RECOMMENDATION FOR PROMOTION AND TENURE PART I Name: Present Rank: Department: Date: July 10, 2010 Philippe Piot Associate Professor, Northern Illinois University Scientist I, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Joint appointee the Department of Physics (at NIU) and the Accelerator Physics Center (at Fermilab) Educational Background 1995-1999 Université de Grenoble I, France, PhD in Physics (specialty: Beam Physics) 1994-1995 Université de Grenoble, France, M.S. in Physics 1990-1994 Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, France, B.S. in Theoretical Physics Professional Experience 2009-present Scientist I (tenured) , Accelerator Physics Center, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory 2009-present Associate Professor (tenured), Northern Illinois University 2007-present Visiting Fellow, Argonne Accelerator Institute, Argonne National Laboratory, IL 2005-2009 Associate Professor, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL 2007-2009 Associate Scientist, Accelerator Physics Center, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, 2007-2008 Visiting Scientist and Group Leader of the Advanced Accelerator R&D group in the Accelerator Physics Center, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory 2002-2005 Associate Scientist, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, IL 1999-2002 Research Associate, DESY, Germany Hamburg, 1999 Research Associate, Thomas Jefferson Nat’l Accelerator Facility, Newport News, VA Research A. Program of Scholarly Activity Research Interests and Past Achievements My current research efforts focus on charged-particle beam physics, with particular emphasis on the production, manipulation, diagnosis and potential use of bright electron beams. High-brightness electron beams have a variety of scientific and industrial applications ranging from high energy physics (e+/e- next-generation linear collider), light sources [single-pass short-wavelength free-electron lasers (FELs)], medicine, to solid state physics (electron microscopy). Over the last twelve years research, I have specialized in computational and experimental aspects pertaining to the beam dynamics of high-phasespace-density electron bunches. During my doctoral research at Jefferson Laboratory (JLab), Newport News VA, I initially developed and installed a novel non-interceptive beam diagnostic based on optical transition radiation for the CEBAF recirculating accelerator. This instrument demonstrated some fundamental aspects of transition radiation and was also used to control and monitor some of the beam parameters parasitically without disrupting nuclear physics experiments. For the high-average-power FEL at JLab, my original contribution was to develop and apply beam diagnostics to study intricate beam dynamics associated with energy-recovering linear accelerators. A great success was the work on the energy compression scheme, a phase-space manipulation in the longitudinal degree of freedom needed for proper energy recovery of the electron bunch after it participated in the FEL process. This technique contributed significantly to the success of this proof-of-principle FEL that produced coherent infrared radiation at unprecedented high average power. At DESY, Hamburg Germany, I developed a novel scheme for the generation of electron bunches and their low-energy transport for the foreseen European X-ray FEL. The novelty of the design was to implement a staged approach in the phase-space manipulations: use a long laser pulse to reduce charge density and improve Piot Recommendation for Tenure & Promotion, Part I, page 1 the brightness in the transverse phase space, then compress the bunch. The technique was implemented and resulted in operating a FEL at the unprecedented short wavelength of 16 nm. This design now serves as a blueprint for several proposed projects (e.g. LUX at Berkeley, BESSY FEL in Berlin, Germany). At Fermilab, Batavia, IL, I led a small facility dedicated to R&D in advanced accelerator physics. My primary contribution was the generation and characterization of angular-momentum-dominated electron bunches and their transformation into a flat beam using a manipulation capable of exchanging phase-space coordinates between the two transverse degrees of freedom. These results have important consequences. For instance, the proposed e+/e- linear collider would not need an electron damping ring (which in the present design is a 6 to 17 km accelerator ring!). Another potential application is the reduction of the undulator length needed to achieve significant gain in a free-electron laser thereby paving the road to compact, possibly University-sized, coherent x-ray sources. What follows is a brief technical summary of my research program at NIU. I continue my association with Fermilab and started collaboration with Argonne National Laboratory (both with the High Energy Physics and the Advanced Photon Source divisions), Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Laboratory (with the free-electron laser group), University of Wisconsin at Madison (with the Synchrotron Radiation Center), and with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The researches I pursue involve multidisciplinary efforts with topics involving classical electrodynamics, optics, solid-state physics, and computational physics thereby offering excellent opportunities for graduate and undergraduate students. Achievements since Joining NIU: Theory & Simulations Producing high brightness electron beams needed for accelerator-driven coherent light sources for multidisciplinary applications or for beam colliders to generate copious amount of elementary particle for high-energy physics is challenging. The main challenges to create and transport a highly charged electron bunch stems from the repulsive Coulomb forces between the electrons. This “space charge” effect results in unwanted non-linear dynamics that spoils the beam brightness. Several avenues are currently pursued to increase the brightness of electron beams including the development of novel electron source. Simulation and design of the International Linear Collider Test Facility currently under construction at Fermilab: Fermilab is currently building a ~1 GeV accelerator test facility, the Inernational Linear Collider Test Accelerator (ILCTA), with the primary intent to test subsystems associated to the proposed 32 km long International Linear Collider (ILC). The ILCTA will be the backbone of accelerator R&D at Fermilab. I performed extensive calculations to design and optimize the performance of the ILCTA. My main contribution was the design of the electron sources and initial accelerating sections. The design I proposed has been chosen as integral part of the ILCTA, and most importantly will also support a wealth of possible advanced accelerator R&D beyond the ILC R&D. One of my students, Christopher Prokop, is working on this topics as part of his PhD research. Manipulation of electron beams between two degrees of freedom: It is sometime impossible to avoid significant degradation of the beam parameters due to collective effect and instead one has to find “trick” to manipulate the beam such that the desired beam parameters in one degree of freedom are achieved. I collaborated with a team from the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center and Argonne National Lab and developed a new technique to manipulate a bunched electron beam. The technique was shown to dramatically improved the performance of foreseen next generation of accelerator-based light sources. Piot Recommendation for Tenure & Promotion, Part I, page 2 This idea has since then triggered a proof-of-principle experiment in preparation at Argonne which is the topic of Marwan Rihaoui’s Ph.D dissertation. Simulation and design of novel field emission electron sources: In collaboration with Dr. Mihalcea (research scientist in the Dept. of Physics) we performed the first-ever realistic simulations of a new type of electron sources based on field emission cathode using the numerical tools developed in our group. This type of field emission cathodes could pave the road to very compact short wavelength sources. Preliminary calculations are very encouraging regarding the capabilities of such field emitters and will be reported at the International Linear Accelerator Conference in September 2008 by Dr. Mihalcea and later by myself at the Directed Energy Physics Society Symposium in November 2008. Development of novel diagnostics for charged-particle beams: The beams produced by state-of-the-art accelerators could have extremely small sizes (nanometer) and duration (femtosecond). Very precise diagnostics are therefore needed to resolve the beam properties. The duration of extremely short electron bunches is generally measured by analyzing the radiation emitted as the bunch intercepts a perfectly conducting screen thereby generating transition radiation. Despite the popularity of this diagnostics we recently found, using a numerical model developed with one of my graduate student (Timothy Maxwell), that several effects can bias the measurement and need to be properly accounted in the analysis [this novel analysis resulted in the publication of two proceedings papers in two international conferences]. Finally a novel concept for a diagnostics capable of measuring beam halo with an unprecedented precision was simulated and a first proof-of-principle experiment conducted at Argonne National Lab. This latter diagnostics has attracted the attention of the Office of Naval