EPAPS SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL AT [AIP URL] APPENDIX 2: NUSSELT NUMBER CALCULATION FOR MIXED GAS FLOWS OVER A CANTILEVER A Nusselt number (Nu) correlation function for presumed laminar flow over an isothermal rectangular plate can be written in terms of the Reynolds (Re) and Prandtl (Pr) numbers:1 Nu F 1.42 0.742 Re L W 1 2 1 1.42 1.42 Pr 1 3 (1) where F is a shape factor appropriate to the cantilever aspect ratio L/W: F W 1 L W L 2 (2) The dimensionless flow parameters Re and Pr can then be computed directly from their definitions: Re Pr v LW (3) cp (4) k where is the mass density (kg/m3), cp is the specific heat capacity at constant pressure (J/kgK), is the viscosity (Pas), k is the thermal conductivity (W/m·K), and v is the freestream flow speed (m/s). The flow speed in the direct vicinity of the cantilever array was estimated by first dividing the measured volumetric flow rate by the external hose cross-sectional area (~2 mm2); then, the reduced flow speed within the dilated flow cell cavity was computed using the wellknown continuity equation from fluid mechanics, and the internal dimensions of the gas cell. The calculated values of v ranged from about 2 to 10 cm/s. 1 To estimate the quantities , cp, , and k for the various binary gas mixtures, two approaches were utilized. The mixture values for and cp were determined by summing the pure component values (gas and N2 diluent) scaled by their molar fractions x1 and x2 = 1 – x1 (i.e., linear mixing): x1 1 x2 2 (5) c p x1c p1 x 2 c p 2 (6) These mixing correlations do not account for minor, non-ideal corrections such as compressibility or molecular non-sphericity. The pure component densities were computed via the ideal gas law. For each pure gas constituent, the specific heat capacity cp at temperature T was calculated using the Shomate equation, with empirical parameters obtained from the NIST chemistry database.2 The values of and k for the binary mixtures were modeled using a formula originally attributed to Sutherland3 and Wassiljewa,4 respectively: 1 x x 11 p 2 21 q 1 x1 x2 1 x x k k11 p 2 k 21 q 1 x1 x2 1 (7) 1 (8) These formulas (and variations thereof) have been widely used to approximate the viscosity and thermal conductivity of gas mixtures, with typical errors from the experimentally observed values of a few percent or less (see, for example, Refs. 5-9). For simplicity, the same empirical parameters p and q were used for both and k, described by Sutherland as:3 2 3 8 3 8 M1 M 1 M M 2 p 2 q 1 4 4M 1 M 2 M2 M1 2 1 1 4 1 2M 1 4 2M 2 1 2 M1 M 2 1 M 1 M 2 1 8 2 (9) where M1 and M2 represent the molar masses (kg/mol) of the pure components. The viscosity for each pure gas constituent at temperature T was calculated using the empirical equation: T 0 T0 3 2 T0 S T S (10) where S is the gas-specific Sutherland constant.10 A look-up table of S values was constructed from Eq. 10 for a series of viscosities and corresponding temperatures obtained from the CRC handbook;11 then, the Sutherland constant for each T was estimated by linear interpolation between the neighboring temperature values in the look-up table. Finally, the values of (T) were calculated from Eq. 10 using the reference viscosity 0 at T0 = 273 K. For each pure gas constituent, the thermal conductivity k at temperature T was calculated using the Eucken formula:12 k 159 5k b 128d 2 k bT m (11) where is the heat capacity ratio, kb = 1.38110-23 J/K is the Boltzmann constant, d is the nominal molecular diameter (m), and m is the molecular mass (kg). Using values of k(T) obtained from the CRC handbook,11 the diameter d was computed using Eq. 11; then, using this value as a temperature-independent constant, the pure gas values k were calculated at T using the same equation. Solving Eqs. 1–11, the Nusselt numbers for gas flow across the cantilever were found to be between 2.4 and 2.9 in value, which implies that convective heat transfer slightly dominates over direct conduction. We also note that the computed values of Re from 0.01 to 1.1 support 3 the original assumption of laminar flow conditions. Another informative quantity that can be calculated is the Grashof number (Gr), which is the ratio of buoyancy and viscous forces within the gas:13 Gr g Tc T 2 3gas (12) T 2 where g is the gravitational acceleration constant (9.80 m/s2), Tc is the cantilever temperature, and lgas is the thermal boundary layer thickness over which Tc-T exists. For the gas flows in this study, Gr values between 7.8×10-6 and 1.4×10-5 were computed. The Archimedes number Ar = Gr/Re2 which represents the relative strength ratio of free (buoyancy driven) to forced (flow driven) convection can then be computed, and is found to be between 1.4×10-3 and 2.2×10-3, demonstrating that the convective heat transfer is primarily flow driven. This assessment is consistent with thermal conduction analyses by Kim and King of heated cantilevers in quiescent air environments, where free convection is discounted as a significant mechanism of heat transfer.14 Therefore, since conductive and convective modes of heat dissipation are of comparable influence, they must both be included in the model calculations for the total thermal resistance. REFERENCES 1 M. M. Yovanovich and P. Teertstra, J. Thermophys. Heat Transf. 15, 205-211 (2001). 2 http://webbook.nist.gov/chemistry/ 3 W. Sutherland, Philos. Mag. 40, 421-431 (1895). 4 A. Wassiljewa, Physik. Z. 5, 737-742 (1904). 5 E. A. Mason and S. C. Saxena, Phys. Fluids 1, 361-369 (1958). 6 D. Burnett, J. 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