DEVELOP DIABETES MANAGEMENT REGISTRY Identifying Project and Provider Information: Category 1: Implement a Chronic Disease Management Registry; Project Option 1.3.1: Implement/enhance and use chronic disease management registry functionalities; 094109802.1.3; HCA Las Palmas Del Sol (094109802). Project Description: HCA Las Palmas Del Sol will establish a chronic disease registry for patients with diabetes, so that their care can be tracked and managed within the local community. A disease registry requires technology and adequate staffing to support it. Entering this data can be time intensive, but ultimately enhances patient care. To establish the diabetes patient registry, HCA Las Palmas Del Sol will identify patients for inclusion and assist patients through the registry to track and manage their disease. We also want to investigate the need to track and manage the large population with pre-diabetes. Currently it is unclear whether or not these patients can be tracked within the diabetes registry. The model will include a Clinical Information System (registry) to structure, organize, and trend patient data for registries, clinical outcomes, and prevention services. The registry we are considering is called CDEMS and is used by community health centers, primary care practices, rural clinics, hospitals, and quality improvement projects across the United States and in Canada, India, Haiti, and South Africa. This program was developed and is shared by the Washington Diabetes Prevention and Control Program. o Goals: Diabetes registries will be fully implemented by DY 5; staff reference and maintenance of the registry will be part of the standard provision of care by DY 5. This registry can serve as a pilot project for the Health Information Exchange (HIE) initiative through the Paso Del Norte Health Foundation. o Challenges: Identifying all patients with diabetes and pre-diabetes; hiring staff and training them on use of the registry; maintaining an up-to-date registry on a consistent basis; use of same database registry across the community. There are some databases that could fit our needs, but further research on these databases needs to be conducted. Starting Point/Baseline: Currently, there is not a hospital-wide registry of patients with diabetes. Rationale: Over 16 million Americans have diabetes. Type-2 diabetes is the most common form, accounting for 90 to 95 percent of cases. In El Paso, the weighted estimate of the prevalence of self-reported diabetes mellitus was 7.3 percent (95%CI=5.5%, 9.0%), or nearly 34,000 adult diabetics (1996 PDNHF BRFSS). We believe, based on results of the 1996 PDNHF Survey and estimates from other studies that the number of people 18 years and older in El Paso with glucose intolerance is actually closer to 94,000. Diabetes is the ninth leading cause of death in El Paso County and the death rate from diabetes in El Paso County is nearly 10 percent higher than the statewide average (Texas Department of Health/Texas Diabetes Council). Findings from the 1996 PDNHF BRFSS indicate that obesity, education, income, and access to healthcare are factors affecting El Paso County’s high diabetes morbidity and mortality rates. The economic impact of diabetes and its complications is extremely high. According to the 1999 Border Diabetes Report, the annual direct medical cost of diabetes averages approximately $400 million in El Paso and $9 billion in the state of Texas. If neglected, diabetes can lead to serious complications that may cause loss of quality of life or premature death. Complications of diabetes include: Blindness due to diabetic retinopathy - diabetes is the leading cause of new blindness in people 20 to 70 years of age. Kidney disease due to diabetic nephropathy – 21 percent of diabetics develop kidney disease. Heart disease and stroke - people with diabetes are 2 to 4 times more likely to have heart disease and to suffer stroke. Nerve damage – 60 to 70 percent of the people with diabetes have mild to severe forms of diabetic nerve damage. Amputation - diabetes is the most frequent cause of non-traumatic lower limb amputation; each year 56,200 people lose a foot or leg to diabetes. In 1983 the Texas Legislature established the Texas Diabetes Council (TDC). This council operates to prevent diabetes through health promotion, and to assist diabetic patients with quality information and advocacy. It is the primary agency dealing with diabetes in the state. In summary, utilization of registry functionalities helps care teams to actively manage patients with targeted chronic conditions, because the disease management registry will include clinician prompts and reminders, which should improve rates of preventive care. Related Category 3 Outcome Measure(s): OD-3: Potentially Preventable ReAdmissions—30 day Readmission Rates; IT-3.3: Diabetes 30 day readmission rate; (094109802.3.3). Relationship to Other Projects: This project is part of LPDS’s larger plans to expand and develop primary care and specialty care services, while improving access to care and containing the costs of care. Specifically, this project will complement LPDS’s Congestive Heart Failure Clinic project (094109802.2.2); both of these projects are targeted towards patient populations for whom delivery system reform could result in great improvements in the cost and quality of care, as well as improvements in overall patient population health. Relationship to Other Performing Providers’ Projects in the RHP: TBD Plan for Learning Collaborative: TBD Project Valuation: $5,960,701. The valuation of each LPDS project takes into account the transformational impact of the project, the population served by the project (both number of people and complexity of patient needs), the alignment of the project with community needs, and the magnitude of costs avoided or reduced by the project. In particular, this project has been valued based on the significant cost savings when diabetes patients are assisted to more effectively self-manage their care, as well as the logistical difficulties and costs that will need to be borne in order to effectively coordinate the development of this project’s infrastructure and the implementation of the project’s procedures. 094109802.1.3 1.3.1.X HCA Las Palmas Del Sol 094109802.3.3 IT-3.3 Related Category 3 Outcome Measure(s): Year 2 (10/1/2012 – 9/30/2013) Milestone 1: Establish baseline for metrics P-2.1, P-3.1, P-4.1, and I-15.1. Metric 1: Establish baseline for future years. Milestone 1 Estimated Incentive Payment: $1,457,776 1.3.1 Year 3 (10/1/2013 – 9/30/2014) DEVELOP DIABETES MANAGEMENT REGISTRY 094109802 Diabetes 30 day readmission rate Year 4 (10/1/2014 – 9/30/2015) Milestone 2 [P-2]: Review current registry capability and assess future needs. Milestone 5 [I-15]: Increase the percentage of patients enrolled in the registry. Metric 1 [P-2.1]: Documentation of review of current registry capability and assessment of future registry needs. Baseline/Goal: n/a Data Source: EHR systems; other performing provider documentation. Metric 1 [I-15.1]: Percentage of patients in the registry. Baseline/Goal: 10% increase over DY 2 baseline. Data Source: Registry or EHR. Milestone 2 Estimated Incentive Payment: $795,168 Milestone 3 [P-3]: Develop crossfunctional team to evaluate registry program. Metric 1 [P-3.1]: Documentation of personnel (clinical, IT, administrative) assigned to evaluate registry program. Baseline/Goal: n/a Data Source: Team roster and minutes from team meetings. Milestone 3 Estimated Incentive Payment: $795,167 Milestone 5 Estimated Incentive Payment: $1,594,979 Year 5 (10/1/2015 – 9/30/2016) Milestone 8 [I-15]: Increase the percentage of patients enrolled in the registry. Metric 1 [I-15.1]: Percentage of patients in the registry. Baseline/Goal: 10% increase over DY 2 baseline. Data Source: Registry or EHR. Milestone 8 Estimated Incentive Payment: $1,317,591 094109802.1.3 1.3.1.X HCA Las Palmas Del Sol 094109802.3.3 IT-3.3 Related Category 3 Outcome Measure(s): Year 2 (10/1/2012 – 9/30/2013) Year 2 Estimated Milestone Bundle Amount: $1,457,776 1.3.1 DEVELOP DIABETES MANAGEMENT REGISTRY 094109802 Diabetes 30 day readmission rate Year 3 (10/1/2013 – 9/30/2014) Year 3 Estimated Milestone Bundle Amount: $1,590,335 Year 4 (10/1/2014 – 9/30/2015) Year 4 Estimated Milestone Bundle Amount: $1,594,979 TOTAL ESTIMATED INCENTIVE PAYMENTS FOR 4-YEAR PERIOD: $5,960,701 91320 Year 5 (10/1/2015 – 9/30/2016) Year 5 Estimated Milestone Bundle Amount: $1,317,591