Research due to its ability to monitor very low halo which is an important requirement for tuning the electron beam used in MW-class lasers for defense applications. Collective effects in charged-particle beams: There are other deleterious effects that can significantly degrade the beam’s parameters and thus the performance of the anticipated light source of linear collider. These include radiation emitted by the bunch as its surrounding boundary conditions change (refer to as wakefields) or as it orbits on a curved trajectory. Such “radiative effects” can result in significant disruption (sometime “explosion”) of the bunch that must be understood and mitigated. I recently started a new collaboration with Dr. Rui Li from Thomas Jefferson National Laboratory to further develop a simulation code she initially wrote. The code simulates from first principle the interaction between the bunch and the electromagnetic radiation it radiated in the past as it travels on a curved trajectory. These simulations are computer intensive and we are currently drafting a joint proposal with Argonne and Fermilab to obtain computer time on the supercomputer of the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility. To date my personal involvement has been beam dynamics calculation in electron sources aiming at understanding how local cluster of charges dissipate or propagate as the beam evolves. I was invited to present my work in Berkeley early October 2008. R&D on table-top Teraherz light sources: Terahertz (THz) radiation occupies a very large portion of the electromagnetic spectrum and has generated much recent interest due to its ability to penetrate deep into many organic materials without the damage associated with ionizing radiation such as x-rays. One path for generating copious amount of tunable narrowband THz radiation is based on the Smith-Purcell free-electron laser (SPFEL) effect. We recently proposed a simple concept for a compact more efficient SPFEL based on a two-stage process. We demonstrated the capabilities and performances of our proposed configuration via high-performance computer simulation using the conformal finite-difference time-domain Piot Recommendation for Tenure & Promotion, Part I, page 3 electromagnetic solver VORPAL commercially available from Tech-X Corp. (we obtained the software free of charge as part of a collaborative agreement). Our results were published in Applied Physics Letters and are featured as one of the “success stories” of Tech-X Corp. web site; see . Dielectric-loaded wakefield acceleration for compact multi-Giga-electron-volt electron accelerators: We recently won a grant from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency to explore novel charge particle acceleration using dielectric-located structures. Such a method of particle acceleration is expected to yield very high accelerating gradient and could therefore pave the road to table-top, possibly Giga-Electronvolt, electron accelerators. Such "miniature" accelerators have a large number of applications including the generation of coherent radiation for scientific applications or possible detection of fissile material. In a dielectric wakefield accelerator, a highly charged electron bunch is used to create a wake with an associated very high electric field. Subsequent lower charge electron bunches properly delayed can "surf" on this wake and experience very high accelerating field. Ultimately we contemplate the production of GeV electron beam over a meter-long DWFA structure (this represents a down scaling of two order of magnitude compared to conventional accelerators technology). In this project, we will be developing and testing at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory's NML facility (currently under construction) a new dielectric structure with improved tuning and wakefield characteristics. The work will also extensively involve high performance computing to develop high-fidelity model of the acceleration scheme in collaboration with Tech-X Corp., a high-tech company specializing in advanced scientific computing. Achievements since Joining NIU: Experimental Activities Development of an on-campus beam physics laboratory: A new beam Physics laboratory was setup in the Faraday West building. It includes a compact low energy electron source (see below), and a state-of-the-art femtosecond class laser capable of gigawatts peak power. The laboratory is also equipped with a clean room and other generic laboratory equipments. The laboratory is used to develop/prepare experiments before moving them to an accelerator beamline at Fermilab, Argonne or Thomas Jefferson National Laboratory. In addition the lab is used to train graduate and undergraduate students. Data analysis and numerical modeling of the round-to-flat beam transformation experiment at the Fermilab photoinjector: In the Fall 2005 (as I was joining NIU) I completed an experiment aimed at producing flat electron beams, I performed extensive theoretical and numerical modeling of this experiment to understand the removal of angular momentum in charged-particle beams. The results of this analysis were published in Physical Review Special Topics Accelerator & Beams in 2006. Design and commissioning of a low energy electron source for electron microscopy and Terahertz radiation applications: The low-energy accelerator consists of a novel photoemission electron source capable of generating ~30 keV electron beams. It was recently commissioned and demonstrated the generation of high peak current (> 1 Ampere) electron beam with nanosecond duration. The accelerator is simple and yet incorporates most subsystems present in large-scale accelerators, therefore it is an ideal platform to train students (Shafaq Motem got her MS working on the initial design and construction of the accelerator, and two undergraduate students spent a summer helping with the accelerator construction). I plan to use this source together with the aforementioned flat-beam transformation to generate a sheet beam. When propagated close to a metal grating and under Piot Recommendation for Tenure & Promotion, Part I, page 4 certain conditions, the beam will produce a copious amount of radiation in the terahertz spectrum. This apparatus could therefore result in an inexpensive, table-top, tunable, coherent terahertz source with applications in various fields such as biology, medicine, etc. This small apparatus also provides the basis for potential collaborations with other departments. Development of laser-based charged particle beam diagnostics: The femtosecond class laser is used to generate radiation whose spectrum mimics the electron beam self electric field. It thus offers a way to test and troubleshoot some of the diagnostics we develop a priori to their installations in an accelerator. One of the key diagnostics we are developing intends to detect the electric field associated to a traveling electron bunch via electro-optical imaging. Although such instruments have been developed by other groups, we are significantly extending its capability to eventually measure the duration of sub-picosecond non-ultrarelativistic electron bunches. We also devised a technique allowing such electro-optic diagnostics to monitor the alignment of different time slices within a subpicosceond bunch. This novel capability is extremely important to optimize the performance of next generation coherent x-ray light source based on the free-electron laser scheme. It also has applications to the next generation electron-positron linear colliders to monitor the electron and positron bunch tilt in non zero crossing angle interaction point. Observation of space charge guiding in intense electron beam: we demonstrated the focusing of an electron beam using external electron beams configured as a “quincunx pattern”. The method might have application to control an electron beam size in superconducting electron sources. Formation of train of electron microbunch using a phase space exchange beamline: Bases on our theoretical work, an experiment was recently completed at Fermilab and demonstrated a beam with a transverse modulation can be converted in a train of microbunch. This proofof-principle experiment open the path for generating electron beam with arbitrary current profiles which is very challenging to do with conventional method. In turn shaping the current profile of an electron beam as a wide range of applications including the improvement of new particle acceleration scheme, the operation of accelerator based light source in a new regimes and the production of electron beam suitable for time-resolved electron microscopy with sub-femtosecond resolution. B. Publication & Other Professional Contributions I. Refereed Journal Articles 1. P Piot, Y.-E Sun, J. Power, M. Rihaoui, “Generation of relativistic electron bunch with arbitrary current distribution via transverse-to-longitudinal phase space exchange”, preprint fermilab-pub-09-265-APC, submitted Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams (2010). 2. M. Thompson, H. Badakov, J. B. Rosenzweig, G. Travish , N. Barov , R. Fliller, G. M. Kazakevich, P. Piot, J. Santucci , R. Tikhoplav and J. Li, “Observations of lowaberration plasma lens focusing of relativistic electron beams at the underdense threshold”, accepted Physics of Plasmas (2010). 3. C. Prokop, P. Piot, M.-C. Lin, P.. Stoltz, “Numerical modeling of a table-top tunable Smith–Purcell terahertz free-electron laser operating in the super-radiant regime”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 151502 (2010). 