Minimum Technical Requirements for Agencies

Technical Requirements for Agencies
This document describes the minimum technical requirements, for access and use of the
redeveloped Central Budget Management System (CBMS) for Agencies as they are known at this
point in time. The CBMS Redevelopment Project (The Project) will release further details and
requirements as the System build progresses and details are finalised. Agencies will continue to
receive information as it becomes available and all details will be included in the redeveloped CBMS
Operations Manual .
The redeveloped CBMS is expected to be built, configured and tested by October 2013. Agencies are
expected to have addressed the minimum IT requirements by this time. If you have any questions
regarding this document please contact the Project:
Software ‘Footprint’ ............................................................................................................................ 2
PDF Readers and Printers ................................................................................................................... 2
Operating Systems .............................................................................................................................. 2
Web Browsers ..................................................................................................................................... 2
Network Connectivity and System Requirements .............................................................................. 3
Security ............................................................................................................................................... 3
Firewall Changes ................................................................................................................................. 4
Pop Ups ............................................................................................................................................... 4
Accessibility Provisions ....................................................................................................................... 4
Software ‘Footprint’
The redeveloped CBM S has been designed to minimise the need for Agencies to
install software on their network. Agency users will access the redeveloped CBMS
application via a web portal .
Depending o n Agency networks , there may be a requirement to enable free addins on the user desktop for executing the applications, e.g. Jav a add -in, Adobe
readers. (A final list of add -ins with versions will be provided as part of the
“Redeveloped CBMS Operations M anual”, which will be made available before the
start of User Acceptance Testing – which is scheduled to commence mid 2013).
PDF Readers and Printers
The redevelo ped CBMS will ge nerate report s as PDFs and it is expected that
Agency’s Standard Operating System and Browser functionality will print the PDF
to a local printer.
To view PDF documents, report s and print the reports, all users will need a PDF
Reader on their computer.
The Project recommends the following:
1. Adobe PDF Reader versions 10.1
2. Colour printer for reporting clarity and output .
Operating Systems
The following Operating Systems are certified, tested and supported for use in
accessing the redeveloped CBMS :
Microsoft Windows 7
Microsoft Windows Vista Windows XP (SP1 & higher).
While other Operating S ystems, such as Linux OS, Mac OS and Mobile Operating
Systems operate with SAP, they are not certified SAP supported environment s.
If your Agency uses any Operating Systems other than Microsoft, you will need to
contact your supplier to resolve any issues , should they arise .
Web Browsers
The following Browsers are supported for use with the redeveloped CBMS:
Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0
Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0
Microsoft Internet Explorer 9.0 .
While the redevelo ped CBMS may work on other browsers such as: Mozilla Firefox ;
Apple Safari; and Google Chrome, they are not SAP supported browsers and it may
be difficult to diagnose and fix any problem s that may eme rge.
Network Connectivity and System Requirements
As the redeveloped CBMS will be accessed via a Portal it is critical that Agencies
have adequate bandwidth capability to enable optimal performance. As such the
Project recommends an ADSL 2 Network Connectivity or higher to ensure efficient
and reliable system performance.
Minimum Desktop Requirements
The recommended m inimum deskto p requirements for Agency users to access the
redeveloped System are outlined below in Table 2 :
Table 2 : Mi nimum CBMS De sktop Configuration
Hardwar e
Minimum Sizing
1024 x 768
Pentium > 1 GHz
Memory (RAM)
1 GB
Hard Drive Free Space
500 MB
Note: If Agencies do not have the recommended minimum desktop configuration
as outlined in Table 2 then they should undertake testing to ensure optimal
performance of the application.
The CBMS Portal will operate a comprehensive authentication solution similar to
the existing system. The current Authentication D esign for the redeveloped CBMS
is to have a two factor authentication solution undertaken by an Agency user
before he/she can log in to CBMS applicatio ns , which will involve :
1st level authenticatio n - user-id and password
2 n d level authentication - Vasco authentication code (a physical token based
authentication, which will be prompted by the application ).
password notificatio n via software token which can be do wnloaded on
personal devices such as laptops, Blackberry devices and iPhones.
Finance is also working towards prov iding the additio nal option o f a password
notification via SMS
The current authentication design does not require any additional software to be
downloaded or installed on Agency desktops.
Firewall Changes
An Agency may be required to make specific changes to its firewall or gateway to
allow the CBMS Portal Application URLs access through its Internet Explorer
Browser. Details of the requirements will be communicated to Agencies o nce they
are finalised. The requirements will also be included in the “Redeveloped CBMS
Operations M anual” .
Pop Ups
The CBMS Portal URLs will need to be added to the trusted sites for the Pop -Up
Blockers. The URLs will be provided to Agencies by the Project prior to cutover .
Agency users may need to approach their IT Support area t o have the Portal’s
URLs added to their ‘trusted sites’ as this may have to be configured in the
Agency’s Standard Operating Environment.
Accessibility Provisions
The CBMS Portal will be WCAG2.0 compatible. The Project will no t provide Screen
Readers as part of the standard product offering . Agencies with accessibility
requirements will need to source and test these technologies separately .
The following Screen Readers (certified by SAP ) can be used with the redevelo ped
JAWS Versio n 11.0
Virgo 4.71 by BAUM Retec AG .