Log in to RefWorks.

5. Select References/Import from the toolbar.

6. Select RefWorks Tagged Format as the data source and Tagged Format as the database.

7. Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer.

8. Click Import.

51 March 2007

RefWorks – Importing from a Data Vendor Instructions

9. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.


Note: If you have an ISI ResearchSoft product (Reference Manager, EndNote or

ProCite) installed on your computer the following directions may not work. An ISI

Helper application may have been installed on your computer that is automatically

called. It will not allow you to save the information to text.

1. Mark the records you wish to save by checking the box next to each record.

2. In the Export Selected Citations area, select RIS.

3. You will be prompted to save the file to your computer, so click the Save button.

4. Log in to RefWorks.

5. Select References/Import from the toolbar.

6. Select RIS Format as the data source and the database.

7. Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer.

8. Click Import.

9. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.


1. Add individual search results to the filing cabinet, or run an article search and select download search results.

2. Select the data you wish to download by checking the relevant boxes.

3. Change the ‘default download file type’ to RIS.

4. Click Download and navigate to the local drive and directory where you want to save the file; it will be saved as a .ris file (depending on your browser this may save automatically to your desktop)

5. Log in to RefWorks.

6. Select References/Import from the toolbar.

7. Select RIS Format as the data source and as the database.

8. Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer.

9. Click Import.

52 April 2007

RefWorks – Data Vendor Import Instructions

10. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.


1. From your search results, go to the Notice Complete and click the Sauvegarder button to save each item you want to import.

2. View the Lot de Sauvegarde (saved list).

3. Select Telecharger (download).

4. Select Notice Complete (full record) in the Format area.

5. Click the Ecran (screen) button.

6. Your records will open in a new window. Using your browser's Save As function, save the page as a plain text .txt file.

7. Log in to RefWorks.

8. Select References/Import from the toolbar.

9. Select SUDOC as the data source and as the database.

10. Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer.

11. Click Import.

12. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

Transportation Research Information Services (TRIS Online)

1. From your search results, mark the items you wish to save.

2. Select Marked Records.

3. In the Download area, select General Bibliographic, Text and Full as your download options. Click the Download button.

4. You will be prompted to save a file to your computer. Navigate to the local drive and directory where you want to save the file.

4. Log in to RefWorks.

5. Select References/Import from the toolbar.

6. Select TRIS ONLINE as the data source and the database.

7. Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer.

53 March 2007

RefWorks – Importing from a Data Vendor Instructions

8. Click Import.

9. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

Web of Science (ISI)

Note: If the records you wish to export from WOS are on a single search results page, you can bypass instructions 2 through 5 below. Simply mark your records and click the Save button in the Output Records area. Select Field Tagged and continue, then the Save button to save the file to your computer. Import the file following the instructions starting at #6 below.

1. From your search results, select the items you wish to save by clicking in the checkbox to the left of the appropriate citations and clicking on the Add to Marked

List button to the right in the Output Records box.

2. Click on the Marked List icon when you are ready to export.

3. On the Web of Science Marked Records Output Options Form, leave the bold fields checked. Check the abstract field if you want to include it in your database.

4. Leave the Field Tagged option for save as file and click the save to file button

5. Click the Save button to save the .txt file to your computer.

6. Log in to RefWorks.

7. Select References/Import from the toolbar.

8. Select ISI (Institute for Scientific Information) as the data source and Web of

Science as the database.

9. Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer and click on Open.

10. Click Import.

11. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

Wiley InterScience

1. Conduct your search.

2. Select the records you want to import.

3. Click Download Selected Citations.

4. Select Plain Text as your format and Abstracts and Citations as your Export

Type. Also select the appropriate file type.

54 April 2007

RefWorks – Data Vendor Import Instructions

5. You will be prompted to save a .txt file to your computer. Click Save and navigate to the local drive and directory where you want to save the file.

6. Log in to RefWorks.

7. Select References/Import from the toolbar.

8. Select Wiley InterScience as the data source and as the database.

9. Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer.

10. Click Import.

11. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

WilsonWeb - H.W. Wilson Company

For Direct Export:

1. Conduct your search and mark the references you want to export and click the Get

Marked button.

2. Click the Print Email Save button.

3. Expand the Export to Bibliographic Software... option

4. Select RefWorks' Direct Export Tool in the Download Record(s) into area.

5. Click the Export button.

5. The export will open RefWorks if it is not already open and automatically import the references.

6. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

To Manually Save and Export Records:

1. From the search results page, select Print Email Save.

2. Expand the Save options.

3. Under Fields select All Citation Fields.

4. Under Format select For exporting to Bibliographic software.

5. Select Save. A new window will open with the tagged results.

6. Using your browser's Save As function, navigate to the local drive and directory where you want to save the file.

55 March 2007

RefWorks – Importing from a Data Vendor Instructions

7. Select Text as the file type and click Save.

8. Log in to RefWorks.

9. Select References/Import from the toolbar.

10. Select H.W. Wilson as the data source and All Databases as the database.

11. Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer.

12. Click Import.

13. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.


1. Conduct your search and select the records you wish to import.

2. Click on Merken

3. In the menu to the left click on Merkliste

4. Click on Export.

5. You will be prompted to save a .txt file to your computer. Click Save and navigate to the local drive and directory where you want to save the file.

6. Log in to RefWorks.

7. Select References/Import from the toolbar.

8. Select WISO Net as the data source and database.

9. Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer.

10. Click Import.

11. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.


1. In WISO führen Sie Ihre Suche, wie gewohnt durch

2. Wählen Sie die gewünschten Datensätze aus und klicken Sie auf Merken

3. In der Menüleiste (links) klicken Sie auf Merkliste

4. Klicken Sie auf Export und speichern Sie die Textdatei auf Ihrem Rechner

56 April 2007

RefWorks – Data Vendor Import Instructions

5. In RefWorks klicken Sie auf Referenzen > Importieren

6. Als Import-Filter/Datenquelle, wählen Sie bitte -WISO Net

7. Als Datenbank, wählen Sie bitte WISO Net

8. Wählen Sie die Textdatei über Durchsuchen aus und klicken Sie anschließend auf


ZMATH: Zentralblatt MATH

1. Check the items you wish to save.

2. Check Display checked records in BibTeX Format and complete form.

3. Use your browser's Save As menu to save the web page as a plain text (.txt) file.

4. Log in to RefWorks.

5. Select References/Import from the toolbar.

6. Select BibTeX as the data source and Multiple Databases as the database.

7. Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer.

8. Click Import.

9. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

57 March 2007