4. M. Rihaoui, P. Piot, J. G. Power and W. Gai, “Observation and Simulation of SpaceCharge Effects in an Radio-Frequency Photoinjector using a Transverse Multibeamlet Distribution”, Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 12, 124201 (2009). 5. M. C. Thomson, H. Badakov, J. B. Rosenzweig, G. Travish, H. Edwards, R. Fliller, G. M. Kazakevich, P. Piot, J. Santucci, J. Li, R. Tikhoplav, “Results from the Piot Recommendation for Tenure & Promotion, Part I, page 5 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. UCLA/FNPL underdense plasma lens experiment”, International Journal of Modern Physics A 22, No. 22, pp. 3979-3987 (2007). P. Emma, Z. Huang, K.-J. Kim and P. Piot, “Transverse-to-longitudinal emittance exchange to improve performance of high-gain free-electron lasers”, Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 9, 100702 (2006). M. Mihalcea, C.L. Bohn, U. Happek, and P. Piot, “Longitudinal electron bunch diagnostics using coherent transition radiation”, Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 9, 082801 (2006). P. Piot, R. Tikhopav, D. Mihalcea, and N. Barov, “Experimental Investigation of the Longitudinal Beam Dynamics in a Photoinjector Using a Two-Macroparticle Bunch”, Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 9, 053501 (2006). P. Piot, Y.-E Sun, K.-J. Kim, “Photoinjector production of a flat beam with transverse emittance ratio of 100”, Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 9, 031001 (2006). S. Smith et al., “Optics issues in on-going energy-recovering-linac projects”, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 557, p. 145 (2006). V. Ayvazyan, et al. [FLASH collaboration], “First operation of a free-electron laser generating W power radiation at 32 nm wavelength”, Eur. J. Phys. D 37, p. 297 (2006). Y.-E Sun, P. Piot, K.-J. Kim, N. Barov, S. Lidia, J. Santucci, R. Tikhoplav, J. Wennerberg, “Generation of angular-momentum-dominated electron beams from a photoinjector”, Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 7, 123501 (2004). M. Dohlus, K. Flottmann, O.S. Kozlov, T. Limberg, P. Piot, E.L. Saldin, E.A. Schneidmiller, M.V. Yurkov, “Start-to-end simulations of the Tesla test facilty, phase 1”, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A530, p. 217 (2004). P. Piot, D.R. Douglas, G.A. Krafft, “Longitudinal phase space manipulation in energy-recovering linac driven free-electron lasers”, Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 6, 030702 (2003). P. Piot, L. Carr, W.S. Graves, H. Loos, “Subpicosecond compression by velocity bunching in a photoinjector”, Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 6, 033503 (2003). V. Kobets, I.N. Meshkov, I.A. Seleznev, M. V. Yurkov and P. Piot, “Linac injector for pumping free-electron lasers (DELSY project)”, Atomnaya ´ Energiya 94, No. 1, 42 (2003) [English translation in Atomic Energy 94, No. 1, 7 (2003)]. C. Gerth, J. Feldhaus, K. Honkavaara, K.D. Kavanagh, P. Piot, L. Plucinski, S. Schreiber, I. Will, “Bunch length and phase stability at the TESLA test facility”, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A507, p. 335 (2003). B. Faatz, A.A. Fateev, K. Flottmann, D. Nolle, P. Piot, E.L. Saldin, H. Schlarb, E.A. Schneidmiller, S. Schreiber, D. Sertore, K.P. Sychev, M.V. Yurkov, “VUV FELdriven rf-gun”, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A507, p. 350 (2003). R. Bakker et al. [Zeuthen photoinjector collaboration], “First beam measurement at the photoinjector test facility at DESY-Zeuthen”, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A507, p. 210 (2003). V. Ayvazian et al., [TESLA Test Facility team], “Study of the statistical properties of the radiation from a VUV SASE FEL operating in the femtosecond regime”, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A507, p.368 (2003). V. Ayvazian et al., [TESLA collaboration], “A new powerful source for coherent VUV radiation: demonstration of exponential growth and saturation at the TTF freeelectron laser”, Eur. Phys. J. D 20, p. 149-156 (2002). V. Ayvazian, et al. [TESLA collaboration], “Generation of GW pulses from a VUV free-electron laser operating in the femtosecond regime”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 104802 (2002). M. Huning, P. Piot, and H. Schlarb, “Observation of longitudinal phase space fragmentation at the TESLA test facility free-electron laser”, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A475, p. 348 (2001). T. Limberg, P. Piot, and E. Schneidmiller, “An analysis of the longitudinal phase space fragmentation at the TESLA test facility”, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A475, p. 353 (2001). Piot Recommendation for Tenure & Promotion, Part I, page 6 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. II. J. Andruszkow, et al., “First observation of self-amplified spontaneous emission in a free-electron laser at 109 nm wavelength”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, p. 3825 (2000). S. Benson, et al., “Jefferson lab free-electron laser starts operation with sustained lasing at the kilowatt level”, Synchr. Rad. News 13, p. 13 (2000). G.R. Neil et al., “Sustained kilowatt lasing in a free-electron laser with same-cell energy recovery”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, p. 662 (2000). S. Benson et al., “First lasing of the Jefferson lab. IR demo free-electron laser”, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A429, p. 27 (1999). J. Song, P. Piot, R. Li, R. Legg, D. Kehne, R. Li, E. Feldl, K. Jordan, J.-C. Denard, G.A. Krafft, G.R. Neil, C.L. Bohn, “Real-time phase space monitor”, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A407, p. 343 (1998). Book chapters (invited where indicated): G Aaron, et al., “International Linear Collider Reference Design Report: accelerator”, volume 3, available at 2. A. Aghababyan, et al., “The Technical Design Report of the European x-ray freeelectron laser”, imprint ISBN 3-935702-17-5 (2006). 3. J. Lewellen and P. Piot, “Summary of beam quality diagnostics and control working group”, in Advanced Accelerator Concepts, M. Conde and C. Eyberger eds., AIP Conference Proceedings 877 (AIP Woodbury, NY), pp. 163-174 (2006). 4. M. C. Thomson, , H. Badakov, J. B. Rosenzweig, G. Travish, H. Edwards, R. Fliller, G. M. Kazakevich, P. Piot, J. Santucci, J. Li, R. Tikhoplav, “UCLA/FNPL underdense plasma lens experiment: Results and analysis”, Advanced Accelerator Concepts, M. Conde and C. Eyberger eds., AIP Conference Proceedings 877 (AIP Woodbury, NY), pp. 561-567 (2006). 5. R. Tikhoplav, G. Kazakevich, D. Mihalcea and P. Piot, “Manipulation of photocathode drive laser longitudinal profile”, Advanced Accelerator Concepts, M. Conde and C. Eyberger eds., AIP Conference Proceedings 877 (AIP Woodbury, NY), pp. 664-700 (2006). 6. P. Piot, “ Review of experimental results on high-brightness photo-emission electron sources”, in High Brightness Beam, Physics and Application of High Brightness Electron Beams, Proceedings of the ICFA Workshop Chia Laguna, J. Rosenzweig, L. Serafini, G. Travish eds., (World Scientific Publishing Company, Singapore, 2004), pp 127-142. 7. P. Piot, et al. “Sub-picosecond compression by velocity bunching in a photoinjector”, in High Brightness Beam, Physics and Application of High Brightness Electron Beams, Proceedings of the ICFA Workshop Chia Laguna, J. Rosenzweig, L. Serafini, G. Travish eds., (World Scientific Publishing Company, Singapore, 2004), pp. 262-269. 8. J.R. Boyce et al., “The Jefferson lab sub-picosecond x-ray program”, in Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, J. Duggan I. L. Morgan, M. Hall eds., AIP conference proceedings 680, p. 325 (2003). 9. A. Aksenov, et al, “Dubna electron synchrotron (DELSY). Phase I: free-electron laser”, conceptual design report ISBN 5-85165-683-2, Joint institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna Russia (2001). 10. R. Brinkmann, K. Flöttmann, J. Rossbach, P. Shmüser, N. Walker, and H. Weise (eds), “TESLA The superconducting electron-positron linear collider with an integrated X-ray laser laboratory (volume 2)”, Technical Design Report, ISBN 3935702-02-7 (2001) 11. J.S. Price et al, “5-MeV Mott polarimeter development at Jefferson Lab”, in Polarized Gas Targets and Polarized Beams, R. Hold ed., AIP Conference Proceedings 421 (AIP Woodbury, NY), pp. 446-450 (1997). 12. P. Piot, J.C. Denard, P. Adderley, K. Capek, E. Feldl, “High-current CW beam profile monitors using transition radiation at CEBAF”, Beam Instrumentation, A. Lumpkin and C. Eyberger eds., AIP Conference Proceedings 390 (AIP Woodbury, NY), pp. 298-305 (1996). 1. Piot Recommendation for Tenure & Promotion, Part I, page 7 III. Professional conferences/workshops publications (invited where indicated) C. Prokop, P. Piot, M.-C. Lin, P. Stoltz, “Start-to-end simulation of a compact terahertz Smith-Purcell free-electron laser”, to appear in the Proceedings of the 1st International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC10), 23-28 May 2010, Kyoto, Japan, pp. 2093-2095 (2010). 2. Y.-E Sun, P. Piot, A. Johnson, A. Lumpkin, J. Ruan, R. Thurman-Keup, “Experimental generation of longitudinally modulated electron beams using an emittance exchange technique”, to appear in the Proceedings of the 1st International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC10), 23-28 May 2010, Kyoto, Japan, pp. 4313-4315 (2010). 3. P. Piot, Y.-E Sun, M. Church, “Beam dynamics simulations of the NML photoinjector at Fermilab”, to appear in the Proceedings of the 1st International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC10), 23-28 May 2010, Kyoto, Japan, pp. 4316-4318 (2010). 