Humanities I - Odyssey Charter School

Humanities I
Independent Reading Project
One of the goals of our class is to foster your desire for pleasurable reading. I understand
that everyone has their own personal taste in reading genres and subject matter, but the
important thing is to motivate you to read in hopes that reading will become a
pleasurable, lifelong activity.
Assignment #1:
1. Select a “just right” fiction chapter book. Your book must be approved by your teacher.
2. Your book must be 100+ pages in length.
3. Have a book starting on Tuesday January 21st.
4. Turn in an Independent Reading Introduction Page by Tuesday 1/21.
5. Make time to read your independent reading book every day.
Assignment #2:
1. Complete at least 5 one-page summaries for your book. (For example, if my book has 20 chapters, I
might choose to complete summaries for chapters 1-4, 5-8, 9-12, 13- 17, 18-20. If your book has 15
chapters, I might choose to complete summaries for chapters 1-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12, 13-15.)
a. Each summary should be at least 1 page typed and double spaced.
b. Each summary should use correct grammar, capitalization, and spelling.
c. Each summary should clearly explain what has occurred in those chapters.
2. Illustrations. Each summary should include a one-page illustration of a significant event from those
chapters. There should be a caption explaining the illustration.
a. The illustration should include color and the caption should be typed or written in pen.
3. Cover page. Create and illustrate a cover page that includes the following:
a. Book Title
b. Author
c. Illustration(s)
d. Your name on the bottom right corner in the following format
(completed by _____________________)
Assignment due Friday Feb 14th
Reading Introduction Page: 5 points
5 one-page summaries:
50 points
5 summary illustrations:
10 points
Cover Page:
5 points
70 points
will my writing be graded?
Correct spelling, grammar, and capitalization
Summary is detailed and organized in a way that makes it easy to read and
o Sentences are smooth and flow together well.
o Writing uses vocabulary that is sophisticated
will my illustrations be graded?
No stick figures
Color has been used
Illustrations fill up the page
There are captions on the summary illustrations that clearly explain the picture
Cover page includes the necessary information
No extra credit available!
Student Name: ________________
Cohort: ________________
Date: __________________
Independent Reading Introduction Page
Book Title: _____________________________________________________________
Author: ______________________
Genre: (circle one)
Science Fiction
Realistic Fiction
Historical Fiction
Total number of pages in the book: ___________________
To set a weekly reading goal, divide the number of pages in the book by 3. This is the number of pages that
you will need to read each week to complete the book on time.
Week 1: __________
Week 2: _________
Week 3: _________
Record these page numbers in your agenda book so that you know what to read each week.
Total number of chapters in this book? _____________
Decide how you will break up your summaries.
Summary #1: Chapter _____ - _____
Summary #2: Chapter _____ - _____
Summary #3: Chapter _____ - _____
Summary #4: Chapter _____ - _____
Summary #5: Chapter _____ - _____