Grade 6, Social Studies, Early Civilizations … 2014 6.2 World History/Global Studies All students will acquire the knowledge and skills to think analytically and systematically about how past interactions of people, cultures, and the environment affect issues across time and cultures. Such knowledge and skills enable students to make informed decisions as socially and ethically responsible world citizens in the 21st century. A. Civics, Government, and Human Rights B. Geography, People, and the Environment C. Economics, Innovation, and Technology D. History, Culture, and Perspectives Essential Questions How does geography affect civilizations? Enduring Understandings The availability of resources, favorable climate and favorable physical geography allowed the growth ancient valley civilizations. The development of ancient societies allowed for the spread of religious beliefs among native peoples. Primitive technological advances allowed for the sustainable farming and growth of ancient river valley civilizations. Activities and Student Experiences 1. Create a cause and effect chart for the development of government in ancient river valley civilizations. 2. Participate in a mock trial using Hammurabi’s Code. 3. Create a diagram illustrating the social hierarchy of a river valley society. 4. Research a major modern city and connect its development with the major ancient river valley civilization which once existed in that location. 5. Trace the evolution of an ancient weapon used in society and discuss the impact it had on society. 6. Conduct research on an ancient valley civilization. Analyze the cause for the downfall of this civilization. 7. Research a particular event and/or person who may have had a major impact during this time period. Use primary source documents to support your claim. 8. Analyze illustrations/drawing/pictures of ancient landmarks. Discuss what information these landmarks reveal about the ancient civilization. Cumulative Progress Indicators Ancient river valley 6.2.8.A.2.a, 6.2.8.A.2.b, civilizations (e.g., 6.2.8.A.2.c, 6.2.8.B.2.a, Mesopotamia, Egypt, Indus 6.2.8.B.2.b, 6.2.8.C.2.a, River [modern Pakistan and 6.2.8.D.2.a, 6.2.8.D.2.b, northwestern India], and, 6.2.8.D.2.c, 6.2.8.D.2.d later, Yellow River Valley in China) developed due to WHST.6-8.2.b, RH.6-8.2 Content Statements 1 Grade 6, Social Studies, Early Civilizations … favorable geographic conditions. They created centralized systems of government and advanced societies. Desired Results Students will know: The reasons why centralized societies grew around river valley locations. Food surpluses led to an increase of technology and enhanced trade networks. Why the increase of population increased the demand for a centralized government. Assessments To show evidence of meeting this standard, students may: Create a map of ancient valley civilizations and the impact the geography had on surrounding civilizations Oral review of ancient river valley societies Develop Tier 2 and Tier 3 vocabulary using primary and secondary sources Complete a unit assessment on landmarks and historical figures of the time period. Complete formative assessments which include research projects of the ancient river valley civilizations Document Based Questions Develop portfolios which illustration student understanding of Common Core Reading and Writing Skills based on ancient river valley content Create flow charts showing stages and development of ancient societies Reenact a relgious ceremony performed by one of the civilization leaders Hold a debate of the use of geography and primitive tools Teacher Resources District textbook/materials Videos DBQs Handouts Websites: 2 2014 Grade 6, Social Studies, Early Civilizations … used to cultivate land efficiently. Experiment and demonstrate understanding of content. Write an informative essay dealing with the economic status of a particular group of people during this time period. Read and analyze informational text regarding the political development of these ancient civlizations Identify, and analyze primary and secondary sources. 2014 Equipment Needed Informational texts Internet access Art supplies Artifacts Historical sources Maps, projector IWB 3