4. A. S. Johnson, H. T. Edwards, T. W. Koeth, A. J. Lumpkin, P. Piot, J. Ruan, J.K. Santucci, Y.-E Sun, R. Thurman-Keup, “Demonstration of transverse-to-longitudinal emittance exchange at the Fermilab photoinjector”, to appear in the Proceedings of the 1st International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC10), 23-28 May 2010, Kyoto, Japan, pp 4614-4616 (2010). 5. Y.-E Sun, P. Piot, A. Johnson, A. Lumpkin, J. Ruan, R. Thurman-Keup, “Conversion of a transverse density modulation into a longitudinal phase space modulation using an emittance exchange technique”, to appear in the Proceedings of Workshop on the Physics and Applications of High-Brightness Electron Beams 2009 (HBEB09), Nov. 16-19, 2009, Maui HI; preprint available at arXiv:1003.3126v1 (2010). 6. C. Prokop, P. Piot, M.-C. Lin, P. Stoltz, “Numerical simulation of a compact terahertz Smith-Purcell free-electron laser”, to appear in the Proceedings of the 2009 International free-electron laser conference 2009, 23-28 August 2009, Liverpool UK (3 pages ,in press). 7. P. Piot, A. Bracke, V. Demir, C. Jing, T. J. Maxwell, J. G. Power, M. M. Rihaoui, “Longitudinal beam diagnostics for the ILC injectors and bunch compressors”, Proceedings of the 2009 Particle Accelerator Conference (3 pages, in press). 8. T. M. Maxwell, and P. Piot, “Proposal for a Non-Interceptive Spatio-Temporal Correlation Monitor”, Proceedings of the 2009 Particle Accelerator Conference (3 pages, in press). 9. M. M. Rihaoui, P. Piot, J. G. Power, D. Mihalcea and W. Gai, “Measurement and Simulation of Space Charge Effects in a Multi-Beam Electron Bunch from an RF Photoinjector”, Proceedings of the 2009 Particle Accelerator Conference (3 pages, in press). 10. M. M. Rihaoui, P. Piot, J. G. Power, D. Mihalcea and W. Gai, “Verification of the AWA Photoinjector Beam Parameters Required for a Transverse-to-Longitudinal Emittance Exchange Experiment”, Proceedings of the 2009 Particle Accelerator Conference (3 pages, in press). 11. M. M. Rihaoui, P. Piot, J. G. Power, and W. Gai, “Limiting Effects in the Transverse-to-Longitudinal Emittance Exchange Technique for Low Energy Relativistic Electron Beams”, Proceedings of the 2009 Particle Accelerator Conference (3 pages, in press). 12. S. Biedron and P. Piot, “Summary and highlights of the diagnostics working group” presented at 2nd Workshop on High Average Power and High Brightness Beams, Los Angeles, California, 14-16 Jan 2009. (9 pages, in press) 13. P. Piot, “Alternative lattice options for energy recovery in high-average-power highefficiency free-electron lasers” presented at 2nd Workshop on High Average Power and High Brightness Beams, Los Angeles, California, 14-16 Jan 2009. (5 pages, in press) 1. Piot Recommendation for Tenure & Promotion, Part I, page 8 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. P. Piot, D. Mihalcea, C. Hernandez-Garcia, S. Zhang, “Simulation of the upgraded injector for the 10 kW Jlab IR-FEL”, Proceedings of the 2008 International Linear Accelerator Conference (in press). Y.-E Sun and P. Piot, “Generation of femtosecond bunch trains using a longitudinalto-transverse phase space manipulation technique”, Proceedings of the 2008 International Linear Accelerator Conference (LINAC08), pp. 498-500 (2008). P. N. Ostroumov, K.-J. Kim and P. Piot, “Development of an ultra-low emittance injector for future X-ray FEL oscillators”, Proceedings of the 2008 International Linear Accelerator Conference (LINAC08), pp. 476-478 (2008). D. Mihalcea, and P. Piot, “Simulation of field-emission cathodes for high-current electron injectors”, Proceedings of the 2008 International Linear Accelerator Conference (LINAC08), pp. 652-654 (2008). D. Mihalcea, and P. Piot, “Analysis of halo formation in a DC photoinjector”, Proceedings of the 2008 International Linear Accelerator Conference (LINAC08), pp. 645-647 (2008). N. Vinogradov, P. Piot, C. Prokop, J. Lewellen, and J. Noonan, “Low energy photoemission electron source for applications in THz radiation production and timeresolved electron microscopy”, Proceedings of the 2008 International Linear Accelerator Conference (LINAC08), pp. 554-556 (2008). P. Piot, “Generation and Control of electron beams”, presented at the Advanced Accelerator Concepts workshop (AAC 2008), July 27-August 2, 2008, Santa-Cruz [9 pages, preprint-conf-08-345-APC available from Fermilab] (invited plenary talk). M. Rihaoui, W. Gai, P. Piot, J. G. Power and Y. Zukov, “Observation of transverse space charge effects in a multi-beamlet electron bunch produced in a photo-emission electron source”, presented at the Advanced Accelerator Concepts workshop (AAC 2008), July 27-August 2, 2008, Santa-Cruz [6 pages, preprint-conf-08-351APC available from Fermilab]. T. J. Maxwell, D. Mihalcea, P. Piot, “Diffraction effects in coherent transition radiation diagnostic for sub-mm bunch length measurement”, in Proceedings of the Beam Instrumentation Workshop 2008 (BIW'08), Lake Tahoe, CA, (4-8 May, 2008) [4 pages, in print]. R. Legg, W. Graves, T. Grimm, P. Piot, “Half wave injector design for Wisconsin free-electron laser”, in Proceedings of the 11th European Particle Accelerator Conference (EPAC’08), Magazzini del cotone, Genoa, Italy (23-27 June, 2008) [3 pages, in print]. M. Church, S. Nagaitsev, P. Piot, “Plans for a 750 MeV electron beam test facility at Fermilab”, in Proceedings of the 22nd Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC'07), Albuquerque, New Mexico, pp. 2942-2944 (2007). Y.-E Sun, J. G. Power, K.-J. Kim, P. Piot, M. M. Rihaoui,, “Design study of a tranverse-to-longitudinal emittance exchange proof-of-principle”, in Proceedings of the 22nd Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC'07), Albuquerque, New Mexico, pp. 3441-3443 (2007). T. J. Maxwell, C. L. Bohn, D. Mihalcea, P. Piot, “Vector diffraction theory and coherent transition radiation interferometry in electron linac”, in Proceedings of the 22nd Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC'07), Albuquerque, New Mexico, pp. 4015-4017 (2007). M. Rihaoui, C. L. Bohn, P. Piot, J. G. Power, “Impact of transverse irregularities at the photocathode on the production of high-charge electron bunches”, in Proceedings of the 22nd Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC'07), Albuquerque, New Mexico, pp. 4027-4029 (2007). J. G. Power, M. E. Conde, W. Gai, F. Gao, R. Konecny, W. Liu, Z. Yusof, P. Piot, M. Rihaoui, “Pepper-pot based emittance measurement of the AWA photoinjector”, in Proceedings of the 22nd Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC'07), Albuquerque, New Mexico, pp. 4393-4395 (2007). M. C. Thomson, H. Badakov, J. B. Rosenzweig, G. Travish, R. Fliller, G. M. Kazakevich, P. Piot, J. Santucci, “ Observation of underdense plasma lens focusing Piot Recommendation for Tenure & Promotion, Part I, page 9 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. of relativistic electron beams”, in Proceedings of the 22nd Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC'07), Albuquerque, New Mexico, pp. 1907-1909 (2007). N. Vinogradov, C. L. Bohn, P. Piot, J. W. Lewellen, J. R. Noonan, “Polarized pulsed beam source for electronic microscopy”, in Proceedings of the 22nd Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC'07), Albuquerque, New Mexico, pp. 3011-3013 (2007). J. Lewellen and P. Piot, “Summary of beam quality diagnostics and control working group”, in Proceedings of the 12th Advanced Accelerator Concepts Workshop (AAC 2006), Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, 10-15 Jul 2006, op. cit. under book chapters. R. Tikhoplav, G. Kazakevich, D. Mihalcea and P. Piot, “Manipulation of photocathode drive laser longitudinal profile”, in Proceedings of the 12th Advanced Accelerator Concepts Workshop (AAC 2006), Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, 10-15 Jul 2006, op. cit. under book chapters. M. C. Thomson, , H. Badakov, J. B. Rosenzweig, G. Travish, H. Edwards, R. Fliller, G. M. Kazakevich, P. Piot, J. Santucci, J. Li, R. Tikhoplav, “UCLA/FNPL underdense plasma lens experiment: Results and analysis”, in Proceedings of the 12th Advanced Accelerator Concepts Workshop (AAC 2006), Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, 10-15 Jul 2006, op. cit. under book chapters. D. Yu, Y. Luo, A. Smirnov, I. Bazanov, R. Fliller and P. Piot, “ A compact normalconducting polarized electron L-band photoinjector for the ILC”, in Proceedings of the International Linear Accelerator Conference (LINAC 06), Knoxville, Tennessee, 21-25 August 2006, pp. 376-378 (2006). P. Piot, Y.-E Sun and K.-J. Kim “Photoinjector production of a flat beam with emittance ratio of 100 ”, in Proceedings of the International Linear Accelerator Conference (LINAC 06), Knoxville, Tennessee, 21-25 August 2006, pp. 382-384 (2006). P. Piot, “Photoinjector R&D for future light sources and linear colliders”, in Proceedings of the International Linear Accelerator Conference (LINAC 06), Knoxville, Tennessee, 21-25 August 2006, pp 549-553 (2006) (invited plenary talk). D. Yu, Y. Luo, A. Smirnov, I. Bazarov, and P. Piot, “A polarized electron PWT photoinjector for the ILC”, in Proceedings of the Second ILC Workshop, Snowmass, Colorado, 14-27 August 2005, published in ECONF proceedings Num. C0508141:ILCAW0311, and SLAC report R-798, 5 pages (2005). P. Piot, “Alternate design for electron injectors” presented at the 2nd ILC accelerator Workshop, August 14-27, 2005, Snowmass CO (2005). T. Koeth, L. Bellantoni, H. Edwards, and P. Piot. “3.9 GHz Deflecting Cavity as a Bunch Length Diagnostics”, in Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on rf Superconductivity, Ithaca, New York (10-15 July 2005) D. Mihalcea, C.L. Bohn, U. Happek, P. Piot, “Longitudinal Electron Bunch Diagnostics Using Coherent Transition Radiation”, in Proceeding of the Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC 05), Knoxville, Tennessee, 16-20 May 2005, p. 4254-4256 (2005). P. Piot, H. Edwards, M. Huning, J. Li, R. Tikhoplav, T. Koeth, “Upgrade of FERMILAB/NICADD photoinjector laboratory”, in Proceedings of the Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC 05), Knoxville, Tennessee, 16-20 May 2005, p. 2848-2850 (2005). P. Piot, M. Dohlus, K. Flottmann, M. Marx, S.G. Wipf “Steering and focusing e_ects in TESLA cavity due to high order mode and input couplers”, in Proceeding of the Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC 05), Knoxville, Tennessee, 16-20 May 2005, p. 4135-4137 (2005). M.C. Thompson, H. Badakov, J.B. Rosenzweig, G. Travish, H. Edwards, R.P. Fliller, G.M. Kazakevich, P. Piot, J.K. Santucci, J.L. Li, R. Tikhoplav, “The UCLA/FNPL time resolved underdense plasma lens experiment”, in Proceeding of the Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC 05), Knoxville, Tennessee, 16-20 May 2005, p. 3013-3015 (2005). Piot Recommendation for Tenure & Promotion, Part I, page 10 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. J. Li, R. Tikhoplav, P. Piot, A. Melissinos, “Production of transverse controllable laser density distribution at the FERMILAB/NICADD photoinjector”, in Proceeding of the Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC 05), Knoxville, Tennessee, 16-20 May 2005, pp. 2783-2785 (2005). P. Piot, R. Tikhoplav, A.C. Melissinos, “Simulation of the laser acceleration experiment at the FERMILAB/NICADD photoinjector laboratory”, Proceeding of the Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC 05), Knoxville, Tennessee, 16-20 May 2005, pp. 2503-2505 (2005). Y.-E Sun, K.-J. Kim, P. Piot, “Effects on flat-beam generation from space-charge forces and beamline errors”, Proceeding of the Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC 05), Knoxville, Tennessee, 16-20 May 2005, pp. 3774-3776 (2005). P. Piot, “diagnostics and synchronization (emphasis on ERL)”, presented at the International Committee for Future Accelerator (ICFA) workshop on “energy recovery linac 2005 (ERL 2005)”, March 20-23, 2005, Newport News VA (2005). (invited plenary session) P. Piot, “longitudinal phase space manipulation at high and medium energy”, presented at the International Committee for Future Accelerator (ICFA) workshop on “energy recovery linac 2005 (ERL 2005)”, March 20-23, 2005, Newport News VA (2005). P. Piot, “generation of angular-momentum-dominated (magnetized) electron beams in a photo-injector”, presented at the International Committee for Future Accelerator (ICFA) workshop on “energy recovery linac 2005 (ERL 2005)”, March 20-23, 2005, Newport News VA (2005). P. Piot “Alternate design for electron injectors”, 1 st ILC Workshop, November 1315, 2004, KEK-laboratory, Tsukuba, Japan (2004). P. Piot, “RF-photoinjector for the ILC”, International Linear Collider (ILC) North America workshop, October 14-16, 2004, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Menlo Park, CA (2004). Y.-E Sun, K.-J. Kim, P. Piot, “Limiting effects in the round-to-flat beam transformation”, in Proceedings of the 22nd International Linear Accelerator Conference (LINAC 2004), Lubeck, Germany, 16-20 Aug 2004, pp. 150-152 (2004). Y.-E Sun, K.-J. Kim, P. Piot, H. Edwards, K. Desler, M. Huening, J. Santucci, J. Wennerberg, N. Barov, R. Tikhoplav, S Lidia, “Progress report on the flat beam experiment at Fermilab/NICADD photoinjector laboratory”, in Proceedings of the 22nd International Linear Accelerator Conference (LINAC 2004), Lubeck, Germany, 16-20 Aug 2004, pp. 378-380 (2004). P. Piot, “State-of-art electron bunch compression, in Proceedings of the 22nd International Linear Accelerator Conference (LINAC 2004), Lubeck, Germany, 16-20 Aug 2004, p. 528-530 (2004) (invited plenary talk). R. Tikhoplav, A.C. Melissinos, P. Piot, N. Barov, D. Mihalcea, “Investigation of the longitudinal beam dynamics in a photoinjector using a two-macroparticle model”, in Proceedings of the 22nd International Linear Accelerator Conference (LINAC 2004), Lubeck, Germany, 16-20 Aug 2004, pp. 147-149 (2004). M.C Thompson, J.B Rosenzweig, G. Travish, N. Barov, H. Edwards, P. Piot, J. Santucci, R. Tikhoplav, “Status of the UCLA/NICADD Plasma Density Transition Trapping Experiment, in Proceedings of 11th Advanced Accelerator Concept Workshop (AAC 2004), StonyBrook, NY-USA 21-26 Jun 2004, AIP conference proceedings 737, pp 440-442 (2004). P. Piot, G.W. Foster, “An electron front end for the Fermilab 8 GeV multi-species linac”, in Proceeding of the European Particle Accelerator Conference 2004, Lucerne Switzerland, p. 809 (2004). P. Piot, “Review of experiments on bright electron beam production”, ANL Theory Institute on Production of Bright Electron Beams, September 22-26, 2003, Argonne, IL (invited plenary talk). Piot Recommendation for Tenure & Promotion, Part I, page 11 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. Y. Sun, K.-J. Kim, P. Piot, K. Desler, D. Edwards, H. Edwards, M. Huening, J. Santucci, N. Barov, D. Mihalcea, R. Tikhoplav, S. Lidia, S.-H. Wang, “Angular Momentum Measurement of the FNPL Electron Beam, in Proceedings of the 2003 Particle Accelerator Conference, Joe Chew, Peter Lucas, & Sara Webber, Editors, IEEE Publishing, Piscataway, New Jersey, 2003, pp. 2682-2684 (2003). J.R. Boyce et al., “The Jefferson lab sub-picosecond x-ray program”, in Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry (CAARI 2002), Denton, Texas, 12-16 Nov 2002, published in AIP conference proceedings 680, p. 325 (2003). P. Piot, “ Simulation of the Linac Coherent Light Source magnetic bunch compressor using DESY’s numerical simulations”, presented at the ICFA future light source mini-workshop on start-to-end simulations for X-rays free-electron lasers , August 18-22, 2003, Zeuthen-Berlin, Germany (invited plenary talk). J.R. Boyce et al., “The Jefferson lab sub-picosecond x-ray program”, in Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry (CAARI 2002), Denton, Texas, 12-16 Nov 2002, published in AIP conference proceedings 680, p. 325 (2003). P. Piot, “ Review of experimental results on high-brightness photo-emission electron sources”, in Proceedings of the Joint ICFA Advanced Accelerator and Beam Dynamics Workshop on the Physics and Applications of High Brightness Electron Beams, Sardinia, Italy, 2002, op. cit. under book chapters. (invited plenary talk). P. Piot, “ Velocity bunching”, in Proceedings of the Joint ICFA Advanced Accelerator and Beam Dynamics Workshop on the Physics and Applications of High Brightness Electron Beams, Sardinia, Italy, 2002, op. cit. under book chapters. P. Piot, “The Tesla Test Facility FEL: Its present status and future as a user facility”, Proceedings of the XIV Russian Synchrotron Radiation Conference SR2002. Novosibirsk, Russia, July 15-19, 2002, available as report DESY-TESLA-FEL2002-08 (2002) (invited plenary talk). K. Flöttmann and P. Piot, “An upgraded photoinjector for the TTF user facility”, in Proceedings of 8th European Particle Accelerator Conference (EPAC 2002), Paris, France, 3-7 June 2002, pp. 1798-2000 (2002). T. Limberg, P. Piot and F. Stulle, “Design and performance simulation of the TTFFEL II bunch compressor”, in Proceedings of 8th European Particle Accelerator Conference (EPAC 2002), Paris, France, 3-7 June 2002, pp. 811-813 (2002). S. Schreiber, J.-P. Carneiro, C. Gerth, K. Honkavaara, M. Huning, P. Piot, E. Schneidemiller and M. Yurkov, “Improved operation of the TTF photoinjector for FEL operation”, in Proceedings of 8th European Particle Accelerator Conference (EPAC 2002), Paris, France, 3-7 June 2002, pp. 1804-1806 (2002). T. Limberg, P. Piot and F. Stulle, “Numerical Investigation of coherent synchrotron radiation driven instability in magnetic bunch compressors”, in Proceedings of 8th European Particle Accelerator Conference (EPAC 2002), Paris, France, 3-7 June 2002, pp. 1544-1546 (2002). J.-P. Carneiro, K. Flottmann, P. Piot, N. Barov, K. Desler, D. Edwards, M. Ferrario, “Study of a magnetic chicane at the FNAL/NICADD photoinjector using remote operation from DESY”, in Proceedings of 8th European Particle Accelerator Conference (EPAC 2002), Paris, France, 3-7 June 2002, p. 1759-1761 (2002). P. Piot, “Trafic4 Simulation of CSR for the benchmark examples” presented at the International committee for future accelerator (ICFA) beam dynamics workshop on “coherent synchrotron and its impact on the beam dynamics of electron bunch (CSR2002)”, January 14-18, 2002, Zeuthen, Germany (2002). P. Piot, “Coherent Synchrotron Radiation studies at the TESLA Test Facility” presented at the International committee for future accelerator (ICFA) beam dynamics workshop on “coherent synchrotron and its impact on the beam dynamics of electron bunch (CSR2002)”, January 14-18, 2002, Zeuthen, Germany (2002). Piot Recommendation for Tenure & Promotion, Part I, page 12 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. P. Piot, S. Schreiber, D. Sertore, K. Flottmann, A. Cianchi, L. Catani, “Emittance measurements at the TTF photoinjector”, in Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC 2001), Chicago, Illinois, 18-22 June 2001, pp. 86-88 (2001). T. Limberg and P. Piot, “Integrated modeling of the TESLA X-ray free-electron laser”, in Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC 2001), Chicago, Illinois, 18-22 June 2001, pp. 2722-2724 (2001). K. Honkavaara, P. Piot, S Schreiber, D. Sertore, “Bunch length measurements at the TESLA test facility using a streak camera”, in Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC 2001), Chicago, Illinois, 18-22 Jun 2001, pp. 23412343 (2001). K. Flöttmann, P. Piot, M. Ferrario, B. Grigorian, “The TESLA X-FEL injector”, Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC 2001), Chicago, Illinois, 18-22 Jun 2001, p. 2236-2238 (2001). T. Limberg and P. Piot, “Longitudinal phase space disruption in magnetic bunch compressors”, in Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on HighEnergy Accelerators (HEACC 2001), Tsukuba, Japan, 26-30 Mar 2001. P. Piot, et al., “Emittance and Energy Spread Studies in the Jefferson Lab Freeelectron Laser”, in Proceedings of 7th European Particle Accelerator Conference (EPAC 2000), Vienna, Austria, 26-30 June 2000, pp. 1546-1548 (2000) P. Piot, D.R. Douglas, G.A. Krafft, “Study of the energy compression scheme to energy-recover an electron beam in the presence of an FEL interaction”, in Proceedings of 7th European Particle Accelerator Conference (EPAC 2000), Vienna, Austria, 26-30 June 2000, pp. 1543-1545 (2000). C.L. Bohn et al., “Performance of the accelerator driver of Jefferson laboratory’s free-electron laser”, in Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC 99), New York, NY, 29 Mar- 2 Apr 1999, pp. 2456-2458 (2000). S. Benson et al., “First results on energy recovery in the Jefferson lab IRFEL”, in Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC 99), New York, NY, 29 Mar- 2 Apr 1999, pp. 2450-2452 (1999). P. Piot, G.A. Krafft, K. Jordan, A. Grippo, J. Song , “Performance of the electron beam diagnostics at the Jefferson lab’s high power free-electron laser”, in Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC 99), New York, NY, 29 Mar- 2 Apr 1999, pp. 2229-2231 (1999). P. Piot, “Bunch length measurement using coherent transition radiation”, presented at the 17th advanced beam dynamics workshop on future light source, Argonne, IL, April 6-9, 1999 [organized by the International committee for future accelerator (ICFA)]. P. Piot, G. Krafft, R. Li, J. Song,“ Real-time transverse emittance diagnostics”, in Proceedings of the 19th International Linear Accelerator Conference (Linac 98), Chicago, Illinois, 23-28 August 1998; Argonne National Laboratory Report No. ANL-98/28, 1998), pp. 684-688 (1998) (invited plenary talk) G.A. Krafft, P. Piot, K. Jordan, J. Song, U. Happek, M. James, “Measuring and characterizing ultrashort bunches in the Jefferson lab free-electron laser”, in Proceedings of the 6th European Particle Accelerator Conference (EPAC 98), Stockholm, Sweden, 22-26 Jun 1998, pp. 1580-1582 (1998). P. Piot and G.A. Krafft, “Transverse rf-focusing in Jefferson lab superconducting cavities”, in Proceedings of the 6th European Particle Accelerator Conference (EPAC 98), Stockholm, Sweden, 22-26 Jun 1998, pp. 1327-1329 (1998). G.A. Krafft, K. Jordan, D. Kehne, S. Benson, J. Denard, E. Feldl, P. Piot, J. Song, R. Ursic, “Electron beam diagnostics for Jefferson’s lab high power free-electron laser”, in Proceedings of the 17th IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC 97): Accelerator Science, Technology and Applications, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 12-16 May 1997, pp. 912 -914(1997). P. Piot, et al., “A multislit transverse diagnostics for space-charge-dominated electron beam”, in Proceedings of the 17th IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference Piot Recommendation for Tenure & Promotion, Part I, page 13 89. 90. 91. IV. (PAC 97): Accelerator Science, Technology and Applications, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 12-16 May 1997, pp. 2204-2206 (1997). J.-C. Denard, et al., “High power beam profile monitor with optical transition radiation”, in Proceedings of the 17th IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC 97): Accelerator Science,Technology and Applications, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 12-16 May 1997, pp. 2198-2200 (1997). J.S. Price et al, “5-MeV Mott polarimeter development at Jefferson Lab”, in AIP conference Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Polarized Gas Targets and Polarized Beams, Urbana, IL, 18-22 Aug 1997, op. cit. under book chapters. P. Piot, J.C. Denard, P. Adderley, K. Capek, E. Feldl, “High-current CW beam profile monitors using transition radiation at CEBAF”, in AIP conference proceedings of the 7th Beam Instrumentation Workshop (BIW 96), Argonne, IL, 6-9 May 1996, op. cit. under book chapters. Technical reports and preprints T. Maxwell, P. Piot, J. Ruan, A. Lumpkin, J. Santucci, “Temporal jitter studies at the A0 photoinjector”, Fermilab report Beams-doc-3396-v1 (2009). 2. P. Piot, “Analysis of beam-based measurement of absolute phase jitter between an accelerating structure and a relativistic electron bunch”, Fermilab report Beams-doc3335-v1 (2009) 3. R. Legg, W. Graves, T. Grimm and P. Piot, “Design of an Injector based on a halfwave superconducting rf electron gun”, Technical Note TN-222, University of Wisconsin -- Synchrotron Radiation Center (2007). 4. G. Kazakevich, H. Edwards, R. Fliller, V. Lebedev, S. Nagaitsev, P. Piot, J. Li, R. Tikhoplav, “Optical transition radiation interferometry at the Fermillab/NICADD photoinjector laboratory”, Fermilab preprint FERMILAB-PUB-07-055-AD (2007). 5. H. Shang, Y.-E Sun, P. Piot, M. Borland, “Multi-object geneticOptimizer and its Application “, report OAG-2007-028, Argonne National Laboratory (2007). 6. P. Piot (Editor), Proceedings of the mini-workshop on Possible Advanced Accelerator R&D Direction at the ILC Test Accelerator (NML) at Fermilab”, Fermilab report Beams-doc-2595-v2 (2006) 7. P. Piot, “Longitudinal phase space manipulation at medium and high energies: application to energy recovery linacs”, report FERMILAB-TM-2325-AD (2005). 8. P. Piot, W. Decking, “A Modified post damping ring bunch compressor beamline for the TESLA linear collider”, report FERMILAB-TM-2335-AD (2004). 9. P. Piot, “Evaluation and correction of nonlinear effect in FNPL beam position monitors”, Fermilab report Beams-doc-1894-v1 (2005). 10. P. Piot, Y.-E Sun, “Improved emittance measurement system for the flat-beam experiment at FNPL”, Fermilab report Beams-doc-1870-v1 (2005). 11. P. Piot, Y.-E Sun, “Note on the transfer matrix measurement of a TESLA cavity (preliminary results)”, Fermilab report Beams-doc-1521-v1 (2005). 12. Y.-E Sun, K.-J. Kim, P. Piot, “Chromatic effects in the round to flat beam transformation”, Fermilab report Beams-doc-1355-v1 (2004). 13. P. Piot, Y.-E. Sun, “Optical setup for the digital camera system at FNPL”, Fermilab report Beams-doc-1346-v1 (2004). 14. P. Piot, Y.-E. Sun, “Summary of angular momentum dominated beam experiment (April and May 2004)”, Fermilab report Beams-doc-1254-v1 (2004). 15. P. Piot, N. Barov and Y.-E Sun, “Notes on beam energy measurements at FNPL”, Fermilab report Beams-doc-1132-v1 (2004). 16. M. Ferrario, K. Flottmann, B. Grygorian, and P. Piot, “Conceptual design of the XFEL photoinjector”, DESY report TESLA-FEL 2001-03 (2001). 17. K. Floettman, T. Limberg and P. Piot, “Generation of ultra-short electron bunch by cancellation of nonlinear distortion in the longitudinal phase-space”, DESY report TESLA-FEL 2001-06 (2001). 1. Piot Recommendation for Tenure & Promotion, Part I, page 14 V. Some of the Recent Presentations (additional talks given since joining NIU in August 2005; I generally give a few seminar/talks a year and do not keep track of them): 1. Jefferson National Accelerator Laboratory, Newport News VA, TAWG meeting, April 24th, 2009 “R&D on high brightness electron beam at NIU: present and future efforts”. 2. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Microbuching instability meeting, October 6th, 2008, “Beam dynamics ‘transfer function’ of photoinjectors” 3. University of Wisconsin-Madison, Synchrotron Radiation Center, Wisconsin FreeElectron Laser (WIFEL) mini-workshop, August 15, 2008, “Longitudinal charge density measurements of intense electron beams”. 4. Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, IL, Fermilab external Accelerator Advisory Committee, April 2008, “Advanced Accelerator Physics R&D at the A0 photoinjector and beyond”. 5. Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne IL, High Energy Physics Lunch Seminar, Dec. 18th, 2007, “The ANL-NIU beam physics center”. 6. Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, IL, November 13 th, 2007, Project X- Workshop, “Electron beam in the =1 linac: preliminary study of an e- source at a 1 GeV location”. 7. Jefferson National Accelerator Laboratory, Newport News VA, Center for Advancement in Accelerator Science (CASA) Seminar, Oct. 15 th, 2007 “Phase Space Manipulation of electron beams between two degree-of-freedom & applications”. 8. Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL, Department of Physics Colloquium, October 17th, 2007, “(Some more) Beam & Accelerator Physics Research at NIU: Production, Diagnostics and Applications of High Brightness Electron Beams”. 9. Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, IL, Accelerator Physics Seminar, January 2007, “Possible Advanced Accelerator R&D at the ILC test accelerator”. 10. Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, IL, DOE review committee, February 2006, “Advanced Accelerator Physics R&D at Fermilab”. C. Grants, Fellowship, and Leave of Absence: 1. Principle Investigator, “Beam Dynamics of High-Brightness Electron Beams and phase space manipulations: Theories, Simulations, and Experiments”, renewal proposal to Department of Energy, requested 300 k$ spread over 3 years (pending). 2. Sub-contractor, “NFS Science and Technology Center on Compact Ultra-bright and Intense X-ray sources (CUBIX)", submitted by MIT, May 2010 (pending, the proposal was previously submitted as an NSF Science & Technology center and was along the 11 proposals selected for site review but was denied funding in the last step of the selection process). If funded NIU will get 1.5 M$ over 5 years (pending). 3. Principal Investigator, “NIU@FNAL Source Development Laboratory: An Expression of Interest for the formation of a Collaborative Laboratory for Beam and Laser Physics Research toward the Generation, Acceleration and Manipulation of Bright Beams”, request for space and hardware that will be decommissioned at Fermilab along with technical and safety support from Fermilab. The Fermilab directorate welcomed our expression of interest and is currently considering the proposal as part of the Illinois Accelerator Center (sponsored by the State of Illinois). This proposal includes participants from NIU electrical engineering and biochemistry departments along with Fermilab scientists (pending). 4. Principal Investigator “Experimental & Numerical Investigation of Compact Dielectric Wakefield Accelerators", Defense Threat Reduction Agency, Grant HDTRA1-10-1-0051, 590 k$ spread over 3 years, awarded April 2010. 5. Principal Investigator, “Beam dynamics studies for the Matter-Radiation Interaction at Extreme (MARIE) proposal at Los Alamos”, Los Alamos National Accelerator Laboratory, 36 k$/year to sponsor a graduate student, 36 k$ for 1 year, awarded July 2010. Piot Recommendation for Tenure & Promotion, Part I, page 15 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Principal Investigator, “Recovery ACT: High performance computing in support of Nonlinear Dynamics and phase space manipulations of High-Brightness Electron Beams", 50 k$ awaiting funds, awarded August 2009. Principal Investigator, “Study of high current electron beam propagation through the Argonne Wakefield Accelerator facility”, Argonne National Laboratory, 104 k$ spread over 12 months, awarded, July 2009. Principal Investigator, “Titanium Sapphire laser Oscillator system for a high brightness electron source: Development of Beam Diagnostics for High-AveragePower Free-Electron Lasers”, Office of Naval Research, 133 k$, awarded, 04/2008. Principal Investigator, “Beam Dynamics of High-Brightness Electron Beams and phase space manipulations: Theories, Simulations, and Experiments”, Department of Energy Grant No. DE-FG02-04ER41323, 300 k$ spread over 3 years starting 02/2008, awarded December. 2007. Co-Principal Investigator, (Principal Investigator was Ajunct Prof. John Lewellen due to my non US permanent residency status) “Mitigating the Influence of Space Charge in High-Average-Power Free-Electron Lasers: Phase II”, Office of Naval Research, 415 k$ spread over 2 years, awarded April 2007. Co-Principal Investigator, (Principe Investigator was Dr. C. L. Bohn) “Turn-Key Klystron Radiofrequency System for High-Brightness Electron Guns: Facilitating the Development and Operation of High-Average-Power Free-Electron Lasers”, Office of Naval Research, 323 k$ spread over 1 year, awarded Aug. 2007. Principal Investigator, “Nonlinear Dynamics of High-Brightness Electron Beams and Beam-Plasma Interactions: Theories, Simulations, and Experiments”, Department of Energy Grant No. DE-FG02-04ER41323, supplemental funds requests 40 k$ for six months, awarded on 07/2007. Principal Investigator, “Optimization of a laser-wakefield accelerator operating in the Bubble regime”, Argonne national Laboratory, 98 k$, spread over 1 year, awarded March 2007. Principal Investigator, “Longitudinal phase space monitors for the International Linear Collider Injectors and Bunch Compressors”, Department of Energy Grant No. DE-FG02-04ER41323, 109 k$ spread over 2 years, awarded Aug. 2006. Teaching and Related Activities A. Reflective Statement on Teaching and Learning While I have been extremely active in the forefront of my research area, I have considered teaching to be my top priority. I truly enjoyed my teaching assignments at NIU which include both the undergraduate and graduate courses. In constructing a new course, I spend a lot of time writing lecture notes from scratch several months ahead of time. Based on the topics I want to cover, a text book is chosen to aid the teaching/learning experience based on its contents and level of difficulties. Meanwhile in my lecture notes, I pay attention to cross-reference other materials. This cross referencing is an important feature because it provides the various approaches for the same concept, which I consider to be one of the key ingredients in learning and retaining new material. Cross referencing also establishes links between diverse topics. I also consider myself a guide for the student to link the textbook knowledge to its practical applications as well as the current research forefront. To serve this purpose, I personalize the course by devising particular examples in my lectures as well as including material from my own research field. I set up a website for each course I taught and update it frequently during the course. The web site includes a very detailed course syllabus which includes links to the handout materials, home works and the power point slides for each lecture. This turns out to be very effective to help the student to appreciate the course structure, to capture the emphasis of each lecture and in the end, to better meet course objectives. Furthermore, to encourage students coming to the class prepared, I always give them a copy of my lecture Piot Recommendation for Tenure & Promotion, Part I, page 16 notes prior to each lecture. During the class I derive on the blackboard all the key points discussed in the lecture notes instead of only relying on my powerpoint slides. I believe this teaching approach allows the necessary time needed for the students to understand, to question and to discuss the material, which results in a higher level of student participation. I usually reserve a couple of lecture slots for discussion or review especially prior to exams, this gives the students an opportunity to review the knowledge they have learned and make connections between the different lectures. I believe well designed homework problems are crucial for effective learning. For each lecture, I assign the homework that invites the student to apply the material presented in the lecture as well as to further explore related topics. I welcome students discussing homework among them or using other material provided any help they got is properly acknowledged or cited in the homework. I see this as the way for students to do their own research. I am approachable during the fixed office hours, but I also welcome student to walk in to my office anytime should they need any extra help. The examination checks the student’s understanding on the most important material lectured in the class. Normally, I will tell my students what topics the exams will cover to help them emphasizing on key principles and applications. I usually grade my exam promptly. The course grade is assigned to each student fairly based on the student’s performance on homework, midterm and final exams, as made known to the student from day one of the course. B. Teaching Responsibilities: 1. Courses taught since initial appointment to NIU: i. Fall 2010 (scheduled) – PHYS253: Fundamentals of Physics I: Mechanics ii. Fall 2010 (scheduled) – PHYS671: Electrodynamics Theory II iii. Fall 2009 – PHYS671: Electrodynamics Theory II iv. Fall 2008 – PHYS 671, Electrodynamics Theory II v. Fall 2008 – PHYS 630, Advanced Optics vi. Summer 2008 – PHYS 599, Master’s thesis: Table-top Terahertz light source vii. Summer 2008 – PHYS 699, PhD thesis: Charged-particle beam manipulations viii. Summer 2008 – PHYS 699, PhD thesis: Charged-particle beam diagnostics ix. Spring 2008 – PHYS 375, Laboratory Electronics x. Fall 2007 – PHYS 571, Electrodynamics Theory II xi. Fall 2007 – PHYS 559, Special Problem in Physics: Electron source for a high energy physics linear collider xii. Summer 2007 – PHYS 599, Master’s thesis: Space-charge-dominated beams xiii. Summer 2007 – PHYS 599, Master’s thesis: Coherent transition radiation xiv. Spring 2007 – Laboratory Electronics I xv. Spring 2007 – PHYS 599, Master’s thesis: Coherent transition radiation xvi. Spring 2007 – PHYS 599, Master’s thesis: Space-charge-dominated beams xvii. Fall 2006 – PHYS 571, Electrodynamics Theory II xviii. Fall 2006 – PHYS 599, Master’s thesis: Coherent transition radiation xix. Fall 2006 – PHYS 599, Master’s thesis: Space-charge-dominated beams xx. Spring 2006 – PHYS 690, Beam Physics xxi. Fall 2005 – PHYS 571, Electrodynamics Theory II 2. 3. Average number of courses taught per semester: 1 (averaged department is 1.5/year for fulltime faculty – I am joint appointee with Fermilab). Off-campus on-load teaching responsibilities: none C. Direction of Thesis and Dissertations or equivalents; Service on Thesis or Dissertation 1. Directing, Ph.D research of Mohamed Radwan (expected 2013) 2. Directing, Ph.D research of Chris Prokop (expected 2012) 3. Directing, Ph.D research of Tim Maxwell (expected 2011) Piot Recommendation for Tenure & Promotion, Part I, page 17 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Directing, Ph.D research of Marwan Rihaoui (expected 2011) Member, and Director, Masters Thesis Committee for Chris Prokop Dean’s Designee, Ph.D Dissertation for R. Rakers (Department of Chemistry), July 2008 Member, Masters Thesis Committee for Benjamin Sprague, July 2008 Member, Ph.D Dissertation Committee for Voltaire Teodorescu, May 2008 Member and Director, Masters Thesis Committee Timothy Maxwell, August 2007 Member, Masters Thesis Committee for Edward Nissen, June 2007 Member, Ph.D Dissertation Committee for Sergei Uzunyan, June 2007 Member and Director, Masters Thesis Committee for Marwan Rihaoui, May 2007 Member, Masters Thesis Committee for Shafaq Moten, May 2007 Member, Ph.D Dissertation Committee for Rodion Tikhoplav (U. of Rochester), April 2006 D. Evidence of Effective Teaching As the teacher, I structure the classroom as a positive learning environment. While my students are diverse in their abilities as well as cultures, I encourage each individual to actively engage in the learning and discussion both inside and outside the classrooms. I observe the facial reactions of the students while lecturing: sometimes I repeat or try to explain in different words, sometimes I pause and encourage the student to question. A lot of one-to-one discussions usually occurs outside the classroom to achieve a better learning experience for some students. In the end, the assessment in the form of course grades which are based on homework and two exams are given. Attached is a typical example of a graded homework assignment for PHYS 690C (along with the graded homework, the students get a copy of my detailed solutions, of which an example is also attached). A student with average talent could get a “A” if he is an extremely hardworking person. I encourage students to work hard and treat each one fairly based on their work. My comments on the homework illustrate the corrective and coaching technique I apply. I have also attached the syllabi of the courses I have taught at NIU. They illustrate my planning and attention to detail. E. Professional Development I develop from scratch the course I teach at NIU. I incorporate in the curriculum example from my own research. My view of graduate-level courses is that, in part, they should bring a student to the point he/she should grasp why topics associated to the courses are of interest and thereby provide a foundation in delving into new areas. As a mentor of graduate students, I take pride in educating young scientific researcher in my field. I see it as my duty to introduce my students into the field, and help them to build both the scientific career and the relationship with other scientists. I do believe in strong collaboration with national laboratories and external research institute and therefore encourage my students to “look around” for opportunities and try new things. I have placed one of my graduate students, Marwan Rihaoui, at the Argonne Wakefield Facility in Argonne national laboratory. Although Marwan has an average class grades in the Physics Department, he is an extremely motivated and enthusiastic person. Marwan’s experience in Argonne has been extremely valuable: he is now fully integrated in a world-class accelerator team working at on forefront topics. He recently presented his work at the Advanced Workshop Accelerator and won the first price poster presentation with monetary award and was invited to give a plenary session talk in front of more than two hundred peoples before the closeout of the workshop. I encouraged another graduate student, Timothy Maxwell, to draft a proposal for the Eastern Pacific exchange program of the National Science Foundation in collaboration with a colleague from University of Tokyo. Tim was awarded a grant that covers his expense to spend two months as a guest visitor in the Nuclear Engineering & Research Laboratory of University of Tokyo visiting one of the most prominent beam Piot Recommendation for Tenure & Promotion, Part I, page 18 physics group. I am proud of Tim’s success: it will be a unique lifetime experience but most importantly it will motivate other NIU students to follow similar opportunities. Tim will eventually integrate into the group I am leading at Fermilab and I expect him to play a key role in a planed experiment as part of his PhD research. On average I have sent my students to, at least, one conference or workshop (with international visibility) per year thereby giving them an opportunity to see the state-of-the-art work in the field and most importantly to build connections with prospective employers. I anticipate both Marwan and Timothy to find postdoctoral positions in world-class research institutes either in US or abroad. This visibility is building NIU’s reputation in the field: within the couple of years, several of my colleagues (looking for postdocs) inquired whether any of my students were about to graduate. Professional Service A. Professionally Significant achievements: 1. Recent services to the beam physics & accelerator technology community include: i. Member, Peoples fellowship committee, Fermilab (see details on the peoples fellowship at, since November 2009. ii. Chair, “Electron source” Working Group for the High-Brightness Electron Beam Workshop, Maui, HI, Nov 13-19, 2009. iii. Member, Organizing committee, Workshop on Applications of High Intensity Proton Accelerators, October 19-21, 2009 – Fermilab, Batavia, IL. iv. Co-chair, “NML session” at the workshop on Future direction for Accelerator R&D at Fermilab, May 11-13, 2009 – Lake Geneva, WI v. Member, Scientific Committee, International Free-electron laser conferences, 2009 (Edimburg UK), 2010 (Malmö, Sweden). vi. Member, Scientific Committee, “Workshop on X-ray FEL R&D”, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, October 23-25, 2008 vii. External evaluator, Argonne accelerator proposals to the "Large Scale Science User Facility Development" Strategic Initiative Area (2008) viii. Chair and Organizer, “Possible directions for Advanced Accelerator R&D at the Fermilab ILC test accelerator” mini-workshop (Fermilab, November 28th, 2006) ix. Convenor, “Charged-Particle Sources, Diagnostics and Controls” Working Group at the Advanced Accelerator Concepts (AAC 2006) Workshop (Lake Geneva, WI 07/2006). x. Convenor, “Electron & Positron Sources” Working Group for the International Linear Collider Workshop (Snowmass Co, 08/2005) xi. Member, Fermilab Accelerator Division Post-Doctorate Selection Committee (2003-2005). xii. Spokesperson, FNAL/NICADD Photoinjector Laboratory (FNAL experiment E886) (2003-2005). xiii. Convenor, Space Charge session at the International Committee for Future Accelerator (ICFA) Workshop on “Start-to-End Simulations for X-Ray FreeElectron Lasers” (08/2003). xiv. Member, Fermilab Long-Range R&D Planning Committee (2003). xv. Chair, Organizing Committee of the International Committee for Future Accelerator (ICFA) Workshop on “Coherent Synchrotron Radiation and Its Impact on the Dynamics of High-Brightness Electron Beams” (01/2002) 2. Routinely referees for the following scholarly journals i. Physical Review Letters ii. Physical Review Special Topics, Accelerator and Beams iii. Nuclear Instrument and Methods of Physics Research 3. Routinely review proposals for: i. U. S. Department of Energy, Office of High Energy Advanced Accelerator Technology R&D Piot Recommendation for Tenure & Promotion, Part I, page 19 ii. U. S. Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Science. B. Institutional Service: 1. Routinely contributes toward authoring and grading PhD.-candidacy exams for the Department of Physics 2. Organized a search for a research associate in optics (no suitable candidate found) 3. Co-chair of the search committee for a NIU/Fermilab faculty position in Beam Physics (not yet filled search in progress) 4. Member, University Laser Safety Committee, since January 2007 5. Deputy Director, Northern Illinois Center for Accelerator and Detector Development, since June 2007 6. Member, Department of Physics Graduate Curriculum Committee, since August 2005 C. Public Service 1. Took part to the Northern Illinois University “major fair” in fall 2006 and 2007 Piot Recommendation for Tenure & Promotion, Part I, page 20 Attachments: Example of corrected copy for a graduate course I taught (690C – Special Topics in Modern Physics: Introduction to Beam Physics) Syllabi of three classes taught at NIU o PHYS671 (formally PHYS571) o PHYS375 o PHYS690C Letter from the Director of the Linear Collider group at Stanford University inviting me to serve as “area” manager for co-leading the design of the International Linear Collider (ILC) electron source. The ILC collaboration includes more than 2000 people and the six “accelerator areas” are coordinated by 20 people worldwide. I unfortunately had to decline the invitation since I felt it would have strongly impacted my teaching and research activities at Northern Illinois University. A referee history since I joined Northern Illinois University from Physical Review showing my regular activity as a referee for Physical Review Letter and Physical Review Special Topics Accelerator and Beams. An organization chart of the Fermilab Accelerator Physics Center organization chart showing my role as group leader of the experimental advanced accelerator group (about 7 FTE/visitors are members of this group). A letter from Dr. Roger Dixon, Director of the Fermilab’s Accelerator Division confirming my activities as interviewer and reviewer of postdoctoral applications to openings in the Accelerator Division. Piot Recommendation for Tenure & Promotion, Part I, page 21